// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assertInstanceof, assertNotReached} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/assert.js';
import type {Crostini} from '../../background/js/crostini.js';
import type {ProgressCenter} from '../../background/js/progress_center.js';
import type {VolumeManager} from '../../background/js/volume_manager.js';
import {getMimeType, startIOTask} from '../../common/js/api.js';
import {unwrapEntry} from '../../common/js/entry_utils.js';
import {type AnnotatedTask, getDefaultTask} from '../../common/js/file_tasks.js';
import type {FilesAppDirEntry, FilesAppEntry} from '../../common/js/files_app_entry_types.js';
import {recordDirectoryListLoadWithTolerance, startInterval} from '../../common/js/metrics.js';
import {str, strf} from '../../common/js/translations.js';
import {checkAPIError} from '../../common/js/util.js';
import {fetchFileTasks} from '../../state/ducks/current_directory.js';
import {type FileData, type FileKey, type FileTasks as StoreFileTasks, PropStatus, type State} from '../../state/state.js';
import {getFilesData, getStore, type Store, waitForState} from '../../state/store.js';
import type {XfPasswordDialog} from '../../widgets/xf_password_dialog.js';
import type {DirectoryModel} from './directory_model.js';
import type {FileSelection, FileSelectionHandler} from './file_selection.js';
import {FileTasks, TaskPickerType} from './file_tasks.js';
import type {FileTransferController} from './file_transfer_controller.js';
import type {MetadataModel} from './metadata/metadata_model.js';
import type {MetadataUpdateController} from './metadata_update_controller.js';
import {EventType, TaskHistory} from './task_history.js';
import type {ComboButtonSelectEvent} from './ui/combobutton.js';
import {Command} from './ui/command.js';
import type {FileManagerUI} from './ui/file_manager_ui.js';
* Type of the object stashed in the Map extractTasks_.
interface ExtractingTasks {
entries: Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry>;
params: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.IoTaskParams;
export class TaskController {
private fileTransferController_: FileTransferController|null = null;
private taskHistory_: TaskHistory;
private canExecuteDefaultTask_: boolean = false;
private shouldHideDefaultTask_: boolean = true;
private canExecuteOpenActions_: boolean = false;
private defaultTaskCommand_: Command;
* More actions command that uses #open-with as selector due to the
* open-with command used previously for the same task.
private openWithCommand_: Command;
* Cached promise used to avoid initializing the same FileTasks
* multiple times.
private tasks_: Promise<FileTasks>|null = null;
/** Map used to track extract IOTasks in progress. */
private extractTasks_: Map<number, ExtractingTasks> = new Map();
private store_: Store;
private selectionFilesData_: FileData[] = [];
private selectionKeys_: FileKey[] = [];
private selectionTasks_: StoreFileTasks|undefined;
private volumeManager_: VolumeManager, private ui_: FileManagerUI,
private metadataModel_: MetadataModel,
private directoryModel_: DirectoryModel,
private selectionHandler_: FileSelectionHandler,
private metadataUpdateController_: MetadataUpdateController,
private crostini_: Crostini, private progressCenter_: ProgressCenter) {
this.taskHistory_ = new TaskHistory();
this.defaultTaskCommand_ =
assertInstanceof(document.querySelector('#default-task'), Command);
this.openWithCommand_ =
assertInstanceof(document.querySelector('#open-with'), Command);
this.store_ = getStore();
'combobutton-select', this.onTaskItemClicked_.bind(this));
// TODO: Move the following events to the Store.
EventType.UPDATE, this.updateTasks_.bind(this));
onStateChanged(newState: State) {
const keys = newState.currentDirectory?.selection.keys ?? [];
const tasks = newState.currentDirectory?.selection.fileTasks;
// If the selection changed.
if (keys !== this.selectionKeys_ &&
(keys.length > 0 || this.selectionKeys_.length > 0)) {
this.selectionKeys_ = keys;
this.selectionFilesData_ = getFilesData(newState, keys ?? []);
// Kickoff the async/ActionsProducer to fetch the tasks for the new
// selection. If the new selection is empty, still need to update the
// store so no old file task lingers.
this.tasks_ = null;
// Hides the button while fetching the tasks.
