# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates one target that depends on a list of `js_type_check(...)` targets --
# one for each test -- that will type check the test js file and its dependency
# subtree.
# Must be declared after the js_library targets it depends on.
# Note js_type_check() is only in effect if `enable_js_type_check` is set in gn
# args.
# Variables:
# deps:
# List of js_unittest() targets to depend on.
# extra_deps:
# List of other deps that aren't js_unittest().
# is_polymer3:
# Boolean indicating that it's a test for a Polymer 3 element, the only
# difference is the js_type_check() rule also has the is_polymer3=true.
# Non-Polymer example:
# js_test_type_check("folder_tests") {
# deps = [
# ":foo_unittest",
# ":bar_unittest",
# ":baz_unittest",
# ]
# }
# group("closure_compile") {
# # ...
# ":folder_tests".
# }
# Polymer example:
# js_test_type_check("polymer_tests") {
# is_polymer3 = true
# deps = [
# ":element1_unittest",
# ]
# }
template("js_test_type_check") {
type_check_deps = []
foreach(dep, invoker.deps) {
type_check_target_name = target_name + "_" + dep
type_check_deps += [ ":$type_check_target_name" ]
js_type_check(type_check_target_name) {
testonly = true
deps = [ dep ]
if (defined(invoker.extra_deps)) {
deps += invoker.extra_deps
type_check_group_name = target_name
group(type_check_group_name) {
testonly = true
deps = type_check_deps