// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type {VolumeInfo} from '../../background/js/volume_info.js';
import type {VolumeManager} from '../../background/js/volume_manager.js';
import {isModal} from '../../common/js/dialog_type.js';
import {getFocusedTreeItem} from '../../common/js/dom_utils.js';
import {getTreeItemEntry, isFakeEntry, isInteractiveVolume, isSameEntry, isSameVolume, isTeamDriveRoot, isTeamDrivesGrandRoot, isTrashRootType} from '../../common/js/entry_utils.js';
import type {FilesAppEntry} from '../../common/js/files_app_entry_types.js';
import {RootType, VolumeType} from '../../common/js/volume_manager_types.js';
import type {State} from '../../state/state.js';
import {getFileData} from '../../state/store.js';
import {isTreeItem} from '../../widgets/xf_tree_util.js';
import type {CommandHandlerDeps} from './command_handler.js';
import type {DirectoryModel} from './directory_model.js';
import type {FileSelection} from './file_selection.js';
import type {MetadataKey} from './metadata/metadata_item.js';
import type {CanExecuteEvent, Command, CommandEvent} from './ui/command.js';
import {List} from './ui/list.js';
import type {Menu} from './ui/menu.js';
import type {MenuItem} from './ui/menu_item.js';
* The IDs of elements that can trigger share action.
enum SharingActionElementId {
CONTEXT_MENU = 'file-list',
SHARE_SHEET = 'sharesheet-button',
function isList(element: EventTarget|null): element is List {
if (element && 'selectedItems' in element) {
return true;
return false;
function isMenu(element: EventTarget|null): element is Menu {
if (element && 'contextElement' in element) {
return true;
return false;
function isMenuItem(element: EventTarget|null): element is MenuItem {
if (element && 'parentElement' in element &&
isMenu(element.parentElement as EventTarget)) {
return true;
return false;
* Helper function that for the given event returns the launch source of the
* sharesheet. If the source cannot be determined, this function returns
* chrome.fileManagerPrivate.SharesheetLaunchSource.UNKNOWN.
export function getSharesheetLaunchSource(event: Event) {
const id = (event.target as Command).id;
switch (id) {
case SharingActionElementId.CONTEXT_MENU:
return chrome.fileManagerPrivate.SharesheetLaunchSource.CONTEXT_MENU;
case SharingActionElementId.SHARE_SHEET:
return chrome.fileManagerPrivate.SharesheetLaunchSource.SHARESHEET_BUTTON;
default: {
console.error('Unrecognized event.target.id for sharesheet launch', id);
return chrome.fileManagerPrivate.SharesheetLaunchSource.UNKNOWN;
* Extracts entry on which command event was dispatched.
export function getCommandEntry(
fileManager: CommandHandlerDeps, element: EventTarget|null): Entry|
FilesAppEntry|undefined {
const entries = getCommandEntries(fileManager, element);
return entries.length === 0 ? undefined : entries[0]!;
* Extracts entries on which command event was dispatched.
export function getCommandEntries(
fileManager: CommandHandlerDeps,
element: EventTarget|null): Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry> {
if (isTreeItem(element)) {
const entry = getTreeItemEntry(element);
if (entry) {
return [entry];
// DirectoryTree has the focused item.
const focusedItem = getFocusedTreeItem(element);
const entry = getTreeItemEntry(focusedItem);
if (entry) {
return [entry];
const htmlElement = element as HTMLElement;
// The event target could still be a descendant of a legacy TreeItem element
// (e.g. the eject button).
// Handle eject button in the new directory tree.
if (htmlElement.classList.contains('root-eject')) {
const treeItem = htmlElement.closest('xf-tree-item');
const entry = treeItem && getTreeItemEntry(treeItem);
if (entry) {
return [entry];
// File list (List).
if (isList(element) && element.selectedItems.length) {
const entries = element.selectedItems as Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry>;
// Check if it is Entry or not by checking for toURL().
return entries.filter(entry => ('toURL' in entry));
// Commands in the action bar can only act in the currently selected files.
if (fileManager.ui.actionbar.contains(htmlElement)) {
return fileManager.getSelection().entries;
// Context Menu: redirect to the element the context menu is displayed for.
