// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import './state_banner.js';
import type {CrButtonElement} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_button/cr_button.js';
import {getTrustedHTML} from 'chrome://resources/js/static_types.js';
import {assertEquals} from 'chrome://webui-test/chromeos/chai_assert.js';
import {crInjectTypeAndInit} from '../../../../common/js/cr_ui.js';
import {waitUntil} from '../../../../common/js/test_error_reporting.js';
import {getLastVisitedURL} from '../../../../common/js/util.js';
import {Command} from '../command.js';
import type {StateBanner} from './state_banner.js';
let stateBanner: StateBanner;
* Mocks out the chrome.fileManagerPrivate.openSettingsSubpage function to
* enable interrogation of the subpage that was invoked.
* @returns {{ restore: function(), getSubpage: (function(): string)}}
function mockOpenSettingsSubpage() {
const actualOpenSettingsSubpage =
let subpage: string;
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.openSettingsSubpage = (settingsSubpage: string) => {
subpage = settingsSubpage;
const restore = () => {
chrome.fileManagerPrivate.openSettingsSubpage = actualOpenSettingsSubpage;
const getSubpage = () => {
return subpage;
return {restore, getSubpage};
export function setUp() {
document.body.innerHTML = getTrustedHTML`
<span slot="text">Banner title</span>
<button slot="extra-button" href="http://test.com">
Test Banner
stateBanner = document.body.querySelector<StateBanner>('state-banner')!;
* Test that the additional button can be set and the link is visited when the
* button is clicked.
export async function testAdditionalButtonCanBeClicked() {
assertEquals(getLastVisitedURL(), 'http://test.com');
* Test that the default configuration is set on the state banners to ensure
* any overridden banners have sensible configuration.
export function testStateBannerDefaults() {
// Ensure the default allowed volume type is empty. This ensures any
// banners that don't override this property do not show by default.
assertEquals(stateBanner.allowedVolumes().length, 0);
* Test that extra buttons with a ChromeOS settings href utilise the
* chrome.fileManagerPrivate.openSettingsSubpage appropriately. The prefix
* chrome://os-settings/ should be stripped and the subpage passed through.
export async function testChromeOsSettingsLink() {
const mockSettingsSubpage = mockOpenSettingsSubpage();
const subpage = 'test/settings/subpage';
document.body.innerHTML = getTrustedHTML`
<span slot="text">Banner title</span>
<button slot="extra-button"
Test Button
stateBanner = document.body.querySelector<StateBanner>('state-banner')!;
assertEquals(mockSettingsSubpage.getSubpage(), subpage);
* Test that a href with no subpage, still calls visitURL as there is no
* internal method to make the chrome://os-settings/ page appear except for
* link capturing.
export async function testChromeOsSettingsNoSubpageLink() {
const osSettingsLink = 'chrome://os-settings/';
document.body.innerHTML = getTrustedHTML`
<span slot="text">Banner title</span>
<button slot="extra-button" href="chrome://os-settings/">
Test Button
stateBanner = document.body.querySelector<StateBanner>('state-banner')!;
assertEquals(getLastVisitedURL(), osSettingsLink);
* Test that an extra-button with a command triggers an Event of the correct
* type.
export async function testCommandsCanBeUsedForExtraButtons(done: () => void) {
document.body.innerHTML = getTrustedHTML`
<command id="format">
<span slot="text">Banner title</span>
<button slot="extra-button" command="#format">
Test Button
crInjectTypeAndInit(document.querySelector<Command>('command')!, Command);
// Add a listener to wait for the #format command to be received and keep
// track of the event it received. Given the actual command is not properly
// setup in the unittest environment, the event bubbles up to the body and
// we can listen for it there.
let commandReceived = false;
let commandEvent: Event|null = null;
document.body.addEventListener('command', (e) => {
commandReceived = true;
commandEvent = e;
// Click the extra button with a command associated with it.
stateBanner = document.body.querySelector<StateBanner>('state-banner')!;
// Wait until the command has been received.
await waitUntil(() => commandReceived === true);
// Assert the event type received is a command.
assertEquals(commandEvent!.type, 'command');