// If the file tasks changed.
if (tasks !== this.selectionTasks_) {
this.selectionTasks_ = tasks;
if (tasks?.status === PropStatus.SUCCESS) {
setFileTransferController(fileTransferController: FileTransferController) {
this.fileTransferController_ = fileTransferController;
* Exposes the TaskHistory instance for the ActionsProducer.
* NOTE: This is a temporary workaround until the TaskHistory is migrated to
* the store.
get taskHistory(): TaskHistory {
return this.taskHistory_;
* Task combobox handler.
* @param event Event containing task which was clicked.
private async onTaskItemClicked_(event: ComboButtonSelectEvent) {
// If the clicked target has an associated command, the click event should
// not be handled here since it is handled as a command.
// TODO(lucmult): Add TS definition for these events instead of using any.
if (event.target && (event.target as any).command) {
const item: null|DropdownItem = event.detail;
if (!item) {
try {
const tasks = await this.getFileTasks();
switch (item.type) {
case TaskMenuItemType.SHOW_MENU:
case TaskMenuItemType.RUN_TASK:
case TaskMenuItemType.CHANGE_DEFAULT_TASK:
const selection = this.selectionHandler_.selection;
const extensions = [];
for (let i = 0; i < selection.entries.length; i++) {
const match = /\.(\w+)$/g.exec(selection.entries[i]!.toURL());
if (match) {
const ext = match[1]!.toUpperCase();
if (extensions.indexOf(ext) === -1) {
let format = '';
if (extensions.length === 1) {
format = extensions[0]!;
// Change default was clicked. We should open "change default"
// dialog.
this.ui_.defaultTaskPicker, str('CHANGE_DEFAULT_MENU_ITEM'),
this.changeDefaultTask_.bind(this, selection),
assertNotReached('Unknown task.');
} catch (error: any) {
if (error) {
console.warn(error.stack || error);
* Sets the given task as default, when this task is applicable.
* @param selection File selection.
* @param task Task to set as default.
private async changeDefaultTask_(
selection: FileSelection, task: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.FileTask) {
const entries =
selection.entries.map(entry => unwrapEntry(entry)) as Entry[];
const mimeTypes =
await Promise.all(entries.map(entry => this.getMimeType_(entry)));
task.descriptor, entries, mimeTypes, checkAPIError);
// Update task menu button unless the task button was updated by other
// selection.
if (this.selectionHandler_.selection === selection) {
this.tasks_ = null;
try {
const tasks = await this.getFileTasks();
} catch (error: any) {
if (error) {
console.warn(error.stack || error);
/** Displays the list of tasks in a open task picker combobutton. */
private display_(fileTasks: FileTasks) {
* Populate the #tasks-menu with the open-with tasks. The menu is managed by
* the top task menu Open combobutton, but it is also used as the
* right-click open-with context menu.
private updateTasksDropdown_(fileTasks: FileTasks) {
const combobutton = this.ui_.taskMenuButton;
const tasks = fileTasks.getAnnotatedTasks();
combobutton.hidden =
tasks.length === 0 || fileTasks.entries.some(e => e.isDirectory);
// Even if the task menu button is hidden, we still update the items if
// tasks exist since they are used for the right-click context menu.
if (tasks.length === 0) {
const defaultTask = fileTasks.defaultTask;
// If there exist defaultTask show it on the combobutton.
if (defaultTask) {
combobutton.defaultItem =
createDropdownItem(defaultTask, str('TASK_OPEN'));
} else {
combobutton.defaultItem = {
type: TaskMenuItemType.SHOW_MENU,
// If there exist 2 or more available tasks, show them in context menu
// (including defaultTask). If only one generic task is available, we
// also show it in the context menu.
