// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/assert.js';
import {getTrustedHTML} from 'chrome://resources/js/static_types.js';
import {assertDeepEquals, assertEquals, assertNotReached, assertTrue} from 'chrome://webui-test/chromeos/chai_assert.js';
import {createCrostiniForTest} from '../../background/js/mock_crostini.js';
import type {ProgressCenter} from '../../background/js/progress_center.js';
import type {VolumeInfo} from '../../background/js/volume_info.js';
import type {VolumeManager} from '../../background/js/volume_manager.js';
import {crInjectTypeAndInit} from '../../common/js/cr_ui.js';
import {queryDecoratedElement} from '../../common/js/dom_utils.js';
import {isSameEntries} from '../../common/js/entry_utils.js';
import {installMockChrome} from '../../common/js/mock_chrome.js';
import type {MockFileSystem} from '../../common/js/mock_entry.js';
import {MockFileEntry} from '../../common/js/mock_entry.js';
import {descriptorEqual} from '../../common/js/util.js';
import {RootType, VolumeType} from '../../common/js/volume_manager_types.js';
import {changeDirectory} from '../../state/ducks/current_directory.js';
import {setUpFileManagerOnWindow} from '../../state/for_tests.js';
import {PropStatus, type State} from '../../state/state.js';
import {getEmptyState, getStore, waitForState} from '../../state/store.js';
import type {DirectoryModel} from './directory_model.js';
import type {FileSelectionHandler} from './file_selection.js';
import type {MetadataModel} from './metadata/metadata_model.js';
import {MockMetadataModel} from './metadata/mock_metadata.js';
import type {MetadataUpdateController} from './metadata_update_controller.js';
import {TaskController} from './task_controller.js';
import {ComboButton} from './ui/combobutton.js';
import {Command} from './ui/command.js';
import type {FileManagerUI} from './ui/file_manager_ui.js';
import {FilesMenuItem} from './ui/files_menu.js';
/** Mock chrome APIs. */
let mockChrome: any;
/** VolumeInfo for Downloads volume */
let downloads: VolumeInfo;
// Set up test components.
export function setUp() {
// Mock chrome APIs.
mockChrome = {
commandLinePrivate: {
hasSwitch: function(_name: string, callback: (v: boolean) => void) {
runtime: {
id: 'test-extension-id',
lastError: null,
// Install <command> elements on the page.
document.body.innerHTML = getTrustedHTML`
<command id="default-task">
<command id="open-with">
<cr-menu id="tasks-menu">
<cr-menu-item id="default-task-menu-item" command="#default-task">
<cr-button id="tasks" menu="#tasks-menu"> Open </cr-button>
// Initialize Command with the <command>s.
for (const command of document.querySelectorAll<Command>('command')) {
crInjectTypeAndInit(command, Command);
const volumeManager = window.fileManager.volumeManager;
downloads = volumeManager.getCurrentProfileVolumeInfo(VolumeType.DOWNLOADS)!;
const store = getStore();
to: downloads.displayRoot,
toKey: downloads.displayRoot.toURL(),
status: PropStatus.SUCCESS,
function createTaskController(fileSelectionHandler: FileSelectionHandler):
TaskController {
const taskController = new TaskController(
getLocationInfo: function(_entry: Entry) {
return RootType.DRIVE;
getDriveConnectionState: function() {
return 'ONLINE';
getVolumeInfo: function() {
return {
volumeType: VolumeType.DRIVE,
} as unknown as VolumeManager,
taskMenuButton: queryDecoratedElement('#tasks', ComboButton),
queryDecoratedElement('#default-task-menu-item', FilesMenuItem),
speakA11yMessage: (_text: string) => {},
listContainer: document.createElement('div'),
tasksSeparator: document.createElement('hr'),
} as unknown as FileManagerUI,
new MockMetadataModel({}) as unknown as MetadataModel, {
getCurrentRootType: () => null,
} as unknown as DirectoryModel,
fileSelectionHandler, {} as unknown as MetadataUpdateController,
createCrostiniForTest(), {} as unknown as ProgressCenter);
return taskController;
* Setup test case fileManagerPrivate.
