// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {loadTimeData} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/load_time_data.m.js';
import {assertEquals, assertFalse} from 'chrome://webui-test/chai_assert.js';
import {waitUntil} from '../common/js/test_error_reporting.js';
import {updateBulkPinProgress} from '../state/ducks/bulk_pinning.js';
import {updateDriveConnectionStatus} from '../state/ducks/drive.js';
import {updatePreferences} from '../state/ducks/preferences.js';
import {waitDeepEquals} from '../state/for_tests.js';
import {getEmptyState, getStore} from '../state/store.js';
import {XfCloudPanel} from '../widgets/xf_cloud_panel.js';
import {type BulkPinProgress, BulkPinStage, CloudPanelContainer} from './cloud_panel_container.js';
* An instance of the cloud panel container.
let container: CloudPanelContainer|null = null;
* An instance of the `<xf-cloud-panel>`.
let panel: XfCloudPanel|null = null;
* A preferences object to initialize the store with that ensures bulk pinning
* preference is enabled.
driveEnabled: false,
driveSyncEnabledOnMeteredNetwork: true,
searchSuggestEnabled: false,
use24hourClock: false,
timezone: 'GMT+10',
arcEnabled: false,
arcRemovableMediaAccessEnabled: false,
folderShortcuts: [],
trashEnabled: false,
officeFileMovedOneDrive: 0,
officeFileMovedGoogleDrive: 0,
driveFsBulkPinningAvailable: true,
driveFsBulkPinningEnabled: true,
localUserFilesAllowed: true,
defaultLocation: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.DefaultLocation.MY_FILES,
export function setUp() {
loadTimeData.overrideValues({'DRIVE_FS_BULK_PINNING': true});
panel = document.createElement('xf-cloud-panel');
container = new CloudPanelContainer(panel, /*test_=*/ true);
export function tearDown() {
// Unsubscribe from the store.
if (container) {
document.body.innerHTML = window.trustedTypes!.emptyHTML;
* Tests that when bulk pinning is in a progress mode the cloud panel receives
* that data as attributes.
export async function testProgressAndItemsArePassedToElement() {
// Initialize the store with bulk pinning pref enabled.
const store = getStore();
store.init({...getEmptyState(), preferences: PREFERENCES});
// Setup a syncing state that should be 15% done with 24 items.
const bulkPinning: BulkPinProgress = {
stage: BulkPinStage.SYNCING,
freeSpaceBytes: 0,
requiredSpaceBytes: 0,
bytesToPin: 1000,
pinnedBytes: 150,
filesToPin: 24,
remainingSeconds: 0,
shouldPin: true,
emptiedQueue: false,
listedFiles: 24,
// Dispatch an update to the store and wait for the panel to have the
// attribute `items`.
await waitUntil(() => panel!.hasAttribute('items'));
// Assert the items and progress values are representative of the data in the
// store.
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('items'), '24');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('percentage'), '15');
* Tests that if somehow any invalid data makes its way into the store, it
* doesn't propagate to the element.
export async function testOutOfBoundsValuesDoNotUpdateProgress() {
// Initialize the store with bulk pinning pref enabled.
const store = getStore();
store.init({...getEmptyState(), preferences: PREFERENCES});
// Setup a syncing state that should contain invalid data.
const bulkPinning: BulkPinProgress = {
stage: BulkPinStage.SYNCING,
freeSpaceBytes: 0,
requiredSpaceBytes: 0,
bytesToPin: 150,
pinnedBytes: 1000, // Greater than `bytesToPin`.
filesToPin: -10, // Negative number of files to pin.
remainingSeconds: 0,
shouldPin: true,
emptiedQueue: false,
listedFiles: 24,
// Dispatch an update to the store and ensure the panel doesn't get
// attributes.
* Tests that updates to the store unrelated to bulk pinning OR any duplicate
* updates do not get passed onto the underlying element.
export async function testOtherStoreUpdatesDontCauseThisContainerToUpdate() {
// Initialize the store with bulk pinning pref enabled.
const store = getStore();
store.init({...getEmptyState(), preferences: PREFERENCES});
// Start using a basic syncing state.
const bulkPinning: BulkPinProgress = {
stage: BulkPinStage.SYNCING,
freeSpaceBytes: 0,
requiredSpaceBytes: 0,
bytesToPin: 1000,
pinnedBytes: 150,
filesToPin: 24,
remainingSeconds: 0,
shouldPin: true,
emptiedQueue: false,
listedFiles: 24,
// Dispatch an update to the store and ensure the panel does get attributes.
container!.updates, 1,
'Bulk pin state change should increment updates to 1');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('items'), '24');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('percentage'), '15');
// Update the preferences with new values and ensure the `setAttribute` call
// hasn't happened again and the attributes remain the same.
store.dispatch(updatePreferences({...PREFERENCES, arcEnabled: true}));
container!.updates, 1,
'Preferences state change should not increment cloud panel updates');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('items'), '24');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('percentage'), '15');
// Update the value for `pinnedBytes` and dispatch to the store then assert
// more invocations have occurred and the attributes have updated.