const items = this.createItems(fileTasks);
if (items.length > 1 || (items.length === 1 && !defaultTask)) {
for (const item of items) {
// If there exist non generic task (i.e. defaultTask is set) and this
// default is not set by policy, we show an item to change default task.
if (defaultTask && !fileTasks.getPolicyDefaultHandlerStatus()) {
// TODO(greengrape): Ensure that the passed object is a
// `DropdownItem`.
const changeDefaultMenuItem = combobutton.addDropDownItem({
type: TaskMenuItemType.CHANGE_DEFAULT_TASK,
isDefault: false,
isPolicyDefault: false,
* Creates sorted array of available task descriptions such as title and
* icon.
* @param fileTasks File Tasks to create items.
* @return Created array can be used to feed combobox, menus and so on.
createItems(fileTasks: FileTasks): DropdownItem[] {
const tasks = fileTasks.getAnnotatedTasks();
const items = [];
// Create items.
for (const task of tasks) {
if (task === fileTasks.defaultTask) {
const title = task.title + ' ' + str('DEFAULT_TASK_LABEL');
task, title, /*isDefault=*/ true,
} else {
// Sort items (Sort order: isDefault, lastExecutedTime, label).
items.sort((a, b) => {
// Sort by isDefaultTask.
const isDefault = (b.isDefault ? 1 : 0) - (a.isDefault ? 1 : 0);
if (isDefault !== 0) {
return isDefault;
// Sort by last-executed time.
const aTime = this.taskHistory_.getLastExecutedTime(a.task!.descriptor);
const bTime = this.taskHistory_.getLastExecutedTime(b.task!.descriptor);
if (aTime !== bTime) {
return bTime - aTime;
// Sort by label.
return a.label.localeCompare(b.label);
return items;
/** Executes default task from the dropdown menu. */
async executeDefaultTask() {
try {
const tasks = await this.getFileTasks();
const task: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.FileTask = {
descriptor: this.ui_.defaultTaskMenuItem.descriptor!,
title: this.ui_.defaultTaskMenuItem.label,
get iconUrl() {
return '';
get isDefault() {
return false;
get isGenericFileHandler() {
return false;
isDlpBlocked: false,
} catch (error: any) {
if (error) {
console.warn(error.stack || error);
* Get MIME type for an entry. This method first tries to obtain the MIME
* type from metadata. If it fails, this falls back to obtain the MIME type
* from its content or name.
* @param entry An entry to obtain its mime type.
private async getMimeType_(entry: Entry|FilesAppEntry): Promise<string> {
const properties =
await this.metadataModel_.get([entry], ['contentMimeType']);
if (properties && properties[0]!.contentMimeType) {
return properties[0]!.contentMimeType;
const mimeType = await getMimeType(entry);
return mimeType || '';
* Explicitly removes the cached tasks first and and re-calculates the
* current tasks.
private clearCacheAndUpdateTasks_() {
this.tasks_ = null;
// Dispatch an empty fetch to invalidate any ongoing fetch.
private maybeHideButton(): boolean {
// For the Store version the other conditions are checked in the store.
const shouldDisableTasks = (this.selectionTasks_?.tasks ?? []).length === 0;
if (shouldDisableTasks) {
this.ui_.taskMenuButton.hidden = true;
if (window.IN_TEST) {
this.ui_.taskMenuButton.toggleAttribute('get-tasks-completed', true);
return true;
return false;
/** Updates available tasks opened from context menu or the open button. */
private async updateTasks_() {
if (this.maybeHideButton()) {
try {
const metricName = 'UpdateAvailableApps';
const tasks = await this.getFileTasks();
// Update the DOM.
