// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {assertEquals, assertFalse, assertTrue} from 'chrome://webui-test/chromeos/chai_assert.js';
import type {VolumeInfo} from '../../background/js/volume_info.js';
import {CombinedReaders, EntryList, FakeEntryImpl, StaticReader, VolumeEntry} from './files_app_entry_types.js';
import {MockFileSystem} from './mock_entry.js';
import {waitUntil} from './test_error_reporting.js';
import {RootType, VolumeType} from './volume_manager_types.js';
function notReached(error: any) {
assertTrue(false, 'NOTREACHED(): ' + (error.stack || error));
* Creates a new volume with a single, mock VolumeEntry.
function fakeVolumeEntry(
volumeType: VolumeType|null, displayRoot?: DirectoryEntry,
additionalProperties?: Object): VolumeEntry {
const kLabel = 'Fake Filesystem';
if (displayRoot === undefined) {
displayRoot = createFakeDisplayRoot();
const fakeVolumeInfo = {
volumeId: `id:${volumeType}`,
displayRoot: displayRoot,
label: kLabel,
volumeType: volumeType,
Object.assign(fakeVolumeInfo, additionalProperties || {});
// Create the VolumeEntry via casting (duck typing).
return new VolumeEntry(fakeVolumeInfo as VolumeInfo);
/** Tests constructor and default public attributes. */
export async function testEntryList() {
const entryList = new EntryList('My files', RootType.MY_FILES);
assertEquals('My files', entryList.label);
assertEquals('entry-list://my_files', entryList.toURL());
assertEquals('my_files', entryList.rootType);
assertEquals(null, entryList.getNativeEntry());
assertEquals(0, entryList.getUiChildren().length);
entryList.addEntry(new EntryList('Child Entry', RootType.MY_FILES));
assertEquals(1, entryList.getUiChildren().length);
const reader = entryList.createReader();
// How many times the reader callback |accumulateResults| has been called?
let callCounter = 0;
// How many times it was called with results?
let resultCounter = 0;
const accumulateResults: EntriesCallback = (readerResult) => {
// It's called with readerResult==[] a last time to indicate no more files.
if (readerResult.length > 0) {
reader.readEntries(accumulateResults, () => {});
reader.readEntries(accumulateResults, () => {});
// readEntries runs asynchronously, so let's wait it to be called.
// accumulateResults should be called 2x in normal conditions;
await waitUntil(() => callCounter >= 2);
// Now we can check the final result.
assertEquals(2, callCounter);
assertEquals(1, resultCounter);
/** Tests method EntryList.getParent. */
export async function testEntryListGetParent() {
const entryList = new EntryList('My files', RootType.MY_FILES);
let callbackTriggered = false;
entryList.getParent(parentEntry => {
// EntryList should return itself since it's a root and that's what the web
// spec says.
callbackTriggered = true;
assertEquals(parentEntry, entryList);
}, notReached /* error */);
await waitUntil(() => callbackTriggered);
/** Tests method EntryList.addEntry. */
export function testEntryListAddEntry() {
const entryList = new EntryList('My files', RootType.MY_FILES);
assertEquals(0, entryList.getUiChildren().length);
const childEntry = fakeVolumeEntry(VolumeType.DOWNLOADS);
assertEquals(1, entryList.getUiChildren().length);
assertEquals(childEntry, entryList.getUiChildren()[0]);
* Tests EntryList's methods addEntry, findIndexByVolumeInfo,
* removeByVolumeType, removeAllByRootType, removeChildEntry.
export function testEntryFindIndex() {
const entryList = new EntryList('My files', RootType.MY_FILES);
const downloads = fakeVolumeEntry(VolumeType.DOWNLOADS);
const crostini = fakeVolumeEntry(VolumeType.CROSTINI);
const fakeEntry: Entry = {
isDirectory: true,
rootType: RootType.CROSTINI,
name: 'Linux files',
toURL: () => 'fake-entry://linux-files',
} as unknown as Entry;
// Test findIndexByVolumeInfo.
assertEquals(0, entryList.findIndexByVolumeInfo(downloads.volumeInfo));
assertEquals(1, entryList.findIndexByVolumeInfo(crostini.volumeInfo));
// Test removeByVolumeType.
assertEquals(1, entryList.getUiChildren().length);
// Now Crostini volume doesn't exist anymore, so should return False.
