// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import './files_metadata_entry.js';
import {PolymerElement} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {ExifTag} from '../js/metadata/exif_constants.js';
import {getTemplate} from './files_metadata_box.html.js';
export interface FilesMetadataBox {
// File path and type, e.g. image, video.
filePath: string;
type: string;
// File size, modification time, mimeType, location.
size?: string;
modificationTime: string;
mediaMimeType: string;
fileLocation: string;
// True if the size field is loading.
isSizeLoading?: boolean;
// File-specific metadata.
ifd?: Ifd;
imageWidth: number;
imageHeight: number;
mediaAlbum: string;
mediaArtist: string;
mediaDuration: number;
mediaGenre: string;
mediaTitle: string;
mediaTrack: string;
mediaYearRecorded: string;
originalLocation: string;
hasFileSpecificMetadata_: boolean;
metadata: string;
// TODO(b/289003444): Move the following type definitions into ../js/metadata
// when that folder has been converted to typescript.
type LatLongArray = [[number, number], [number, number], [number, number]];
// GPS Data as per https://exiv2.org/tags.html.
interface ExifData<T> {
id: number;
format: number;
componentCount: number;
value: T;
type ExifRationalData = ExifData<[number, number]>;
export interface RawIfd {
cameraMaker: string;
cameraModel: string;
aperture: number;
focalLength: number;
exposureTime: number;
isoSpeed: number;
width: number;
height: number;
orientation: number;
colorSpace: string;
date: string;
interface Ifd {
raw?: RawIfd;
image?: {[K in ExifTag]: {value: string}};
gps?: [
ExifData<[number, number, number, number]>, // GPS Version number.
ExifData<string>, // Latitude reference (i.e. N or S).
ExifData<LatLongArray>, // Latitude in degrees, minutes, and
// seconds.
ExifData<string>, // Longtitude reference (i.e. E or W).
ExifData<LatLongArray>, // Longtitude in degrees, minutes, and
// seconds.
exif?: {
33437: ExifRationalData, // Aperture.
33434: ExifRationalData, // Exposure time.
37386: ExifRationalData, // Focal length.
34855: ExifRationalData, // ISO Speed.
export class FilesMetadataBox extends PolymerElement {
static get is() {
return 'files-metadata-box';
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
// File path and type, e.g. image, video.
filePath: String,
type: String,
// File size, modification time, mimeType, location.
size: String,
modificationTime: String,
mediaMimeType: String,
fileLocation: String,
// True if the size field is loading.
isSizeLoading: Boolean,
// File-specific metadata.
ifd: Object,
imageWidth: Number,
imageHeight: Number,
mediaAlbum: String,
mediaArtist: String,
mediaDuration: Number,
mediaGenre: String,
mediaTitle: String,
mediaTrack: String,
mediaYearRecorded: String,
originalLocation: String,
* True if the file has file-specific metadata.
hasFileSpecificMetadata_: Boolean,
* FilesMetadataBox [metadata] attribute. Used to indicate the
* metadata box field rendering phases.
metadata: {
type: String,
reflectToAttribute: true,
* Clears fields.
* @param keepSizeFields Do not clear size and isSizeLoading fields.
clear(keepSizeFields: boolean) {
const reset: Partial<FilesMetadataBox> = {
type: '',
filePath: '',
modificationTime: '',
hasFileSpecificMetadata_: false,
mediaMimeType: '',
fileLocation: '',
imageWidth: 0,
imageHeight: 0,
mediaTitle: '',
mediaArtist: '',
mediaAlbum: '',
mediaDuration: 0,
mediaGenre: '',
mediaTrack: '',
mediaYearRecorded: '',
metadata: '',
originalLocation: '',
if (!keepSizeFields) {
reset.isSizeLoading = false;
reset.size = '';
isImage(type: string) {
return type === 'image';
isVideo(type: string) {
return type === 'video';
isAudio(type: string) {
return type === 'audio';
* If the originalLocation is set, the preview is for a trashed item.
isTrashEntry(originalLocation: string|undefined) {
return !(originalLocation && originalLocation.length > 0);
* Sets this.hasFileSpecificMetadata_ if there is file-specific metadata.
private setFileSpecificMetadata_() {
this.hasFileSpecificMetadata_ =
!!(this.imageWidth && this.imageHeight || this.mediaTitle ||
this.mediaArtist || this.mediaAlbum || this.mediaDuration ||
this.mediaGenre || this.mediaTrack || this.mediaYearRecorded ||
return this.hasFileSpecificMetadata_;
* Sets the file |type| field based on setFileSpecificMetadata_().
