// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assertEquals, assertFalse, assertNotReached, assertTrue} from 'chrome://webui-test/chromeos/chai_assert.js';
import {waitForElementUpdate} from '../common/js/unittest_util.js';
import {customElement, html, XfBase} from '../widgets/xf_base.js';
import {BaseStore, Slice} from './base_store.js';
import type {TestState} from './for_tests.js';
import {combine1Selector, combine2Selectors, SelectorEmitter, SelectorNode, shallowEqual, strictlyEqual} from './selector.js';
// Test that DAG nodes only emit if at least one of their parents also emits a
// new value and if their value has changed.
export function testSelectorEmitter() {
let state = {slice1: 123, slice2: 'asd'};
const selectorEmitter = new SelectorEmitter();
const rootNode = SelectorNode.createSourceNode(() => state);
const slice1Node = new SelectorNode([rootNode], (state) => state.slice1);
const slice2Node = new SelectorNode([rootNode], (state) => state.slice2);
const nestedSlice2Node =
new SelectorNode([slice2Node], (slice2) => slice2 + 'qwerty');
// Verify initial states.
assertEquals(rootNode.get(), state);
assertEquals(slice1Node.get(), state.slice1);
assertEquals(slice2Node.get(), state.slice2);
assertEquals(nestedSlice2Node.get(), 'asdqwerty');
let rootCount = 0;
let child1Count = 0;
let child2Count = 0;
let nestedChildCount = 0;
rootNode.subscribe(() => rootCount++);
slice1Node.subscribe(() => child1Count++);
slice2Node.subscribe(() => child2Count++);
nestedSlice2Node.subscribe(() => nestedChildCount++);
// Only the root selector and the slice1 selector should emit.
state = {...state, slice1: 9999};
assertEquals(rootCount, 1);
assertEquals(child1Count, 1);
assertEquals(child2Count, 0);
assertEquals(nestedChildCount, 0);
assertEquals(slice1Node.get(), 9999);
assertEquals(slice2Node.get(), 'asd');
assertEquals(nestedSlice2Node.get(), 'asdqwerty');
// Only root, slice2, and slice2's child should update.
state = {...state, slice2: 'qwerty'};
assertEquals(rootCount, 2);
assertEquals(child1Count, 1);
assertEquals(child2Count, 1);
assertEquals(nestedChildCount, 1);
assertEquals(slice1Node.get(), 9999);
assertEquals(slice2Node.get(), 'qwerty');
assertEquals(nestedSlice2Node.get(), 'qwertyqwerty');
* Tests selectors' `get()` and `subscribe()` functions.
export function testSelectorGetAndSubscribe() {
const numVisitorsSlice =
new Slice<TestState, TestState['numVisitors']>('numVisitors');
const increaseBy = numVisitorsSlice.addReducer(
(state: TestState, payload: number) =>
({...state, numVisitors: state.numVisitors! + payload}));
let counter = 0;
const notifiedValues: Array<TestState['numVisitors']> = [];
numVisitorsSlice.selector.subscribe((numVisitors) => {
// The store hasn't been initialized yet, so the slice's state should be
// undefined.
assertEquals(numVisitorsSlice.selector.get(), undefined);
const store = new BaseStore<TestState>({}, [numVisitorsSlice]);
store.init({numVisitors: 0});
// Now that the store has been initialized with `numVisitors: 0`, the slice's
// state should be 0.
assertEquals(numVisitorsSlice.selector.get(), 0);
// Similarly, it should reflect the numVisitors being increased to 2 by the
// reducer handling the action `increaseBy(2)`.
assertEquals(numVisitorsSlice.selector.get(), 2);
assertEquals(counter, 2);
assertEquals(notifiedValues[0], 0);
assertEquals(notifiedValues[1], 2);
// Introduce a combined selector and verify it works as expected.
const combined = combine2Selectors(
(storeState, sliceState) => JSON.stringify(storeState) + sliceState,
store.selector, numVisitorsSlice.selector);
assertEquals(combined.get(), '{"numVisitors":2}2');
assertEquals(combined.get(), '{"numVisitors":3}3');
// Test that Lit components work with selector's ReactiveControllers.
export async function testSelectorController(done: () => void) {
const slice = new Slice<TestState, TestState['numVisitors']>('numVisitors');
const increaseBy = slice.addReducer(
(state: TestState, payload: number) =>
({...state, numVisitors: state.numVisitors! + payload}));
const store = new BaseStore<TestState>({}, [slice]);
store.init({numVisitors: 0});
// Create a test lit component using our selector's controller.
class XfTest extends XfBase {
testCtrl = slice.selector.createController(this);
override render() {
return html`
<div id="test">${this.testCtrl.value}</div>
// Silence unused var TS error.
