// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {getTrustedHTML} from 'chrome://resources/js/static_types.js';
import {assertEquals, assertFalse, assertTrue} from 'chrome://webui-test/chromeos/chai_assert.js';
import {crInjectTypeAndInit} from '../../../common/js/cr_ui.js';
import {queryDecoratedElement} from '../../../common/js/dom_utils.js';
import {Command} from './command.js';
import {Menu} from './menu.js';
import type {MultiMenu} from './multi_menu.js';
import {MultiMenuButton} from './multi_menu_button.js';
let menubutton: MultiMenuButton;
let topMenu: Menu;
let subMenu: Menu;
let secondSubMenu: Menu;
let initialWindowHeight: number;
// Set up test components.
export function setUp() {
// Multiple tests rely on the window height, reset between tests to avoid
// interference.
if (!initialWindowHeight) {
initialWindowHeight = window.innerHeight;
window.innerHeight = initialWindowHeight;
// Install cr.ui <command> elements and <cr-menu>s on the page.
document.body.innerHTML = getTrustedHTML`
cr-menu {
position: fixed;
padding: 8px;
cr-menu-item {
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
display: block;
background-color: blue;
<command id="default-task">
<command id="more-actions">
<command id="show-submenu" shortcut="Enter">
<button id="test-menu-button" menu="#menu"></button>
<cr-menu id="menu" hidden>
<cr-menu-item id="default" command="#default-task"></cr-menu-item>
<cr-menu-item id="more" command="#more-actions"></cr-menu-item>
<cr-menu-item id="host-sub-menu" command="#show-submenu"
visibleif="full-page" class="hide-on-toolbar"
sub-menu="#sub-menu" hidden></cr-menu-item>
<cr-menu-item id="host-second-sub-menu" command="#show-submenu"
visibleif="full-page" class="hide-on-toolbar"
sub-menu="#second-sub-menu" hidden></cr-menu-item>
<cr-menu id="sub-menu" hidden>
<cr-menu-item id="first" class="custom-appearance"></cr-menu-item>
<cr-menu-item id="second" class="custom-appearance"></cr-menu-item>
<cr-menu id="second-sub-menu" hidden>
<cr-menu-item id="secondone" class="custom-appearance"></cr-menu-item>
<div id="focus-div" tabindex="1"/>
<button id="focus-button" tabindex="2"/>
<cr-input id="focus-input" input-tabindex="3">
// Initialize cr.ui.Command with the <command>s.
for (const command of document.querySelectorAll<HTMLElement>('command')) {
crInjectTypeAndInit(command, Command);
menubutton = queryDecoratedElement('#test-menu-button', MultiMenuButton);
topMenu = queryDecoratedElement('#menu', Menu);
subMenu = queryDecoratedElement('#sub-menu', Menu);
secondSubMenu = queryDecoratedElement('#second-sub-menu', Menu);
* Send a 'mouseover' event to the element target of a query.
* @param targetQuery Query to specify the element.
function sendMouseOver(targetQuery: string) {
const event = new MouseEvent('mouseover', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true, // Allow the event to bubble past shadow DOM root.
const target = document.querySelector(targetQuery)!;
return target.dispatchEvent(event);
* Send a 'mousedown' event to the element target of a query.
* @param targetQuery Query to specify the element.
function sendMouseDown(targetQuery: string) {
const event = new MouseEvent('mousedown', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true, // Allow the event to bubble past shadow DOM root.
const target = document.querySelector(targetQuery)!;
return target.dispatchEvent(event);
* Send a 'mouseover' event to the element target of a query.
* @param targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @param x Position of the event in 'X'.
* @param y Position of the event in 'X'.
function sendMouseOut(targetQuery: string, x: number, y: number) {
const event = new MouseEvent('mouseout', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true, // Allow the event to bubble past shadow DOM root.
clientX: x,
clientY: y,
const target = document.querySelector(targetQuery)!;
return target.dispatchEvent(event);
* Send a 'keydown' event to the element target of a query.
* @param targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @param key property value for the key.
function sendKeyDown(targetQuery: string, key: string) {
const event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
key: key,
bubbles: true,
composed: true, // Allow the event to bubble past shadow DOM root.
const target = document.querySelector(targetQuery)!;
return target.dispatchEvent(event);
* Tests that making the top level menu visible doesn't
* cause the sub-menu to become visible.
export function testShowMenuDoesntShowSubMenu() {
// Check the top level menu is not hidden.
