
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ui/events/platform/wayland/wayland_event_watcher_glib.h"

#include <glib.h>

#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"

namespace ui {

namespace {

// The priorities of the event sources are important to be set correctly so that
// GTK event source is able to process the events it requires. This uses
// the same priority as MessagePumpGlib for fd watching.
constexpr int kPriorityFdWatch =;

struct GLibWaylandSource : public GSource {};

gboolean WatchSourcePrepare(GSource* source, gint* timeout_ms) {}

gboolean WatchSourceCheck(GSource* source) {}

gboolean WatchSourceDispatch(GSource* source,
                             GSourceFunc unused_func,
                             gpointer data) {}

void WatchSourceFinalize(GSource* source) {}

GSourceFuncs WatchSourceFuncs =;

}  // namespace

WaylandEventWatcherGlib::WaylandEventWatcherGlib(wl_display* display,
                                                 wl_event_queue* event_queue,
                                                 bool use_threaded_polling)

WaylandEventWatcherGlib::~WaylandEventWatcherGlib() {}

bool WaylandEventWatcherGlib::StartWatchingFD(int fd) {}

void WaylandEventWatcherGlib::StopWatchingFD() {}

bool WaylandEventWatcherGlib::HandlePrepare() {}

void WaylandEventWatcherGlib::HandleCheck(bool is_io_in) {}

void WaylandEventWatcherGlib::HandleDispatch() {}

// static
WaylandEventWatcher::CreateWaylandEventWatcher(wl_display* display,
                                               wl_event_queue* event_queue,
                                               bool use_threaded_polling) {}

}  // namespace ui