// Create test element and add it to the DOM, then wait for it to be ready on
// the next event loop cycle.
const testEl = document.createElement('xf-test');
await waitForElementUpdate(testEl);
const testDiv = testEl.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#test') as HTMLDivElement;
assertEquals(testDiv.textContent, '0');
// Update the store and verify that the component automatically re-renders.
await waitForElementUpdate(testEl);
assertEquals(testDiv.textContent, '2');
// Test that if one selector's subscriber errors out, the remaining subscribers
// are still notified.
export function testSubscriberErrorIsSelfContained() {
let state = 0;
const selectorEmitter = new SelectorEmitter();
const rootNode = SelectorNode.createSourceNode(() => state);
let count = 0;
rootNode.subscribe(() => count++);
rootNode.subscribe(() => {
throw new Error('Boom!');
rootNode.subscribe(() => count++);
state = 1;
assertEquals(count, 2);
// Test that updates are no longer received after the selector subscription is
// cancelled.
export function testUnsubscribing() {
let state = 0;
const selectorEmitter = new SelectorEmitter();
const rootNode = SelectorNode.createSourceNode(() => state);
let count = 0;
const unsubscribe = rootNode.subscribe(() => count++);
state = 1;
assertEquals(count, 1);
// Count should no longer increase after calling unsubscribe.
state = 2;
assertEquals(count, 1); // Count should still be 1, not 2.
// Test that deleted selectors no longer provide updates.
export function testDeletingSelector() {
let state = 0;
const selectorEmitter = new SelectorEmitter();
const rootNode = SelectorNode.createSourceNode(() => state);
let count = 0;
rootNode.subscribe(() => count++);
state = 1;
assertEquals(count, 1);
// Count should no longer increase after deleting the selector.
state = 2;
assertEquals(count, 1); // Count should still be 1, not 2.
// Test that Selector Emitter nodes are explored in the ascending order of
// depth.
export function testSelectorEmitterTraversal() {
let state = 0;
const selectorEmitter = new SelectorEmitter();
const rootNode = SelectorNode.createSourceNode(() => state);
const child1 = new SelectorNode([rootNode], (r) => r + 1);
const child2 = new SelectorNode([rootNode, child1], (r, c1) => r + c1 + 1);
const child3 = new SelectorNode([rootNode, child2], (r, c2) => r + c2 + 1);
let order = '';
rootNode.subscribe(() => order += 0);
child1.subscribe(() => order += 1);
child2.subscribe(() => order += 2);
child3.subscribe(() => order += 3);
state = 1;
// Verify nodes emit in the expected order (lowest depth first).
// Explanation: after the root is explored, all 3 children should be queued
// for later exploration. If they are explored in the wrong order, we'd get
// '0321', instead of '0123'. Note: Although all child nodes are children of
// root, child1 has a depth of 1, child2 of 2, and child3 of 3 - because the
// root node isn't their only parent.
assertEquals(order, '0123');
// Test that strictlyEqual and shallowEqual works in different ways.
export function testCustomCompare() {
const obj1 = {a: 'aaa', b: 123};
const obj2 = {a: 'aaa', b: 123};
assertTrue(shallowEqual(obj1, obj2));
assertFalse(strictlyEqual(obj1, obj2));
// shallowEqual only compares the first level, it doesn't go deeper.
const b = {b: 'bbb'};
const obj3 = {a: b};
const obj4 = {a: {b: 'bbb'}};
const obj5 = {a: b};
assertTrue(shallowEqual(obj3, obj5));
assertFalse(shallowEqual(obj3, obj4));
assertFalse(strictlyEqual(obj3, obj4));
assertFalse(strictlyEqual(obj3, obj5));
// shallowEqual can't be called with non-object.
try {
shallowEqual('aaa' as any, 'bbb' as any);
} catch (e: unknown) {
assertTrue(e instanceof Error);
// Test that selector can accepts a custom isEqual function which will be used
// when checking changes.
export function testSelectorCustomEqual() {
const slice1 = new Slice<TestState, TestState['numVisitors']>('numVisitors');
const slice2 =
new Slice<TestState, TestState['latestPayload']>('latestPayload');
const increaseBy = slice1.addReducer(
(state: TestState, payload: number) =>
({...state, numVisitors: state.numVisitors! + payload}));
const store = new BaseStore<TestState>({}, [slice1, slice2]);
store.init({numVisitors: 0, latestPayload: 'aaa'});
// Construct 2 selectors which returns a plain object (whose reference will
// change every time the selector runs) contains "latestPayload" only.
const selectorWithStrictEqual = combine1Selector(
(state: TestState) => ({a: state.latestPayload}), store.selector,
const selectorWithShallowEqual = combine1Selector(
(state: TestState) => ({a: state.latestPayload}), store.selector,
'shallow-equal', shallowEqual);
let counter1 = 0;
let counter2 = 0;
selectorWithStrictEqual.subscribe(() => {
selectorWithShallowEqual.subscribe(() => {
// Change "numVisitors" twice.
// Expect the selector calls its callback twice because its returned object
// changes its reference every time (strict equal).
assertEquals(2, counter1);
// Expect the selector never calls its callback because its returned object
// never changes its content (shallow equal).
assertEquals(0, counter2);