// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import '../../elements/icons.html.js';
import {assertInstanceof} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import type {VolumeManager} from '../../../background/js/volume_manager.js';
import {crInjectTypeAndInit} from '../../../common/js/cr_ui.js';
import {queryDecoratedElement, queryRequiredElement} from '../../../common/js/dom_utils.js';
import type {FilesAppEntry} from '../../../common/js/files_app_entry_types.js';
import {isDlpEnabled} from '../../../common/js/flags.js';
import {str, strf} from '../../../common/js/translations.js';
import {AllowedPaths} from '../../../common/js/volume_manager_types.js';
import {BreadcrumbContainer} from '../../../containers/breadcrumb_container.js';
import {CloudPanelContainer} from '../../../containers/cloud_panel_container.js';
import type {DirectoryTreeContainer} from '../../../containers/directory_tree_container.js';
import {NudgeContainer} from '../../../containers/nudge_container.js';
import {SearchContainer} from '../../../containers/search_container.js';
import {DialogType} from '../../../state/state.js';
import type {XfCloudPanel} from '../../../widgets/xf_cloud_panel.js';
import type {XfConflictDialog} from '../../../widgets/xf_conflict_dialog.js';
import type {XfDlpRestrictionDetailsDialog} from '../../../widgets/xf_dlp_restriction_details_dialog.js';
import type {XfPasswordDialog} from '../../../widgets/xf_password_dialog.js';
import {XfSplitter} from '../../../widgets/xf_splitter.js';
import type {XfTree} from '../../../widgets/xf_tree.js';
import type {FilesFormatDialog} from '../../elements/files_format_dialog.js';
import type {FilesToast} from '../../elements/files_toast.js';
import type {FilesTooltip} from '../../elements/files_tooltip.js';
import type {BannerController} from '../banner_controller.js';
import type {LaunchParam} from '../launch_param.js';
import type {ProvidersModel} from '../providers_model.js';
import {ActionsSubmenu} from './actions_submenu.js';
import {ComboButton} from './combobutton.js';
import {contextMenuHandler} from './context_menu_handler.js';
import {DefaultTaskDialog} from './default_task_dialog.js';
import {DialogFooter} from './dialog_footer.js';
import {BaseDialog} from './dialogs.js';
import type {FileGrid} from './file_grid.js';
import type {FileTable} from './file_table.js';
import {FilesAlertDialog} from './files_alert_dialog.js';
import {FilesConfirmDialog} from './files_confirm_dialog.js';
import {FilesMenuItem} from './files_menu.js';
import {GearMenu} from './gear_menu.js';
import {ImportCrostiniImageDialog} from './import_crostini_image_dialog.js';
import {InstallLinuxPackageDialog} from './install_linux_package_dialog.js';
import {ListContainer, ListType} from './list_container.js';
import {Menu} from './menu.js';
import {MenuItem} from './menu_item.js';
import {MultiMenu} from './multi_menu.js';
import {MultiMenuButton} from './multi_menu_button.js';
import {ProgressCenterPanel} from './progress_center_panel.js';
import {ProvidersMenu} from './providers_menu.js';
* The root of the file manager's view managing the DOM of the Files app.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
export class FileManagerUI {
* Dialog type.
private dialogType_: DialogType;
* Alert dialog. Overrides ActionModelUI declaration.
readonly alertDialog: FilesAlertDialog;
* List container. Overrides ActionModelUI declaration.
private listContainer_: ListContainer|null = null;
* Confirm dialog.
readonly confirmDialog: FilesConfirmDialog;
* Confirm dialog for delete.
readonly deleteConfirmDialog: FilesConfirmDialog;
* Confirm dialog for emptying the trash.
readonly emptyTrashConfirmDialog: FilesConfirmDialog;
* Restore dialog when trying to open files that are in the trash
readonly restoreConfirmDialog: FilesConfirmDialog;
* Confirm dialog for file move operation.
readonly moveConfirmDialog: FilesConfirmDialog;
* Confirm dialog for file copy operation.
readonly copyConfirmDialog: FilesConfirmDialog;
* Default task picker.
