// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import type {EntryLocation} from '../../background/js/entry_location_impl.js';
import type {VolumeInfo} from '../../background/js/volume_info.js';
import {getParentEntry} from '../../common/js/api.js';
import {canHaveSubDirectories, isDirectoryEntry, isDriveRootEntryList, isEntryScannable, isEntrySupportUiChildren, isFakeEntryInDrive, isGrandRootEntryInDrive, isInsideDrive, isVolumeEntry, isVolumeFileData, readEntries, shouldSupportDriveSpecificIcons, sortEntries, supportsUiChildren, urlToEntry} from '../../common/js/entry_utils.js';
import {getIcon} from '../../common/js/file_type.js';
import type {FilesAppDirEntry, FilesAppEntry, VolumeEntry} from '../../common/js/files_app_entry_types.js';
import {EntryList} from '../../common/js/files_app_entry_types.js';
import {isSkyvaultV2Enabled} from '../../common/js/flags.js';
import {recordInterval, recordSmallCount, startInterval} from '../../common/js/metrics.js';
import {getEntryLabel, str} from '../../common/js/translations.js';
import {iconSetToCSSBackgroundImageValue} from '../../common/js/util.js';
import {COMPUTERS_DIRECTORY_PATH, RootType, SHARED_DRIVES_DIRECTORY_PATH, shouldProvideIcons, Source, VolumeType} from '../../common/js/volume_manager_types.js';
import type {MetadataItem} from '../../foreground/js/metadata/metadata_item.js';
import type {ActionsProducerGen} from '../../lib/actions_producer.js';
import {isDebugStoreEnabled, Slice} from '../../lib/base_store.js';
import {keepLatest, keyedKeepLatest} from '../../lib/concurrency_models.js';
import {type CurrentDirectory, EntryType, type FileData, type MaterializedView, type State, type Volume, type VolumeMap} from '../../state/state.js';
import type {FileKey} from '../file_key.js';
import {getEntry, getFileData, getStore, getVolume} from '../store.js';
import {hasDlpDisabledFiles} from './current_directory.js';
import {driveRootEntryListKey, myFilesEntryListKey, recentRootKey} from './volumes.js';
* @fileoverview Entries slice of the store.
const slice = new Slice<State, State['allEntries']>('allEntries');
export {slice as allEntriesSlice};
* Create action to scan `allEntries` and remove its stale entries.
export const clearCachedEntries =
slice.addReducer('clear-stale-cache', clearCachedEntriesReducer);
function clearCachedEntriesReducer(state: State): State {
const entries = state.allEntries;
const currentDirectoryKey = state.currentDirectory?.key;
const entriesToKeep = new Set<string>();
if (currentDirectoryKey) {
for (const component of state.currentDirectory!.pathComponents) {
for (const key of state.currentDirectory!.content.keys) {
const selectionKeys = state.currentDirectory?.selection.keys ?? [];
if (selectionKeys) {
for (const key of selectionKeys) {
for (const volume of Object.values<Volume>(state.volumes)) {
if (!volume.rootKey) {
if (volume.prefixKey) {
for (const key of state.uiEntries) {
for (const key of state.folderShortcuts) {
for (const root of state.navigation.roots) {
// For all expanded entries, we need to keep them and all their direct
// children.
for (const fileData of Object.values(entries)) {
if (fileData.expanded) {
if (fileData.children) {
for (const child of fileData.children) {
// For all kept entries, we also need to keep their children so we can decide
// if we need to show the expand icon or not.
for (const key of entriesToKeep) {
const fileData = entries[key];
if (fileData?.children) {
for (const child of fileData.children) {
for (const view of state.materializedViews) {
const isDebugStore = isDebugStoreEnabled();
for (const key of Object.keys(entries)) {
if (entriesToKeep.has(key)) {
delete entries[key];
if (isDebugStore) {
console.log(`Clear entry: ${key}`);
return state;
* Schedules the routine to remove stale entries from `allEntries`.
function scheduleClearCachedEntries() {
if (clearCachedEntriesRequestId === 0) {
// For unittest force to run at least at 50ms to avoid flakiness on slow
// bots (msan).
