// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assertFalse} from 'chrome://webui-test/chromeos/chai_assert.js';
import {waitUntil} from '../../../common/js/test_error_reporting.js';
import {FileManagerDialogBase} from './file_manager_dialog_base.js';
export async function testShowDialogAfterHide() {
const dialogElement = document.createElement('dialog');
const dialog = new FileManagerDialogBase(dialogElement);
/** Returns true if cr.ui.dialog container has .shown class */
function isShown(): boolean {
const element = document.querySelector('.cr-dialog-container');
return !!element?.classList.contains('shown');
// Show the dialog and wait until .shown is set on .cr-dialog-container.
// The setting of .shown happens async.
await waitUntil(isShown);
// Hide the dialog and verify .shown is removed (sync).
// Show the dialog again and ensure that it gets displayed.
// Previously some async processing from hide() would stop
// the dialog showing again at all if it was called too soon.
await waitUntil(isShown);