store.dispatch(updateBulkPinProgress({...bulkPinning, pinnedBytes: 300}));
container!.updates, 2,
'Bulk pin state change should increment updates to 2');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('items'), '24');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('percentage'), '30');
// Update the bulk pin progress with the exact same data as before, this
// should not cause another update and the attributes should not be changed.
store.dispatch(updateBulkPinProgress({...bulkPinning, pinnedBytes: 300}));
assertEquals(container!.updates, 2, 'Bulk pin state should not be changed');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('items'), '24');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('percentage'), '30');
* Tests that when there are no bytes to be pinned, the percente should be
* updated to be 100% as any new user who logs in with no new changes will have
* no bytes to pin on initialization.
export async function testZeroBytesToPinShouldShowAllFilesSynced() {
// Initialize the store with bulk pinning pref enabled.
const store = getStore();
store.init({...getEmptyState(), preferences: PREFERENCES});
// Setup a syncing state that should be 0% done with 0 items.
const bulkPinning: BulkPinProgress = {
stage: BulkPinStage.SYNCING,
freeSpaceBytes: 0,
requiredSpaceBytes: 0,
bytesToPin: 0,
pinnedBytes: 0,
filesToPin: 0,
remainingSeconds: 0,
shouldPin: true,
emptiedQueue: false,
listedFiles: 0,
// Dispatch an update to the store and wait for the panel to have the
// attribute `items`.
await waitUntil(() => panel!.hasAttribute('items'));
// Assert the items and progress values are representative of the data in the
// store.
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('items'), '0');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('percentage'), '100');
* Tests that when a click event is emitted, the correct subpage in settings is
* opened.
export async function testWhenSettingsClickEventEmittedSettingsSubpageOpened() {
// Mock the fileManagerPrivate API.
let pageRequested: string|null = null;
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.openSettingsSubpage = (page: string) => {
pageRequested = page;
// Dispatch an event from the cloud panel indicating the drive settings was
// clicked.
new CustomEvent(XfCloudPanel.events.DRIVE_SETTINGS_CLICKED, {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
// Wait until the page has called the private API and assert it's the correct
// page.
await waitUntil(() => pageRequested !== null);
assertEquals(pageRequested, 'googleDrive');
* Tests that the element doesn't receive updates when the preference is
* disabled, after enabling the preference updates should propagate through.
export async function
testInProgressStateDoesNotUpdateThePanelWhenPrefDisabled() {
// Initialize the store with bulk pinning disabled.
const store = getStore();
preferences: {...PREFERENCES, driveFsBulkPinningEnabled: false},
// Setup a syncing state that should be 10% done with 10 items.
const bulkPinning: BulkPinProgress = {
stage: BulkPinStage.SYNCING,
freeSpaceBytes: 0,
requiredSpaceBytes: 0,
bytesToPin: 1000,
pinnedBytes: 100,
filesToPin: 10,
remainingSeconds: 0,
shouldPin: true,
emptiedQueue: false,
listedFiles: 10,
// Dispatch an update to the store, wait for the store to update before
// asserting that the panel doesn't get attributes due to the pref not being
// enabled.
await waitDeepEquals(
store, BulkPinStage.SYNCING,
(state) => state.bulkPinning && state.bulkPinning!.stage);
assertEquals(container!.updates, 0);
// Enable the bulk pinning preference and wait for it to update the cloud
// panel attributes.
await waitUntil(() => container!.updates === 1);
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('items'), '10');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('percentage'), '10');
* Tests that updating the syncing stage to offline adds the type attribute and
* going back to syncing (i.e. back online) removes the type attribute.
export async function
testPausedStateAddsTypeAttributeAndSyncingRemovesAttribute() {
// Initialize the store with bulk pinning enabled.
const store = getStore();
store.init({...getEmptyState(), preferences: PREFERENCES});
// Setup a syncing state that should be 10% done with 10 items.
const bulkPinning: BulkPinProgress = {
stage: BulkPinStage.SYNCING,
freeSpaceBytes: 0,
requiredSpaceBytes: 0,
bytesToPin: 1000,
pinnedBytes: 100,
filesToPin: 10,
remainingSeconds: 0,
shouldPin: true,
emptiedQueue: false,
listedFiles: 10,
// Dispatch an update to the store and ensure the panel does get attributes.
container!.updates, 1,
'Bulk pin state change should increment updates to 1');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('items'), '10');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('percentage'), '10');
// Pausing the bulk pinning operation does not update the attributes except
// changing the type attribute to offline.
