// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {getTrustedHTML} from 'chrome://resources/js/static_types.js';
import {assertEquals, assertFalse, assertGT, assertNotEquals, assertTrue} from 'chrome://webui-test/chromeos/chai_assert.js';
import {hasOverflowEllipsis} from '../common/js/dom_utils.js';
import {waitUntil} from '../common/js/test_error_reporting.js';
import {type BreadcrumbClickedEvent, XfBreadcrumb} from './xf_breadcrumb.js';
* Creates new <xf-breadcrumb> element for each test. Asserts it has no initial
* path using the element.path getter.
export function setUp() {
document.body.innerHTML = getTrustedHTML`
const breadcrumb = document.querySelector('xf-breadcrumb');
assertEquals('', breadcrumb!.path);
/** Returns the <xf-breadcrumb> element. */
function getBreadcrumb(): XfBreadcrumb {
const element = document.querySelector('xf-breadcrumb');
assertNotEquals('none', window.getComputedStyle(element!).display);
return element!;
* Returns the <xf-breadcrumb> child button elements.
function getAllBreadcrumbButtons(): HTMLButtonElement[] {
const buttons = getBreadcrumb().shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll('button');
return Array.from(buttons) as HTMLButtonElement[];
* Returns the not-hidden <xf-breadcrumb> main button elements. The breadcrumb
* main buttons have an id, all other breadcrumb buttons do not.
function getVisibleBreadcrumbMainButtons(): HTMLButtonElement[] {
const notHiddenMain = 'button[id]';
const buttons = getBreadcrumb().shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll(notHiddenMain);
return Array.from(buttons) as HTMLButtonElement[];
/** Returns the last not-hidden <xf-breadcrumb> main button element. */
function getLastVisibleBreadcrumbMainButton(): HTMLButtonElement {
return getVisibleBreadcrumbMainButtons().pop() as HTMLButtonElement;
/** Returns the <xf-breadcrumb> elider button element. */
function getBreadcrumbEliderButton(): HTMLButtonElement|null {
const elider = 'button[elider]';
const button = getBreadcrumb().shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll(elider);
if (button.length > 0) {
return button[0] as HTMLButtonElement;
return null;
/** Returns the <xf-breadcrumb> drop-down menu button elements. */
function getBreadcrumbMenuButtons(): HTMLButtonElement[] {
const menuButton = 'cr-action-menu button';
const buttons = getBreadcrumb().shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll(menuButton);
return Array.from(buttons) as HTMLButtonElement[];
* Returns <xf-breadcrumb> main button visual state.
* @param button Main button (these have an id).
* @param i Number to assign to the button.
function getMainButtonState(button: HTMLButtonElement, i: number): string {
const display = window.getComputedStyle(button).display;
const result = i + ': display:' + display + ' id=' + button.id + ' text=[' +
button.textContent + ']';
return result;
* Returns <xf-breadcrumb> elider button visual state.
* @param button Elider button.
* @param i Number to assign to the button.
function getEliderButtonState(button: HTMLButtonElement, i: number): string {
const display = window.getComputedStyle(button).display;
const result = i + ': display:' + display;
const attributes: string[] = [];
for (const value of button.getAttributeNames().values()) {
if (value === 'aria-expanded') { // drop-down menu: opened || closed
attributes.push(value + '=' + button.getAttribute('aria-expanded'));
} else if (value !== 'elider') {
assertFalse(!!button.id, 'elider button should not have an id');
return result + ' elider[' + attributes.sort() + ']';
* Returns <xf-breadcrumb> drop-down menu button visual state.
