// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assertDeepEquals} from 'chrome://webui-test/chromeos/chai_assert.js';
import type {Crostini} from '../background/js/crostini.js';
import {MockVolumeManager} from '../background/js/mock_volume_manager.js';
import type {VolumeInfo} from '../background/js/volume_info.js';
import type {FilesAppDirEntry} from '../common/js/files_app_entry_types.js';
import type {DirectoryTreeNamingController} from '../foreground/js/directory_tree_naming_controller.js';
import {FakeFileSelectionHandler} from '../foreground/js/fake_file_selection_handler.js';
import type {MetadataModel} from '../foreground/js/metadata/metadata_model.js';
import {MockMetadataModel} from '../foreground/js/metadata/mock_metadata.js';
import {createFakeDirectoryModel} from '../foreground/js/mock_directory_model.js';
import type {TaskController} from '../foreground/js/task_controller.js';
import type {FileManagerUI} from '../foreground/js/ui/file_manager_ui.js';
import {type EntryMetadata, updateMetadata} from './ducks/all_entries.js';
import {changeDirectory, updateDirectoryContent, updateSelection} from './ducks/current_directory.js';
import {DialogType, type FileKey, PropStatus, type State} from './state.js';
import {getEmptyState, getStore, type StateSelector, type Store, waitForState} from './store.js';
* Compares 2 State objects and fails with nicely formatted message when it
* fails.
export function assertStateEquals(want: any, got: any) {
want, got,
`\nWANT:\n${JSON.stringify(want, null, 2)}\nGOT:\n${
JSON.stringify(got, null, 2)}\n\n`);
* Returns the `allEntries` size of the passed State.
export function allEntriesSize(state: State): number {
return Object.keys(state.allEntries).length;
* Compares the current state's allEntries field to the expected list. Fails
* with a nicely formatted message if there's a mismatch.
export function assertAllEntriesEqual(store: Store, want: FileKey[]) {
const got = Object.keys(store.getState().allEntries).sort();
want, got,
`\nWANT:\n${JSON.stringify(want, null, 2)}\nGOT:\n${
JSON.stringify(got, null, 2)}\n\n`);
/** Change the directory in the store. */
export function cd(store: Store, directory: DirectoryEntry|FilesAppDirEntry) {
{to: directory, toKey: directory.toURL(), status: PropStatus.SUCCESS}));
/** Updates the selection in the store. */
export function changeSelection(store: Store, entries: Entry[]) {
selectedKeys: entries.map(e => e.toURL()),
/** Updates the metadata in the store. */
export function updMetadata(store: Store, metadata: EntryMetadata[]) {
/** Updates the directory content in the store. */
export function updateContent(store: Store, entries: Entry[]) {
store.dispatch(updateDirectoryContent({entries, status: PropStatus.SUCCESS}));
* Store state might include objects (e.g. Entry type) which can not stringified
* by JSON, here we implement a custom "replacer" to handle that.
function jsonStringifyStoreState(state: any): string {
return JSON.stringify(state, (key, value) => {
// Currently only the key with "entry" (inside `FileData`) can't be
// stringified, we just return its URL.
if (key === 'entry') {
return value.toURL();
return value;
}, 2);
* Waits for a part of the Store to be in the expected state.
* Waits a maximum of 10 seconds, since in the unittest the Store manipulation
* has all async APIs mocked.
* Usage:
* let want: StoreSomething = {somePartOfStore: 'desired state'};
* store.dispatch(someActionsProducer(...));
* await waitDeepEquals(store, want, (state) => state.something);
export async function waitDeepEquals(
store: Store, want: any, stateSelection: StateSelector) {
let got: any;
const timeout = new Promise((_, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error(`waitDeepEquals timed out.\nWANT:\n${
}, 10000);
const checker = waitForState(store, (state) => {
try {
got = stateSelection(state);
assertDeepEquals(want, got);
return true;
} catch (error: any) {
if (error.constructor?.name === 'AssertionError') {
return false;
throw error;
await Promise.race([checker, timeout]);
/** Setup store and initialize it with empty state. */
export function setupStore(initialState: State = getEmptyState()): Store {
const store = getStore();
return store;
* Setup fileManager dependencies on window object.
export function setUpFileManagerOnWindow() {
const volumeManager = new MockVolumeManager();
// Keys are defined in file_manager.d.ts
window.fileManager = {
volumeManager: volumeManager,
metadataModel: new MockMetadataModel({}) as unknown as MetadataModel,
ui: {} as unknown as FileManagerUI,
crostini: {} as unknown as Crostini,
selectionHandler: new FakeFileSelectionHandler(),
taskController: {} as unknown as TaskController,
dialogType: DialogType.FULL_PAGE,
directoryModel: createFakeDirectoryModel(),
fileFilter: {
filter() {
return true;
directoryTreeNamingController: {} as unknown as
getLastVisitedUrl() {
return '';
getTranslatedString(_id: string) {
return '';
onUnloadForTest() {},
* Create a fake VolumeMetadata with VolumeInfo, VolumeInfo can be created by
* MockVolumeManager.createMockVolumeInfo.
export function createFakeVolumeMetadata(
volumeInfo: VolumeInfo,
): chrome.fileManagerPrivate.VolumeMetadata {
return {
volumeId: volumeInfo.volumeId,
volumeType: volumeInfo.volumeType as chrome.fileManagerPrivate.VolumeType,
profile: {
profileId: '',
configurable: volumeInfo.configurable,
watchable: volumeInfo.watchable,
source: volumeInfo.source as chrome.fileManagerPrivate.Source,
volumeLabel: volumeInfo.label,
fileSystemId: undefined,
providerId: volumeInfo.providerId,
sourcePath: undefined,
deviceType: volumeInfo.deviceType as chrome.fileManagerPrivate.DeviceType,
devicePath: volumeInfo.devicePath,
isParentDevice: undefined,
isReadOnly: volumeInfo.isReadOnly,
isReadOnlyRemovableDevice: volumeInfo.isReadOnlyRemovableDevice,
hasMedia: false,
mountCondition: undefined,
mountContext: undefined,
diskFileSystemType: volumeInfo.diskFileSystemType,
iconSet: volumeInfo.iconSet,
driveLabel: volumeInfo.driveLabel,
remoteMountPath: volumeInfo.remoteMountPath,
hidden: false,
vmType: volumeInfo.vmType,