setFileTypeInfo(type: string) {
this.type = this.setFileSpecificMetadata_() ? type : '';
* Update the metadata attribute with the rendered metadata |type|.
metadataRendered(type?: string) {
if (!type) {
this.metadata = '';
} else if (!this.metadata) {
this.metadata = type;
} else {
this.metadata += ' ' + type;
* Converts the duration into human friendly string.
time2string(time: string) {
if (!time) {
return '';
const parsedTime = parseInt(time, 10);
const seconds = parsedTime % 60;
const minutes = Math.floor(parsedTime / 60) % 60;
const hours = Math.floor(parsedTime / 60 / 60);
if (hours === 0) {
return minutes + ':' + ('0' + seconds).slice(-2);
return hours + ':' + ('0' + minutes).slice(-2) + ('0' + seconds).slice(-2);
dimension(imageWidth: number, imageHeight: number) {
if (imageWidth && imageHeight) {
return imageWidth + ' x ' + imageHeight;
return '';
deviceModel(ifd: Ifd) {
if (!ifd) {
return '';
if (ifd.raw) {
return ifd.raw.cameraModel || '';
const id = ExifTag.MODEL;
const model = (ifd.image && ifd.image[id] && ifd.image[id].value) || '';
return model.replace(/\0+$/, '').trim();
* @param r An array of two strings representing the numerator and the
* denominator.
private parseRational_(r: [number, number]) {
const num = parseInt(r[0].toString(), 10);
const den = parseInt(r[1].toString(), 10);
return num / den;
* Returns geolocation as a string in the form of 'latitude, longitude',
* where the values have 3 decimal precision. Negative latitude indicates
* south latitude and negative longitude indicates west longitude.
geography(ifd: Ifd) {
const gps = ifd && ifd.gps;
if (!gps || !gps[1] || !gps[2] || !gps[3] || !gps[4]) {
return '';
const computeCoordinate = (value: LatLongArray) => {
return this.parseRational_(value[0]) +
this.parseRational_(value[1]) / 60 +
this.parseRational_(value[2]) / 3600;
const latitude =
computeCoordinate(gps[2].value) * (gps[1].value === 'N\0' ? 1 : -1);
const longitude =
computeCoordinate(gps[4].value) * (gps[3].value === 'E\0' ? 1 : -1);
return Number(latitude).toFixed(3) + ', ' + Number(longitude).toFixed(3);
* Returns device settings as a string containing the fNumber, exposureTime,
* focalLength, and isoSpeed. Example: 'f/2.8 0.008 23mm ISO4000'.
deviceSettings(ifd: Ifd) {
let result = '';
if (ifd && ifd.raw) {
result = this.rawDeviceSettings_(ifd.raw);
} else if (ifd) {
result = this.ifdDeviceSettings_(ifd);
return result;
private rawDeviceSettings_(raw: Ifd['raw']) {
let result = '';
const aperture = raw?.aperture || 0;
if (aperture) {
result += 'f/' + aperture + ' ';
const exposureTime = raw?.exposureTime || 0;
if (exposureTime) {
result += exposureTime + ' ';
const focalLength = raw?.focalLength || 0;
if (focalLength) {
result += focalLength + 'mm ';
const isoSpeed = raw?.isoSpeed || 0;
if (isoSpeed) {
result += 'ISO' + isoSpeed + ' ';
return result.trimEnd();
private ifdDeviceSettings_(ifd: Ifd) {
const exif = ifd.exif;
if (!exif) {
return '';
function parseExifNumber(field: ExifRationalData) {
let number = 0;
if (field && field.value) {
if (Array.isArray(field.value)) {
const denominator = parseInt(field.value[1].toString(), 10);
if (denominator) {
number = parseInt(field.value[0].toString(), 10) / denominator;
} else {
number = parseInt(field.value, 10);
if (Number.isNaN(number)) {
number = 0;
} else if (!Number.isInteger(number)) {
number = Number(number.toFixed(3).replace(/0+$/, ''));
return number;
let result = '';
const aperture = parseExifNumber(exif[33437]);
if (aperture) {
result += 'f/' + aperture + ' ';
const exposureTime = parseExifNumber(exif[33434]);
if (exposureTime) {
result += exposureTime + ' ';
const focalLength = parseExifNumber(exif[37386]);
if (focalLength) {
result += focalLength + 'mm ';
const isoSpeed = parseExifNumber(exif[34855]);
if (isoSpeed) {
result += 'ISO' + isoSpeed + ' ';
return result.trimEnd();
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'files-metadata-box': FilesMetadataBox;
customElements.define(FilesMetadataBox.is, FilesMetadataBox);