* @param button Drop-down menu button.
function getDropDownMenuButtonState(button: HTMLButtonElement): string {
const display = window.getComputedStyle(button).display;
const result = `${button.classList.toString()}: display:` + display +
' text=[' + button.textContent + ']';
assertFalse(!!button.id, 'drop-down buttons should not have an id');
return result;
/** Returns the <xf-breadcrumb> buttons visual state. */
function getBreadcrumbButtonState(): string {
const parts: string[] = [];
const menus: string[] = [];
const buttons = getAllBreadcrumbButtons();
let number = 0;
buttons.forEach((button) => {
if (button.id) { // Main buttons have an id.
parts.push(getMainButtonState(button, ++number));
} else if (button.hasAttribute('elider')) { // Elider button.
parts.push(getEliderButtonState(button, ++number));
} else { // A drop-down menu button.
// Elider should only display for paths with more than 4 parts.
if (getBreadcrumbEliderButton()) {
assertGT(getBreadcrumb().parts.length, 4);
// The 'last' main button displayed should always be [disabled].
const last = getLastVisibleBreadcrumbMainButton();
if (getBreadcrumb().path !== '') {
if (menus.length) {
return [parts[0], parts[1]].concat(menus, parts.slice(2)).join(' ');
return parts.join(' ');
/** Sets and Waits for the path to updated in the DOM. */
async function setAndWaitPath(path: string): Promise<void> {
const element = getBreadcrumb();
element.path = path;
await element.updateComplete;
function simulateMouseEnter(element: HTMLElement) {
const ev = new MouseEvent('mouseenter', {
view: window,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
/** Returns the visible buttons rendered with CSS overflow ellipsis. */
function getEllipsisButtons(breadcrumb: XfBreadcrumb): HTMLButtonElement[] {
const pathButtons = Array.from(
if (breadcrumb.parts.length <= 4) {
return pathButtons.filter(hasOverflowEllipsis);
const elidedButtons =
'cr-action-menu button')!);
const allButtons =
[pathButtons[0]].concat(elidedButtons, pathButtons.slice(1)) as
return allButtons.filter(hasOverflowEllipsis);
* Tests rendering an empty path.
export async function testBreadcrumbEmptyPath(done: () => void) {
const element = getBreadcrumb();
// Set path.
await setAndWaitPath('');
const path = element.path;
assertEquals('', path);
// An empty string is rendered if the path is empty.
assertEquals('', getBreadcrumbButtonState());
* Tests rendering a one element path.
export async function testBreadcrumbOnePartPath(done: () => void) {
const element = getBreadcrumb();
// Set path.
await setAndWaitPath('A');
// clang-format off
const expect = element.path +
' 1: display:block id=first text=[A]';
// clang-format on
const path = element.path;
assertEquals(expect, path + ' ' + getBreadcrumbButtonState());
/** Tests rendering a two element path. */
export async function testBreadcrumbTwoPartPath(done: () => void) {
const element = getBreadcrumb();
// Set path.
await setAndWaitPath('A/B');
// clang-format off
const expect = element.path +
' 1: display:block id=first text=[A]' +
' 2: display:block id=second text=[B]';
// clang-format on
const path = element.path;
assertEquals(expect, path + ' ' + getBreadcrumbButtonState());
/** Tests rendering a three element path. */
export async function testBreadcrumbThreePartPath(done: () => void) {
const element = getBreadcrumb();
// Set path.
await setAndWaitPath('A/B/C');
// clang-format off
const expect = element.path +
' 1: display:block id=first text=[A]' +
' 2: display:block id=second text=[B]' +
' 3: display:block id=third text=[C]';
// clang-format on
const path = element.path;
assertEquals(expect, path + ' ' + getBreadcrumbButtonState());
* Tests rendering a four element path.
export async function testBreadcrumbFourPartPath(done: () => void) {
const element = getBreadcrumb();
// Set path.
await setAndWaitPath('A/B/C/D');
// clang-format off
const expect = element.path +
' 1: display:block id=first text=[A]' +
' 2: display:block id=second text=[B]' +
' 3: display:block id=third text=[C]' +
' 4: display:block id=fourth text=[D]';
// clang-format on
const path = element.path;
assertEquals(expect, path + ' ' + getBreadcrumbButtonState());
* Tests rendering a path of more than four parts. The elider button should be
* visible (not hidden and have display).
