// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assertDeepEquals, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertNotEquals, assertTrue} from 'chrome://webui-test/chromeos/chai_assert.js';
import {fakeMyFilesVolumeId, MockVolumeManager} from '../../background/js/mock_volume_manager.js';
import type {VolumeInfo} from '../../background/js/volume_info.js';
import {EntryList, FakeEntryImpl, GuestOsPlaceholder, VolumeEntry} from '../../common/js/files_app_entry_types.js';
import {installMockChrome} from '../../common/js/mock_chrome.js';
import {MockFileSystem} from '../../common/js/mock_entry.js';
import {waitUntil} from '../../common/js/test_error_reporting.js';
import {RootType, VolumeType} from '../../common/js/volume_manager_types.js';
import {ICON_TYPES} from '../../foreground/js/constants.js';
import {MetadataItem} from '../../foreground/js/metadata/metadata_item.js';
import type {MockMetadataModel} from '../../foreground/js/metadata/mock_metadata.js';
import {EntryType, type FileData, type MaterializedView, type State} from '../../state/state.js';
import {allEntriesSize, assertAllEntriesEqual, cd, changeSelection, createFakeVolumeMetadata, setUpFileManagerOnWindow, setupStore, updMetadata, waitDeepEquals} from '../for_tests.js';
import {getEmptyState, type Store} from '../store.js';
import {addChildEntries, cacheMaterializedViews, clearCachedEntries, convertEntryToFileData, getMyFiles, readSubDirectories, traverseAndExpandPathEntriesInternal, updateFileData} from './all_entries.js';
import {convertVolumeInfoAndMetadataToVolume, myFilesEntryListKey} from './volumes.js';
let store: Store;
let fileSystem: MockFileSystem;
export function setUp() {
// changeDirectory() reducer uses the VolumeManager.
// sortEntries() requires the directoryModel on the window.fileManager.
store = setupStore();
fileSystem = window.fileManager.volumeManager
VolumeType.DOWNLOADS)!.fileSystem as MockFileSystem;
/* opt_clear= */ true);
/** Generate MyFiles entry with fake entry list. */
function createMyFilesDataWithEntryList(): FileData {
const myFilesEntryList = new EntryList('My files', RootType.MY_FILES);
return convertEntryToFileData(myFilesEntryList);
/** Generate MyFiles entry with real volume entry. */
function createMyFilesDataWithVolumeEntry():
{fileData: FileData, volumeInfo: VolumeInfo} {
const volumeManager = new MockVolumeManager();
const downloadsVolumeInfo =
const myFilesVolumeEntry = new VolumeEntry(downloadsVolumeInfo);
const fileData = convertEntryToFileData(myFilesVolumeEntry);
return {fileData, volumeInfo: downloadsVolumeInfo};
/** Tests that entries get cached in the allEntries. */
export function testAllEntries() {
0, allEntriesSize(store.getState()), 'allEntries should start empty');
const dir1 = fileSystem.entries['/dir-1'] as DirectoryEntry;
const dir2 = fileSystem.entries['/dir-2'] as DirectoryEntry;
const dir2SubDir = fileSystem.entries['/dir-2/sub-dir'] as DirectoryEntry;
cd(store, dir1);
assertEquals(1, allEntriesSize(store.getState()), 'dir-1 should be cached');
cd(store, dir2);
assertEquals(2, allEntriesSize(store.getState()), 'dir-2 should be cached');
cd(store, dir2SubDir);
3, allEntriesSize(store.getState()), 'dir-2/sub-dir/ should be cached');
export async function testClearStaleEntries(done: () => void) {
const dir1 = fileSystem.entries['/dir-1'] as DirectoryEntry;
const dir2 = fileSystem.entries['/dir-2'] as DirectoryEntry;
const dir3 = fileSystem.entries['/dir-3'] as DirectoryEntry;
const dir2SubDir = fileSystem.entries['/dir-2/sub-dir'] as DirectoryEntry;
const myFilesRootURL = `filesystem:${fakeMyFilesVolumeId}`;
cd(store, dir1);
cd(store, dir2);
cd(store, dir3);
cd(store, dir2SubDir);
4, allEntriesSize(store.getState()), 'all entries should be cached');
// Wait for the async clear to be called.
await waitUntil(() => allEntriesSize(store.getState()) < 4);
// It should keep the current directory and all its parents that were
// previously cached.
