// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type {VolumeInfo} from '../../background/js/volume_info.js';
import {isOneDriveId, isSameEntry} from '../../common/js/entry_utils.js';
import type {FilesAppEntry} from '../../common/js/files_app_entry_types.js';
import {EntryList, VolumeEntry} from '../../common/js/files_app_entry_types.js';
import {isGuestOsEnabled, isSinglePartitionFormatEnabled} from '../../common/js/flags.js';
import {str} from '../../common/js/translations.js';
import type {GetActionFactoryPayload} from '../../common/js/util.js';
import {RootType, Source, VolumeType} from '../../common/js/volume_manager_types.js';
import {ICON_TYPES, ODFS_EXTENSION_ID} from '../../foreground/js/constants.js';
import type {ActionsProducerGen} from '../../lib/actions_producer.js';
import {Slice} from '../../lib/base_store.js';
import {PropStatus, type State, type Volume, type VolumeId} from '../../state/state.js';
import type {FileKey} from '../file_key.js';
import {getEntry, getFileData, getStore} from '../store.js';
import {cacheEntries, getMyFiles, readSubDirectories, updateFileDataInPlace} from './all_entries.js';
import {updateDeviceConnectionState} from './device.js';
import {removeUiEntry} from './ui_entries.js';
* @fileoverview Volumes slice of the store.
const slice = new Slice<State, State['volumes']>('volumes');
export {slice as volumesSlice};
export const myFilesEntryListKey = `entry-list://${RootType.MY_FILES}`;
export const crostiniPlaceHolderKey = `fake-entry://${RootType.CROSTINI}`;
export const drivePlaceHolderKey = `fake-entry://${RootType.DRIVE_FAKE_ROOT}`;
export const recentRootKey = `fake-entry://${RootType.RECENT}/all`;
export const trashRootKey = `fake-entry://${RootType.TRASH}`;
export const driveRootEntryListKey = `entry-list://${RootType.DRIVE_FAKE_ROOT}`;
export const oneDriveFakeRootKey =
export const makeRemovableParentKey =
(volume: Volume|chrome.fileManagerPrivate.VolumeMetadata) => {
// Should be consistent with EntryList's toURL() method.
if (volume.devicePath) {
return `entry-list://${RootType.REMOVABLE}/${volume.devicePath}`;
return `entry-list://${RootType.REMOVABLE}`;
export const removableGroupKey =
(volume: Volume|chrome.fileManagerPrivate.VolumeMetadata) =>
export function getVolumeTypesNestedInMyFiles() {
const myFilesNestedVolumeTypes = new Set<VolumeType>([
if (isGuestOsEnabled()) {
return myFilesNestedVolumeTypes;
* Convert VolumeInfo and VolumeMetadata to its store representation: Volume.
export function convertVolumeInfoAndMetadataToVolume(
volumeInfo: VolumeInfo,
volumeMetadata: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.VolumeMetadata): Volume {
* FileKey for the volume root's Entry. Or how do we find the Entry for this
* volume in the allEntries.
const volumeRootKey = volumeInfo.displayRoot.toURL();
return {
volumeId: volumeMetadata.volumeId,
volumeType: volumeMetadata.volumeType as VolumeType,
rootKey: volumeRootKey,
status: PropStatus.SUCCESS,
label: volumeInfo.label,
error: volumeMetadata.mountCondition,
deviceType: volumeMetadata.deviceType,
devicePath: volumeMetadata.devicePath,
isReadOnly: volumeMetadata.isReadOnly,
isReadOnlyRemovableDevice: volumeMetadata.isReadOnlyRemovableDevice,
providerId: volumeMetadata.providerId,
configurable: volumeMetadata.configurable,
watchable: volumeMetadata.watchable,
source: volumeMetadata.source,
diskFileSystemType: volumeMetadata.diskFileSystemType,
iconSet: volumeMetadata.iconSet,
driveLabel: volumeMetadata.driveLabel,
vmType: volumeMetadata.vmType,
isDisabled: false,
// FileKey to volume's parent in the Tree.
prefixKey: undefined,
// A volume is by default interactive unless explicitly made
// non-interactive.
isInteractive: true,
* Updates a volume from the store.
export function updateVolume(
state: State, volumeId: VolumeId, changes: Partial<Volume>): Volume|
undefined {
const volume = state.volumes[volumeId];
if (!volume) {
console.warn(`Volume not found in the store: ${volumeId}`);
return {
function appendChildIfNotExisted(
parentEntry: VolumeEntry|EntryList,
childEntry: Entry|FilesAppEntry): boolean {
if (!parentEntry.getUiChildren().find(
(entry) => isSameEntry(entry, childEntry))) {
return true;
return false;
* Given a volume info, check if we need to group it into a wrapper.