// Check the sub-menu is hidden
* Tests that a 'mouseover' event on top of normal menu-items
* doesn't cause the sub-menu to become visible.
export function testMouseOverNormalItemsDoesntShowSubMenu() {
* Tests that 'mouseover' on a menu-item with 'show-submenu' command
* causes the sub-menu to become visible.
export function testMouseOverHostMenuShowsSubMenu() {
* Tests that 'mouseout' with the mouse over the top level
* menu causes the sub-menu to hide.
export function testMouseoutFromHostMenuItemToHostMenu() {
// Get the location of one of our menu-items to send with the event.
const item = document.querySelector('#default-task')!;
const loc = item.getBoundingClientRect();
sendMouseOut('#host-sub-menu', loc.left, loc.top);
* Tests that 'mouseout' with the mouse over the sub-menu
* doesn't hide the sub-menu.
export function testMouseoutFromHostMenuToSubMenu() {
// Get the location of our sub-menu to send with the event.
const loc = subMenu.getBoundingClientRect();
sendMouseOut('#host-sub-menu', loc.left, loc.top);
* Tests that selecting a menu-item with a 'show-submenu' command
* doesn't cause the sub-menu to become visible.
export function testSelectHostMenuItem() {
topMenu.selectedIndex = 2;
const hostItem = document.querySelector('#host-sub-menu')!;
assertEquals(hostItem.getAttribute('selected'), 'selected');
* Tests that selecting a menu-item with a 'show-submenu' command
* followed by calling the showSubMenu() method causes the
* sub-menu to become visible.
* (Note: in an application, this would happen from a command
* being executed rather than a direct showSubMenu() call.)
export function testSelectHostMenuItemAndCallShowSubMenu() {
(menubutton.menu as MultiMenu).showSubMenu();
* Tests that a mouse click outside of a menu and sub-menu causes
* both menus to hide.
export function testClickOutsideVisibleMenuAndSubMenu() {
const event = new MouseEvent('mousedown', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
view: window,
composed: true, // Allow the event to bubble past shadow DOM root.
clientX: 0, // 0, 0 is in the padding area of the viewport
clientY: 0,
* Tests that shrinking the window height will limit
* the height of the sub-menu.
export function testShrinkWindowSizesSubMenu() {
const subMenuPosition = subMenu.getBoundingClientRect();
// Reduce window innerHeight so sub-menu won't fit.
window.innerHeight = subMenuPosition.bottom - 10;
// Navigate from sub-menu to the parent menu.
sendKeyDown('#test-menu-button', 'ArrowLeft');
// Call the internal hide method, then re-show it
// to force the resizing behavior.
(menubutton.menu as MultiMenu)['hideSubMenu_']();
(menubutton.menu as MultiMenu).showSubMenu();
const shrunkPosition = subMenu.getBoundingClientRect();
assertTrue(shrunkPosition.bottom < window.innerHeight);
* Tests that growing the window height will increase
* the height of the sub-menu.
export function testGrowWindowSizesSubMenu() {
// Remember the full size of the sub-menu
const subMenuPosition = subMenu.getBoundingClientRect();
// Make sure the sub-menu has been reduced in height.
// Make the window taller than the sub-menu plus padding.
window.innerHeight = subMenuPosition.bottom + 20;
// Navigate from sub-menu to the parent menu.
sendKeyDown('#test-menu-button', 'ArrowLeft');
// Call the internal hide method, then re-show it
// to force the resizing behavior.
(menubutton.menu as MultiMenu)['hideSubMenu_']();
(menubutton.menu as MultiMenu).showSubMenu();
const grownPosition = subMenu.getBoundingClientRect();
// Test that the height of the sub-menu is the same as
// the height at the start of this test (before we
// deliberately shrank it).
assertTrue(grownPosition.height === subMenuPosition.height);
* Utility function to prepare the menu and sub-menu for keyboard tests.
function prepareForKeyboardNavigation() {
// Make sure the both of the menus are active.
// Re-enable the menu-items, since showMenu() disables
// all of them due to the canExecute() tests all returning
// false since we're just a unit test harness. This is
// needed since the arrow key handlers skip over disabled items.
