// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module ui.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "ui/events/mojom/event_constants.mojom";
import "ui/events/mojom/keyboard_codes.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "ui/latency/mojom/latency_info.mojom";
// The values here correspond to the values defined in ui::KeyEvent.
struct KeyData {
// The VKEY value of the key.
int32 key_code;
// The ui::DomCode value.
uint32 dom_code;
// The ui::DomKey value.
int32 dom_key;
// True if this is a character event, false if this is a keystroke event.
bool is_char;
struct LocationData {
// |relative_location| is in the coordinate system of the target and in DIPs.
gfx.mojom.PointF relative_location;
// |root_location| is relative to the client's root and in dips.
gfx.mojom.PointF root_location;
// Data for a "pinch" gesture event.
struct GesturePinchData {
float scale;
// Data for a "swipe" gesture event.
struct GestureSwipeData {
bool left;
bool right;
bool up;
bool down;
union GestureDataDetails {
GesturePinchData pinch;
GestureSwipeData swipe;
// Data to support gesture events.
// TODO(crbug.com/41345694): Expand GestureEvent and GestureEventDetails support.
struct GestureData {
LocationData location;
GestureDeviceType device_type;
// Details depending on the type of the event. Should be consistent with the
// `action` field of the `Event` this struct is embedded in. Optional as not
// all event types are supported or have extra details.
GestureDataDetails? details;
// Data to support scroll events.
struct ScrollData {
LocationData location;
// Potential accelerated offsets.
float x_offset;
float y_offset;
// Unaccelerated offsets.
float x_offset_ordinal;
float y_offset_ordinal;
// Number of fingers on the pad.
int32 finger_count;
// For non-fling events, provides momentum information (e.g. for the case
// where the device provides continuous event updates during a fling).
EventMomentumPhase momentum_phase;
// Provides phase information if device can provide.
ScrollEventPhase scroll_event_phase;
// This mirrors the C++ class of the same name, see it for details.
struct PointerDetails {
EventPointerType pointer_type;
float radius_x;
float radius_y;
float force;
float tilt_x;
float tilt_y;
float tangential_pressure;
float twist;
int32 id;
int32 offset_x;
int32 offset_y;
struct MouseData {
int32 changed_button_flags;
LocationData location;
PointerDetails pointer_details;
// Only used for mouse wheel.
gfx.mojom.Vector2d wheel_offset;
gfx.mojom.Vector2d tick_120ths;
// This is used for TouchEvents.
struct TouchData {
bool may_cause_scrolling;
bool hovering;
LocationData location;
PointerDetails pointer_details;
struct Event {
// TODO(sky): rename to type.
EventType action;
// A bitfield of kEventFlag* and kMouseEventFlag* values in
// input_event_constants.mojom.
int32 flags;
// This value accurately orders events w.r.t. to each other but does not
// position them at an absolute time since the TimeTicks origin is only
// guaranteed to be fixed during one instance of the application.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks time_stamp;
LatencyInfo latency;
KeyData? key_data;
GestureData? gesture_data;
ScrollData? scroll_data;
TouchData? touch_data;
MouseData? mouse_data;
map<string, array<uint8>>? properties;