// Test removeAllByRootType.
assertEquals(3, entryList.getUiChildren().length);
assertEquals(1, entryList.getUiChildren().length);
// Test removeChildEntry.
assertEquals(0, entryList.getUiChildren().length);
// Nothing left to remove.
assertFalse(entryList.removeChildEntry({} as Entry));
* Tests VolumeEntry's methods findIndexByVolumeInfo, removeByVolumeType,
* removeAllByRootType, removeChildEntry.
export function testVolumeEntryFindIndex() {
const fakeRootEntry = createFakeDisplayRoot();
const volumeEntry = fakeVolumeEntry(VolumeType.DOWNLOADS, fakeRootEntry);
const crostini = fakeVolumeEntry(VolumeType.CROSTINI);
const android = fakeVolumeEntry(VolumeType.ANDROID_FILES);
const fakeEntry = {
isDirectory: true,
rootType: RootType.CROSTINI,
name: 'Linux files',
toURL: () => 'fake-entry://linux-files',
} as unknown as Entry;
// Test findIndexByVolumeInfo.
assertEquals(0, volumeEntry.findIndexByVolumeInfo(crostini.volumeInfo));
assertEquals(1, volumeEntry.findIndexByVolumeInfo(android.volumeInfo));
assertEquals(2, volumeEntry.getUiChildren().length);
assertEquals(crostini, volumeEntry.getUiChildren()[0]);
assertEquals(android, volumeEntry.getUiChildren()[1]);
// Test removeByVolumeType.
assertEquals(1, volumeEntry.getUiChildren().length);
// Now crostini volume doesn't exist anymore, so should return False.
// Test removeAllByRootType.
assertEquals(3, volumeEntry.getUiChildren().length);
assertEquals(1, volumeEntry.getUiChildren().length);
// Test removeChildEntry.
assertEquals(0, volumeEntry.getUiChildren().length);
// Nothing left to remove.
assertFalse(volumeEntry.removeChildEntry({} as Entry));
/** Tests method EntryList.getMetadata. */
export async function testEntryListGetMetadata() {
const entryList = new EntryList('My files', RootType.MY_FILES);
let modificationTime: Date|null = null;
entryList.getMetadata(metadata => {
modificationTime = metadata.modificationTime;
}, notReached /* error */);
// getMetadata runs asynchronously, so let's wait it to be called.
await waitUntil(() => modificationTime !== null);
// Now we can check the final result, it returns "now", so let's just
// check the type and 1 attribute here.
assertTrue(modificationTime! instanceof Date);
/** Tests StaticReader.readEntries. */
export async function testStaticReader() {
const file1 = new FakeEntryImpl('file1', RootType.MY_FILES);
const file2 = new FakeEntryImpl('file2', RootType.MY_FILES);
const reader = new StaticReader([file1, file2]);
const testResults: Entry[] = [];
// How many times the reader callback |accumulateResults| has been called?
let callCounter = 0;
const accumulateResults: EntriesCallback = (readerResult) => {
// merge on testResults.
readerResult.map(f => testResults.push(f));
if (readerResult.length > 0) {
reader.readEntries(accumulateResults, () => {});
reader.readEntries(accumulateResults, () => {});
// readEntries runs asynchronously, so let's wait it to be called.
// accumulateResults should be called 2x in normal conditions;
await waitUntil(() => callCounter >= 2);
// Now we can check the final result.
assertEquals(2, callCounter);
assertEquals(2, testResults.length);
assertEquals(file1, testResults[0]);
assertEquals(file2, testResults[1]);
/** Tests CombinedReader.readEntries. */
export async function testCombinedReader() {
const file1 = new FakeEntryImpl('file1', RootType.MY_FILES);
const file2 = new FakeEntryImpl('file2', RootType.MY_FILES);
const innerReaders = [
new StaticReader([file1]),
new StaticReader([file2]),
const reader = new CombinedReaders(innerReaders);
const testResults: Entry[] = [];
// How many times the reader callback |accumulateResults| has been called?
let callCounter = 0;
const accumulateResults: EntriesCallback = (readerResult) => {
// merge on testResults.
readerResult.map(f => testResults.push(f));
if (readerResult.length > 0) {
reader.readEntries(accumulateResults, () => {});
reader.readEntries(accumulateResults, () => {});
// readEntries runs asynchronously, so let's wait it to be called.