2, allEntriesSize(store.getState()),
'only dir-2 and dir-2/sub-dir should be cached');
store, [`${myFilesRootURL}/dir-2`, `${myFilesRootURL}/dir-2/sub-dir`]);
// Running the clear multiple times should not change:
2, allEntriesSize(store.getState()),
'only dir-2 and dir-2/sub-dir should be cached');
export function testCacheEntries() {
const dir1 = fileSystem.entries['/dir-1'] as DirectoryEntry;
const file1 = fileSystem.entries['/dir-2/file-1.txt']!;
const md = window.fileManager.metadataModel as unknown as MockMetadataModel;
md.set(file1, {isRestrictedForDestination: true});
// Cache a directory via changeDirectory.
cd(store, dir1);
let resultEntry: FileData = store.getState().allEntries[dir1.toURL()]!;
assertEquals(resultEntry.entry, dir1);
assertEquals(resultEntry.label, dir1.name);
assertEquals(resultEntry.volumeId, fakeMyFilesVolumeId);
assertEquals(resultEntry.type, EntryType.FS_API);
// Cache a file via changeSelection.
changeSelection(store, [file1]);
resultEntry = store.getState().allEntries[file1.toURL()]!;
assertEquals(resultEntry.entry, file1);
assertEquals(resultEntry.label, file1.name);
assertEquals(resultEntry.volumeId, fakeMyFilesVolumeId);
assertEquals(resultEntry.type, EntryType.FS_API);
const recentRoot = new FakeEntryImpl('Recent', RootType.RECENT);
cd(store, recentRoot);
resultEntry = store.getState().allEntries[recentRoot.toURL()]!;
assertEquals(resultEntry.entry, recentRoot);
assertEquals(resultEntry.label, recentRoot.name);
assertEquals(resultEntry.volumeId, null);
assertEquals(resultEntry.type, EntryType.RECENT);
const volumeInfo =
const volumeEntry = new VolumeEntry(volumeInfo);
cd(store, volumeEntry);
resultEntry = store.getState().allEntries[volumeEntry.toURL()]!;
assertEquals(resultEntry.entry, volumeEntry);
assertEquals(resultEntry.label, volumeEntry.name);
assertEquals(resultEntry.volumeId, fakeMyFilesVolumeId);
assertEquals(resultEntry.type, EntryType.VOLUME_ROOT);
export function testUpdateMetadata() {
const dir1 = fileSystem.entries['/dir-1'] as DirectoryEntry;
const file1 = fileSystem.entries['/dir-2/file-1.txt']!;
const file2 = fileSystem.entries['/dir-2/file-2.txt']!;
const md = window.fileManager.metadataModel as unknown as MockMetadataModel;
md.set(file1, {isRestrictedForDestination: true});
md.set(file2, {isRestrictedForDestination: false});
// Cache a directory via changeDirectory.
cd(store, dir1);
assertEquals(1, allEntriesSize(store.getState()));
let resultEntry = store.getState().allEntries[dir1.toURL()]!;
assertEquals(undefined, resultEntry.metadata.isRestrictedForDestination);
assertEquals(undefined, resultEntry.metadata.isDlpRestricted);
// Cache a file via changeSelection.
changeSelection(store, [file1]);
assertEquals(2, allEntriesSize(store.getState()));
resultEntry = store.getState().allEntries[file1.toURL()]!;
assertEquals(undefined, resultEntry.metadata.isDlpRestricted);
// Update the metadata: it should first cache missing entries, and append the
// new metadata to the already fetched values.
const metadata: MetadataItem = new MetadataItem();
metadata.isDlpRestricted = true;
updMetadata(store, [{entry: file1, metadata}, {entry: file2, metadata}]);
resultEntry = store.getState().allEntries[dir1.toURL()]!;
assertEquals(undefined, resultEntry.metadata.isRestrictedForDestination);
assertEquals(undefined, resultEntry.metadata.isDlpRestricted);
resultEntry = store.getState().allEntries[file1.toURL()]!;
resultEntry = store.getState().allEntries[file2.toURL()]!;
* Tests that getMyFiles will return the entry list if the volume is not in the
* store.