function setupFileManagerPrivate() {
mockChrome.fileManagerPrivate = {
getFileTaskCalledCount_: 0,
getFileTaskCalledEntries_: [],
getFileTasks: function(
entries: Entry[], _sourceUrls: string[],
callback: (tasks: any) => void) {
const fileTasks = ([
descriptor: {
appId: 'handler-extension-id',
taskType: 'file',
actionId: 'open',
isDefault: false,
descriptor: {
appId: 'handler-extension-id',
taskType: 'file',
actionId: 'play',
isDefault: true,
setTimeout(callback.bind(null, {tasks: fileTasks}), 0);
* Tests that executeEntryTask() runs the expected task.
export async function testExecuteEntryTask() {
const selectionHandler = window.fileManager.selectionHandler;
const fileSystem = downloads.fileSystem as MockFileSystem;
fileSystem.entries['/test.png'] =
MockFileEntry.create(fileSystem, '/test.png');
const taskController = createTaskController(selectionHandler);
const testEntry = fileSystem.entries['/test.png'] as Entry;
const descriptor =
await new Promise<chrome.fileManagerPrivate.FileTaskDescriptor>(
(resolve) => {
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.executeTask = resolve;
{appId: 'handler-extension-id', taskType: 'file', actionId: 'play'},
* Tests that getFileTasks() does not call .fileManagerPrivate.getFileTasks()
* multiple times when the selected entries are not changed.
export async function testGetFileTasksShouldNotBeCalledMultipleTimes() {
const selectionHandler = window.fileManager.selectionHandler;
const store = getStore();
const taskController =
createTaskController(selectionHandler as unknown as FileSelectionHandler);
const fileSystem = downloads.fileSystem as MockFileSystem;
[MockFileEntry.create(fileSystem, '/test.png')], ['image/png'], store);
assert(mockChrome.fileManagerPrivate.getFileTaskCalledCount_ === 0);
let tasks = await taskController.getFileTasks();
assert(mockChrome.fileManagerPrivate.getFileTaskCalledCount_ === 1);
assert(isSameEntries(tasks.entries, selectionHandler.selection.entries));
// NOTE: It updates to the same file.
[MockFileEntry.create(fileSystem, '/test.png')], ['image/png'], store);
tasks = await taskController.getFileTasks();
assert(mockChrome.fileManagerPrivate.getFileTaskCalledCount_ === 2);
assert(isSameEntries(tasks.entries, selectionHandler.selection.entries));
// The update above generates a new selection, even though it's updating to
// the same file, this causes a new private API call.
// The Store ActionsProducer debounces multiple concurrent calls for the same
// file so in practice this shouldn't be a problem.
const promise1 = taskController.getFileTasks();
// Await 0ms to give time to promise1 to initialize.
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r));
const promise2 = taskController.getFileTasks();
const [tasks1, tasks2] = await Promise.all([promise1, promise2]);
tasks1.entries, tasks2.entries,
'both tasks should have test.png as entry');
assertTrue(tasks1 === tasks2);
assert(mockChrome.fileManagerPrivate.getFileTaskCalledCount_ === 2);
assert(isSameEntries(tasks1.entries, selectionHandler.selection.entries));
// Check concurrent calls right after changing the selection.
[MockFileEntry.create(fileSystem, '/hello.txt')], ['text/plain'], store);
const promise3 = taskController.getFileTasks();
// Await 0ms to give time to promise3 to initialize.