// accumulateResults should be called 2x in normal conditions;
await waitUntil(() => callCounter >= 3);
// Now we can check the final result.
assertEquals(3, callCounter);
assertEquals(2, testResults.length);
assertEquals(file1, testResults[0]);
assertEquals(file2, testResults[1]);
export async function testCombinedReaderError() {
const expectedError = new Error('a fake error');
const alwaysFailReader = {
readEntries: (_success: EntriesCallback, error: ErrorCallback) => {
const file1 = new FakeEntryImpl('file1', RootType.MY_FILES);
const innerReaders = [
new StaticReader([file1]),
const reader = new CombinedReaders(innerReaders);
const errors: Error[] = [];
const accumulateFailures = (error: Error) => {
let callCounter = 0;
const testResults: any[] = [];
const accumulateResults = (readerResult: any[]) => {
// merge on testResults.
readerResult.map((f: any) => testResults.push(f));
if (readerResult.length > 0) {
reader.readEntries(accumulateResults, accumulateFailures);
reader.readEntries(accumulateResults, accumulateFailures);
// readEntries runs asynchronously, so let's wait it to be called.
// accumulateResults should be called 2x in normal conditions;
await waitUntil(() => callCounter >= 1 && errors.length >= 1);
// Now we can check the final result.
assertEquals(1, callCounter);
assertEquals(1, testResults.length);
assertEquals(file1, testResults[0]);
assertEquals(1, errors.length);
assertEquals(expectedError, errors[0]);
* Returns an object that can be used as displayRoot on a FakeVolumeInfo.
* VolumeEntry delegates many attributes and methods to displayRoot.
function createFakeDisplayRoot() {
const fs = new MockFileSystem('fake-fs');
return fs.root;
* Tests VolumeEntry constructor and default public attributes/getter/methods.
export function testVolumeEntry() {
const fakeRootEntry = createFakeDisplayRoot();
const volumeEntry = fakeVolumeEntry(VolumeType.DOWNLOADS, fakeRootEntry);
assertEquals(fakeRootEntry, volumeEntry.getNativeEntry());
// Downloads volume is displayed with MyFiles icon.
assertEquals(VolumeType.MY_FILES, volumeEntry.iconName);
(volumeEntry.filesystem! as MockFileSystem).rootURL);
assertEquals('/', volumeEntry.fullPath);
assertEquals('filesystem:fake-fs/', volumeEntry.toURL());
assertEquals('Fake Filesystem', volumeEntry.name);
assertEquals(fakeRootEntry, volumeEntry.getNativeEntry());
export async function testVolumeEntryCreateReader() {
const fakeRootEntry = createFakeDisplayRoot();
const file1 = new FakeEntryImpl('file1', RootType.MY_FILES);
fakeRootEntry.createReader = () => new StaticReader([file1]);
const volumeEntry = fakeVolumeEntry(VolumeType.DOWNLOADS, fakeRootEntry);
const crostini = fakeVolumeEntry(VolumeType.CROSTINI);
const android = fakeVolumeEntry(VolumeType.ANDROID_FILES);
const reader = volumeEntry.createReader();
const readFiles: any[] = [];
const accumulateResults = (readerResult: any[]) => {
readerResult.map((f: any) => readFiles.push(f));
if (readerResult.length > 0) {
// readEntries runs asynchronously, so let's wait it to be called.
await waitUntil(() => readFiles.length >= 3);
// Now we can check the final result.
assertEquals(3, readFiles.length);
assertEquals(file1, readFiles[0]);
assertEquals(crostini, readFiles[1]);
assertEquals(android, readFiles[2]);
/** Tests VolumeEntry createReader when root entry isn't resolved yet. */
export async function testVolumeEntryCreateReaderUnresolved() {
// A VolumeInfo that doesn't resolve the display root.
const fakeVolumeInfo = {
displayRoot: null,
label: 'Fake Filesystem label',
volumeType: VolumeType.DOWNLOADS,
resolveDisplayRoot: (_onSuccess: any, _onError: any) => {
// Do nothing here.