if (isMenu(element) && element.contextElement) {
return getCommandEntries(fileManager, element.contextElement);
// Context Menu Item: redirect to the element the context menu is displayed
// for.
if (isMenuItem(element)) {
const menu = element.parentElement as Menu;
if (menu.contextElement) {
return getCommandEntries(fileManager, menu.contextElement);
return [];
* Extracts a directory which contains entries on which command event was
* dispatched.
export function getParentEntry(
element: EventTarget, directoryModel: DirectoryModel) {
const focusedItem = getFocusedTreeItem(element);
const parentItem = focusedItem?.parentItem;
if (isTreeItem(parentItem) && getTreeItemEntry(parentItem)) {
// DirectoryTree has the focused item.
return getTreeItemEntry(parentItem);
if (element instanceof List) {
return directoryModel ? directoryModel.getCurrentDirEntry() : null;
return null;
* Returns VolumeInfo from the current target for commands, based on |element|.
* It can be from directory tree (clicked item or selected item), or from file
* list selected items; or null if can determine it.
export function getElementVolumeInfo(
element: EventTarget|null, fileManager: CommandHandlerDeps): VolumeInfo|
null|undefined {
if (element && 'volumeInfo' in element) {
return element.volumeInfo as VolumeInfo;
const entry = getCommandEntry(fileManager, element);
return entry && fileManager.volumeManager.getVolumeInfo(entry);
* Sets the command as visible only when the current volume is drive and it's
* running as a normal app, not as a modal dialog.
* NOTE: This doesn't work for directory tree menu, because user can right-click
* on any visible volume.
export function canExecuteVisibleOnDriveInNormalAppModeOnly(
event: CanExecuteEvent, fileManager: CommandHandlerDeps) {
const enabled = fileManager.directoryModel.isOnDrive() &&
event.canExecute = enabled;
* Sets the default handler for the commandId and prevents handling
* the keydown events for this command. Not doing that breaks relationship
* of original keyboard event and the command. WebKit would handle it
* differently in some cases.
export function forceDefaultHandler(node: HTMLElement, commandId: string) {
const doc = node.ownerDocument!;
const command =
doc.body.querySelector<Command>('command[id="' + commandId + '"]')!;
node.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
if (command.matchesEvent(e)) {
node.addEventListener('command', (event: CommandEvent) => {
if (event.detail.command.id !== commandId) {
event.cancelBubble = true;
((event: CanExecuteEvent) => {
if (event.command.id !== commandId || event.target !== node) {
event.canExecute = document.queryCommandEnabled(event.command.id);
}) as EventListener);
* Returns a directory entry when only one entry is selected and it is
* directory. Otherwise, returns null.
* @param selection Instance of FileSelection.
* @return Directory entry which is selected alone.
export function getOnlyOneSelectedDirectory(selection: FileSelection):
DirectoryEntry|null {
if (!selection) {
return null;
if (selection.totalCount !== 1) {
return null;
if (!selection.entries[0]!.isDirectory) {
return null;
return selection.entries[0] as DirectoryEntry;
* Returns true if the given entry is the root entry of the volume.
* @param volumeManager
* @param entry Entry or a fake entry.
* @return True if the entry is a root entry.
export function isRootEntry(
volumeManager: VolumeManager, entry: Entry|FilesAppEntry) {
if (!volumeManager || !entry) {
return false;
const volumeInfo = volumeManager.getVolumeInfo(entry);
return !!volumeInfo && isSameEntry(volumeInfo.displayRoot, entry);
* Returns true if the given event was triggered by the selection menu button.
* @param event Command event.
* @return True if the event was triggered by the selection menu button.
export function isFromSelectionMenu(event: Event) {
return (event.target as HTMLElement).id === 'selection-menu-button';
* If entry is fake/invalid/non-interactive/root, we don't show menu items
* intended for regular entries.
* @param volumeManager
* @param entry Entry or a fake entry.