const options = window.IN_TEST ? {timeout: 50} : {};
clearCachedEntriesRequestId = requestIdleCallback(startClearCache, options);
/** ID for the current scheduled `clearCachedEntries`. */
let clearCachedEntriesRequestId = 0;
/** Starts the action CLEAR_STALE_CACHED_ENTRIES. */
function startClearCache() {
const store = getStore();
clearCachedEntriesRequestId = 0;
const prefetchPropertyNames = Array.from(new Set([
/** Get the icon for an entry. */
function getEntryIcon(
entry: Entry|FilesAppEntry, locationInfo: EntryLocation|null,
volumeType: VolumeType|null): FileData['icon'] {
const url = entry.toURL();
// Pre-defined icons based on the URL.
const urlToIconPath: Record<FileKey, string> = {
[recentRootKey]: ICON_TYPES.RECENT,
[myFilesEntryListKey]: ICON_TYPES.MY_FILES,
[driveRootEntryListKey]: ICON_TYPES.SERVICE_DRIVE,
if (urlToIconPath[url]) {
return urlToIconPath[url]!;
// Handle icons for grand roots ("Shared drives" and "Computers") in Drive.
// Here we can't just use `fullPath` to check if an entry is a grand root or
// not, because normal directory can also have the same full path. We also
// need to check if the entry is a direct child of the drive root entry list.
const grandRootPathToIconMap = {
if (volumeType === VolumeType.DRIVE &&
grandRootPathToIconMap[entry.fullPath]) {
return grandRootPathToIconMap[entry.fullPath]!;
// For grouped removable devices, its parent folder is an entry list, we
// should use USB icon for it.
if ('rootType' in entry && entry.rootType === RootType.REMOVABLE) {
if (isVolumeEntry(entry) && entry.volumeInfo) {
switch (entry.volumeInfo.volumeType) {
case VolumeType.DOWNLOADS:
case VolumeType.SMB:
case VolumeType.PROVIDED:
// Fallthrough
// Only return IconSet if there's valid background image generated.
const iconSet = entry.volumeInfo.iconSet;
if (iconSet) {
const backgroundImage =
if (backgroundImage !== 'none') {
return iconSet;
// If no background is generated from IconSet, set the icon to the
// generic one for certain volume type.
if (volumeType && shouldProvideIcons(volumeType)) {
return '';
case VolumeType.MTP:
case VolumeType.ARCHIVE:
case VolumeType.REMOVABLE:
// For sub-partition from a removable volume, its children icon should
return entry.volumeInfo.prefixEntry ? ICON_TYPES.UNKNOWN_REMOVABLE :
case VolumeType.DRIVE:
return getIcon(entry as Entry, undefined, locationInfo?.rootType);
* Given fileData, check if its loading children should be delayed.
* We are doing this for SMB to avoid potentially hanging whilst scanning a
* large SMB file share and causing performance issues.
export function shouldDelayLoadingChildren(
fileData: FileData, state: State): boolean {
// When this function is triggered when mounting new volumes, volumeInfo is
// not available in the VolumeManager yet, we need to get volumeInfo from the
// entry itself.
const volume: Volume|VolumeInfo|undefined = isVolumeFileData(fileData) ?
// TODO: Confirm how to remove the usage of entry here.
(fileData.entry as VolumeEntry).volumeInfo :
return isVolumeSlowToScan(volume);
function isVolumeSlowToScan(volume?: Volume|VolumeInfo|null): boolean {
return volume?.source === Source.NETWORK &&
volume.volumeType === VolumeType.SMB;
function convertViewToFileData(view: MaterializedView): FileData {
const metadata: MetadataItem = {};
const fileData: FileData = {
key: view.key,
fullPath: new URL(view.key).pathname,
icon: view.icon,
isDirectory: true,
label: view.label,
volumeId: null,
rootType: null,
expanded: false,
disabled: false,
isRootEntry: view.isRoot,
canExpand: true,
isEjectable: false,
children: [],
return fileData;
* Converts the entry to the Store representation of an Entry: FileData.
export function convertEntryToFileData(entry: Entry|FilesAppEntry): FileData {
const {volumeManager, metadataModel} = window.fileManager;
// When this function is triggered when mounting new volumes, volumeInfo is
// not available in the VolumeManager yet, we need to get volumeInfo from the
// entry itself.
const volumeInfo = isVolumeEntry(entry) ? entry.volumeInfo :
const locationInfo = volumeManager.getLocationInfo(entry);
const label = getEntryLabel(locationInfo, entry);
// For FakeEntry, we need to read from entry.volumeType because it doesn't
// have volumeInfo in the volume manager.