* TODO(b:289003444): Make it readonly after fixing tests.
/* readonly */ defaultTaskPicker: DefaultTaskDialog;
* Dialog for installing .deb files
* TODO(b:289003444): Make it readonly after fixing tests.
/* readonly */ installLinuxPackageDialog: InstallLinuxPackageDialog;
* Dialog for import Crostini Image Files (.tini)
* TODO(b:289003444): Make it readonly after fixing tests.
/* readonly */ importCrostiniImageDialog: ImportCrostiniImageDialog;
* Dialog for formatting
readonly formatDialog: FilesFormatDialog;
* Dialog for password prompt
private passwordDialog_: XfPasswordDialog|null = null;
* Dialog for resolving file conflicts.
private xfConflictDialog_: XfConflictDialog|null = null;
* Dialog for DLP (Data Leak Prevention) restriction details.
private dlpRestrictionDetailsDialog_: XfDlpRestrictionDetailsDialog|null =
protected cloudPanelContainer_: CloudPanelContainer|null = null;
* Breadcrumb controller.
protected breadcrumbContainer_: BreadcrumbContainer|null = null;
* The container element of the dialog.
dialogContainer: HTMLDialogElement;
* Context menu for texts.
readonly textContextMenu: Menu;
directoryTreeContainer: DirectoryTreeContainer|null = null;
* The toolbar which contains controls.
readonly toolbar: HTMLElement;
* The tooltip element.
filesTooltip: FilesTooltip;
* The actionbar which contains buttons to perform actions on selected
* file(s).
readonly actionbar: HTMLElement;
* The navigation list.
readonly dialogNavigationList: HTMLElement;
* Toggle-view button.
readonly toggleViewButton: HTMLElement;
* The button to sort the file list.
readonly sortButton: MultiMenuButton;
* The button to open gear menu.
readonly gearButton: MultiMenuButton;
readonly gearMenu: GearMenu;
* The button to open context menu in the check-select mode.
readonly selectionMenuButton: MultiMenuButton;
* Directory tree.
directoryTree: XfTree|null = null;
* Progress center panel.
readonly progressCenterPanel: ProgressCenterPanel;
* Activity feedback panel.
readonly activityProgressPanel: HTMLElement;
readonly fileContextMenu: MultiMenu;
defaultTaskMenuItem: FilesMenuItem;
readonly tasksSeparator: MenuItem;
* The combo button to specify the task.
readonly taskMenuButton: ComboButton;
* Banners in the file list.
banners: BannerController|null = null;
* Dialog footer.
dialogFooter: DialogFooter;
readonly providersMenu: ProvidersMenu;
readonly actionsSubmenu: ActionsSubmenu;
* The container that maintains the lifetime of nudges.
readonly nudgeContainer: NudgeContainer;
readonly toast: FilesToast;
* Container of file-type filter buttons.
readonly fileTypeFilterContainer: HTMLElement;
* Empty folder element inside the file list container.
readonly emptyFolder: HTMLElement;
* A hidden div that can be used to announce text to screen
* reader/ChromeVox.
private a11yMessage_: HTMLElement;
searchContainer: SearchContainer|null = null;
a11yAnnounces: string[]|null = null;
* True while FilesApp is in the process of a drag and drop. Set to true on
* 'dragstart', set to false on 'dragend'. If CrostiniEvent
* 'drop_failed_plugin_vm_directory_not_shared' is received during drag, we
* show the move-to-windows-files dialog.
dragInProcess: boolean = false;
* @param providersModel Model for providers.
* @param element Top level element of the Files app.
* @param launchParam Launch param.
providersModel: ProvidersModel, public element: HTMLElement,
launchParam: LaunchParam) {
// Initialize the dialog label. This should be done before constructing
// dialog instances.