* When the "SinglePartitionFormat" flag is on, we always group removable volume
* even there's only 1 partition, otherwise the group only happens when there
* are more than 1 partition in the same device.
function shouldGroupRemovable(
volumes: State['volumes'], volumeInfo: VolumeInfo,
volumeMetadata: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.VolumeMetadata): boolean {
if (isSinglePartitionFormatEnabled()) {
return true;
const groupingKey = removableGroupKey(volumeMetadata);
return Object.values<Volume>(volumes).some(v => {
return (
v.volumeType === VolumeType.REMOVABLE &&
removableGroupKey(v) === groupingKey &&
v.volumeId !== volumeInfo.volumeId);
/** Create action to add a volume. */
const addVolumeInternal = slice.addReducer('add', addVolumeReducer);
function addVolumeReducer(currentState: State, payload: {
volumeMetadata: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.VolumeMetadata,
volumeInfo: VolumeInfo,
}): State {
const {volumeMetadata, volumeInfo} = payload;
// Cache entries, so the reducers can use any entry from `allEntries`.
const newVolumeEntry = new VolumeEntry(payload.volumeInfo);
cacheEntries(currentState, [newVolumeEntry]);
const volumeRootKey = newVolumeEntry.toURL();
// Update isEjectable fields in the FileData.
currentState.allEntries[volumeRootKey] = {
isEjectable: (volumeInfo.source === Source.DEVICE &&
volumeInfo.volumeType !== VolumeType.MTP) ||
volumeInfo.source === Source.FILE,
const volume =
convertVolumeInfoAndMetadataToVolume(volumeInfo, volumeMetadata);
// Use volume entry's disabled property because that one is derived from
// volume manager.
volume.isDisabled = !!newVolumeEntry.disabled;
// Handles volumes nested inside MyFiles, if local user files are allowed.
// It creates a placeholder for MyFiles if MyFiles volume isn't mounted yet.
const myFilesNestedVolumeTypes = getVolumeTypesNestedInMyFiles();
const {myFilesEntry} = getMyFiles(currentState);
// For volumes which are supposed to be nested inside MyFiles (e.g. Android,
// Crostini, GuestOS), we need to nest them into MyFiles and remove the
// placeholder fake entry if existed.
if (myFilesEntry && myFilesNestedVolumeTypes.has(volume.volumeType)) {
volume.prefixKey = myFilesEntry.toURL();
// Nest the entry for the new volume info in MyFiles.
const uiEntryPlaceholder = myFilesEntry.getUiChildren().find(
childEntry => childEntry.name === newVolumeEntry.name);
// Remove a placeholder for the currently mounting volume.
if (uiEntryPlaceholder) {
// Do not remove the placeholder ui entry from the store. Removing it from
// the MyFiles is sufficient to prevent it from showing in the directory
// tree. We keep it in the store (`currentState["uiEntries"]`) because
// when the corresponding volume unmounts, we need to use its existence to
// decide if we need to re-add the placeholder back to MyFiles.
appendChildIfNotExisted(myFilesEntry, newVolumeEntry);
// Handles MyFiles volume.
// It nests the Android, Crostini & GuestOSes inside MyFiles.
if (volume.volumeType === VolumeType.DOWNLOADS) {
for (const v of Object.values<Volume>(currentState.volumes)) {
if (myFilesNestedVolumeTypes.has(v.volumeType)) {
v.prefixKey = volumeRootKey;
// Do not use myFilesEntry above, because at this moment both fake MyFiles
// and real MyFiles are in the store.
const myFilesEntryList =
getEntry(currentState, myFilesEntryListKey) as EntryList;
if (myFilesEntryList) {
// We need to copy the children of the entry list to the real volume
// entry.
const uiChildren = [...myFilesEntryList.getUiChildren()];
for (const childEntry of uiChildren) {
appendChildIfNotExisted(newVolumeEntry, childEntry);
// Remove MyFiles entry list from the uiEntries.
currentState.uiEntries = currentState.uiEntries.filter(
uiEntryKey => uiEntryKey !== myFilesEntryListKey);
// Handles Drive volume.