const volumeType = 'volumeType' in entry && entry.volumeType ?
entry.volumeType as VolumeType :
(volumeInfo?.volumeType || null);
const volumeId = volumeInfo?.volumeId || null;
const icon = getEntryIcon(entry, locationInfo, volumeType);
* Update disabled attribute if entry supports disabled attribute and has a
* non-null volumeType.
if ('disabled' in entry && volumeType) {
entry.disabled = volumeManager.isDisabled(volumeType);
const metadata = metadataModel ?
metadataModel.getCache([entry as FileEntry], prefetchPropertyNames)[0]! :
{} as MetadataItem;
const fileData: FileData = {
key: entry.toURL(),
fullPath: entry.fullPath,
type: getEntryType(entry),
isDirectory: entry.isDirectory,
rootType: locationInfo?.rootType ?? null,
expanded: false,
disabled: 'disabled' in entry ? entry.disabled as boolean : false,
isRootEntry: !!locationInfo?.isRootEntry,
canExpand: false,
// `isEjectable` is determined by its corresponding volume, will be updated
// when volume is added.
isEjectable: false,
children: [],
// For slow volumes, we always mark the root and directories as canExpand, to
// avoid scanning to determine if it has sub-directories.
fileData.canExpand = isVolumeSlowToScan(volumeInfo);
return fileData;
function appendView(state: State, view: MaterializedView) {
const allEntries = state.allEntries || {};
const key = view.key;
const fileData = convertViewToFileData(view)!;
const existingFileData: Partial<FileData> = allEntries[key] || {};
allEntries[key] = {
expanded: existingFileData.expanded ?? fileData.expanded,
isEjectable: existingFileData.isEjectable ?? fileData.isEjectable,
canExpand: existingFileData.canExpand ?? fileData.canExpand,
// Keep children to prevent sudden removal of the children items on the UI.
children: existingFileData.children ?? fileData.children,
state.allEntries = allEntries;
* Converts an EntryData object from FileManagerPrivate API to the store
* representation of an Entry: FileData.
export async function convertEntryDataToFileData(
entryData: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.EntryData): Promise<FileData> {
const nativeEntry = await urlToEntry(entryData.entryUrl);
// TODO(b/328564447): This function should only rely on `entryData`, so
// gradually update the returned FileData to only use fields from `entryData`.
const nativeEntryFileData = convertEntryToFileData(nativeEntry);
return {
key: entryData.entryUrl,
fullPath: nativeEntryFileData.fullPath,
entry: nativeEntry,
icon: nativeEntryFileData.icon,
label: nativeEntryFileData.label,
volumeId: nativeEntryFileData.volumeId,
rootType: nativeEntryFileData.rootType,
metadata: nativeEntryFileData.metadata,
isDirectory: nativeEntryFileData.isDirectory,
type: EntryType.FS_API,
isRootEntry: nativeEntryFileData.isRootEntry,
isEjectable: false,
canExpand: nativeEntryFileData.canExpand,
children: [],
expanded: false,
disabled: nativeEntryFileData.disabled,
* Appends the entry to the Store.
function appendEntry(state: State, entry: Entry|FilesAppEntry) {
const allEntries = state.allEntries || {};
const key = entry.toURL();
const existingFileData: Partial<FileData> = allEntries[key] || {};
// Some client code might dispatch actions based on
// `volume.resolveDisplayRoot()` which is a DirectoryEntry instead of a
// VolumeEntry. It's safe to ignore this entry because the data will be the
// same as `existingFileData` and we don't want to convert from VolumeEntry to
// DirectoryEntry.
if (existingFileData.type === EntryType.VOLUME_ROOT &&
getEntryType(entry) !== EntryType.VOLUME_ROOT) {
const fileData = convertEntryToFileData(entry)!;
allEntries[key] = {
// For existing entries already in the store, we want to keep the existing
// value for the following fields. For example, for "expanded" entries with
// expanded=true, we don't want to override it with expanded=false derived
// from `convertEntryToFileData` function above.
expanded: existingFileData.expanded ?? fileData.expanded,
isEjectable: existingFileData.isEjectable ?? fileData.isEjectable,
canExpand: existingFileData.canExpand ?? fileData.canExpand,
// Keep children to prevent sudden removal of the children items on the UI.
children: existingFileData.children ?? fileData.children,
state.allEntries = allEntries;
* Updates `FileData` from a `FileKey`.