BaseDialog.okLabel = str('OK_LABEL');
BaseDialog.cancelLabel = str('CANCEL_LABEL');
this.dialogType_ = launchParam.type;
this.alertDialog = new FilesAlertDialog(this.element);
this.confirmDialog = new FilesConfirmDialog(this.element);
this.deleteConfirmDialog = new FilesConfirmDialog(this.element);
this.deleteConfirmDialog.focusCancelButton = true;
this.emptyTrashConfirmDialog = new FilesConfirmDialog(this.element);
this.restoreConfirmDialog = new FilesConfirmDialog(this.element);
this.moveConfirmDialog = new FilesConfirmDialog(this.element);
this.copyConfirmDialog = new FilesConfirmDialog(this.element);
this.defaultTaskPicker = new DefaultTaskDialog(this.element);
this.installLinuxPackageDialog =
new InstallLinuxPackageDialog(this.element);
this.importCrostiniImageDialog =
new ImportCrostiniImageDialog(this.element);
this.formatDialog =
queryRequiredElement('#format-dialog') as FilesFormatDialog;
this.dialogContainer =
queryRequiredElement('.dialog-container', this.element) as
this.textContextMenu = queryDecoratedElement('#text-context-menu', Menu);
this.toolbar = queryRequiredElement('.dialog-header', this.element);
this.filesTooltip = document.querySelector<FilesTooltip>('files-tooltip')!;
this.actionbar = queryRequiredElement('#action-bar', this.toolbar);
this.dialogNavigationList =
queryRequiredElement('.dialog-navigation-list', this.element);
this.toggleViewButton = queryRequiredElement('#view-button', this.element);
this.sortButton = queryDecoratedElement('#sort-button', MultiMenuButton);
this.gearButton = queryDecoratedElement('#gear-button', MultiMenuButton);
this.gearMenu = new GearMenu(this.gearButton.menu!);
this.selectionMenuButton =
queryDecoratedElement('#selection-menu-button', MultiMenuButton);
this.progressCenterPanel = new ProgressCenterPanel();
this.activityProgressPanel =
queryRequiredElement('#progress-panel', this.element);
this.fileContextMenu =
queryDecoratedElement('#file-context-menu', MultiMenu);
this.defaultTaskMenuItem =
queryRequiredElement('#default-task-menu-item', this.fileContextMenu) as
this.tasksSeparator =
queryRequiredElement('#tasks-separator', this.fileContextMenu) as
this.taskMenuButton = queryDecoratedElement('#tasks', ComboButton);
this.taskMenuButton.showMenu = function(shouldSetFocus) {
// Prevent the empty menu from opening.
if (!this.menu?.length) {
ComboButton.prototype.showMenu.call(this, shouldSetFocus);
this.dialogFooter = DialogFooter.findDialogFooter(
this.dialogType_, this.element.ownerDocument);
this.providersMenu = new ProvidersMenu(
providersModel, queryDecoratedElement('#providers-menu', Menu));
this.actionsSubmenu = new ActionsSubmenu(this.fileContextMenu);
this.nudgeContainer = new NudgeContainer();
this.toast = document.querySelector<FilesToast>('files-toast')!;
this.fileTypeFilterContainer =
queryRequiredElement('#file-type-filter-container', this.element);
this.emptyFolder = queryRequiredElement('#empty-folder', this.element);
this.a11yMessage_ = queryRequiredElement('#a11y-msg', this.element);
if (window.IN_TEST) {
this.a11yAnnounces = [];
// Initialize attributes.
this.element.setAttribute('type', this.dialogType_);
if (launchParam.allowedPaths !== AllowedPaths.ANY_PATH_OR_URL) {
this.element.setAttribute('block-hosted-docs', '');
this.element.setAttribute('block-encrypted', '');
// Modify UI default behavior.