const openTaskItems = tasks.getAnnotatedTasks();
openTaskItems, tasks.getPolicyDefaultHandlerStatus());
if (window.IN_TEST) {
this.ui_.taskMenuButton.toggleAttribute('get-tasks-completed', true);
metricName, openTaskItems.length, [10, 100], /*tolerance=*/ 0.8);
} catch (error: any) {
if (error) {
console.warn(error.stack || error);
async getFileTasks(): Promise<FileTasks> {
return this.getFileTasksStore_();
private async getFileTasksStore_(): Promise<FileTasks> {
if (this.tasks_) {
return this.tasks_!;
if (this.selectionKeys_ === undefined) {
throw new Error('No selection to fulfill getFileTasks()');
// Request to fetch the tasks just to double check.
await waitForState(
(st: State) => st.currentDirectory?.selection.fileTasks.status ===
const entries = this.selectionFilesData_.map(fd => fd.entry) as Entry[];
this.tasks_ = Promise.resolve(FileTasks.fromStoreTasks(
this.selectionTasks_!, this.volumeManager_, this.metadataModel_,
this.directoryModel_, this.ui_, this.fileTransferController_!, entries,
this.taskHistory_, this.progressCenter_, this));
return this.tasks_;
/** Returns whether default task command can be executed or not. */
canExecuteDefaultTask(): boolean {
return this.canExecuteDefaultTask_;
/** Returns whether default task command should be hidden or not. */
shouldHideDefaultTask(): boolean {
return this.shouldHideDefaultTask_;
/** Returns whether open with command can be executed or not. */
canExecuteOpenActions(): boolean {
return this.canExecuteOpenActions_;
* Updates tasks menu item to match passed task items.
* @param openTasks List of OPEN tasks.
private updateContextMenuTaskItems_(
tasks: AnnotatedTask[],
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.PolicyDefaultHandlerStatus) {
const taskCount = tasks.length;
const defaultTask =
getDefaultTask(tasks, policyDefaultHandlerStatus, this.taskHistory_);
if (taskCount > 0) {
if (defaultTask) {
const menuItem = this.ui_.defaultTaskMenuItem;
* Menu icon can be controlled by either `iconEndImage` or
* `iconEndFileType`, since the default task menu item DOM is shared,
* before updating it, we should remove the previous one, e.g. reset
* both `iconEndImage` and `iconEndFileType`.
menuItem.iconEndImage = '';
// If default is set by policy, we hide the original app icon and show
// only the managed one.
if (policyDefaultHandlerStatus) {
menuItem.toggleManagedIcon(/*visible=*/ true);
} else {
menuItem.toggleManagedIcon(/*visible=*/ false);
// iconType is defined for some tasks in FileTasks.annotate_().
const iconType: string = (defaultTask as any).iconType;
if (iconType) {
menuItem.iconEndFileType = iconType;
} else if (defaultTask.iconUrl) {
menuItem.iconEndImage = 'url(' + defaultTask.iconUrl + ')';
} else {
menuItem.label = defaultTask.title;
menuItem.descriptor = defaultTask.descriptor;
this.canExecuteDefaultTask_ =
defaultTask !== null && !defaultTask.isDlpBlocked;
this.shouldHideDefaultTask_ = defaultTask === null;
this.canExecuteOpenActions_ =
taskCount > 1 || (taskCount === 1 && !defaultTask);
this.ui_.tasksSeparator.hidden = taskCount === 0;
* Return the tasks for the `entry`.
* @param entry
async getEntryFileTasks(entry: Entry|FilesAppEntry): Promise<FileTasks> {
return FileTasks.create(
this.volumeManager_, this.metadataModel_, this.directoryModel_,
this.ui_, this.fileTransferController_!, [entry], this.taskHistory_,
this.crostini_, this.progressCenter_, this);
async executeEntryTask(entry: Entry) {
const tasks = await this.getEntryFileTasks(entry);
/** Removes information about an extract archive task. */
private deleteExtractTaskDetails_(taskId: number) {
private onIoTaskProgressStatus_(
event: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.ProgressStatus) {
const taskId = event.taskId;
if (!taskId) {
console.warn('IOTask ProgressStatus without taskId');
// TaskController only manages IOTasks related to zip extract that were
// started in this window.
if (!(this.extractTasks_.has(taskId) &&
event.type === chrome.fileManagerPrivate.IoTaskType.EXTRACT)) {
switch (event.state) {
case chrome.fileManagerPrivate.IoTaskState.SUCCESS:
case chrome.fileManagerPrivate.IoTaskState.CANCELLED:
case chrome.fileManagerPrivate.IoTaskState.ERROR:
case chrome.fileManagerPrivate.IoTaskState.NEED_PASSWORD:
* Starts the Zip extract Here IO Task.
