// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Processes touch events and calls back to the class user when tap events
* defined by FileTapHandler.TapEvent are detected.
* The user can choose to 1) handle the tap event, in which case this class
* will suppress browser mouse event generation, or 2) not handle the event
* to let it be handled by mouse event handlers.
export class FileTapHandler {
* Whether the pointer is currently down and at the same place as the
* initial position.
private tapStarted_ = false;
private isLongTap_ = false;
private isTwoFingerTap_ = false;
private hasLongPressProcessed_ = false;
private longTapDetectorTimerId_ = -1;
* If defined, the identifier of the active touch. Note that 0 is a valid
* touch identifier.
private activeTouchId_: number|undefined = undefined;
* The index of the item which is being touched by the active touch. Valid
* only when |activeTouchId_| is defined.
private activeItemIndex_ = -1;
* Last touch X position in client co-ords.
private lastTouchX_ = 0;
* Last touch Y position in client co-ords.
private lastTouchY_ = 0;
* The absolute sum of all touch X deltas.
private totalMoveX_ = 0;
* The absolute sum of all touch Y deltas.
private totalMoveY_ = 0;
* Handles touch events. Calls touchend.preventDefault() if the |callback|
* takes any action on the detected tap events to suppress the browser's
* automatic conversion of touch events to mouse events:
* browser events: touchstart > [touchmove] > touchend
* ... if touchend.preventDefault() not called ...
* browser events: mouseover > mousedown > [mousemove] > mouseup
* @param event Touch event.
* @param index Index of the target item in the file list.
* @param callback Called when a tap event is detected. Should return true if
* it has taken any action, and false if it ignores the event.
* @return True if a tap event was detected and the |callback| processed the
* event. False otherwise.
event: TouchEvent, index: number,
(event: TouchEvent, index: number, eventType: TapEvent) => boolean) {
// If the event is not cancelable, touch scrolling is active. Reset the
// touch tracking to disable tap event detection during scrolling.
if (event.cancelable === false) {
return false;
switch (event.type) {
case 'touchcancel':
case 'touchstart': {
// Only track the position of the single touch. However, we detect a
// two-finger tap for opening a context menu of the target.
if (event.touches.length > 2) {
this.tapStarted_ = false;
return false;
} else if (this.activeTouchId_ !== undefined) {
this.isTwoFingerTap_ = event.touches.length === 2;
return false;
const touch = event.targetTouches[0];
this.activeTouchId_ = touch?.identifier;
this.tapStarted_ = true;
this.activeItemIndex_ = index;
this.isLongTap_ = false;
this.isTwoFingerTap_ = event.touches.length === 2;
this.hasLongPressProcessed_ = false;
this.longTapDetectorTimerId_ = setTimeout(() => {
this.longTapDetectorTimerId_ = -1;
if (!this.tapStarted_) {
this.isLongTap_ = true;
if (callback(event, index, TapEvent.LONG_PRESS)) {
this.hasLongPressProcessed_ = true;
this.lastTouchX_ = touch?.clientX ?? 0;
this.lastTouchY_ = touch?.clientY ?? 0;
this.totalMoveX_ = 0;
this.totalMoveY_ = 0;
} break;
case 'touchmove': {
const touch = this.findActiveTouch_(event.changedTouches);
if (touch === undefined) {
if (!this.tapStarted_) {
this.totalMoveX_ += Math.abs(this.lastTouchX_ - touch.clientX);
this.totalMoveY_ += Math.abs(this.lastTouchY_ - touch.clientY);
// Allow some movement for two-finger taps, and none otherwise.
let moveLimit = 0;
if (this.isTwoFingerTap_) {
// If the touch has moved outside limits, it's no longer a tap.
if (this.totalMoveX_ > moveLimit || this.totalMoveY_ > moveLimit) {
this.tapStarted_ = false;
this.lastTouchX_ = touch.clientX;
this.lastTouchY_ = touch.clientY;
} break;
case 'touchend': {
// Mark as no longer being touched.
// Two-finger tap event is issued when either of the 2 touch points is
// released. Stop tracking the tap to avoid issuing duplicate events.
const tapStarted = this.resetTouchTracking_();
if (!tapStarted) {
if (this.isLongTap_) {
// The item at the touch start position is treated as the target item,
// rather than the one at the touch end position. Note that |index| is
// the latter.
if (this.hasLongPressProcessed_ ||
callback(event, this.activeItemIndex_, TapEvent.LONG_TAP)) {
return true;
} else {
// The item at the touch start position of the active touch is treated
// as the target item. In case of the two-finger tap, the first touch
// point points to the target.
if (callback(
event, this.activeItemIndex_,
this.isTwoFingerTap_ ? TapEvent.TWO_FINGER_TAP :
TapEvent.TAP)) {
return true;
} break;
return false;
* Resets the touch tracking state variables. Saves the |this.tapStarted_|
* state first, then resets all tracking state variables.
* @return The saved |this.tapStarted_| state or false if there is no active
* touch Id.
private resetTouchTracking_(): boolean {
const tapStarted = this.tapStarted_;
this.tapStarted_ = false;
const activeTouchId = this.activeTouchId_;
this.activeTouchId_ = undefined;
if (this.longTapDetectorTimerId_ !== -1) {
this.longTapDetectorTimerId_ = -1;
if (activeTouchId !== undefined) {
return tapStarted;
return false;
* Given a list of Touches, find the one matching the active touch Id. Note
* Chrome currently always uses 0 as the Id, so we end up always choosing
* the first element in the list.
* @param touches List of Touch objects to search.
* @return Touch matching the active touch Id, or undefined if there is no
* active touch Id or no match was found.
private findActiveTouch_(touches: TouchList): Touch|undefined {
if (this.activeTouchId_ !== undefined) {
for (const touch of touches) {
if (touch.identifier === this.activeTouchId_) {
return touch;
* The minimum duration of a tap to be recognized as long press and long tap.
* This should be consistent with the Views of Android.
* https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/HEAD/core/java/android/view/ViewConfiguration.java
* Also this should also be consistent with Chrome's behavior for issuing
* drag-and-drop events by touchscreen.
* Maximum movement of touch required to be considered a tap.
export enum TapEvent {
The touch started and ended quickly, aka, both events have triggered:
touchstart and touchend.
TAP = 'tap',
The touch started and took more than the threshold, it hasn't triggered
the touchend yet, but the LONG_PRESS is processed.
LONG_PRESS = 'longpress',
The touchstart and the touchend have triggered and took more than the
threshold between the two.
LONG_TAP = 'longtap',
/** Similart to TAP but with exactly 2 fingers. */
TWO_FINGER_TAP = 'twofingertap',