} as unknown as VolumeInfo;
const volumeEntry = new VolumeEntry(fakeVolumeInfo);
const crostini = fakeVolumeEntry(VolumeType.CROSTINI);
const android = fakeVolumeEntry(VolumeType.ANDROID_FILES);
assertEquals(null, volumeEntry.filesystem);
assertEquals('', volumeEntry.fullPath);
assertEquals('', volumeEntry.toURL());
const reader = volumeEntry.createReader();
const readFiles: any[] = [];
const accumulateResults = (readerResult: any[]) => {
readerResult.map((f: any) => readFiles.push(f));
if (readerResult.length > 0) {
// readEntries runs asynchronously, so let's wait it to be called.
await waitUntil(() => readFiles.length >= 2);
// Now we can check the final result.
assertEquals(2, readFiles.length);
assertEquals(crostini, readFiles[0]);
assertEquals(android, readFiles[1]);
/** Tests VolumeEntry getFile and getDirectory methods. */
export async function testVolumeEntryGetDirectory() {
const root = createFakeDisplayRoot();
(root.filesystem as MockFileSystem).populate(['/bla/', '/bla.txt']);
const volumeEntry = fakeVolumeEntry(null, root);
let foundDir: DirectoryEntry|null = null;
let foundFile: FileEntry|null = null;
volumeEntry.getDirectory('/bla', {create: false}, (entry) => {
foundDir = entry;
volumeEntry.getFile('/bla.txt', {create: false}, (entry) => {
foundFile = entry;
await waitUntil(() => foundDir !== null && foundFile !== null);
/** Tests VolumeEntry which initially doesn't have displayRoot. */
export async function xtestVolumeEntryDelayedDisplayRoot() {
let callbackTriggered = false;
const fakeRootEntry = createFakeDisplayRoot();
// Create an entry using a VolumeInfo without displayRoot.
const volumeEntry = fakeVolumeEntry(null, undefined, {
(onSuccess: (arg0: DirectoryEntry) => void,
_onError: (a: any) => void) => {
setTimeout(() => {
callbackTriggered = true;
}, 0);
// rootEntry_ starts as null.
assertEquals('', volumeEntry.fullPath);
assertEquals(null, volumeEntry.getNativeEntry());
await waitUntil(() => callbackTriggered);
// Eventually rootEntry_ gets the value.
assertEquals(fakeRootEntry, volumeEntry.getNativeEntry());
/** Tests VolumeEntry.getParent */
export async function testVolumeEntryGetParent() {
const volumeEntry = fakeVolumeEntry(null);
let callbackTriggered = false;
volumeEntry.getParent(parentEntry => {
callbackTriggered = true;
// VolumeEntry should return itself since it's a root and that's what the
// web spec says.
assertEquals(parentEntry, volumeEntry);
}, notReached /* error */);
await waitUntil(() => callbackTriggered);
/** Tests VolumeEntry.getMetadata */
export async function testVolumeEntryGetMetadata() {
const volumeEntry = fakeVolumeEntry(null);
let modificationTime: Date|null = null;
volumeEntry.getMetadata(metadata => {
modificationTime = metadata.modificationTime;
}, notReached /* error */);
// getMetadata runs asynchronously, so let's wait it to be called.
await waitUntil(() => modificationTime !== null);
* Test EntryList.addEntry sets prefix on VolumeEntry.
export function testEntryListAddEntrySetsPrefix() {
const volumeEntry = fakeVolumeEntry(null);
const entryList = new EntryList('My files', RootType.MY_FILES);
assertEquals(1, entryList.getUiChildren().length);
// entryList is parent of volumeEntry so it should be its prefix.
assertEquals(entryList, volumeEntry.volumeInfo.prefixEntry);
/** Test FakeEntry, which is only static data. */
export async function testFakeEntry() {
let fakeEntry = new FakeEntryImpl('label', RootType.CROSTINI);
assertEquals(undefined, fakeEntry.sourceRestriction);
assertEquals('FakeEntry', fakeEntry.typeName);
assertEquals('label', fakeEntry.label);
assertEquals('label', fakeEntry.name);
assertEquals('fake-entry://crostini', fakeEntry.toURL());
assertEquals('crostini', fakeEntry.iconName);
assertEquals(RootType.CROSTINI, fakeEntry.rootType);
assertEquals(null, fakeEntry.getNativeEntry());
// Check sourceRestriction constructor args.
fakeEntry = new FakeEntryImpl(
'label', RootType.CROSTINI,
let callCounter = 0;
fakeEntry.getMetadata((metadata) => {
// Returns default initialized values (current date and 0 size).
assertEquals(2, Object.keys(metadata).length);
}, notReached /* error */);
fakeEntry.getParent((parentEntry) => {
// Should return itself.
assertEquals(fakeEntry, parentEntry);
}, notReached /* error */);
// It should be called for getMetadata and for getParent.
await waitUntil(() => callCounter === 2);