* Note: the state will be updated in place.
export function updateFileDataInPlace(
state: State, key: FileKey, changes: Partial<FileData>): FileData|
undefined {
if (!state.allEntries[key]) {
console.warn(`Entry FileData not found in the store: ${key}`);
const newFileData = {
state.allEntries[key] = newFileData;
return newFileData;
/** Caches the Action's entry in the `allEntries` attribute. */
export function cacheEntries(
currentState: State, entries: Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry>) {
for (const entry of entries) {
appendEntry(currentState, entry);
export function cacheMaterializedViews(
currentState: State, views: MaterializedView[]) {
for (const entry of views) {
appendView(currentState, entry);
function getEntryType(entry: Entry|FilesAppEntry): EntryType {
// Entries from FilesAppEntry have the `typeName` property.
if (!('typeName' in entry)) {
return EntryType.FS_API;
switch (entry.typeName) {
case 'EntryList':
return EntryType.ENTRY_LIST;
case 'VolumeEntry':
return EntryType.VOLUME_ROOT;
case 'FakeEntry':
switch (entry.rootType) {
case RootType.RECENT:
return EntryType.RECENT;
case RootType.TRASH:
return EntryType.TRASH;
case RootType.DRIVE_FAKE_ROOT:
return EntryType.ENTRY_LIST;
case RootType.CROSTINI:
case RootType.ANDROID_FILES:
return EntryType.PLACEHOLDER;
case RootType.DRIVE_OFFLINE:
// TODO(lucmult): This isn't really Recent but it's the closest.
return EntryType.RECENT;
case RootType.PROVIDED:
return EntryType.PLACEHOLDER;
console.warn(`Invalid fakeEntry.rootType='${entry.rootType} rootType`);
return EntryType.PLACEHOLDER;
case 'GuestOsPlaceholder':
return EntryType.PLACEHOLDER;
case 'TrashEntry':
return EntryType.TRASH;
case 'OneDrivePlaceholder':
return EntryType.PLACEHOLDER;
console.warn(`Invalid entry.typeName='${entry.typeName}`);
return EntryType.FS_API;
export interface EntryMetadata {
entry: Entry|FilesAppEntry;
metadata: MetadataItem;
/** Create action to update entries metadata. */
export const updateMetadata =
slice.addReducer('update-metadata', updateMetadataReducer);
function updateMetadataReducer(currentState: State, payload: {
metadata: EntryMetadata[],
}): State {
// Cache entries, so the reducers can use any entry from `allEntries`.
cacheEntries(currentState, payload.metadata.map(m => m.entry));
for (const entryMetadata of payload.metadata) {
const key = entryMetadata.entry.toURL();
const fileData = currentState.allEntries[key]!;
const metadata = {...fileData.metadata, ...entryMetadata.metadata};
currentState.allEntries[key] = {
if (!currentState.currentDirectory) {
console.warn('Missing `currentDirectory`');
return currentState;
const currentDirectory: CurrentDirectory = {
hasDlpDisabledFiles: hasDlpDisabledFiles(currentState),
return {
function findVolumeByType(volumes: VolumeMap, volumeType: VolumeType): Volume|
null {
return Object.values<Volume>(volumes).find(v => {
// If the volume isn't resolved yet, we just ignore here.
return v.rootKey && v.volumeType === volumeType;
}) ??
* Returns the MyFiles entry and volume, the entry can either be a fake one
* (EntryList) or a real one (VolumeEntry) depending on if the MyFiles volume is
* mounted or not, and returns null if local files are disabled by policy.
* Note: it will create a fake EntryList in the store if there's no
* MyFiles entry in the store (e.g. no EntryList and no VolumeEntry), but local
* files are enabled.
export function getMyFiles(state: State):
{myFilesVolume: null|Volume, myFilesEntry: null|VolumeEntry|EntryList} {
const localFilesAllowed = state.preferences?.localUserFilesAllowed !== false;
if (!isSkyvaultV2Enabled()) {
// Return null for TT version.
