// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import '../widgets/xf_nudge.js';
import {storage} from '../common/js/storage.js';
import {str} from '../common/js/translations.js';
import type {XfNudge} from '../widgets/xf_nudge.js';
import {NudgeDirection} from '../widgets/xf_nudge.js';
import type {XfTreeItem} from '../widgets/xf_tree_item.js';
* NudgeContainer maintains the lifetime of a "nudge". A nudge refers to an
* educational overlay that shows up to highlight new features, currently we
* only support a single nudge showing in Files app.
export class NudgeContainer {
* The educational nudge that is added as a web component to the DOM.
private nudge_: XfNudge = document.querySelector('xf-nudge')!;
* The handle that represents the requestIdleCallback to enable cancellation.
private idleCallbackHandle_: number = -1;
* The current `NudgeType` that is visible.
private currentNudgeType_: NudgeType|undefined = undefined;
* Each nudge has a described-by <p> tag to enable an announcement to be made
* when hovering over or tabbing to the anchored element.
private readonly anchorAriaDescribedbyElement_ = document.createElement('p');
* A controller which sends out an abort signal once we no longer want to
* listen to events i.e. on nudge hide.
private listenerAbortController_: AbortController|null = null;
* Cache the DOMRect of the anchor to allow comparison of the previous
* location and in the case the anchor DOMRect changes, reposition the nudge
* accordingly.
private anchorDomRect_: DOMRect|undefined = undefined;
* Stores the ID of the current requestAnimationFrame(). Used to ensure only
* run callback is running at a time.
private requestAnimationFrameId_: number|undefined = undefined;
* True if the expiry period on the nudge is observed. False otherwise.
private expiryPeriodEnabled_: boolean = true;
constructor() {
this.anchorAriaDescribedbyElement_.id = 'nudge-content';
this.anchorAriaDescribedbyElement_.style.display = 'none';
* A callback that repositions the nudge element prior to a repaint. The
* callback is throttled to only run on animation frames since we call it for
* scroll events; which can be numerous between frames.
private throttledRepositionCallback_() {
if (this.requestAnimationFrameId_) {
this.requestAnimationFrameId_ = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
if (!this.nudgeShowing_) {
const anchorDomRect = this.nudge_.anchor!.getBoundingClientRect();
// First verify that the anchor has changed in some position or dimension
// before repositioning the nudge. This ensures we're not too aggressive
// in repositioning.
if (this.anchorDomRect_ &&
(anchorDomRect.x !== this.anchorDomRect_.x ||
anchorDomRect.y !== this.anchorDomRect_.y ||
anchorDomRect.width !== this.anchorDomRect_.width ||
anchorDomRect.height !== this.anchorDomRect_.height)) {
this.anchorDomRect_ = anchorDomRect;
this.requestAnimationFrameId_ = undefined;
* Attempts to reposition the visible nudge if it is showing. There is no easy
* way to listen for DOM elements that change without user input (e.g. if a
* volume is added or removed from the directory tree). So use an IdleCallback
* to keep checking the nudge is in the right position.
private idleCallback_() {
if (this.nudgeShowing_) {
this.idleCallbackHandle_ = window.requestIdleCallback(
this.idleCallback_.bind(this), {timeout: 1000});
* A method for the nudge manager to decide whether a given nudge has been
* previously seen and dismissed by the user.
async checkSeen(nudgeId: string) {
const seen = await storage.local.getAsync(nudgeId);
return seen[nudgeId] === 'true';
* A method for the nudge manager to specify that a given nudge has been seen
* and dismissed by the user.
async setSeen(nudgeId: string) {
return storage.local.setAsync({[nudgeId]: 'true'});
* Clears the `seen` state from the localStorage for the given nudge.
async clearSeen(nudgeType: NudgeType) {
* Shows the nudge if it has not already been seen before.
async showNudge(nudge: NudgeType) {
if (this.nudgeShowing_) {
// No nudge info exists for the supplied nudge.
if (!nudgeInfo[nudge]) {
console.warn('Nudge', nudge, 'does not exist');
if (!nudgeInfo[nudge].anchor()) {
console.warn('nudge anchor', nudge, 'does not exist');
const info = nudgeInfo[nudge];
const anchor = info.anchor() as HTMLElement;
// Don't show the nudge if it's expired and the expiry period is enabled.