* The drop-down menu button should contain the elided path parts and can have
* display, but are invisible because the elider drop-down menu is closed.
export async function testBreadcrumbMoreThanFourElementPathsElide(
done: () => void) {
const element = getBreadcrumb();
// Set path.
await setAndWaitPath('A/B/C/D/E/F');
// Elider button drop-down menu should be in the 'closed' state.
const elider = getBreadcrumbEliderButton()!;
assertEquals('false', elider.getAttribute('aria-expanded'));
// clang-format off
const expect = element.path +
' 1: display:block id=first text=[A]' +
' 2: display:flex elider[aria-expanded=false,aria-haspopup,aria-label]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[B]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[C]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[D]' +
' 3: display:block id=second text=[E]' +
' 4: display:block id=third text=[F]';
// clang-format on
const path = element.path;
assertEquals(expect, path + ' ' + getBreadcrumbButtonState());
* Tests rendering a path where the path parts have escaped characters. Again,
* the elider should be visible (not hidden and have display) because the path
* has more than four parts.
* The drop-down menu button should contain the elided path parts and can have
* display, but are invisible because the elider drop-down menu is closed.
export async function testBreadcrumbRendersEscapedPathParts(done: () => void) {
const element = getBreadcrumb();
// Set path.
await setAndWaitPath(
'A%2FA/B%2FB/C %2F/%2FD /%2F%2FE/Nexus%2FPixel %28MTP%29');
// Elider button drop-down menu should be in the 'closed' state.
const elider = getBreadcrumbEliderButton()!;
assertEquals('false', elider.getAttribute('aria-expanded'));
// clang-format off
const expect = element.path +
' 1: display:block id=first text=[A/A]' +
' 2: display:flex elider[aria-expanded=false,aria-haspopup,aria-label]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[B/B]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[C /]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[/D ]' +
' 3: display:block id=second text=[//E]' +
' 4: display:block id=third text=[Nexus/Pixel (MTP)]';
// clang-format on
const path = element.path;
assertEquals(expect, path + ' ' + getBreadcrumbButtonState());
* Tests rendering a path of more than four parts. The elider button should be
* visible and clicking it should 'open' and 'close' its drop-down menu.
export async function
testBreadcrumbElidedPathEliderButtonClicksOpenDropDownMenu(done: () => void) {
const element = getBreadcrumb();
// Set path.
await setAndWaitPath('A/B/C/D/E');
// Elider button drop-down menu should be in the 'closed' state.
const elider = getBreadcrumbEliderButton()!;
assertEquals('false', elider.getAttribute('aria-expanded'));
// Clicking the elider button should 'open' its drop-down menu.
await element.updateComplete;
assertEquals('true', elider.getAttribute('aria-expanded'));
// clang-format off
const opened = element.path +
' 1: display:block id=first text=[A]' +
' 2: display:flex elider[aria-expanded=true,aria-haspopup,aria-label]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[B]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[C]' +
' 3: display:block id=second text=[D]' +
' 4: display:block id=third text=[E]';
// clang-format on
const path = element.path;
assertEquals(opened, path + ' ' + getBreadcrumbButtonState());
// Clicking the elider again should 'close' the drop-down menu.
await element.updateComplete;
assertEquals('false', elider.getAttribute('aria-expanded'));
// clang-format off
const closed = element.path +
' 1: display:block id=first text=[A]' +
' 2: display:flex elider[aria-expanded=false,aria-haspopup,aria-label]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[B]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[C]' +
' 3: display:block id=second text=[D]' +
' 4: display:block id=third text=[E]';
// clang-format on
assertEquals(closed, path + ' ' + getBreadcrumbButtonState());
* Tests that clicking on the main buttons emits a signal that indicates which
* part of the breadcrumb path was clicked.