export function testGetMyFilesWithFakeEntryList() {
const currentState = getEmptyState();
// Add fake entry list MyFiles to the store.
const myFilesEntryList = createMyFilesDataWithEntryList();
currentState.allEntries[myFilesEntryListKey] = myFilesEntryList;
const {myFilesEntry, myFilesVolume} = getMyFiles(currentState);
// Expect MyFiles entry list returned, no volume.
assertEquals(myFilesEntryList.entry, myFilesEntry);
assertEquals(null, myFilesVolume);
* Tests that getMyFiles will return the volume entry if the volume is already
* in the store.
export function testGetMyFilesWithVolumeEntry() {
const currentState = getEmptyState();
// Add MyFiles volume to the store.
const {fileData, volumeInfo} = createMyFilesDataWithVolumeEntry();
const volumeMetadata = createFakeVolumeMetadata(volumeInfo);
const volume =
convertVolumeInfoAndMetadataToVolume(volumeInfo, volumeMetadata);
currentState.allEntries[fileData.key] = fileData;
currentState.volumes[volumeInfo.volumeId] = volume;
const {myFilesEntry, myFilesVolume} = getMyFiles(currentState);
// Expect MyFiles volume entry and volume returned.
assertEquals(fileData.entry, myFilesEntry);
assertEquals(volume, myFilesVolume);
* Tests that getMyFiles will create a entry list if no MyFiles entry
* in the store.
export function testGetMyFilesCreateEntryList() {
const currentState = getEmptyState();
const {myFilesEntry, myFilesVolume} = getMyFiles(currentState);
// Expect entry list is created in place.
const myFilesFileData = currentState.allEntries[myFilesEntryListKey]!;
assertNotEquals(undefined, myFilesFileData);
const myFIlesEntryList = myFilesFileData.entry as EntryList;
assertEquals(RootType.MY_FILES, myFIlesEntryList.rootType);
assertEquals(myFIlesEntryList, myFilesEntry);
assertEquals(null, myFilesVolume);
/** Tests that child entries can be added to the store correctly. */
export async function testAddChildEntries(done: () => void) {
const initialState = getEmptyState();
// Add parent/children entries to the store.
/* opt_clear= */ true);
const aEntry = fileSystem.entries['/a']!;
initialState.allEntries[aEntry.toURL()] = convertEntryToFileData(aEntry);
// Make sure aEntry won't be cleared.
const store = setupStore(initialState);
// Dispatch an action to add child entries for /aaa/.
const a1Entry = fileSystem.entries['/a/1']!;
const a2Entry = fileSystem.entries['/a/2']!;
parentKey: aEntry.toURL(),
entries: [a1Entry, a2Entry],
// Expect the children filed of /a is updated.
const want1: State['allEntries'] = {
[aEntry.toURL()]: {
children: [a1Entry.toURL(), a2Entry.toURL()],
canExpand: true,
[a1Entry.toURL()]: convertEntryToFileData(a1Entry),
[a2Entry.toURL()]: convertEntryToFileData(a2Entry),
await waitDeepEquals(store, want1, (state) => state.allEntries);
// Dispatch an action to add child entries for /a/2.
const bEntry = fileSystem.entries['/a/2/b']!;
parentKey: a2Entry.toURL(),
entries: [bEntry],
const want2: State['allEntries'] = {
[a2Entry.toURL()]: {
children: [bEntry.toURL()],
canExpand: true,
[bEntry.toURL()]: {
await waitDeepEquals(store, want2, (state) => state.allEntries);
// Dispatch an action to add child entries for non-existed parent entry.
parentKey: 'non-exist-key',
entries: [a1Entry],
// Expect nothing changes in the store.
await waitDeepEquals(store, want2, (state) => state.allEntries);
/** Tests converting VolumeEntry into FileData. */
export async function testConvertVolumeEntryToFileData(done: () => void) {
const {volumeManager} = window.fileManager;
const downloadsVolumeInfo =
const downloadsEntry = new VolumeEntry(downloadsVolumeInfo);
const got = convertEntryToFileData(downloadsEntry);
const want: FileData = {
key: downloadsEntry.toURL(),
fullPath: downloadsEntry.fullPath,
entry: downloadsEntry,
type: EntryType.VOLUME_ROOT,
isDirectory: true,
label: 'Downloads',
volumeId: fakeMyFilesVolumeId,
rootType: RootType.DOWNLOADS,
metadata: {} as MetadataItem,
expanded: false,
disabled: false,
isRootEntry: true,
isEjectable: false,
canExpand: false,
children: [],
assertDeepEquals(want, got);
// Now disabled the volume in the volume manager.
