// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {getFileTasks, readMaterializedView} from '../../common/js/api.js';
import {getNativeEntry} from '../../common/js/entry_utils.js';
import {INSTALL_LINUX_PACKAGE_TASK_DESCRIPTOR, annotateTasks, getDefaultTask} from '../../common/js/file_tasks.js';
import type {FakeEntry, FilesAppDirEntry, FilesAppEntry} from '../../common/js/files_app_entry_types.js';
import {descriptorEqual} from '../../common/js/util.js';
import {RootType} from '../../common/js/volume_manager_types.js';
import {DEFAULT_CROSTINI_VM} from '../../foreground/js/constants.js';
import {PathComponent} from '../../foreground/js/path_component.js';
import type {ActionsProducerGen} from '../../lib/actions_producer.js';
import {Slice, isInvalidationError} from '../../lib/base_store.js';
import {keyedKeepFirst} from '../../lib/concurrency_models.js';
import {combine1Selector} from '../../lib/selector.js';
import {DialogType, EntryType, PropStatus, type CurrentDirectory, type DirectoryContent, type FileData, type FileKey, type FileTask, type FileTasks, type Selection, type State} from '../../state/state.js';
import {getFileData, getStore} from '../store.js';
import {cacheEntries} from './all_entries.js';
* @fileoverview Current directory slice of the store.
const slice = new Slice<State, State['currentDirectory']>('currentDirectory');
export {slice as currentDirectorySlice};
function getEmptySelection(keys: FileKey[] = []): Selection {
return {
dirCount: 0,
fileCount: 0,
// hostedCount might be updated to undefined in the for loop below.
hostedCount: 0,
// offlineCachedCount might be updated to undefined in the for loop below.
offlineCachedCount: 0,
fileTasks: {
tasks: [],
defaultTask: undefined,
policyDefaultHandlerStatus: undefined,
status: PropStatus.STARTED,
* Returns true if any of the entries in `currentDirectory` are DLP disabled,
* and false otherwise.
export function hasDlpDisabledFiles(currentState: State): boolean {
const content = currentState.currentDirectory?.content;
if (!content) {
return false;
for (const key of content!.keys) {
const fileData = currentState.allEntries[key];
if (!fileData) {
console.warn(`Missing entry: ${key}`);
if (fileData!.metadata.isRestrictedForDestination) {
return true;
return false;
/** Create action to change the Current Directory. */
export const changeDirectory = slice.addReducer('set', changeDirectoryReducer);
function changeDirectoryReducer(currentState: State, payload: {
to?: DirectoryEntry|FilesAppDirEntry, toKey: FileKey,
status?: PropStatus,
}): State {
// Cache entries, so the reducers can use any entry from `allEntries`.
if (payload.to) {
cacheEntries(currentState, [payload.to]);
const {to, toKey} = payload;
const key = toKey || to!.toURL();
const status = payload.status || PropStatus.STARTED;
const fileData = currentState.allEntries[key];
let selection = currentState.currentDirectory?.selection;
// Use an empty selection when a selection isn't defined or it's navigating to
// a new directory.
if (!selection || currentState.currentDirectory?.key !== key) {
selection = {
keys: [],
dirCount: 0,
fileCount: 0,
hostedCount: undefined,
offlineCachedCount: 0,
fileTasks: {
tasks: [],
policyDefaultHandlerStatus: undefined,
defaultTask: undefined,
status: PropStatus.SUCCESS,
let content = currentState.currentDirectory?.content;
let hasDlpDisabledFiles =
currentState.currentDirectory?.hasDlpDisabledFiles || false;
// Use empty content when it isn't defined or it's navigating to a new
// directory. The content will be updated again after a successful scan.
if (!content || currentState.currentDirectory?.key !== key) {
content = {
keys: [],
status: PropStatus.SUCCESS,
hasDlpDisabledFiles = false;
let currentDirectory: CurrentDirectory = {
pathComponents: [],
content: content,
rootType: undefined,
hasDlpDisabledFiles: hasDlpDisabledFiles,
// The new directory might not be in the allEntries yet, this might happen
// when starting to change the directory for a entry that isn't cached.