// For GA version we show local files in read-only mode, if present.
if (!localFilesAllowed) {
return {
myFilesEntry: null,
myFilesVolume: null,
const {volumes} = state;
const myFilesVolume = findVolumeByType(volumes, VolumeType.DOWNLOADS);
const myFilesVolumeEntry = myFilesVolume ?
getEntry(state, myFilesVolume.rootKey!) as VolumeEntry | null :
let myFilesEntryList =
getEntry(state, myFilesEntryListKey) as EntryList | null;
if (localFilesAllowed && !myFilesVolumeEntry && !myFilesEntryList) {
myFilesEntryList =
new EntryList(str('MY_FILES_ROOT_LABEL'), RootType.MY_FILES);
appendEntry(state, myFilesEntryList);
state.uiEntries = [...state.uiEntries, myFilesEntryList.toURL()];
return {
myFilesEntry: myFilesVolumeEntry || myFilesEntryList!,
/** Create action to add child entries to a parent entry. */
export const addChildEntries =
slice.addReducer('add-children', addChildEntriesReducer);
function addChildEntriesReducer(currentState: State, payload: {
parentKey: FileKey,
entries: Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry>,
}): State {
// Cache entries, so the reducers can use any entry from `allEntries`.
cacheEntries(currentState, payload.entries);
const {parentKey, entries} = payload;
const {allEntries} = currentState;
// The corresponding parent entry item has been removed somehow, do nothing.
if (!allEntries[parentKey]) {
return currentState;
const newEntryKeys = entries.map(entry => entry.toURL());
// Add children to the parent entry item.
const parentFileData: FileData = {
children: newEntryKeys,
// Update canExpand according to the children length.
canExpand: newEntryKeys.length > 0,
return {
allEntries: {
[parentKey]: parentFileData,
* Read sub directories for a given entry.
export async function*
fileKey: FileKey, recursive: boolean = false,
metricNameForTracking: string = ''): ActionsProducerGen {
let state = getStore().getState();
let fileData = getFileData(state, fileKey);
if (!fileData) {
console.debug(`failed to find FileData for ${fileKey}`);
console.warn(`readSubDirectoriesInternal: failed to find FileData`);
if (!canHaveSubDirectories(fileData)) {
// Track time for reading sub directories if metric for tracking is passed.
if (metricNameForTracking) {
const childEntriesToReadDeeper: Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry> = [];
const entry = fileData.entry;
if (fileKey === driveRootEntryListKey) {
if (!isDriveRootEntryList(entry)) {
`ERROR: ${fileKey} didn't return a EntryList from the Store`);
for await (const action of readSubDirectoriesForDriveRootEntryList(entry)) {
yield action;
if (action) {
} else if (entry && isEntryScannable(entry)) {
const childEntries = await readChildEntriesByFullScan(entry);
// Only dispatch directories.
const subDirectories =
childEntries.filter(childEntry => childEntry.isDirectory);
yield addChildEntries({parentKey: fileKey, entries: subDirectories});
// Fetch metadata if the entry supports Drive specific share icon.
state = getStore().getState();
const parentFileData = getFileData(state, fileKey);
if (parentFileData && isInsideDrive(parentFileData)) {
const entriesNeedMetadata = subDirectories.filter(subDirectory => {
const subDirFileData = getFileData(state, subDirectory.toURL());
return subDirFileData &&
if (entriesNeedMetadata.length > 0) {
window.fileManager.metadataModel.get(entriesNeedMetadata, [
} else {
// TODO(b/327534506): Add support for Materialize Views.
console.warn(`readSubDirectories not supported for ${fileKey}`);
// Track time for reading sub directories if metric for tracking is passed.
if (metricNameForTracking) {
// Read sub directories for children when recursive is true.
if (!recursive) {
// Refresh the fileData from the store because it might have changed during
// the async operations above.
state = getStore().getState();
fileData = getFileData(state, fileKey);
// We only read deeper if the parent entry is expanded in the tree.
if (!fileData?.expanded) {
// Recursive scan.
for (const childEntry of childEntriesToReadDeeper) {
const state = getStore().getState();
const childFileData = getFileData(state, childEntry.toURL());
if (!childFileData) {
if (childFileData.expanded) {
// If child item is expanded, we need to do a full scan for it.
for await (const action of readSubDirectories(
childEntry.toURL(), /* recursive= */ true)) {
yield action;
} else if (childFileData?.canExpand) {
// If we already know the child item can be expanded, no partial scan is
// required.
