
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

/* This file is generated from:
{%- for path in source_json_files %}
 *  {{ path }}
{%- endfor %}

{%- raw %}
 * @typedef {{
 *   translationKey: !string,
 *   type: !string,
 *   icon: (string|undefined),
 *   subtype: !string,
 *   extensions: (!Array<!string>|undefined),
 *   mime: (string|undefined),
 *   encrypted: (boolean|undefined),
 *   originalMimeType: (string|undefined)
 * }}
// @ts-ignore:  error TS7005: Variable 'FileExtensionType' implicitly has an 'any' type.
export let FileExtensionType;
{%- endraw %}

 * Maps a file extension to a FileExtensionType.
 * Note: If an extension can match multiple types, in this map contains
 * only the first occurrence.
 * @const Map<string, !FileExtensionType>
export const EXTENSION_TO_TYPE = new Map([
{%- for key, value in extension_to_type_map.items() %}
  ["{{ key }}", {{ value | tojson(2) }}],
{%- endfor %}

 * Maps a MIME type to a FileExtensionType.
 * Note: If a MIME type can match multiple types, in this map contains
 * only the first occurrence.
 * @const Map<string, !FileExtensionType>
export const MIME_TO_TYPE = new Map([
{%- for key, value in mime_to_type_map.items() %}
  ["{{ key }}", {{ value | tojson(2) }}],
{%- endfor %}