* Tests that arrow navigates from main menu to sub-menu.
export function testNavigateFromMenuToSubMenu() {
// Check that the hosting menu-item is not selected.
const hostItem = document.querySelector('#host-sub-menu')!;
// Check that the sub-menu has taken selection.
const subItem = document.querySelector('#first')!;
* Tests that arrow left moves back to the top level menu
* only when the selected sub-menu item is the first one.
export function testNavigateFromSubMenuToParentMenu() {
// Use the arrow key to go to the next sub-menu item.
sendKeyDown('#test-menu-button', 'ArrowDown');
const secondItem = document.querySelector('#second')!;
// Try to navigate from sub-menu to the parent menu.
sendKeyDown('#test-menu-button', 'ArrowLeft');
// Check that parent menu hosting item didn't get selected.
const hostItem = document.querySelector('#host-sub-menu')!;
// Check that selection is still on the sub-menu item.
// Navigate up to the first sub-menu item.
sendKeyDown('#test-menu-button', 'ArrowUp');
// Check that the first sub-menu item is selected.
const firstItem = document.querySelector('#first')!;
// Navigate back to the parent menu.
sendKeyDown('#test-menu-button', 'ArrowLeft');
// Check selection has moved back to the parent menu.
* Tests that arrow up on the top level menu hides the
* sub menu when the sub-menu is visible.
export function testTopMenuArrowUpDismissesSubMenu() {
// Check that the hosting menu-item is not selected.
const hostItem = document.querySelector('#host-sub-menu')!;
// Navigate from sub-menu to the parent menu.
sendKeyDown('#test-menu-button', 'ArrowLeft');
// Check that the hosting menu-item is not selected.
// Navigate up the main menu.
sendKeyDown('#test-menu-button', 'ArrowUp');
// Check that the sub-menu has been hidden.
* Tests that the top level menu is resized when the parent
* window is too small to fit in without clipping.
export function testShrinkWindowSizesTopMenu() {
const menuPosition = topMenu.getBoundingClientRect();
// Reduce window innerHeight so the menu won't fit.
window.innerHeight = menuPosition.height - 10;
// Call showMenu() which will first hide it, then re-open
// it to force the resizing behavior.
const shrunkPosition = topMenu.getBoundingClientRect();
assertTrue(shrunkPosition.height === (window.innerHeight - 2));
* Tests that mousedown the menu button grabs focus.
export function testFocusMenuButtonWithMouse() {
// Set focus on a div element.
const divElement = document.querySelector<HTMLElement>('#focus-div')!;
// Send mousedown event to the menu button.
// Verify that the previously focused element still has focus.
assertTrue(document.hasFocus() && document.activeElement === divElement);
// Set focus on a button element.
//* */
const buttonElement = document.querySelector<HTMLElement>('#focus-button')!;
// Send mousedown event to the menu button.
// Verify that the previously focused button has lost focus.
assertFalse(document.hasFocus() && document.activeElement === buttonElement);
// Verify the menu button has taken focus.
assertTrue(document.hasFocus() && document.activeElement === menubutton);
// Set focus on a cr-input element.
//* */
const inputElement = document.querySelector<HTMLElement>('#focus-input')!;
// Send mousedown event to the menu button.
// Verify the cr-input element has lost focus.
assertFalse(document.hasFocus() && document.activeElement === inputElement);
// Verify the menu button has taken focus.
assertTrue(document.hasFocus() && document.activeElement === menubutton);
* Tests that opening a sub menu hides any showing sub menu.
export function testShowSubMenuHidesExisting() {
// Check the previously shown sub menu is hidden.
// Check the second sub menu is visible.
* Tests that a keydown event that is not intended for the menu will not be
* consumed by the menu.
export async function testMenuDoesNotConsumeNonMenuEvent() {
let eventConsumedByMenu = true;
const nonMenuEventKey = 'AudioVolumeUp';
// The event should be received by the `document.body` after it is ignored by
// the menu.
document.body.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
eventConsumedByMenu = false;
// Check this is the right keydown event.
assertEquals(nonMenuEventKey, e.key);
// Confirm this is not a menu event.
// Send the event to the menu.
sendKeyDown('#test-menu-button', nonMenuEventKey);
// Wait for the event to be received by the `document.body`.
await new Promise<void>(
resolve => window.requestAnimationFrame(() => resolve()));