// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {getTemplate} from './xf_circular_progress.html.js';
const MAX_PROGRESS = 100.0;
* Definition of a circular progress indicator custom element.
* The element supports two attributes for control - 'radius' and 'progress'.
* Default radius for the element is 10px, use the DOM API
* element.setAttribute('radius', '12px'); to set the radius to 12px;
* Default progress is 0, progress is a value from 0 to 100, use
* element.setAttribute('progress', '50'); to set progress to half complete
* or alternately, set the 'element.progress' JS property for the same result.
export class CircularProgress extends HTMLElement {
private fullCircle_ = 63;
private progress_ = 0.0;
* The visual indicator for the progress is accomplished by changing the
* stroke-dasharray SVG attribute on the top circle. The stroke-dasharray
* is calculated by using the circumference of the circle as the 100%
* length and then setting the dash length to match the percentage of
* the set 'progress_' value.
private indicator_: SVGElement;
private errormark_: SVGElement;
private label_: SVGElement;
constructor() {
const template = document.createElement('template');
template.innerHTML = getTemplate() as unknown as string;
const fragment = template.content.cloneNode(true);
this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}).appendChild(fragment);
this.indicator_ = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector<SVGElement>('.top')!;
this.errormark_ = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector<SVGElement>('.errormark')!;
this.label_ = this.shadowRoot!.querySelector<SVGElement>('.label')!;
static get is() {
return 'xf-circular-progress' as const;
* Registers this instance to listen to these attribute changes.
static get observedAttributes() {
return [
* Sets the indicators progress position.
* @param progress A value between 0 and MAX_PROGRESS to indicate.
setProgress(progress: number): number {
// Clamp progress to 0 .. MAX_PROGRESS.
progress = Math.min(Math.max(progress, 0), MAX_PROGRESS);
const value = (progress / MAX_PROGRESS) * this.fullCircle_;
'stroke-dasharray', value + ' ' + this.fullCircle_);
return progress;
* Sets the position of the error indicator.
* The error indicator is used by the summary panel. Its position is aligned
* with the top-right square that contains the progress circle itself.
* @param radius The radius of the progress circle.
* @param strokeWidth The width of the progress circle stroke.
private setErrorPosition_(radius: number, strokeWidth: number) {
const center = 18;
const x = center + radius + (strokeWidth / 2) - 4;
const y = center - radius - (strokeWidth / 2) + 4;
this.errormark_.setAttribute('cx', x.toString());
this.errormark_.setAttribute('cy', y.toString());
* Callback triggered by the browser when our attribute values change.
* TODO(crbug.com/40620728) Add unit tests to exercise attribute edge cases.
* @param name Attribute that's changed.
* @param oldValue Old value of the attribute.
* @param newValue New value of the attribute.
name: string, oldValue: null|string, newValue: null|string) {
if (oldValue === newValue) {
switch (name) {
case 'errormark':
this.errormark_.setAttribute('visibility', newValue || '');
case 'label':
this.label_.textContent = newValue;
case 'radius':
if (!newValue) {
const radius = Number(newValue);
// Restrict the allowed size to what fits in our area.
if (radius < 0 || radius > 16.5) {
let strokeWidth = 3;
if (radius > 10) {
const circles = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector('#circles');
circles?.setAttribute('stroke-width', '4');
strokeWidth = 4;
// Position the error indicator relative to the progress circle.
this.setErrorPosition_(radius, strokeWidth);
// Calculate the circumference for the progress dash length.
this.fullCircle_ = Math.PI * 2 * radius;
const bottom = this.shadowRoot?.querySelector('.bottom');
bottom?.setAttribute('r', radius.toString());
this.indicator_.setAttribute('r', radius.toString());
case 'progress':
const progress = Number(newValue);
this.progress_ = this.setProgress(progress);
* Getter for the visibility of the error marker.
get errorMarkerVisibility(): string {
return this.errormark_.getAttribute('visibility') || '';
* Set the visibility of the error marker.
* @param visibility Visibility value being set.
set errorMarkerVisibility(visibility: string) {
// Reflect the progress property into the attribute.
this.setAttribute('errormark', visibility);
* Getter for the current state of the progress indication.
get progress(): string {
return this.progress_.toString();
* Sets the progress position between 0 and 100.0.
* @param progress Progress value being set.
set progress(progress: string) {
// Reflect the progress property into the attribute.
this.setAttribute('progress', progress);
* Set the text label in the centre of the progress indicator.
* This is used to indicate multiple operations in progress.
* @param label Text to place inside the circle.
set label(label: string) {
this.setAttribute('label', label);
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
[CircularProgress.is]: CircularProgress;
window.customElements.define(CircularProgress.is, CircularProgress);