// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type {CrInputElement} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_input/cr_input.js';
import {getTrustedHTML} from 'chrome://resources/js/static_types.js';
import {assertEquals, assertFalse, assertTrue} from 'chrome://webui-test/chromeos/chai_assert.js';
import {EntryLocation} from '../background/js/entry_location_impl.js';
import type {VolumeManager} from '../background/js/volume_manager.js';
import {installMockChrome} from '../common/js/mock_chrome.js';
import {RootType} from '../common/js/volume_manager_types.js';
import type {A11yAnnounce} from '../foreground/js/ui/a11y_announce.js';
import {clearSearch, getDefaultSearchOptions, updateSearch} from '../state/ducks/search.js';
import {waitDeepEquals} from '../state/for_tests.js';
import {PropStatus, type State} from '../state/state.js';
import {getEmptyState, getStore, type Store} from '../state/store.js';
import {SearchContainer} from './search_container.js';
class TestA11yAnnouncer implements A11yAnnounce {
messages: string[] = [];
speakA11yMessage(message: string) {
let store: Store|undefined;
let searchContainer: SearchContainer|undefined;
const a11y: TestA11yAnnouncer = new TestA11yAnnouncer();
* Creates a store if necessary. Initializes it to an empty state.
function setupStore(): void {
if (store === undefined) {
store = getStore();
* Creates a search container if necessary.
function setupSearchContainer(): void {
if (searchContainer === undefined) {
const volumeManager: VolumeManager = {
getLocationInfo: (_entry: Entry): EntryLocation => {
return new EntryLocation(null, RootType.DOWNLOADS, true, true);
} as unknown as VolumeManager;
searchContainer = new SearchContainer(
volumeManager, document.querySelector('#search-wrapper') as HTMLElement,
document.querySelector('#options-container') as HTMLElement,
document.querySelector('#path-container') as HTMLElement, a11y);
* Creates new <search-container> element for each test.
export function setUp() {
document.body.innerHTML = getTrustedHTML`
<div id="root">
<div id="search-wrapper" collapsed>
<cr-button id="search-button" tabindex="0">Open</cr-button>
<div id="search-box">
<cr-input type="search" disabled placeholder="Search">
<cr-button class="clear" slot="suffix" tabindex="0" has-tooltip>
<div id="options-container"></div>
<div id="path-container"></div>
export function tearDown() {
// Clears accessibility message from the previous test.
a11y.messages = [];
* Checks that manually entering a query (simulated here by setting value and
* posint an input event) correctly propagates the state to the store.
export async function testQueryUpdated() {
// Manually open the search container; without this the container is in the
// closed state and does not clean up query or option values on close.
// Test 1: Enter a query.
const input = document.querySelector('cr-input') as CrInputElement;
input.value = 'hello';
input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
const want1 = {
query: 'hello',
status: undefined,
options: getDefaultSearchOptions(),
await waitDeepEquals(store!, want1, (state: State) => {
return state.search;
// Test 2: Clear the query.
const want2 = {
query: undefined,
status: undefined,
options: undefined,
await waitDeepEquals(store!, want2, (state: State) => {
return state.search;
* Checks that store changes correctly result in opening and closing of the
* search box.
export async function testOpenAndClose() {
query: 'hello',
status: undefined,
options: getDefaultSearchOptions(),
// No results appeared so expect just one message about search being closed.
assertEquals(1, a11y.messages.length);
'Search text cleared, showing all files and folders.', a11y.messages[0]);
export async function testNoResultFoundAnnouncement() {
// Start a file search with the query 'hello'.
query: 'hello',
status: undefined,
options: getDefaultSearchOptions(),
// Wait for the store to update its state.
const want1 = {
query: 'hello',
status: undefined,
options: getDefaultSearchOptions(),
await waitDeepEquals(store!, want1, (state: State) => {
return state.search;
// Fake a successful search.
query: 'hello',
status: PropStatus.SUCCESS,
options: getDefaultSearchOptions(),
const want2 = {
query: 'hello',
status: PropStatus.SUCCESS,
options: getDefaultSearchOptions(),
await waitDeepEquals(store!, want2, (state: State) => {
return state.search;
assertEquals(1, a11y.messages.length);
assertEquals('There are no results for hello.', a11y.messages[0]);