// At the end of the change directory, DirectoryContents will send an Action
// with the Entry to be cached.
if (fileData) {
if (fileData.type === EntryType.MATERIALIZED_VIEW) {
currentDirectory.pathComponents = [{
name: fileData.label,
label: fileData.label,
key: fileData.key,
} else {
const {volumeManager} = window.fileManager;
if (!volumeManager) {
console.debug(`VolumeManager not available yet.`);
currentDirectory = currentState.currentDirectory || currentDirectory;
} else {
const components = PathComponent.computeComponentsFromEntry(
fileData.entry!, volumeManager);
currentDirectory.pathComponents = components.map(c => {
return {
name: c.name,
label: c.name,
key: c.getKey(),
const locationInfo = volumeManager.getLocationInfo(fileData.entry!);
currentDirectory.rootType = locationInfo?.rootType;
return {
/** Create action to update currently selected files/folders. */
export const updateSelection =
slice.addReducer('set-selection', updateSelectionReducer);
function updateSelectionReducer(currentState: State, payload: {
selectedKeys: FileKey[],
entries: Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry>,
}): State {
// Cache entries, so the reducers can use any entry from `allEntries`.
cacheEntries(currentState, payload.entries);
const updatingToEmpty =
(payload.entries.length === 0 && payload.selectedKeys.length === 0);
if (!currentState.currentDirectory) {
if (!updatingToEmpty) {
console.warn('Missing `currentDirectory`');
console.debug('Dropping action:', payload);
return currentState;
if (!currentState.currentDirectory.content) {
if (!updatingToEmpty) {
console.warn('Missing `currentDirectory.content`');
console.debug('Dropping action:', payload);
return currentState;
const selectedKeys = payload.selectedKeys;
const contentKeys = new Set(currentState.currentDirectory!.content!.keys);
const missingKeys = selectedKeys.filter(k => !contentKeys.has(k));
if (missingKeys.length > 0) {
'Got selected keys that are not in current directory, ' +
'continuing anyway');
console.debug(`Missing keys: ${missingKeys.join('\n')} \nexisting keys:\n ${
(currentState.currentDirectory?.content?.keys ?? []).join('\n')}`);
const selection = getEmptySelection(selectedKeys);
for (const key of selectedKeys) {
const fileData = currentState.allEntries[key];
if (!fileData) {
console.warn(`Missing entry: ${key}`);
if (fileData.isDirectory) {
} else {
const metadata = fileData.metadata;
// Update hostedCount to undefined if any entry doesn't have the metadata
// yet.
const isHosted = metadata?.hosted;
if (isHosted === undefined) {
selection.hostedCount = undefined;
} else {
if (selection.hostedCount !== undefined && isHosted) {
// If no availableOffline property, then assume it's available.
const isOfflineCached =
(metadata?.availableOffline === undefined ||
if (isOfflineCached) {
const currentDirectory: CurrentDirectory = {
} as CurrentDirectory;
return {
/** Create action to update FileTasks for the current selection. */
export const updateFileTasks =
slice.addReducer('set-file-tasks', updateFileTasksReducer);
function updateFileTasksReducer(
currentState: State, payload: FileTasks): State {
const initialSelection =
currentState.currentDirectory?.selection ?? getEmptySelection();
// Apply the changes over the current selection.
const fileTasks: FileTasks = {
// Update the selection and current directory objects.
const selection: Selection = {
const currentDirectory: CurrentDirectory = {
} as CurrentDirectory;
return {
/** Create action to update the current directory's content. */
export const updateDirectoryContent =
slice.addReducer('update-content', updateDirectoryContentReducer);
function updateDirectoryContentReducer(currentState: State, payload: {
entries?: Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry>, status: PropStatus,
}): State {
// Cache entries, so the reducers can use any entry from `allEntries`.
if (payload.entries) {
cacheEntries(currentState, payload.entries);
if (!currentState.currentDirectory) {
console.warn('Missing `currentDirectory`');
return currentState;
const initialContent: DirectoryContent =
currentState.currentDirectory?.content ?? {keys: []};
const status = payload.status;
const keys = (payload.entries ?? []).map(e => e.toURL());
const content: DirectoryContent = {
let currentDirectory: CurrentDirectory = {
const newState: State = {
currentDirectory = {
hasDlpDisabledFiles: hasDlpDisabledFiles(newState),
return {
* Linux package installation is currently only supported for a single file
* which is inside the Linux container, or in a shareable volume.