{...bulkPinning, pinnedBytes: 200, stage: BulkPinStage.PAUSED_OFFLINE}));
container!.updates, 2,
'Bulk pin state stage should increment updates to 2');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('type'), 'offline');
pinnedBytes: 200,
container!.updates, 3,
'Bulk pin state stage should increment updates to 3');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('type'), 'battery_saver');
// Switching back into `SYNCING` with new pinned bytes removes the type
// attribute and updates the attributes.
store.dispatch(updateBulkPinProgress({...bulkPinning, pinnedBytes: 300}));
container!.updates, 4,
'Bulk pin state stage should increment updates to 4');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('items'), '10');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('percentage'), '30');
* Tests that updating the syncing stage to not enough space adds the type
* attribute and goes back to syncing (i.e. user has started it again) removes
* the type attribute.
export async function
testNotEnoughSpaceStateAddsTypeAttributeAndSyncingRemovesAttribute() {
// Initialize the store with bulk pinning enabled.
const store = getStore();
store.init({...getEmptyState(), preferences: PREFERENCES});
// Setup a syncing state that should be 10% done with 10 items.
const bulkPinning: BulkPinProgress = {
stage: BulkPinStage.SYNCING,
freeSpaceBytes: 0,
requiredSpaceBytes: 0,
bytesToPin: 1000,
pinnedBytes: 100,
filesToPin: 10,
remainingSeconds: 0,
shouldPin: true,
emptiedQueue: false,
listedFiles: 10,
// Dispatch an update to the store and ensure the panel does get attributes.
container!.updates, 1,
'Bulk pin state change should increment updates to 1');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('items'), '10');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('percentage'), '10');
// Entering into a not enough space state ensures the type is updated and the
// items and percentage attributes are removed.
pinnedBytes: 200,
stage: BulkPinStage.NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE,
container!.updates, 2,
'Bulk pin state stage should increment updates to 2');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('type'), 'not_enough_space');
// Switching back into `SYNCING` with new pinned bytes removes the type
// attribute and updates the attributes.
store.dispatch(updateBulkPinProgress({...bulkPinning, pinnedBytes: 300}));
container!.updates, 3,
'Bulk pin state stage should increment updates to 3');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('items'), '10');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('percentage'), '30');
* Test that any existing properties are removed when moving to the listing
* files stage.
export async function testExistingPropertiesAreRemovedOnSubsequentSyncds() {
// Initialize the store with bulk pinning enabled.
const store = getStore();
store.init({...getEmptyState(), preferences: PREFERENCES});
// Setup a syncing state that should be 10% done with 10 items.
const bulkPinning: BulkPinProgress = {
stage: BulkPinStage.SYNCING,
freeSpaceBytes: 0,
requiredSpaceBytes: 0,
bytesToPin: 1000,
pinnedBytes: 100,
filesToPin: 10,
remainingSeconds: 0,
shouldPin: true,
emptiedQueue: false,
listedFiles: 10,
// Dispatch an update to the store and ensure the panel does get attributes.
container!.updates, 1,
'Bulk pin state change should increment updates to 1');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('items'), '10');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('percentage'), '10');
// Dispatch an update to the store to move back to the listing files stage,
// this should clear the percentage attribute.
stage: BulkPinStage.LISTING_FILES,
pinnedBytes: 0,
container!.updates, 2,
'Bulk pin state change should increment updates to 2');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('items'), '10');
* Tests that if the user has any files to pin but no bytes (i.e. has ONLY
* 0-byte files) the percentage is also attached (a pre-requisite to show the
* File sync is on page).
export async function testNoBytesToPinButHasFilesAddsPercentage() {
// Initialize the store with bulk pinning enabled.
const store = getStore();
store.init({...getEmptyState(), preferences: PREFERENCES});
// Setup a syncing state that should be 10% done with 10 items.
const bulkPinning: BulkPinProgress = {
stage: BulkPinStage.SYNCING,
freeSpaceBytes: 0,
requiredSpaceBytes: 0,
bytesToPin: 0,
pinnedBytes: 0,
filesToPin: 1,
remainingSeconds: 0,
shouldPin: true,
emptiedQueue: false,
listedFiles: 1,
container!.updates, 1,
'Bulk pin state change should increment updates to 1');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('items'), '1');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('seconds'), '0');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('percentage'), '100');
* Tests that a metered network update to the store passes the state down to the
* cloud panel.
export async function testMeteredNetworkState() {
// Initialize the store with bulk pinning enabled.
const store = getStore();
store.init({...getEmptyState(), preferences: PREFERENCES});
// Setup a syncing state that should be 10% done with 10 items.
const bulkPinning: BulkPinProgress = {
stage: BulkPinStage.SYNCING,
freeSpaceBytes: 0,
requiredSpaceBytes: 0,
bytesToPin: 0,
pinnedBytes: 0,
filesToPin: 1,
remainingSeconds: 0,
shouldPin: true,
emptiedQueue: false,
listedFiles: 1,
container!.updates, 1,
'Bulk pin state change should increment updates to 1');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('items'), '1');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('seconds'), '0');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('percentage'), '100');
// Entering into a not enough space state ensures the type is updated and the
// items and percentage attributes are removed.
type: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.DriveConnectionStateType.METERED,
container!.updates, 2,
'Bulk pin state stage should increment updates to 2');
assertEquals(panel!.getAttribute('type'), 'metered_network');