
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// clang-format off
import {ListSingleSelectionModel} from './list_single_selection_model.js';

import {assertArrayEquals, assertEquals} from 'chrome://webui-test/chromeos/chai_assert.js';

import {adjust} from './list_selection_model_test_util.js';
// clang-format on

 * @param len size of the selection model.
 * @param dependentLeadItem inverse value for `independentLeadItem_`
 *     defaults to true.
function createSelectionModel(
    len: number, dependentLeadItem?: boolean): ListSingleSelectionModel {
  const sm = new ListSingleSelectionModel(len);
  sm['independentLeadItem_'] = !dependentLeadItem;
  return sm;

export function testAdjust1() {
  const sm = createSelectionModel(200);

  sm.leadIndex = sm.anchorIndex = sm.selectedIndex = 100;
  adjust(sm, 0, 10, 0);

  assertEquals(90, sm.leadIndex);
  assertEquals(90, sm.anchorIndex);
  assertEquals(90, sm.selectedIndex);

export function testAdjust2() {
  const sm = createSelectionModel(200);

  sm.leadIndex = sm.anchorIndex = sm.selectedIndex = 50;
  adjust(sm, 60, 10, 0);

  assertEquals(50, sm.leadIndex);
  assertEquals(50, sm.anchorIndex);
  assertEquals(50, sm.selectedIndex);

export function testAdjust3() {
  const sm = createSelectionModel(200);

  sm.leadIndex = sm.anchorIndex = sm.selectedIndex = 100;
  adjust(sm, 0, 0, 10);

  assertEquals(110, sm.leadIndex);
  assertEquals(110, sm.anchorIndex);
  assertEquals(110, sm.selectedIndex);

export function testAdjust4() {
  const sm = createSelectionModel(100);

  sm.leadIndex = sm.anchorIndex = sm.selectedIndex = 99;

  adjust(sm, 99, 1, 0);

  assertEquals(-1, sm.leadIndex, 'lead');
  assertEquals(-1, sm.anchorIndex, 'anchor');
  assertArrayEquals([], sm.selectedIndexes);

export function testAdjust5() {
  const sm = createSelectionModel(1);

  sm.leadIndex = sm.anchorIndex = sm.selectedIndex = 0;

  adjust(sm, 0, 0, 10);

  assertEquals(10, sm.leadIndex, 'lead');
  assertEquals(10, sm.anchorIndex, 'anchor');
  assertArrayEquals([10], sm.selectedIndexes);

export function testSelectedIndex1() {
  const sm = createSelectionModel(100, true);

  sm.selectedIndex = 99;

  assertEquals(99, sm.leadIndex, 'lead');
  assertEquals(99, sm.anchorIndex, 'anchor');
  assertArrayEquals([99], sm.selectedIndexes);

export function testLeadIndex1() {
  const sm = createSelectionModel(100);

  sm.leadIndex = 99;

  assertEquals(99, sm.leadIndex, 'lead');
  assertEquals(99, sm.anchorIndex, 'anchor');
  assertArrayEquals([], sm.selectedIndexes);

export function testLeadIndex2() {
  const sm = createSelectionModel(100, true);

  sm.leadIndex = 99;

  assertEquals(-1, sm.leadIndex, 'lead');
  assertEquals(-1, sm.anchorIndex, 'anchor');
  assertArrayEquals([], sm.selectedIndexes);