// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/browser_process_platform_part_mac.h"
#include "base/apple/foundation_util.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#import "chrome/browser/app_controller_mac.h"
#include "chrome/browser/apps/app_shim/app_shim_manager_mac.h"
#include "chrome/browser/apps/app_shim/web_app_shim_manager_delegate_mac.h"
#include "chrome/browser/apps/platform_apps/extension_app_shim_manager_delegate_mac.h"
#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chrome_browser_application_mac.h"
#include "services/device/public/cpp/geolocation/system_geolocation_source_apple.h"
BrowserProcessPlatformPart::BrowserProcessPlatformPart() = default;
BrowserProcessPlatformPart::~BrowserProcessPlatformPart() = default;
void BrowserProcessPlatformPart::StartTearDown() {
app_shim_listener_ = nullptr;
void BrowserProcessPlatformPart::AttemptExit(bool try_to_quit_application) {
// On the Mac, the application continues to run once all windows are closed.
// Terminate will result in a CloseAllBrowsers() call, and once (and if)
// that is done, will cause the application to exit cleanly.
// This function is called for two types of attempted exits: URL requests
// (chrome://quit or chrome://restart), and a keyboard menu invocations of
// command-Q. (Interestingly, selecting the Quit command with the mouse don't
// come down this code path at all.) URL requests to exit have
// |try_to_quit_application| set to true; keyboard menu invocations have it
// set to false.
if (!try_to_quit_application) {
// A keyboard menu invocation.
if (![AppController.sharedController runConfirmQuitPanel]) {
void BrowserProcessPlatformPart::PreMainMessageLoopRun() {
// Create two AppShimManager::Delegates -- one for extensions-based apps
// (which will be deprecated in 2020), and one for web apps (PWAs and
// bookmark apps). The WebAppShimManagerDelegate will defer to the
// ExtensionAppShimManagerDelegate passed to it for extension-based apps.
// When extension-based apps are deprecated, the
// ExtensionAppShimManagerDelegate may be changed to nullptr here.
std::unique_ptr<apps::AppShimManager::Delegate> app_shim_manager_delegate =
app_shim_manager_delegate =
app_shim_manager_ = std::make_unique<apps::AppShimManager>(
// AppShimListener can not simply be reset, otherwise destroying the old
// domain socket will cause the just-created socket to be unlinked.
app_shim_listener_ = new AppShimListener;
if (!device::GeolocationSystemPermissionManager::GetInstance()) {
apps::AppShimManager* BrowserProcessPlatformPart::app_shim_manager() {
return app_shim_manager_.get();
AppShimListener* BrowserProcessPlatformPart::app_shim_listener() {
return app_shim_listener_.get();