// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {dispatchSimpleEvent} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_deprecated.js';
import {NativeEventTarget as EventTarget} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/event_target.js';
import {bytesToString, getCurrentLocaleOrDefault, strf} from '../../../common/js/translations.js';
* Formatter class for file metadatas.
export class FileMetadataFormatter extends EventTarget {
private timeFormatter_: Intl.DateTimeFormat|null = null;
private dateFormatter_: Intl.DateTimeFormat|null = null;
* Sets date and time format.
* @param use12hourClock True if 12 hours clock, False if 24 hours.
setDateTimeFormat(use12hourClock: boolean) {
const locale = getCurrentLocaleOrDefault();
const options: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = {
hour: 'numeric',
minute: 'numeric',
if (use12hourClock) {
options['hour12'] = true;
} else {
options['hourCycle'] = 'h23';
this.timeFormatter_ = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, options);
const dateOptions: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = {
year: 'numeric',
month: 'short',
day: 'numeric',
hour: 'numeric',
minute: 'numeric',
if (use12hourClock) {
dateOptions['hour12'] = true;
} else {
dateOptions['hourCycle'] = 'h23';
this.dateFormatter_ = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, dateOptions);
dispatchSimpleEvent(this, 'date-time-format-changed');
* Generates a formatted modification time text.
* @return A string that represents modification time.
formatModDate(modTime?: Date): string {
if (!modTime) {
return '--';
if (!(this.timeFormatter_ && this.dateFormatter_)) {
const today = new Date();
* Number of milliseconds in a day.
const MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
if (isNaN(modTime.getTime())) {
// In case of 'Invalid Date'.
return '--';
} else if (
modTime >= today &&
modTime.getTime() < today.getTime() + MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY) {
return strf('TIME_TODAY', this.timeFormatter_!.format(modTime));
} else if (
modTime.getTime() >= today.getTime() - MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY &&
modTime < today) {
return strf('TIME_YESTERDAY', this.timeFormatter_!.format(modTime));
} else {
return this.dateFormatter_!.format(modTime);
* Generates a formatted filesize text.
* @param addPrecision addPrecision used to optionally add more
* precision digits to the formatted filesize text.
* @return A string that represents a file size.
formatSize(size?: number, hosted?: boolean, addPrecision: boolean = false):
string {
if (size === null || size === undefined) {
return '...';
} else if (size === -1) {
return '--';
} else if (size === 0 && hosted) {
return '--';
} else {
return bytesToString(size, addPrecision ? 1 : 0);