} else {
// If the child item is not expanded, we do a partial scan to check if
// it has children or not (so we know if we need to show expand icon
// or not).
for await (const action of readSubDirectoriesToCheckDirectoryChildren(
childEntry.toURL())) {
yield action;
* When there are multiple `readSubDirectories` actions with the same key being
* dispatched at the same time, we only keep the latest one.
export const readSubDirectories = keyedKeepLatest(
(fileKey, recursive?, _metricNameForTracking?) =>
`${fileKey}${recursive ? '-recursive' : ''}`);
* Read entries for Drive root entry list (aka "Google Drive"), there are some
* differences compared to the `readSubDirectoriesForDirectoryEntry()`:
* * We don't need to call readEntries() to get its child entries. Instead, all
* its children are from its entry.getUiChildren().
* * For fake entries children (e.g. Shared with me and Offline), we only show
* them based on the dialog type.
* * For certain children (e.g. team drives and computers grand root), we only
* show them when there's at least one child entry inside. So we need to read
* their children (grand children of drive fake root) first before we can decide
* if we need to show them or not.
async function*
readSubDirectoriesForDriveRootEntryList(entry: EntryList):
ActionsProducerGen {
const metricNameMap = {
const driveChildren = entry.getUiChildren();
* Store the filtered children, for fake entries or grand roots we might need
* to hide them based on curtain conditions.
const filteredChildren: Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry> = [];
for (const childEntry of driveChildren) {
// For fake entries ("Shared with me" and "Offline").
if (isFakeEntryInDrive(childEntry)) {
// For non grand roots (also not fake entries), we put them in the children
// directly and dispatch an action to read the it later.
if (!isGrandRootEntryInDrive(childEntry)) {
// For grand roots ("Shared drives" and "Computers") inside Drive, we only
// show them when there's at least one child entries inside.
const grandChildEntries = await readChildEntriesByFullScan(childEntry);
metricNameMap[childEntry.fullPath]!, grandChildEntries.length);
if (grandChildEntries.length > 0) {
yield addChildEntries({parentKey: entry.toURL(), entries: filteredChildren});
* Read a given directory entry to get all child entries.
* @param entry The parent directory entry to read.
async function readChildEntriesByFullScan(
entry: DirectoryEntry|
FilesAppDirEntry): Promise<Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry>> {
const childEntries = [];
for await (const partialEntries of readEntries(entry)) {
return sortEntries(entry, childEntries);
* Read a given directory entry to check if it has directory child entries or
* not. It won't do full scanning, the scan stops immediately after finding a
* child directory entry.
* @param entry The parent directory entry to read.
async function checkDirectoryChildByPartialScan(
entry: DirectoryEntry|FilesAppDirEntry): Promise<boolean> {
const {directoryModel} = window.fileManager;
const fileFilter = directoryModel.getFileFilter();
const isDirectoryChild = (childEntry: Entry|FilesAppEntry): boolean =>
childEntry.isDirectory && fileFilter.filter(childEntry);
for await (const partialEntries of readEntries(entry)) {
if (partialEntries.some(isDirectoryChild)) {
return true;
return false;
* Read sub directories for a given entry to check if it has directory children
* or not.
async function*
readSubDirectoriesToCheckDirectoryChildrenInternal(fileKey: FileKey|null):
ActionsProducerGen {
if (!fileKey) {
const state = getStore().getState();
const fileData = getFileData(state, fileKey);
if (!fileData) {
console.warn(`No file data: ${fileKey}`);
if (!canHaveSubDirectories(fileData)) {
// Do nothing because we already know it has children.
if (fileData.children.length > 0 || fileData.canExpand) {
const {directoryModel} = window.fileManager;
const fileFilter = directoryModel.getFileFilter();
const isDirectoryChild = (childEntry: Entry|FilesAppEntry): boolean =>
childEntry.isDirectory && fileFilter.filter(childEntry);
// The entry has UIChildren but has no FileData.children, we know it can be
// expanded.
if (supportsUiChildren(fileData) && fileData.entry) {
const entry = fileData.entry;
const uiChildrenDirectories =
if (uiChildrenDirectories.length > 0) {
yield updateFileData({key: fileKey, partialFileData: {canExpand: true}});
// TODO(lucmult): Add support to Materialize Views.
const entry = fileData.entry;
if (!entry) {
console.warn(`No entry: ${fileKey}`);
if (isDirectoryEntry(entry)) {
const hasDirectoryChild = await checkDirectoryChildByPartialScan(entry);
if (hasDirectoryChild) {
yield updateFileData({key: fileKey, partialFileData: {canExpand: true}});
* When there are multiple `readSubDirectoriesToCheckDirectoryChildren`
* actions with the same key being dispatched at the same time, we only keep
* the latest one.
export const readSubDirectoriesToCheckDirectoryChildren = keyedKeepLatest(
(fileKey) => fileKey ?? '');
* Read child entries for the newly renamed directory entry.