// It nests the Drive root (aka MyDrive) inside a EntryList for "Google
// Drive", and also the fake entries for "Offline" and "Shared with me".
if (volume.volumeType === VolumeType.DRIVE) {
let driveFakeRoot: EntryList|null =
getEntry(currentState, driveRootEntryListKey) as EntryList;
if (!driveFakeRoot) {
driveFakeRoot =
cacheEntries(currentState, [driveFakeRoot]);
// When Drive is disabled via pref change, the root key in `uiEntries` will
// be removed immediately but the corresponding entry in `allEntries` is
// removed asynchronously. When Drive is enabled again, it's possible the
// entry is still in `allEntries` but we don't have root key in `uiEntries`.
if (!currentState.uiEntries.includes(driveFakeRoot.toURL())) {
currentState.uiEntries =
[...currentState.uiEntries, driveFakeRoot.toURL()];
// We want the order to be
// - My Drive
// - Shared Drives (if the user has any)
// - Computers (if the user has any)
// - Shared with me
// - Offline
// Clear all existing UI children to make sure we can maintain the append
// order. For example: when Drive is disconnected and then reconnected, if
// we don't clear current children, all other children are still there and
// only "My Drive" will be re-added at the end.
const {sharedDriveDisplayRoot, computersDisplayRoot, fakeEntries} =
// Add "Shared drives" (team drives) grand root into Drive. It's guaranteed
// to be resolved at this moment because ADD_VOLUME action will only be
// triggered after resolving all roots.
if (sharedDriveDisplayRoot) {
cacheEntries(currentState, [sharedDriveDisplayRoot]);
// Add "Computer" grand root into Drive. It's guaranteed to be resolved at
// this moment because ADD_VOLUME action will only be triggered after
// resolving all roots.
if (computersDisplayRoot) {
cacheEntries(currentState, [computersDisplayRoot]);
// Add "Shared with me" into Drive.
const fakeSharedWithMe = fakeEntries[RootType.DRIVE_SHARED_WITH_ME];
if (fakeSharedWithMe) {
cacheEntries(currentState, [fakeSharedWithMe]);
currentState.uiEntries =
[...currentState.uiEntries, fakeSharedWithMe.toURL()];
// Add "Offline" into Drive.
const fakeOffline = fakeEntries[RootType.DRIVE_OFFLINE];
if (fakeOffline) {
cacheEntries(currentState, [fakeOffline]);
currentState.uiEntries = [...currentState.uiEntries, fakeOffline.toURL()];
volume.prefixKey = driveFakeRoot.toURL();
// Handles Removable volume.
// It may nest in a EntryList if one device has multiple partitions.
if (volume.volumeType === VolumeType.REMOVABLE) {
const groupingKey = removableGroupKey(volumeMetadata);
const shouldGroup =
shouldGroupRemovable(currentState.volumes, volumeInfo, volumeMetadata);
if (shouldGroup) {
const parentKey = makeRemovableParentKey(volumeMetadata);
let parentEntry = getEntry(currentState, parentKey) as EntryList | null;
if (!parentEntry) {
parentEntry = new EntryList(
volumeMetadata.driveLabel || '', RootType.REMOVABLE,
cacheEntries(currentState, [parentEntry]);
currentState.uiEntries =
[...currentState.uiEntries, parentEntry.toURL()];
// Update the siblings too.
v => v.volumeType === VolumeType.REMOVABLE &&
removableGroupKey(v) === groupingKey,
.forEach(v => {
const fileData = getFileData(currentState, v.rootKey!);
if (!fileData || !fileData?.entry) {
if (!v.prefixKey) {
v.prefixKey = parentEntry!.toURL();
appendChildIfNotExisted(parentEntry!, fileData.entry);
// For sub-partition from a removable volume, its children icon
// should be UNKNOWN_REMOVABLE, and it shouldn't be ejectable.
currentState.allEntries[v.rootKey!] = {
isEjectable: false,
// At this point the current `newVolumeEntry` is not in `parentEntry`, we
// need to add that to that group.
appendChildIfNotExisted(parentEntry, newVolumeEntry);
volume.prefixKey = parentEntry.toURL();
// For sub-partition from a removable volume, its children icon should be
// UNKNOWN_REMOVABLE, and it shouldn't be ejectable.
const fileData = getFileData(currentState, volumeRootKey)!;
currentState.allEntries[volumeRootKey] = {
isEjectable: false,
currentState.allEntries[parentKey] = {
...getFileData(currentState, parentKey)!,
// Removable devices with group, its parent should always be ejectable.
isEjectable: true,
return {
volumes: {
[volume.volumeId]: volume,
export async function*
volumeInfo: VolumeInfo,
volumeMetadata: chrome.fileManagerPrivate.VolumeMetadata):
ActionsProducerGen {
if (!volumeInfo.fileSystem) {
'Only add to the store volumes that have successfully resolved.');
yield addVolumeInternal({volumeInfo, volumeMetadata});
// For volume changes which involves UI children change, we need to trigger a
// re-scan for the parent entry to populate the FileData.children with its UI
// children.
let fileKeyToScan: FileKey|null = null;
const store = getStore();
const state = store.getState();
const myFilesNestedVolumeTypes = getVolumeTypesNestedInMyFiles();
const {myFilesEntry} = getMyFiles(state);
if (myFilesNestedVolumeTypes.has(volumeInfo.volumeType) ||
volumeInfo.volumeType === VolumeType.DOWNLOADS) {
// Adding volumes which are supposed to be nested inside MyFiles (e.g.