'click', this.onExternalLinkClick_.bind(this));
this.element.addEventListener('drop', e => {
this.element.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => {
get listContainer(): ListContainer {
return this.listContainer_!;
* Gets password dialog.
get passwordDialog(): HTMLElement {
if (this.passwordDialog_) {
return this.passwordDialog_;
this.passwordDialog_ = document.createElement('xf-password-dialog');
return this.passwordDialog_;
* Gets conflict dialog.
get conflictDialog(): XfConflictDialog {
if (this.xfConflictDialog_) {
return this.xfConflictDialog_;
this.xfConflictDialog_ = document.createElement('xf-conflict-dialog');
return this.xfConflictDialog_;
* Gets the DlpRestrictionDetails dialog.
get dlpRestrictionDetailsDialog(): null|XfDlpRestrictionDetailsDialog {
if (!isDlpEnabled()) {
return null;
if (this.dlpRestrictionDetailsDialog_) {
return this.dlpRestrictionDetailsDialog_;
this.dlpRestrictionDetailsDialog_ =
document.createElement('xf-dlp-restriction-details-dialog') as
return this.dlpRestrictionDetailsDialog_;
* Initializes here elements, which are expensive or hidden in the beginning.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
table: FileTable, grid: FileGrid, volumeManager: VolumeManager) {
// List container.
this.listContainer_ = new ListContainer(
queryRequiredElement('#list-container', this.element), table, grid,
// Breadcrumb container.
this.breadcrumbContainer_ = new BreadcrumbContainer(
queryRequiredElement('#location-breadcrumbs', this.element));
// Splitter.
const splitterContainer =
queryRequiredElement('#navigation-list-splitter', this.element);
XfSplitter.events.SPLITTER_DRAGMOVE, this.relayout.bind(this));
* Search container, which controls search UI elements.
this.searchContainer = new SearchContainer(
volumeManager, queryRequiredElement('#search-wrapper', this.element),
queryRequiredElement('#search-options-container', this.element),
queryRequiredElement('#path-display-container', this.element),
/*a11y=*/ this);
this.cloudPanelContainer_ = new CloudPanelContainer(
queryRequiredElement('xf-cloud-panel', this.element) as XfCloudPanel);
// Init context menus.
contextMenuHandler.setContextMenu(grid, this.fileContextMenu);
contextMenuHandler.setContextMenu(table.list, this.fileContextMenu);
queryRequiredElement('.drive-welcome.page'), this.fileContextMenu);
// Add window resize handler.
document.defaultView?.addEventListener('resize', this.relayout.bind(this));
// Add global pointer-active handler.
const rootElement = document.documentElement;
let pointerActive = ['pointerdown', 'pointerup', 'dragend', 'touchend'];
if (window.IN_TEST) {
pointerActive = pointerActive.concat(['mousedown', 'mouseup']);
pointerActive.forEach((eventType) => {
document.addEventListener(eventType, (e) => {
if (/down$/.test(e.type) === false) {
rootElement.classList.toggle('pointer-active', false);
} else if ((e as PointerEvent).pointerType !== 'touch') {
// http://crbug.com/1311472
rootElement.classList.toggle('pointer-active', true);
}, true);
// Add global drag-drop-active handler.
let activeDropTarget: EventTarget|null = null;
['dragenter', 'dragleave', 'drop'].forEach((eventType) => {
document.addEventListener(eventType, (event) => {
const dragDropActive = 'drag-drop-active';
if (event.type === 'dragenter') {
activeDropTarget = event.target;
} else if (activeDropTarget === event.target) {
activeDropTarget = null;
document.addEventListener('dragstart', () => {
this.dragInProcess = true;
document.addEventListener('dragend', () => {
this.dragInProcess = false;
* Initializes the focus.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
initUIFocus() {
// Set the initial focus. When there is no focus, the active element is the
// <body>.
let targetElement = null;
if (this.dialogType_ === DialogType.SELECT_SAVEAS_FILE) {
targetElement = this.dialogFooter.filenameInput;
} else if (this.listContainer.currentListType !== ListType.UNINITIALIZED) {
targetElement = this.listContainer.currentList;
if (targetElement) {
* TODO(hirono): Merge the method into initAdditionalUI.