if (info.expiryDate && info.expiryDate < new Date() &&
this.expiryPeriodEnabled_) {
if (await this.checkSeen(nudge)) {
this.currentNudgeType_ = nudge;
// Create a new controller since they can only be aborted once (adding an
// aborted signal to a listener will result in no listening).
this.listenerAbortController_ = new AbortController();
// Anchor container scrolling and document resizes can potentially
// reposition the anchor, which will need a matching reposition of the nudge
// element-- so we listen to those events and reposition upon them
// occurring. Note, it is possible that there are other ways of manipulating
// the anchor position without triggering any of the events here (e.g.
// resizing an element within the document); but no such use case exists
// yet.
const config = {
signal: this.listenerAbortController_.signal,
passive: true,
let anchorTreeNode: Node|null = anchor;
while (anchorTreeNode) {
if (anchorTreeNode instanceof EventTarget) {
'scroll', this.throttledRepositionCallback_.bind(this), config);
anchorTreeNode = anchorTreeNode.parentNode;
if (anchorTreeNode instanceof ShadowRoot) {
anchorTreeNode = anchorTreeNode.host;
'resize', this.throttledRepositionCallback_.bind(this), config);
if (info.selfDismiss) {
// Self dismissable nudge only dismisses if the user clicks on the nudge.
'pointerdown', () => this.closeNudge(this.currentNudgeType_), config);
'pointerdown', () => this.closeNudge(this.currentNudgeType_), config);
const dismissOnKeyDown = info.dismissOnKeyDown;
if (dismissOnKeyDown) {
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (dismissOnKeyDown(anchor, event)) {
}, config);
} else {
// Otherwise the nudge dismisses when user clicks anywhere in the app.
document.addEventListener('keydown', e => this.handleKeyDown_(e), config);
'pointerdown', e => this.handlePointerDown_(e), config);
'blur', (_: Event) => this.closeNudge(this.currentNudgeType_),
this.nudge_.dismissText = '';
this.nudge_.anchor = anchor;
this.nudge_.content = info.content();
this.nudge_.direction = info.direction;
this.anchorDomRect_ = anchor.getBoundingClientRect();
this.idleCallbackHandle_ = window.requestIdleCallback(
this.idleCallback_.bind(this), {timeout: 1000});
* Hide the currently showing nudge and update the seen status if provided.
async closeNudge(seenNudgeId?: string) {
if (!this.nudgeShowing_) {
if (seenNudgeId) {
await this.setSeen(seenNudgeId);
this.currentNudgeType_ = undefined;
this.anchorDomRect_ = undefined;
// Abort listeners since we don't want to update position after hiding.
* Used to override the expiry period for nudges in test.
set setExpiryPeriodEnabledForTesting(value: boolean) {
this.expiryPeriodEnabled_ = value;
* Handle key down events such that any "Escape", "Enter" or "Space" should
* close the nudge.
private handleKeyDown_(event: KeyboardEvent) {
switch (event.key) {
case 'Escape':
case 'Enter':
case 'Space':
* Handle any pointer down events on the Nudge.
private handlePointerDown_(event: MouseEvent) {
// Ignore pointer events on the nudge to allow copying the nudge's text.
if (event.composedPath().includes(this.nudge_)) {
* Set the <p> aria-described-by content to enable screen readers to hear the
* nudge content when navigating over the anchored element.
private setAnchorAriaDescribedby_() {
if (!this.nudge_.anchor) {
this.anchorAriaDescribedbyElement_.innerText = this.nudge_.content;
// Add a new element as a sibling of the anchor so we can aria-describedBy
// it to read out the contents of the nudge.