volumeManager.isDisabled = (volumeType) =>
volumeType === VolumeType.DOWNLOADS;
const fileData = convertEntryToFileData(downloadsEntry);
assertEquals(true, fileData.disabled);
* Tests the icon for DocumentsProvider FileData should be a generic icon with
* an empty IconSet provided.
export async function testGenericIconInDocumentsProviderFileData(
done: () => void) {
// By default an empty IconSet is used in this mock function.
const documentsProviderVolumeInfo = MockVolumeManager.createMockVolumeInfo(
VolumeType.DOCUMENTS_PROVIDER, 'documentProviderId', 'Google Photos');
const {volumeManager} = window.fileManager;
const documentsProviderEntry = new VolumeEntry(documentsProviderVolumeInfo);
const got = convertEntryToFileData(documentsProviderEntry);
const want: FileData = {
key: documentsProviderEntry.toURL(),
fullPath: documentsProviderEntry.fullPath,
entry: documentsProviderEntry,
type: EntryType.VOLUME_ROOT,
isDirectory: true,
label: 'Google Photos',
volumeId: 'documentProviderId',
metadata: {} as MetadataItem,
expanded: false,
disabled: false,
isRootEntry: true,
isEjectable: false,
canExpand: false,
children: [],
assertDeepEquals(want, got);
/** Tests converting EntryList into FileData. */
export async function testConvertEntryListToFileData(done: () => void) {
const myFilesEntryList = new EntryList('My files', RootType.MY_FILES);
const got = convertEntryToFileData(myFilesEntryList);
const want: FileData = {
key: myFilesEntryList.toURL(),
fullPath: myFilesEntryList.fullPath,
entry: myFilesEntryList,
type: EntryType.ENTRY_LIST,
isDirectory: true,
label: 'My files',
volumeId: null, // No volume info for the entry list.
rootType: RootType.MY_FILES,
metadata: {} as MetadataItem,
expanded: false,
disabled: false,
isRootEntry: true,
isEjectable: false,
canExpand: false,
children: [],
assertDeepEquals(want, got);
/** Tests converting FakeEntry into FileData. */
export async function testConvertFakeEntryToFileData(done: () => void) {
const androidFakeEntry = new GuestOsPlaceholder(
'Android files', 0, chrome.fileManagerPrivate.VmType.ARCVM);
const got = convertEntryToFileData(androidFakeEntry);
const want: FileData = {
key: androidFakeEntry.toURL(),
fullPath: androidFakeEntry.fullPath,
entry: androidFakeEntry,
type: EntryType.PLACEHOLDER,
isDirectory: true,
label: 'Android files',
volumeId: null, // No volume info for the placeholder entry.
rootType: RootType.GUEST_OS,
metadata: {} as MetadataItem,
expanded: false,
disabled: false,
isRootEntry: true,
isEjectable: false,
canExpand: false,
children: [],
assertDeepEquals(want, got);
/** Tests converting native file entry into FileData. */
export async function testConvertNativeFileEntryToFileData(done: () => void) {
const fileEntry = fileSystem.entries['/dir-2/file-1.txt']!;
const got = convertEntryToFileData(fileEntry);
const want: FileData = {
key: fileEntry.toURL(),
fullPath: fileEntry.fullPath,
entry: fileEntry,
icon: 'text',
type: EntryType.FS_API,
isDirectory: false,
label: 'file-1.txt',
volumeId: fakeMyFilesVolumeId,
rootType: RootType.DOWNLOADS,
metadata: {} as MetadataItem,
expanded: false,
disabled: false,
isRootEntry: false,
isEjectable: false,
canExpand: false,
children: [],
assertDeepEquals(want, got);
/** Tests converting native directory entry into FileData. */
export async function testConvertNativeDirectoryEntryToFileData(
done: () => void) {
const directoryEntry = fileSystem.entries['/dir-1']!;
const got = convertEntryToFileData(directoryEntry);
const want: FileData = {
key: directoryEntry.toURL(),
fullPath: directoryEntry.fullPath,
entry: directoryEntry,
type: EntryType.FS_API,
isDirectory: true,
label: 'dir-1',
volumeId: fakeMyFilesVolumeId,
rootType: RootType.DOWNLOADS,
metadata: {} as MetadataItem,
expanded: false,
disabled: false,
isRootEntry: false,
isEjectable: false,
canExpand: false,
children: [],
assertDeepEquals(want, got);
* Tests that reading sub directories will put the reading result into the
* store.