export async function testBreadcrumbMainButtonClicksEmitNumberSignal(
done: () => void) {
const element = getBreadcrumb();
// Set path.
await setAndWaitPath('A/B/C/D/E/F');
// clang-format off
const expect = element.path +
' 1: display:block id=first text=[A]' + // 1st main button
' 2: display:flex elider[aria-expanded=false,aria-haspopup,aria-label]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[B]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[C]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[D]' +
' 3: display:block id=second text=[E]' + // 2nd main button
' 4: display:block id=third text=[F]'; // 3rd main button
// clang-format on
const path = element.path;
assertEquals(expect, path + ' ' + getBreadcrumbButtonState());
let signal: number|null = null;
(event: BreadcrumbClickedEvent) => {
const index = Number(event.detail.partIndex);
assertEquals(typeof index, 'number');
signal = index;
const buttons = getVisibleBreadcrumbMainButtons();
assertEquals(3, buttons.length, 'three main buttons should be visible');
signal = null;
assertEquals('A', buttons[0].textContent);
assertEquals(element.parts.indexOf('A'), signal);
signal = null;
assertEquals('E', buttons[1].textContent);
assertEquals(element.parts.indexOf('E'), signal);
signal = null;
assertEquals('F', buttons[2].textContent);
buttons[2].click(); // Ignored: the last main button is always disabled.
assertEquals(null, signal);
* Tests that clicking on the menu buttons emits a signal that indicates which
* part of the breadcrumb path was clicked.
export async function testBreadcrumbMenuButtonClicksEmitNumberSignal(
done: () => void) {
const element = getBreadcrumb();
// Set path.
await setAndWaitPath('A/B/C/D/E');
// Elider button drop-down menu should be in the 'closed' state.
const elider = getBreadcrumbEliderButton()!;
assertEquals('false', elider.getAttribute('aria-expanded'));
// Clicking the elider button should 'open' its drop-down menu.
await element.updateComplete;
assertEquals('true', elider.getAttribute('aria-expanded'));
// clang-format off
const opened = element.path +
' 1: display:block id=first text=[A]' +
' 2: display:flex elider[aria-expanded=true,aria-haspopup,aria-label]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[B]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[C]' +
' 3: display:block id=second text=[D]' +
' 4: display:block id=third text=[E]';
// clang-format on
const path = element.path;
assertEquals(opened, path + ' ' + getBreadcrumbButtonState());
let signal: number|null = null;
(event: BreadcrumbClickedEvent) => {
const index = Number(event.detail.partIndex);
assertEquals(typeof index, 'number');
signal = index;
const buttons = getBreadcrumbMenuButtons();
assertEquals(2, buttons.length, 'there should be two drop-down items');
signal = null;
assertEquals('B', buttons[0].textContent);
assertEquals(element.parts.indexOf('B'), signal);
signal = null;
assertEquals('C', buttons[1].textContent);
assertEquals(element.parts.indexOf('C'), signal);
* Tests that setting the path closes the the drop-down menu.
export async function testBreadcrumbSetPathClosesEliderButtonDropDownMenu(
done: () => void) {
const element = getBreadcrumb();
// Set path.
await setAndWaitPath('A/B/C/D/E');
// Elider button drop-down menu should be in the 'closed' state.
const elider = getBreadcrumbEliderButton()!;
assertEquals('false', elider.getAttribute('aria-expanded'));
// Clicking the elider button should 'open' its drop-down menu.
await element.updateComplete;
assertEquals('true', elider.getAttribute('aria-expanded'));
// clang-format off
const opened = element.path +
' 1: display:block id=first text=[A]' +
' 2: display:flex elider[aria-expanded=true,aria-haspopup,aria-label]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[B]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[C]' +
' 3: display:block id=second text=[D]' +
' 4: display:block id=third text=[E]';
// clang-format on
const first = element.path;
assertEquals(opened, first + ' ' + getBreadcrumbButtonState());
// Changing the path should remove the drop-down menu.