* We need to read its parent's children first before reading its own
* children, because the newly renamed entry might not be in the store yet
* after renaming.
export async function*
readSubDirectoriesForRenamedEntry(newEntry: Entry|FilesAppEntry):
ActionsProducerGen {
const parentDirectory = await getParentEntry(newEntry);
// Read the children of the parent first to make sure the newly added entry
// appears in the store.
for await (const action of readSubDirectories(parentDirectory.toURL())) {
yield action;
// Read the children of the newly renamed entry.
for await (const action of readSubDirectories(
newEntry.toURL(), /* recursive= */ true)) {
yield action;
* Traverse each entry in the `pathEntryKeys`: if the entry doesn't exist in
* the store, read sub directories for its parent. After all entries exist in
* the store, expand all parent entries.
* @param pathEntryKeys An array of FileKey starts from ancestor to child,
* e.g. [A, B, C] A is the parent entry of B, B is the parent entry of C.
export async function*
traverseAndExpandPathEntriesInternal(pathEntryKeys: FileKey[]):
ActionsProducerGen {
if (pathEntryKeys.length === 0) {
const childEntryKey = pathEntryKeys[pathEntryKeys.length - 1]!;
const state = getStore().getState();
const childEntryFileData = getFileData(state, childEntryKey);
if (!childEntryFileData) {
console.warn(`Can not find the child entry: ${childEntryKey}`);
const volume = getVolume(state, childEntryFileData);
if (!volume) {
`Can not find the volume root for the child entry: ${childEntryKey}`);
const volumeEntry = getEntry(state, volume.rootKey!);
if (!volumeEntry) {
console.warn(`Can not find the volume root entry: ${volume.rootKey}`);
for (let i = 1; i < pathEntryKeys.length; i++) {
// We need to getStore() for each loop because the below `yield action`
// will add new entries to the store.
const state = getStore().getState();
const currentEntryKey = pathEntryKeys[i]!;
const parentEntryKey = pathEntryKeys[i - 1]!;
const parentFileData = getFileData(state, parentEntryKey)!;
const fileData = getFileData(state, currentEntryKey);
// Read sub directories if the child entry doesn't exist or it's not in
// parent entry's children.
if (!fileData || !parentFileData.children.includes(currentEntryKey)) {
let foundCurrentEntry = false;
for await (const action of readSubDirectories(parentEntryKey)) {
yield action;
const childEntries: Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry> =
action?.payload.entries || [];
foundCurrentEntry =
!!childEntries.find(entry => entry.toURL() === currentEntryKey);
if (foundCurrentEntry) {
if (!foundCurrentEntry) {
console.warn(`Failed to find entry "${
currentEntryKey}" from its parent "${parentEntryKey}"`);
// Now all entries on `pathEntryKeys` are found, we can expand all of them
// now. Note: if any entry on the path can't be found, we don't expand
// anything because we don't want to expand half-way, e.g. if `pathEntryKeys
// = [entryA, entryB, entryC]` but somehow entryB doesn't exist, we don't
// want to expand `entryA`.
for (let i = 0; i < pathEntryKeys.length - 1; i++) {
yield updateFileData(
{key: pathEntryKeys[i]!, partialFileData: {expanded: true}});
* `traverseAndExpandPathEntries` is mainly used to traverse and expand the
* `pathComponent` for current directory, if concurrent requests happen (e.g.
* current directory changes too quickly while we are still resolving the
* previous one), we just ditch the previous request and only keep the latest.
export const traverseAndExpandPathEntries =
/** Create action to update FileData for a given entry. */
export const updateFileData =
slice.addReducer('update-file-data', updateFileDataReducer);
function updateFileDataReducer(currentState: State, payload: {
key: FileKey,
partialFileData: Partial<FileData>,
}): State {
const {key, partialFileData} = payload;
const fileData = getFileData(currentState, key);
if (!fileData) {
return currentState;
currentState.allEntries[key] = {
return {...currentState};