* @param {!Array<!Entry|FilesAppEntry>} entries
* @param {!DirectoryEntry|!FilesAppDirEntry} destination
* @return {!Promise<void>} resolved with taskId.
async startExtractIoTask(
entries: Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry>,
destination: DirectoryEntry|FilesAppDirEntry): Promise<void> {
const params = {
destinationFolder: destination,
} as chrome.fileManagerPrivate.IoTaskParams;
return this.startExtractTask_(entries, params);
* Starts extraction for a single entry and stores the task details.
* @return resolved with taskId.
private async startExtractTask_(
entries: Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry>,
params: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.IoTaskParams): Promise<void> {
try {
const taskId = await startIOTask(
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.IoTaskType.EXTRACT, entries, params);
this.extractTasks_.set(taskId, {entries, params});
} catch (error: any) {
console.warn('Error getting extract taskID', error);
* Triggers a password dialog and starts an extract task with the
* password (unless cancel is clicked on the dialog).
private async startGetPasswordThenExtractTask_(
entry: Entry|FilesAppEntry,
params: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.IoTaskParams) {
let password: string|null = null;
// Ask for password.
try {
const dialog = this.ui_.passwordDialog as XfPasswordDialog;
password = await dialog.askForPassword(entry.fullPath, password);
} catch (error) {
console.warn('User cancelled password fetch ', error);
params['password'] = password;
await this.startExtractTask_([entry], params);
* If an extract operation has finished due to missing password,
* see if we have the operation stored and if so, pop up a password
* dialog and try to restart another IO operation for it.
private handleMissingPassword_(taskId: number) {
const existingOperation = this.extractTasks_.get(taskId);
if (existingOperation) {
// If we have multiple entries (from a multi-select extract) then
// we need to start a new task for each of them individually so
// that the password dialog is presented once for every file
// that's encrypted.
const selectionEntries = existingOperation['entries'];
const params = existingOperation['params'];
if (selectionEntries.length === 1) {
this.startGetPasswordThenExtractTask_(selectionEntries[0]!, params);
} else {
for (const entry of selectionEntries) {
this.startExtractTask_([entry], params);
// Remove the failed operation reference since it's finished.
/** Type of the task in the dropdown menu. */
enum TaskMenuItemType {
SHOW_MENU = 'ShowMenu',
RUN_TASK = 'RunTask',
CHANGE_DEFAULT_TASK = 'ChangeDefaultTask',
/** Item in the dropdown menu. */
export interface DropdownItem {
type: TaskMenuItemType;
label: string;
iconUrl?: string;
iconType?: string;
task?: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.FileTask;
isDefault?: boolean;
isPolicyDefault?: boolean;
isGenericFileHandler?: boolean;
isDlpBlocked?: boolean;
?: string;
* Creates dropdown item based on task.
* @param isDefault Mark the item as default item.
function createDropdownItem(
task: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.FileTask, title?: string,
isDefault?: boolean, isPolicyDefault?: boolean): DropdownItem {
return {
type: TaskMenuItemType.RUN_TASK,
label: title || task.title,
iconUrl: task.iconUrl || '',
iconType: (task as AnnotatedTask).iconType || '',
task: task,
isDefault: isDefault || false,
isPolicyDefault: isPolicyDefault || false,
isGenericFileHandler: task.isGenericFileHandler,
isDlpBlocked: task.isDlpBlocked,