'afterend', this.anchorAriaDescribedbyElement_);
this.nudge_.anchor.setAttribute('aria-describedby', 'nudge-content');
* Remove the <p> aria-described-by content.
private removeAnchorAriaDescribedby_() {
if (!this.nudge_.anchor) {
* Helper function to return whether a current nudge is showing.
private get nudgeShowing_() {
return this.currentNudgeType_ !== undefined;
* An enum of nudges that can be shown, only a single nudge is shown at a time.
export enum NudgeType {
TEST_NUDGE = 'test-nudge',
MANUAL_TEST_NUDGE = 'manual-test-nudge',
ONE_DRIVE_MOVED_FILE_NUDGE = 'one-drive-moved-file-nudge',
DRIVE_MOVED_FILE_NUDGE = 'drive-moved-file-nudge',
SEARCH_V2_EDUCATION_NUDGE = 'search-v2-education-nudge',
* Type to define the callback used that gets the anchor element from the DOM.
interface NudgeInfo {
// The anchor that the nudge will appear near. The location of the nudge
// relative to the anchor is dictated by the `direction`.
anchor: () => HTMLElement | null;
// The string contents of the nudge.
content: () => string;
// The direction that nudge appears relative to the anchor. For more
// explanation on the various `NudgeDirection`'s look in `xf_nudge.ts` file.
direction: NudgeDirection;
// The date the nudge expires, after this date even if the nudge is invoked it
// will not appear.
expiryDate: Date;
// When the using selfDimiss=true the user can dismiss by clicking in the
// nudge. Otherwise the nudge is dismissed when clicking anywhere in
// the app/document.
selfDismiss?: boolean;
// For selfDismiss nudge the nudge and its anchor might not get keyboard focus
// to be able to dismiss via keyboard.
// Implement this callback that receives the keydown from document and should
// return true if the nudge should be dismissed.
(anchor: HTMLElement|null, event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean;
* Dismisses the nudge when the tree-item that anchors the nudge is selected.
* NOTE: It relies on the nudge anchor being in the icon, to traverse 2 parents
* up to the tree-item.
function treeDismissOnKeyDownOnTreeItem(
anchor: HTMLElement|null, event: KeyboardEvent) {
const dismissKeys = new Set(['Enter', 'Space']);
if (!dismissKeys.has(event.key)) {
return false;
// When the anchor (tree item) is selected we dismiss.
const parentTreeItem: Element|null|undefined =
(anchor?.getRootNode() as ShadowRoot)?.host;
if (parentTreeItem?.hasAttribute('selected')) {
return true;
return false;
* A mapping of nudges to their information that can be shown throughout the
* Files app.
export const nudgeInfo: {[type in NudgeType]: NudgeInfo} = {
[NudgeType['TEST_NUDGE']]: {
anchor: () => document.querySelector<HTMLDivElement>('div#test'),
content: () => 'Test content',
direction: NudgeDirection.BOTTOM_ENDWARD,
expiryDate: new Date(2999, 1, 1),
[NudgeType['MANUAL_TEST_NUDGE']]: {
anchor: () => {
const downloadsTreeItem =
return downloadsTreeItem.shadowRoot!.querySelector('xf-icon');
content: () => str('ONE_DRIVE_MOVED_FILE_NUDGE'),
direction: NudgeDirection.TRAILING_DOWNWARD,
expiryDate: new Date(2999, 1, 1),
selfDismiss: true,
dismissOnKeyDown: treeDismissOnKeyDownOnTreeItem,
anchor: () => {
const oneDriveTreeItem =
return oneDriveTreeItem?.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.tree-row') || null;
content: () => str('ONE_DRIVE_MOVED_FILE_NUDGE'),
direction: NudgeDirection.TRAILING_DOWNWARD,
expiryDate: new Date(2025, 12, 5),
selfDismiss: true,
dismissOnKeyDown: treeDismissOnKeyDownOnTreeItem,
anchor: () => {
const driveTreeItem = document.querySelector<XfTreeItem>(
return driveTreeItem?.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.tree-row') || null;
content: () => str('DRIVE_MOVED_FILE_NUDGE'),
direction: NudgeDirection.TRAILING_DOWNWARD,
expiryDate: new Date(2025, 12, 5),
selfDismiss: true,
dismissOnKeyDown: treeDismissOnKeyDownOnTreeItem,
anchor: () =>
document.querySelector<HTMLDivElement>('#search-button > .icon'),
content: () => str('SEARCH_V2_EDUCATION_NUDGE'),
direction: NudgeDirection.BOTTOM_STARTWARD,
// Expire after 4 releases (expires when M120 hits Stable).
expiryDate: new Date(2023, 12, 5),