export async function testReadSubDirectories(done: () => void) {
const initialState = getEmptyState();
// Populate fake entries in the file system.
const {volumeManager} = window.fileManager;
const downloadsVolumeInfo =
const fakeFs = downloadsVolumeInfo.fileSystem as MockFileSystem;
/* opt_clear= */ true);
const downloadsEntry = fakeFs.entries['/Downloads']!;
// The entry to be read should be in the store before reading.
const downloadsEntryFileData = convertEntryToFileData(downloadsEntry);
initialState.allEntries[downloadsEntry.toURL()] = downloadsEntryFileData;
// Put it in the uiEntries so it won't be cleared.
const store = setupStore(initialState);
// Dispatch read sub directories action producer.
// Expect store to have all its sub directories.
const aDirEntry = fakeFs.entries['/Downloads/a']!;
const cDirEntry = fakeFs.entries['/Downloads/c']!;
const want: State['allEntries'] = {
[downloadsEntry.toURL()]: {...downloadsEntryFileData, canExpand: true},
[aDirEntry.toURL()]: convertEntryToFileData(aDirEntry),
[cDirEntry.toURL()]: convertEntryToFileData(cDirEntry),
want[downloadsEntry.toURL()]!.children =
[aDirEntry.toURL(), cDirEntry.toURL()];
await waitDeepEquals(store, want, (state) => state.allEntries);
* Tests that reading sub directories recursively will put the reading result of
* children of grand children into the store.
export async function testReadSubDirectoriesRecursively(done: () => void) {
const initialState = getEmptyState();
// Populate fake entries in the file system.
const {volumeManager} = window.fileManager;
const downloadsVolumeInfo =
const fakeFs = downloadsVolumeInfo.fileSystem as MockFileSystem;
/* opt_clear= */ true);
const downloadsEntry = fakeFs.entries['/Downloads']!;
const bDirEntry = fakeFs.entries['/Downloads/b']!;
// The entry to be read should be in the store before reading.
const downloadsEntryFileData = convertEntryToFileData(downloadsEntry);
const bEntryFileData = convertEntryToFileData(bDirEntry);
// Set expanded = true, so it will be read deeper.
downloadsEntryFileData.expanded = true;
bEntryFileData.expanded = true;
initialState.allEntries[downloadsEntry.toURL()] = downloadsEntryFileData;
initialState.allEntries[bDirEntry.toURL()] = bEntryFileData;
const store = setupStore(initialState);
// Dispatch read sub directories action producer.
readSubDirectories(downloadsEntry.toURL(), /* recursive= */ true));
// Expect store to have all its sub directories.
const aDirEntry = fakeFs.entries['/Downloads/a']!;
const dirEntry2 = fakeFs.entries['/Downloads/b/222']!;
const want: State['allEntries'] = {
[downloadsEntry.toURL()]: {
children: [aDirEntry.toURL(), bDirEntry.toURL()],
canExpand: true,
[aDirEntry.toURL()]: {
// Partial scan for a/ (no `children` but `canExpand: true`) because it's
// not expanded.
canExpand: true,
children: [],
// Full scan for b/ (updated `children`) because it's expanded.