await setAndWaitPath('F/G/H');
assertEquals(null, getBreadcrumbEliderButton());
// clang-format off
const closed = element.path +
' 1: display:block id=first text=[F]' +
' 2: display:block id=second text=[G]' +
' 3: display:block id=third text=[H]';
// clang-format on
const second = element.path;
assertEquals(closed, second + ' ' + getBreadcrumbButtonState());
* Tests that setting the path updates the <xf-breadcrumb path> attribute.
export async function testBreadcrumbSetPathChangesElementPath(
done: () => void) {
const element = getBreadcrumb();
// Set path.
await setAndWaitPath('A/B/C/D/E/F');
assertEquals(element.path, element.getAttribute('path'));
// Change path.
await setAndWaitPath('G/H/I');
assertEquals(element.path, element.getAttribute('path'));
* Tests that opening and closing the elider button drop-down menu adds and
* removes global <html> element state.
export async function testBreadcrumbEliderButtonOpenCloseChangesGlobalState(
done: () => void) {
const element = getBreadcrumb();
// Set path.
await setAndWaitPath('A/B/C/D/E/F');
// Elider button drop-down menu should be in the 'closed' state.
const elider = getBreadcrumbEliderButton()!;
assertEquals('false', elider.getAttribute('aria-expanded'));
// Clicking the elider button should 'open' its drop-down menu.
await element.updateComplete;
assertEquals('true', elider.getAttribute('aria-expanded'));
// And also change the global element state.
const root = document.documentElement;
// Change path.
await setAndWaitPath('G/H/I/J/K');
// Changing the path should 'close' the drop-down menu.
assertEquals('false', elider.getAttribute('aria-expanded'));
// And clear the global element state.
* Tests that wide text path components are rendered elided with ellipsis ...
* and hovering over the button sets the `title` attribute which is used by the
* browser to render the native tooltip.
export async function testBreadcrumbPartPartsEllipsisElide(done: () => void) {
const element = getBreadcrumb();
// Set path.
// clang-format off
const expect = element.path +
' 1: display:block id=first text=[VERYVERYVERYVERYWIDEPATHPART]' +
' 2: display:block id=second text=[A]';
// clang-format on
const path = element.parts.join('/');
assertEquals(expect, path + ' ' + getBreadcrumbButtonState());
// The wide part should render its text with ellipsis.
const ellipsis = getEllipsisButtons(element);
const parts = element.parts;
assertEquals(1, ellipsis.length);
const button = ellipsis[0];
assertEquals(element.parts[0], button.textContent);
// Simulate the mouseenter that sets the title.
await waitUntil(() => button.getAttribute('title')! === button.innerText);
* Tests that wide text path components in the drop-down menu are rendered
* elided with ellipsis ... and hovering over the button sets the `title`
* attribute which is used by the browser to render the native tooltip.
export async function testBreadcrumbDropDownMenuPathPartsEllipsisElide(
done: () => void) {
const element = getBreadcrumb();
// Set path.
// clang-format off
const expect = element.path +
' 1: display:block id=first text=[A]' +
' 2: display:flex elider[aria-expanded=false,aria-haspopup,aria-label]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block text=[B]' +
' dropdown-item: display:block' +
' 3: display:block id=second text=[C]' +
' 4: display:block id=third text=[D]';
// clang-format on
const path = element.parts.join('/');
assertEquals(expect, path + ' ' + getBreadcrumbButtonState());
// Display the dropdown menu.
const elider = getBreadcrumbEliderButton()!;
await element.updateComplete;
const parts = element.parts;
// The wide part button should render its text with ellipsis.
const ellipsis = getEllipsisButtons(element);
assertEquals(1, ellipsis.length);
assertEquals(parts[2], ellipsis[0].textContent);
// Simulate the mouseenter that sets the title.
const button = ellipsis[0];
await waitUntil(() => button.getAttribute('title')! === button.innerText);