* TODO(timloh): Instead of filtering these out, we probably should show a
* dialog with an error message, similar to when attempting to run Crostini
* tasks with non-Crostini entries.
function allowCrostiniTask(filesData: FileData[]) {
if (filesData.length !== 1) {
return false;
const fileData = filesData[0]!;
const rootType = (fileData.entry as FakeEntry).rootType;
if (rootType !== RootType.CROSTINI) {
return false;
const crostini = window.fileManager.crostini;
return crostini.canSharePath(
DEFAULT_CROSTINI_VM, (fileData.entry as Entry),
/*persiste=*/ false);
const emptyAction = (status: PropStatus) => updateFileTasks({
tasks: [],
policyDefaultHandlerStatus: undefined,
defaultTask: undefined,
export async function*
fetchFileTasksInternal(filesData: FileData[]): ActionsProducerGen {
// Filters out the non-native entries.
filesData = filesData.filter(getNativeEntry);
const state = getStore().getState();
const currentRootType = state.currentDirectory?.rootType;
const dialogType = window.fileManager.dialogType;
const shouldDisableTasks = (
// File Picker/Save As doesn't show the "Open" button.
dialogType !== DialogType.FULL_PAGE ||
// The list of available tasks should not be available to trashed items.
currentRootType === RootType.TRASH || filesData.length === 0);
if (shouldDisableTasks) {
yield emptyAction(PropStatus.SUCCESS);
const selectionHandler = window.fileManager.selectionHandler;
const selection = selectionHandler.selection;
await selection.computeAdditional(window.fileManager.metadataModel);
try {
const resultingTasks = await getFileTasks(
filesData.map(fd => fd.entry!),
filesData.map(fd => fd.metadata.sourceUrl || ''));
if (!resultingTasks || !resultingTasks.tasks) {
if (filesData.length === 0 || resultingTasks.tasks.length === 0) {
yield emptyAction(PropStatus.SUCCESS);
if (!allowCrostiniTask(filesData)) {
resultingTasks.tasks = resultingTasks.tasks.filter(
(task: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.FileTask) => !descriptorEqual(
const tasks = annotateTasks(resultingTasks.tasks, filesData);
resultingTasks.tasks = tasks;
// TODO: Migrate TaskHistory to the store.
const taskHistory = window.fileManager.taskController.taskHistory;
const defaultTask =
tasks, resultingTasks.policyDefaultHandlerStatus, taskHistory) ??
yield updateFileTasks({
tasks: tasks as FileTask[],
policyDefaultHandlerStatus: resultingTasks.policyDefaultHandlerStatus,
defaultTask: defaultTask as FileTask,
status: PropStatus.SUCCESS,
} catch (error) {
yield emptyAction(PropStatus.ERROR);
/** Generates key based on each FileKey (entry.toURL()). */
function getSelectionKey(filesData: FileData[]): string {
return filesData.map(f => f.key).join('|');
export const fetchFileTasks =
keyedKeepFirst(fetchFileTasksInternal, getSelectionKey);
export const directoryContentSelector = combine1Selector(
(currentDir?: CurrentDirectory) => currentDir?.content, slice.selector);
// TODO(lucmult): Add concurrency model, the latest should prevail.
export async function*
fetchDirectoryContents(fileKey: FileKey): ActionsProducerGen {
// Mark as started.
yield updateDirectoryContent({status: PropStatus.STARTED});
try {
const store = getStore();
const state = store.getState();
const fileData = getFileData(state, fileKey);
if (!fileData) {
throw new Error(`FileData not found for key ${fileKey}`);
// TODO(lucmult): Add this to concurrency model.
if (store.getState().currentDirectory?.key !== fileKey) {
// User navigated to another directory.
// NOTE: Only implemented for Materialized view for now.
if (fileData.type !== EntryType.MATERIALIZED_VIEW) {
throw new Error(`Fetch not supported for entry type: ${fileData.type}`);
const entries = await readMaterializedView(fileKey);
yield updateDirectoryContent({entries, status: PropStatus.SUCCESS});
} catch (error: any) {
if (isInvalidationError(error)) {
// Not an actual error, just stopping the actions producer.
throw error;
yield updateDirectoryContent({status: PropStatus.ERROR});