[bDirEntry.toURL()]: {
children: [dirEntry2.toURL()],
canExpand: true,
[dirEntry2.toURL()]: convertEntryToFileData(dirEntry2),
// Entry /a/111/ is not here because its parent a/ is not expanded.
await waitDeepEquals(store, want, (state) => state.allEntries);
/** Tests that reading a null entry does nothing. */
export async function testReadSubDirectoriesWithNullEntry(done: () => void) {
const store = setupStore();
// Check reading null entry will do nothing.
await waitDeepEquals(store, {}, (state) => state.allEntries);
/** Tests that reading a non directory entry does nothing. */
export async function testReadSubDirectoriesWithNonDirectoryEntry(
done: () => void) {
const store = setupStore();
// Populate a fake file entry in the file system.
const fakeFs = new MockFileSystem('fake-fs');
/* opt_clear= */ true);
// Check reading non directory entry will do nothing.
await waitDeepEquals(store, {}, (state) => state.allEntries);
/** Tests that reading a disabled entry does nothing. */
export async function testReadSubDirectoriesWithDisabledEntry(
done: () => void) {
const store = setupStore();
// Make downloadsEntry as disabled.
const {volumeManager} = window.fileManager;
const downloadsVolumeInfo =
const downloadsEntry = new VolumeEntry(downloadsVolumeInfo);
downloadsEntry.disabled = true;
// Check reading disabled volume entry will do nothing.
await waitDeepEquals(store, {}, (state) => state.allEntries);
* Tests that reading sub directories for fake drive entry will put the reading
* result into the store and handle grand roots properly.
export async function testReadSubDirectoriesForFakeDriveEntry(
done: () => void) {
const initialState = getEmptyState();
// MockVolumeManager will populate Drive's /root, /team_drives, /Computers
// automatically.
const {volumeManager} = window.fileManager;
const driveVolumeInfo =
const driveFs = driveVolumeInfo.fileSystem as MockFileSystem;
// Create drive root entry list and add all its children.
const driveRootEntryList =
new EntryList('Google Drive', RootType.DRIVE_FAKE_ROOT);
const sharedWithMeEntry =
new FakeEntryImpl('Shared with me', RootType.DRIVE_SHARED_WITH_ME);
const offlineEntry = new FakeEntryImpl('Offline', RootType.DRIVE_OFFLINE);
const driveEntry = driveFs.entries['/root']!;
const computersEntry = driveFs.entries['/Computers']!;
// Add child entries.
/* opt_clear= */ true);
// Drive root entry list needs to be in the store before reading.
const fakeDriveEntryFileData = convertEntryToFileData(driveRootEntryList);
initialState.allEntries[driveRootEntryList.toURL()] = fakeDriveEntryFileData;
// Put it in the uiEntries so it won't be cleared.
const store = setupStore(initialState);
// Dispatch read sub directories action producer.
// Expect its direct sub directories and grand sub directories of /Computers
// should be in the store.
const want: State['allEntries'] = {
[driveRootEntryList.toURL()]: {...fakeDriveEntryFileData, canExpand: true},
[driveEntry.toURL()]: convertEntryToFileData(driveEntry),
[computersEntry.toURL()]: convertEntryToFileData(computersEntry),
[sharedWithMeEntry.toURL()]: convertEntryToFileData(sharedWithMeEntry),
[offlineEntry.toURL()]: convertEntryToFileData(offlineEntry),
// /team_drives/ won't be here because it doesn't have children.
want[driveRootEntryList.toURL()]!.children = [
// /root children won't be read.
await waitDeepEquals(store, want, (state) => state.allEntries);
* Tests that traverse path entries will read entries for each parent and
* expand them if the child entry could be found.
export async function testTraverseAndExpandPathEntriesFound(
done: VoidCallback) {
const initialState = getEmptyState();
const {volumeManager} = window.fileManager;
// Populate some fake entries.
const downloadsVolumeInfo =
const fakeFs = downloadsVolumeInfo.fileSystem as MockFileSystem;
/* opt_clear= */ true);
const volumeRootEntry = fakeFs.entries['/']!;
const dirA = fakeFs.entries['/a']!;
const dirB = fakeFs.entries['/a/b']!;
const dirC = fakeFs.entries['/a/b/c']!;
// Put the volume root and the last child entry in the store.
const volumeRootEntryFileData = convertEntryToFileData(volumeRootEntry);
initialState.allEntries[volumeRootEntry.toURL()] = volumeRootEntryFileData;
initialState.volumes[downloadsVolumeInfo.volumeId] =
downloadsVolumeInfo, createFakeVolumeMetadata(downloadsVolumeInfo));
const dirCEntryFileData = convertEntryToFileData(dirC);
initialState.allEntries[dirC.toURL()] = dirCEntryFileData;
const store = setupStore(initialState);
// Dispatch action producer to traverse on the entry path.