initDirectoryTree(directoryTree: DirectoryTreeContainer) {
this.directoryTreeContainer = directoryTree;
this.directoryTree = this.directoryTreeContainer.tree;
this.directoryTreeContainer.contextMenuForRootItems =
queryDecoratedElement('#roots-context-menu', Menu);
this.directoryTreeContainer.contextMenuForSubitems =
queryDecoratedElement('#directory-tree-context-menu', Menu);
this.directoryTreeContainer.contextMenuForDisabledItems =
queryDecoratedElement('#disabled-context-menu', Menu);
* TODO(mtomasz): Merge the method into initAdditionalUI if possible.
initBanners(banners: BannerController) {
this.banners = banners;
this.banners.addEventListener('relayout', this.relayout.bind(this));
* Attaches files tooltip.
attachFilesTooltip() {
* Initialize files menu items. This method must be called after all files
* menu items are decorated as MenuItem.
decorateFilesMenuItems() {
const filesMenuItems =
document.querySelectorAll('cr-menu.files-menu > cr-menu-item');
for (const filesMenuItem of filesMenuItems) {
assertInstanceof(filesMenuItem, MenuItem);
crInjectTypeAndInit(filesMenuItem, FilesMenuItem);
* Relayouts the UI.
relayout() {
// May not be available during initialization.
if (this.listContainer.currentListType !== ListType.UNINITIALIZED) {
* Sets the current list type.
* @param listType New list type.
setCurrentListType(listType: ListType) {
const isListView = (listType === ListType.DETAIL);
this.toggleViewButton.classList.toggle('thumbnail', isListView);
const label = isListView ? str('CHANGE_TO_THUMBNAILVIEW_BUTTON_LABEL') :
this.toggleViewButton.setAttribute('aria-label', label);
* Overrides default handling for clicks on hyperlinks.
* In a packaged apps links with target='_blank' open in a new tab by
* default, other links do not open at all.
* @param event Click event.
private onExternalLinkClick_(event: Event) {
const target = event.target;
if (!(target instanceof HTMLElement) || target.tagName !== 'A' ||
!('href' in target)) {
if (this.dialogType_ !== DialogType.FULL_PAGE) {
* Mark |element| with "loaded" attribute to indicate that File Manager has
* finished loading.
addLoadedAttribute() {
this.element.setAttribute('loaded', '');
* Sets up and shows the alert to inform a user the task is opened in the
* desktop of the running profile.
* @param entries List of opened entries.
showOpenInOtherDesktopAlert(entries: Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry>) {
if (!entries.length) {
(response: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.ProfilesResponse) => {
// Find strings.
let displayName;
for (const profile of response.profiles) {
if (profile.profileId === response.currentProfileId) {
displayName = profile.displayName;
if (!displayName) {
console.warn('Display name is not found.');
const title = entries.length > 1 ?
entries[0]!.name + '\u2026' /* ellipsis */ :
const message = strf(
displayName, response.currentProfileId);
// Show the dialog.
this.alertDialog.showWithTitle(title, message);
* Shows confirmation dialog and handles user interaction.
* @param isMove true if the operation is move. false if copy.
* @param messages The messages to show in the dialog.
* box.
showConfirmationDialog(isMove: boolean, messages: string[]):
Promise<boolean> {
const dialog = isMove ? this.moveConfirmDialog : this.copyConfirmDialog;
return new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => {
messages.join(' '),
() => {
() => {
* Send a text to screen reader/Chromevox without displaying the text in the
* UI.
* @param text Text to be announced by screen reader, which should be
* already translated.
speakA11yMessage(text: string) {
// Screen reader only reads if the content changes, so clear the content
// first.
this.a11yMessage_.textContent = '';
this.a11yMessage_.textContent = text;
// this.a11yAnnounces is not null only during tests; see constructor.
if (this.a11yAnnounces) {