// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assertEquals, assertFalse, assertTrue} from 'chrome://webui-test/chromeos/chai_assert.js';
import {crInjectTypeAndInit} from '../../../common/js/cr_ui.js';
import {Command} from './command.js';
import {Menu} from './menu.js';
import {createMenuItem, MenuItem} from './menu_item.js';
let menu: Menu;
* @param x The screenX coord of the mouseup event.
* @param y The screenY coord of the mouseup event.
* @return The return value is false if event is cancelable and at
* least one of the event handlers which received event called
* Event.preventDefault(). Otherwise it returns true.
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/dispatchEvent
function mouseUpAt(x: number, y: number): boolean {
const mouseUpEvent = new MouseEvent('mouseup', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
screenX: x,
screenY: y,
(mouseUpEvent as any).isTrustedForTesting = true;
return menu.dispatchEvent(mouseUpEvent);
export function setUp() {
menu = document.createElement('cr-menu') as Menu;
crInjectTypeAndInit(menu, Menu);
export function testHandleMouseOver() {
let called = false;
menu['findMenuItem'] = function(node: Node) {
called = true;
return Menu.prototype['findMenuItem'].apply(this, [node]);
const over = new MouseEvent('mouseover', {bubbles: true});
export function testHandleMouseUp() {
const realNow = Date.now;
Date.now = function() {
return 10;
menu.show({x: 5, y: 5});
// Stop mouseups at the same time and position.
assertFalse(mouseUpAt(5, 5));
// Allow mouseups with different positions but the same time.
assertTrue(mouseUpAt(50, 50));
// Allow mouseups with the same position but different times.
Date.now = function() {
return 1000;
assertTrue(mouseUpAt(5, 5));
Date.now = realNow;
export function testShowViaKeyboardIgnoresMouseUps() {
assertTrue(mouseUpAt(0, 0));
* Tests that if the command attributes are specified, they are copied to the
* corresponding menuitem.
export function testCommandMenuItem() {
// Test 1: The case that the command label is set and other attributes copied.
const command = document.createElement('command') as Command;
crInjectTypeAndInit(command, Command);
command.id = 'the-command';
command.label = 'CommandLabel';
command.disabled = true;
command.hidden = true;
command.checked = true;
const menuItem = createMenuItem();
menuItem.command = '#the-command';
// Confirms the label is copied from the command.
assertEquals('CommandLabel', menuItem.label);
// Confirms the attributes are copied from the command.
assertEquals(true, menuItem.disabled);
assertEquals(true, menuItem.hidden);
assertEquals(true, menuItem.checked);
// Test 2: The case that the command label is not set, and other attributes
// have default values.
const command2 = document.createElement('command') as Command;
crInjectTypeAndInit(command2, Command);
command2.id = 'the-command2';
const menuItem2 = createMenuItem();
menuItem2.label = 'MenuLabel';
menuItem2.command = '#the-command2';
// Confirms the label is not copied, keeping the original label.
assertEquals('MenuLabel', menuItem2.label);
// Confirms the attributes are copied from the command.
assertEquals(false, menuItem2.disabled);
assertEquals(false, menuItem2.hidden);
assertEquals(false, menuItem2.checked);
* Mark all menu items other than |hiddenItems| as visible and check that the
* expected number of separators are visible.
function runSeparatorTest(
items: MenuItem[], hiddenItems: number[], expectedSeparators: number) {
for (const item of menu.menuItems) {
item.hidden = false;
for (const i of hiddenItems) {
items[i]!.hidden = true;
assertEquals(hiddenItems.length !== items.length, menu.hasVisibleItems());
expectedSeparators, menu.querySelectorAll('hr:not([hidden])').length);
// The separators at the ends are always hidden.
* Tests that separators are only displayed when there is a visible
* non-separator item on both sides of it. Further, ensure that multiple
* separators will not be displayed adjacent to each other.
export function testSeparators() {
const menuItems = [];
menuItems.push(menu.addMenuItem({label: 'a'}));
menuItems.push(menu.addMenuItem({label: 'b'}));
menuItems.push(menu.addMenuItem({label: 'c'}));
runSeparatorTest(menuItems, [0, 1, 2], 0);
runSeparatorTest(menuItems, [0, 1], 0);
runSeparatorTest(menuItems, [0, 2], 0);
runSeparatorTest(menuItems, [1, 2], 0);
runSeparatorTest(menuItems, [0], 1);
runSeparatorTest(menuItems, [1], 1);
runSeparatorTest(menuItems, [2], 1);
runSeparatorTest(menuItems, [], 2);
* Tests that focusSelectedItem() ignores hidden and disabled items.
export function testFocusSelectedItems() {
const menu = document.createElement('div') as unknown as Menu;
crInjectTypeAndInit(menu, Menu);
const item1 = menu.addMenuItem({label: 'item1'});
const item2 = menu.addMenuItem({label: 'item2'});
const item3 = menu.addMenuItem({label: 'item3'});
// Nothing is selected in the menu it should focus the first item.
assertEquals(-1, menu.selectedIndex);
// Focus the first item.
assertEquals(0, menu.selectedIndex);
// Hide the first item, it should focus the second item.
menu.selectedIndex = -1;
item1.hidden = true;
// Focus the second item, index=1 is the separator.
assertEquals(2, menu.selectedIndex);
// First item is visible but disabled, it should focus the second item.
menu.selectedIndex = -1;
item1.hidden = false;
item1.disabled = true;
// Focus the second item, index=1 is the separator.
assertEquals(2, menu.selectedIndex);
// All items are visible but disabled, it should focus the first item.
menu.selectedIndex = -1;
item1.disabled = true;
item2.disabled = true;
item3.disabled = true;
// Focus the first item.
assertEquals(0, menu.selectedIndex);
// If selectedIndex is already set, focusSelectedItem doesn't change it.
assertEquals(0, menu.selectedIndex);
item1.disabled = true;
item2.disabled = false;
item3.disabled = false;
// Focus remains in the first item.
assertEquals(0, menu.selectedIndex);
* Tests that MenuItem defaults to tabindex=-1.
export function testMenuItemTabIndex() {
// Defaults to -1.
const item1 = menu.addMenuItem({label: 'item 1'});
assertEquals('-1', item1.getAttribute('tabindex'));
// Keeps previously set tabindex.
const itemDiv = document.createElement('div');
itemDiv.setAttribute('tabindex', '0');
crInjectTypeAndInit(itemDiv, MenuItem);
assertEquals('0', itemDiv.getAttribute('tabindex'));
// Separator doesn't get tabindex.
const separator = menu.menuItems[menu.menuItems.length - 1]!;