// Expect dirA and dirB will be in the store and expanded.
const want: State['allEntries'] = {
[volumeRootEntry.toURL()]: {
expanded: true,
children: [dirA.toURL()],
canExpand: true,
[dirA.toURL()]: {
expanded: true,
children: [dirB.toURL()],
canExpand: true,
[dirB.toURL()]: {
expanded: true,
children: [dirC.toURL()],
canExpand: true,
[dirC.toURL()]: {
expanded: false,
children: [],
canExpand: false,
await waitDeepEquals(store, want, (state) => state.allEntries);
* Tests that traverse path entries will read entries for each parent, it
* won't expand any parent entry if the child entry can not be found.
export async function testTraverseAndExpandPathEntriesNotFound(
done: VoidCallback) {
const initialState = getEmptyState();
const {volumeManager} = window.fileManager;
// Populate some fake entries.
const downloadsVolumeInfo =
const fakeFs = downloadsVolumeInfo.fileSystem as MockFileSystem;
/* opt_clear= */ true);
const volumeRootEntry = fakeFs.entries['/']!;
const dirA = fakeFs.entries['/a']!;
const dirB = fakeFs.entries['/a/b']!;
const dirC = fakeFs.entries['/a/b/c']!;
// Put the volume root and the last child entry in the store.
const volumeRootEntryFileData = convertEntryToFileData(volumeRootEntry);
initialState.allEntries[volumeRootEntry.toURL()] = volumeRootEntryFileData;
initialState.volumes[downloadsVolumeInfo.volumeId] =
downloadsVolumeInfo, createFakeVolumeMetadata(downloadsVolumeInfo));
const dirCEntryFileData = convertEntryToFileData(dirC);
initialState.allEntries[dirC.toURL()] = dirCEntryFileData;
const store = setupStore(initialState);
// Dispatch action producer to traverse on the entry path.
// Expect dirA and dirB will be in the store but no entry is expanded.
const want: State['allEntries'] = {
[volumeRootEntry.toURL()]: {
expanded: false,
children: [dirA.toURL()],
canExpand: true,
[dirA.toURL()]: {
expanded: false,
children: [dirB.toURL()],
canExpand: true,
[dirB.toURL()]: {
expanded: false,
// dirB's children is not being read because read stops when non-exist-url
// is encountered.
children: [],
canExpand: false,
// dirC is cleared because it's not referenced by any other entries.
await waitDeepEquals(store, want, (state) => state.allEntries);
/** Tests that file data can be updated correctly. */
export async function testUpdateFileData(done: () => void) {
const initialState = getEmptyState();
// Add MyFiles entry to the store.
const {fileData} = createMyFilesDataWithVolumeEntry();
const myFilesEntryKey = fileData.key;
initialState.allEntries[myFilesEntryKey] = fileData;
const store = setupStore(initialState);
// Dispatch an action to update file data.
{key: myFilesEntryKey, partialFileData: {expanded: true}}));
// Expect MyFiles entry is expanded in the store.
await waitDeepEquals(
store, true, (state) => state.allEntries[myFilesEntryKey]?.expanded);
/** Tests that file data won't be updated without valid file data. */
export async function testUpdateFileDataWithoutValidFileData(done: () => void) {
const initialState = getEmptyState();
const store = setupStore(initialState);
// Dispatch an action to update an non existed file data.
{key: 'not-exist-key', partialFileData: {expanded: true}}));
// Check state won't be touched.
await waitDeepEquals(store, initialState, (state) => state);
* Test adding a Materialized View to the allEntries.
export async function testcacheMaterializedViews() {
const initialState = getEmptyState();
const store = setupStore(initialState);
const state = store.getState();
const key = 'materialized-view://1/';
const views: MaterializedView[] =
[{id: '1', key, label: 'test view', isRoot: true, icon: 'the-icon'}];
cacheMaterializedViews(store.getState(), views);
const want: FileData = {
fullPath: '//1/',
icon: 'the-icon',
label: 'test view',
isDirectory: true,
volumeId: null,
rootType: null,
metadata: {},
isRootEntry: true,
isEjectable: false,
canExpand: true,
children: [],
expanded: false,
disabled: false,
assertDeepEquals(want, state.allEntries[key]);