// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {MetadataItem, type MetadataKey} from './metadata_item.js';
* Cache of metadata for a FileEntry.
export class MetadataCacheItem {
* Map of property name and MetadataCacheItemProperty.
private readonly properties_:
Partial<Record<MetadataKey, MetadataCacheItemProperty>> = {};
* Creates requested names that need to be loaded.
* @return Property names that need to be loaded.
createRequests(names: MetadataKey[]): MetadataKey[] {
const loadRequested: MetadataKey[] = [];
for (const name of names) {
// Check if the property needs to be updated.
const property = this.properties_[name];
if (property &&
property.state !== MetadataCacheItemPropertyState.INVALIDATED) {
return loadRequested;
* Marks the given properties as loading.
startRequests(requestId: number, names: MetadataKey[]) {
for (const name of names) {
if (!this.properties_[name]) {
this.properties_[name] = new MetadataCacheItemProperty();
this.properties_[name]!.requestId = requestId;
this.properties_[name]!.state = MetadataCacheItemPropertyState.LOADING;
* Feeds the result of startRequests.
* @param requestId Request ID passed when calling startRequests.
* @param typedObject Map of property name and value.
* @return Whether at least one property is updated or not.
storeProperties(requestId: number, typedObject: MetadataItem): boolean {
let changed = false;
for (const name in typedObject) {
if (/.Error$/.test(name) && typedObject[name as MetadataKey]) {
typedObject[name.substr(0, name.length - 5) as MetadataKey] = undefined;
for (const _name in typedObject) {
if (/.Error$/.test(_name)) {
const name = _name as MetadataKey;
if (!this.properties_[name]) {
this.properties_[name] = new MetadataCacheItemProperty();
if (requestId < this.properties_[name]!.requestId ||
this.properties_[name]!.state ===
MetadataCacheItemPropertyState.FULFILLED) {
changed = true;
this.properties_[name]!.requestId = requestId;
this.properties_[name]!.value = typedObject[name as MetadataKey];
const errorKey = `${name}Error` as const;
this.properties_[name]!.error =
typedObject[errorKey as (typeof errorKey) & MetadataKey];
this.properties_[name]!.state = MetadataCacheItemPropertyState.FULFILLED;
return changed;
* Marks the caches of all properties in the item as invalidates and forces to
* reload at the next time of startRequests. Optionally, takes an array of
* names and only invalidates those.
* @param requestId Request ID of the invalidation request. This must
* be larger than other requests ID passed to the item before.
invalidate(requestId: number, names?: MetadataKey[]): void {
const namesToInvalidate = names ?
names.filter(n => this.properties_[n]) :
Object.keys(this.properties_) as MetadataKey[];
for (const name of namesToInvalidate) {
assert(this.properties_[name]!.requestId < requestId);
this.properties_[name]!.requestId = requestId;
this.properties_[name]!.state =
* Obtains property for entries and names.
* Note that it returns invalidated properties also.
get(names: MetadataKey[]): MetadataItem {
const result = new MetadataItem();
for (const name of names) {
if (this.properties_[name]) {
// `undefined` is the intersection of all possible properties of
// MetadataItem.
result[name] = this.properties_[name]!.value as undefined;
const errorKey = `${name}Error` as const;
// TODO(TS): check ... if (!(errorKey in result)){
result[errorKey as (typeof errorKey) & MetadataKey] =
return result;
* Creates deep copy of the item.
clone(): MetadataCacheItem {
const clonedItem = new MetadataCacheItem();
for (const name in this.properties_) {
const property = this.properties_[name as MetadataKey]!;
const newItemProperties = new MetadataCacheItemProperty();
newItemProperties.value = property.value;
newItemProperties.error = property.error;
newItemProperties.requestId = property.requestId;
newItemProperties.state = property.state;
clonedItem.properties_[name as MetadataKey] = newItemProperties;
return clonedItem;
* Returns whether all the given properties are fulfilled.
* @param names Property names.
hasFreshCache(names: MetadataKey[]): boolean {
for (const name of names) {
const property = this.properties_[name];
if (!(property &&
property.state === MetadataCacheItemPropertyState.FULFILLED)) {
return false;
return true;
enum MetadataCacheItemPropertyState {
INVALIDATED = 'invalidated',
LOADING = 'loading',
FULFILLED = 'fulfilled',
* Cache of metadata for a property.
class MetadataCacheItemProperty {
* Cached value of property.
value: unknown = null;
error: undefined|Error = undefined;
* Last request ID.
requestId: number = -1;
* Cache state of the property.
state = MetadataCacheItemPropertyState.INVALIDATED;