// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {comparePath} from '../../common/js/entry_utils.js';
import type {FilesAppEntry} from '../../common/js/files_app_entry_types.js';
import {Slice} from '../../lib/base_store.js';
import type {FileKey, State} from '../../state/state.js';
import {getEntry} from '../store.js';
import {cacheEntries} from './all_entries.js';
const slice = new Slice<State, State['folderShortcuts']>('folderShortcuts');
export {slice as folderShortcutsSlice};
/** Create action to refresh all folder shortcuts with provided ones. */
export const refreshFolderShortcut =
slice.addReducer('refresh', refreshFolderShortcutReducer);
function refreshFolderShortcutReducer(currentState: State, payload: {
entries: Array<Entry|FilesAppEntry>,
}): State {
// Cache entries, so the reducers can use any entry from `allEntries`.
cacheEntries(currentState, payload.entries);
return {
folderShortcuts: payload.entries.map(entry => entry.toURL()),
/** Create action to add a folder shortcut. */
export const addFolderShortcut =
slice.addReducer('add', addFolderShortcutReducer);
function addFolderShortcutReducer(currentState: State, payload: {
entry: Entry|FilesAppEntry,
}): State {
// Cache entries, so the reducers can use any entry from `allEntries`.
cacheEntries(currentState, [payload.entry]);
const {entry} = payload;
const key = entry.toURL();
const {folderShortcuts} = currentState;
for (let i = 0; i < folderShortcuts.length; i++) {
// Do nothing if the key is already existed.
if (key === folderShortcuts[i]) {
return currentState;
const shortcutEntry = getEntry(currentState, folderShortcuts[i]!);
// The folder shortcut array is sorted, the new item will be added just
// before the first larger item.
if (comparePath(shortcutEntry!, entry) > 0) {
return {
folderShortcuts: [
...folderShortcuts.slice(0, i),
// If for loop is not returned, the key is not added yet, add it at the last.
return {
folderShortcuts: folderShortcuts.concat(key),
/** Create action to remove a folder shortcut. */
export const removeFolderShortcut =
slice.addReducer('remove', removeFolderShortcutReducer);
function removeFolderShortcutReducer(currentState: State, payload: {
key: FileKey,
}): State {
const {key} = payload;
const {folderShortcuts} = currentState;
const isExisted = folderShortcuts.find(k => k === key);
// Do nothing if the key is not existed.
if (!isExisted) {
return currentState;
return {
folderShortcuts: folderShortcuts.filter(k => k !== key),