
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ui/events/scoped_target_handler.h"

#include <memory>
#include <utility>

#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/events/event_handler.h"
#include "ui/events/event_target.h"
#include "ui/events/event_target_iterator.h"
#include "ui/events/event_utils.h"

namespace ui {

namespace {

class TestEventTargetIterator : public EventTargetIterator {};

// An EventTarget that holds ownership of its target and delegate EventHandlers.
class TestEventTarget : public EventTarget {};

// An EventHandler that sets itself as a target handler for an EventTarget and
// can recursively dispatch an Event.
class NestedEventHandler : public EventHandler {};

// An EventHandler that sets itself as a target handler for an EventTarget and
// destroys that EventTarget when handling an Event, possibly after recursively
// handling the Event.
class TargetDestroyingEventHandler : public EventHandler {};

// An EventHandler that can be set to receive events in addition to the target
// handler and counts the Events that it receives.
class EventCountingEventHandler : public EventHandler {};

// An EventCountingEventHandler that will also mark the event to stop further
// propataion.
class EventStopPropagationHandler : public EventCountingEventHandler {};

}  // namespace

// Tests that a ScopedTargetHandler invokes both the target and a delegate.
TEST(ScopedTargetHandlerTest, HandlerInvoked) {}

// Tests that a ScopedTargetHandler invokes both the target and a delegate but
// does not further propagate the event after a handler stops event propagation.
TEST(ScopedTargetHandlerTest, HandlerInvokedOnceThenEventStopsPropagating) {}

// Tests that a ScopedTargetHandler invokes both the target and a delegate when
// an Event is dispatched recursively such as with synthetic events.
TEST(ScopedTargetHandlerTest, HandlerInvokedNested) {}

// Tests that a it is safe to delete a ScopedTargetHandler while handling an
// event.
TEST(ScopedTargetHandlerTest, SafeToDestroy) {}

// Tests that a it is safe to delete a ScopedTargetHandler while handling an
// event recursively.
TEST(ScopedTargetHandlerTest, SafeToDestroyNested) {}

}  // namespace ui