
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <array>

#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"

namespace ui {

// This table maps a DomCode to a printable character, assuming US layout.
// It is used by DomCodeToUsLayoutDomKey(), which provides a fallback
// interpretation when there is no other way to map a physical key.
const struct PrintableCodeEntry {} kPrintableCodeMap[] =;

// This table maps a DomCode to a DomKey, assuming US keyboard layout.
// It is used by DomCodeToUsLayoutDomKey(), which provides a fallback
// interpretation when there is no other way to map a physical key.
const struct NonPrintableCodeEntry {} kNonPrintableCodeMap[] =;

// This table maps a DomKey to a non-located KeyboardCode.
const struct DomKeyToKeyboardCodeEntry {} kDomKeyToKeyboardCodeMap[] =;

// This table, used by DomCodeToUsLayoutKeyboardCode() and
// UsLayoutKeyboardCodeToDomCode(), maps between DOM Level 3 .code values
// and legacy Windows-based VKEY values, where the VKEYs are interpreted
// positionally (located) following a base US English layout.
const struct DomCodeToKeyboardCodeEntry {} kDomCodeToKeyboardCodeMap[] =;

// This table, used by UsLayoutKeyboardCodeToDomCode(), maps legacy
// Windows-based VKEY values that are not part of kDomCodeToKeyboardCodeMap[]
// to suitable DomCode values, where practical.
const DomCodeToKeyboardCodeEntry kFallbackKeyboardCodeToDomCodeMap[] =;

}  // namespace ui