// Android, Crostini, GuestOS) will modify MyFiles's UI children, re-scan
// required.
// Adding MyFiles volume might inherit UI children from its placeholder,
// which modifies MyFiles's UI children, re-scan required.
if (myFilesEntry) {
fileKeyToScan = myFilesEntry.toURL();
if (volumeInfo.volumeType === VolumeType.DRIVE) {
// Adding Drive volume updates UI children for Drive root entry list,
// re-scan required.
fileKeyToScan = driveRootEntryListKey;
if (volumeInfo.volumeType === VolumeType.REMOVABLE) {
// Adding Removable volume which requires grouping updates UI children for
// the wrapper entry list, re-scan required.
const shouldGroup =
shouldGroupRemovable(state.volumes, volumeInfo, volumeMetadata);
if (shouldGroup) {
fileKeyToScan = makeRemovableParentKey(volumeMetadata);
if (!fileKeyToScan) {
/** Create action to remove a volume. */
const removeVolumeInternal = slice.addReducer('remove', removeVolumeReducer);
function removeVolumeReducer(currentState: State, payload: {
volumeId: VolumeId,
}): State {
delete currentState.volumes[payload.volumeId];
currentState.volumes = {
return {...currentState};
export async function* removeVolume(volumeId: VolumeId): ActionsProducerGen {
const store = getStore();
const state = store.getState();
const volumeToRemove: Volume|undefined = state.volumes[volumeId];
if (!volumeToRemove) {
// Somehow the volume is already removed from the store, do nothing.
yield removeVolumeInternal({volumeId});
const volumeEntry = getEntry(state, volumeToRemove.rootKey!);
if (!volumeEntry) {
if (!volumeToRemove.prefixKey) {
// We also need to remove it from its prefix entry if there is one.
const prefixEntryFileData = getFileData(state, volumeToRemove.prefixKey);
if (!prefixEntryFileData) {
const prefixEntry = prefixEntryFileData.entry as EntryList | VolumeEntry;
// Remove it from the prefix entry's UI children.
// If the prefix entry is an entry list for removable partitions, and this
// is the last child, remove the prefix entry.
if (prefixEntry.rootType === RootType.REMOVABLE &&
prefixEntry.getUiChildren().length === 0) {
// No scan is required because the prefix entry is removed.
// If the volume entry is under MyFiles, we need to add the placeholder
// entry back after the corresponding volume is removed (e.g.
// Crostini/Play files).
const volumeTypesNestedInMyFiles = getVolumeTypesNestedInMyFiles();
const uiEntryKey = state.uiEntries.find(entryKey => {
const uiEntry = getEntry(state, entryKey)!;
return uiEntry.name === volumeEntry.name;
if (volumeTypesNestedInMyFiles.has(volumeToRemove.volumeType) && uiEntryKey) {
// Re-add the corresponding placeholder ui entry to the UI children.
const uiEntry = getEntry(state, uiEntryKey)!;
// The UI children for the prefix entry has been changed, re-scan required.
/** Create action to update isInteractive for a volume. */
export const updateIsInteractiveVolume =
slice.addReducer('set-is-interactive', updateIsInteractiveVolumeReducer);
function updateIsInteractiveVolumeReducer(currentState: State, payload: {
volumeId: VolumeId,
isInteractive: boolean,
}): State {
const volumes = {
const updatedVolume = {
isInteractive: payload.isInteractive,
} as Volume;
return {
volumes: {
[payload.volumeId]: updatedVolume,
updateDeviceConnectionState.type, updateDeviceConnectionStateReducer);
function updateDeviceConnectionStateReducer(
currentState: State,
payload: GetActionFactoryPayload<typeof updateDeviceConnectionState>):
State {
let volumes: State['volumes']|undefined;
// Find ODFS volume(s) and disable it (or them) if offline.
const disableODFS = payload.connection ===
for (const volume of Object.values<Volume>(currentState.volumes)) {
if (!isOneDriveId(volume.providerId) || volume.isDisabled === disableODFS) {
const updatedVolume =
updateVolume(currentState, volume.volumeId, {isDisabled: disableODFS});
if (updatedVolume) {
if (!volumes) {
volumes = {
[volume.volumeId]: updatedVolume,
} else {
volumes[volume.volumeId] = updatedVolume;
// Make the ODFS FileData/VolumeEntry consistent with its volume in the
// store.
currentState, volume.rootKey!, {disabled: disableODFS});
const odfsVolumeEntry =
getEntry(currentState, volume.rootKey!) as VolumeEntry;
if (odfsVolumeEntry) {
odfsVolumeEntry.disabled = disableODFS;
return volumes ? {...currentState, volumes} : currentState;