* @return True if we should show the menu items for regular entries.
export function shouldShowMenuItemsForEntry(
volumeManager: VolumeManager, entry: Entry|FilesAppEntry) {
// If the entry is fake entry, hide context menu entries.
if (isFakeEntry(entry)) {
return false;
// If the entry is not a valid entry, hide context menu entries.
if (!volumeManager) {
return false;
const volumeInfo = volumeManager.getVolumeInfo(entry);
if (!volumeInfo) {
return false;
// If the entry belongs to a non-interactive volume, hide context menu
// entries.
if (!isInteractiveVolume(volumeInfo)) {
return false;
// If the entry is root entry of its volume (but not a team drive root),
// hide context menu entries.
if (isRootEntry(volumeManager, entry) && !isTeamDriveRoot(entry)) {
return false;
if (isTeamDrivesGrandRoot(entry)) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns whether all of the given entries have the given capability.
* @param fileManager CommandHandlerDeps.
* @param entries List of entries to check capabilities for.
* @param capability Name of the capability to check for.
export function hasCapability(
fileManager: CommandHandlerDeps, entries: Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry>,
capability: MetadataKey) {
if (entries.length === 0) {
return false;
// Check if the capability is true or undefined, but not false. A capability
// can be undefined if the metadata is not fetched from the server yet (e.g.
// if we create a new file in offline mode), or if there is a problem with the
// cache and we don't have data yet. For this reason, we need to allow the
// functionality even if it's not set.
// TODO(crbug.com/41392991): Store restrictions instead of capabilities.
const metadata = fileManager.metadataModel.getCache(entries, [capability]);
return metadata.length === entries.length &&
metadata.every(item => item[capability] !== false);
* Checks if the handler should ignore the current event, eg. since there is
* a popup dialog currently opened.
* @return True if the event should be ignored, false otherwise.
export function shouldIgnoreEvents(doc: Document) {
// Do not handle commands, when a dialog is shown. Do not use querySelector
// as it's much slower, and this method is executed often.
const dialogs = doc.getElementsByClassName('cr-dialog-container');
if (dialogs.length !== 0 && dialogs[0]!.classList.contains('shown')) {
return true;
return false; // Do not ignore.
* Returns true if all entries is inside Drive volume, which includes all Drive
* parts (Shared Drives, My Drive, Shared with me, etc).
export function isDriveEntries(
entries: Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry>, volumeManager: VolumeManager) {
if (!entries.length) {
return false;
const volumeInfo = volumeManager.getVolumeInfo(entries[0]!);
if (!volumeInfo) {
return false;
if (volumeInfo.volumeType === VolumeType.DRIVE &&
isSameVolume(entries, volumeManager)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if all entries descend from the My Drive root (e.g. not located
* within Shared with me or Shared drives).
export function isOnlyMyDriveEntries(
entries: Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry>, state: State): boolean {
if (!entries.length) {
return false;
for (const entry of entries) {
const fileData = getFileData(state, entry.toURL());
if (!fileData) {
return false;
if (fileData.rootType !== RootType.DRIVE) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns true if the current root is Trash. Items in Trash are a fake
* representation of a file + its metadata. Some actions are infeasible and
* items should be restored to enable these actions.
export function isOnTrashRoot(fileManager: CommandHandlerDeps) {
const currentRootType = fileManager.directoryModel.getCurrentRootType();
if (!currentRootType) {
return false;
return isTrashRootType(currentRootType);
* Extracts entry on which command event was dispatched.
export function getEventEntry(event: Event, fileManager: CommandHandlerDeps):
Entry|FilesAppEntry|undefined {
let entry;
const htmlElement = event.target as HTMLElement;
if (fileManager.ui.directoryTree!.contains(htmlElement)) {
// The command is executed from the directory tree context menu.
entry = getCommandEntry(fileManager, htmlElement);
} else {
// The command is executed from the gear menu.
entry = fileManager.directoryModel.getCurrentDirEntry();
return entry;
* Returns true if the current volume is interactive.
export function currentVolumeIsInteractive(fileManager: CommandHandlerDeps) {
const volumeInfo = fileManager.directoryModel.getCurrentVolumeInfo();
if (!volumeInfo) {
return true;
return isInteractiveVolume(volumeInfo);
* Returns true if any entry belongs to a non-interactive volume.
export function containsNonInteractiveEntry(
entries: Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry>, fileManager: CommandHandlerDeps) {
return entries.some(entry => {
const volumeInfo = fileManager.volumeManager.getVolumeInfo(entry);
if (!volumeInfo) {
return false;
return isInteractiveVolume(volumeInfo);