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r));
const promise4 = taskController.getFileTasks();
const [tasks3, tasks4] = await Promise.all([promise3, promise4]);
tasks3.entries, tasks4.entries,
'both tasks should have hello.txt as entry');
assert(isSameEntries(tasks3.entries, selectionHandler.selection.entries));
assert(mockChrome.fileManagerPrivate.getFileTaskCalledCount_ === 3);
* Tests the file tasks in the store are updated each time the selected entries
* are changed, including when there are no selected entries.
export async function testFileTasksUpdatedAfterSelectionChange() {
const selectionHandler = window.fileManager.selectionHandler;
const store = getStore();
const fileSystem = downloads.fileSystem as MockFileSystem;
// Check no file tasks initially in the store.
await waitForState(
(st: State) =>
st.currentDirectory?.selection.fileTasks.tasks !== undefined &&
st.currentDirectory?.selection.fileTasks.tasks.length === 0);
// Select entry.
[MockFileEntry.create(fileSystem, '/test.png')], ['image/png'], store);
// Check file tasks in store.
await waitForState(
(st: State) =>
st.currentDirectory?.selection.fileTasks.tasks !== undefined &&
st.currentDirectory?.selection.fileTasks.tasks.length > 0);
// Select blank.
selectionHandler.updateSelection([], [], store);
// Check no file tasks in the store.
await waitForState(
(st: State) =>
st.currentDirectory?.selection.fileTasks.tasks !== undefined &&
st.currentDirectory?.selection.fileTasks.tasks.length === 0);
* Tests that getFileTasks() should always return the promise whose FileTasks
* correspond to FileSelectionHandler.selection at the time getFileTasks() is
* called.
export async function testGetFileTasksShouldNotReturnObsoletePromise() {
const selectionHandler = window.fileManager.selectionHandler;
const store = getStore();
const fileSystem = downloads.fileSystem as MockFileSystem;
const taskController =
createTaskController(selectionHandler as unknown as FileSelectionHandler);
[MockFileEntry.create(fileSystem, '/test.png')], ['image/png'], store);
let tasks = await taskController.getFileTasks();
assert(isSameEntries(tasks.entries, selectionHandler.selection.entries));
[MockFileEntry.create(fileSystem, '/testtest.jpg')], ['image/jpeg'],
try {
tasks = await taskController.getFileTasks();
assert(isSameEntries(tasks.entries, selectionHandler.selection.entries));
} catch (error) {
* Tests that changing the file selection during a getFileTasks() call causes
* the getFileTasks() promise to reject.
export async function testGetFileTasksShouldNotCacheRejectedPromise() {
const selectionHandler = window.fileManager.selectionHandler;
const store = getStore();
const fileSystem = downloads.fileSystem as MockFileSystem;
const taskController =
createTaskController(selectionHandler as unknown as FileSelectionHandler);
// Setup the selection handler computeAdditionalCallback to change the file
// selection during the getFileTasks() call.
let selectionUpdated = false;
selectionHandler.computeAdditionalCallback = () => {
// Update the selection.
[MockFileEntry.create(fileSystem, '/other-file.png')], ['image/png'],
selectionUpdated = true;
// Set the initial selection.
[MockFileEntry.create(fileSystem, '/test.png')], ['image/png'], store);
const tasks = await taskController.getFileTasks();
assertTrue(selectionUpdated, 'selection should update');
// Clears the selection handler computeAdditionalCallback so that the
// promise won't be rejected during the getFileTasks() call.
selectionHandler.computeAdditionalCallback = () => {};
const callsToApi = mockChrome.fileManagerPrivate.getFileTaskCalledCount_;
// Calling getFileTasks() in the same selection should not call the
// private API.
const tasks2 = await taskController.getFileTasks();
assert(isSameEntries(tasks.entries, tasks2.entries));
assert(isSameEntries(tasks2.entries, selectionHandler.selection.entries));
// No more calls to the private API.
callsToApi, mockChrome.fileManagerPrivate.getFileTaskCalledCount_);
(entries: Entry[]) =>
entries.filter((e: Entry) => e.name === '/test.png').length)
'Should have NO calls to private API for the initial selection');