// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {getTemplate} from './xf_nudge.html.js';
* The diameter of the dot that appears beside the anchor. Keep this up to date
* with the width of the dot in the `xf_nudge.html` file.
const DOT_DIAMETER_PX = 8;
* The default indent that the dot is from the side of the bubble.
* An XfNudge represents an element on the screen to draw the user's
* attention to a specific portion of the screen. This can be a new feature, the
* location of a file that has just changed etc.
export class XfNudge extends HTMLElement {
* The dot element that appears near the anchor point.
private dot_: HTMLElement;
* The bubble that contains the text content highlighting the anchor.
private bubble_: HTMLElement;
* The anchor element that the nudge should be highlighting.
private anchor_: HTMLElement|undefined = undefined;
* The internal content slot that is used to set the text of the nudge.
private contentSlot_: HTMLElement;
* The dismiss button element.
private dismissButton_: HTMLElement;
* The direction of the nudge relative to the anchor.
private direction_: NudgeDirection = NudgeDirection.TOP_STARTWARD;
* The content of the nudge.
private content_: string = '';
* Text used in the dismiss button. When empty the button is hidden.
private dismissText_: string = '';
* How many times the nudge has been repositioned, this is reset when the
* nudge is hidden.
private repositions_: number = 0;
constructor() {
const template = document.createElement('template');
template.innerHTML = getTemplate() as unknown as string;
const fragment = template.content.cloneNode(true);
this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}).appendChild(fragment);
this.bubble_ = this.shadowRoot!.getElementById('bubble')!;
this.contentSlot_ = this.shadowRoot!.getElementById('text')!;
this.dismissButton_ = this.shadowRoot!.getElementById('dismiss')!;
'click', this.dismissClicked_.bind(this));
this.dot_ = this.shadowRoot!.getElementById('dot')!;
static get events() {
return {
DISMISS: 'dismiss',
} as const;
private dismissClicked_() {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
XfNudge.events.DISMISS, {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
* Show the nudge attached to a provided anchor. Note: This class should not
* handle any logic on _when_ a nudge should be shown. This should be
* completely handled by the NudgeManager.
show() {
if (this.content_ === '') {
throw new Error('Attempted to show <xf-nudge> without a message');
if (!this.anchor_) {
throw new Error('Attempted to show <xf-nudge> without an anchor');
this.dismissButton_.innerText = this.dismissText_;
this.dismissButton_.toggleAttribute('hidden', this.dismissText_ === '');
this.contentSlot_.innerText = this.content_;
* Hide the nudge. Note: This class should not handle any logic on _when_ a
* nudge should be hidden. This should be completely handled by the
* NudgeManager.
hide() {
// Rather than removing the nudge elements from the DOM, render them
// off-screen so that they change size correctly when the nudge contents are
// updated. In doing this, they will be the correct size before attempting
// to position the nudge the next time it is shown.
this.dot_.style.left = `-${DOT_DIAMETER_PX}px`;
this.bubble_.style.left = '-296px';
this.repositions_ = 0;
* Repositions the nudge component to be anchored to the anchor.
reposition() {
if (!this.anchor_) {
throw new Error('Attempted to position <xf-nudge> without an anchor');
// Reset CSS values which might not get set.
this.bubble_.style.left = 'unset';
this.bubble_.style.right = 'unset';
this.bubble_.style.top = 'unset';
this.bubble_.style.bottom = 'unset';
const anchorRect = this.anchor_.getBoundingClientRect();
if (this.positionedVertically_()) {
} else {
* Sets the anchor that the nudge is tied to. This element will serve as the
* point where the nudge will position itself relative to.
set anchor(anchor: HTMLElement|undefined) {
this.anchor_ = anchor;
* Get the anchor this nudge is highlighting.
get anchor(): HTMLElement|undefined {
return this.anchor_;
* Sets the content that the nudge will show.
set content(content: string) {
this.content_ = content;
* Returns the content that the nudge will display.
get content() {
return this.content_;
* Sets the text for the dismiss button, when empty hides the button.
set dismissText(text: string) {
this.dismissText_ = text;
get dismissText() {
return this.dismissText_;
* Sets the direction of the nudge to appear relative to the anchor point.
set direction(direction: NudgeDirection) {
this.direction_ = direction;
* Helper method that exposes the bounding DOMRect of the dot to introspect in
* tests.
get dotRect() {
return this.dot_.getBoundingClientRect();
* Helper method that exposes the bounding DOMRect of the bubble to introspect
* in tests.
get bubbleRect() {
return this.bubble_.getBoundingClientRect();
* Returns the number of repositions for the nudge that is currently showing.
* This is reset when the nudge is hidden.
get repositions() {
return this.repositions_;
* Position the dot of the nudge to be at the correct position to the anchored
* element.
private positionDot_(anchorRect: DOMRect) {
let dotTop = anchorRect.top + anchorRect.height / 2 - DOT_DIAMETER_PX / 2;
let dotLeft = anchorRect.left + anchorRect.width / 2 - DOT_DIAMETER_PX / 2;
if (this.positionedTop_()) {
dotTop = anchorRect.top - DOT_DIAMETER_PX - 4;
if (this.positionedBottom_()) {
dotTop = anchorRect.bottom + 4;
if (this.positionedLeft()) {
dotLeft = anchorRect.left - DOT_DIAMETER_PX - 4;
if (this.positionedRight_()) {
dotLeft = anchorRect.right + 4;
this.dot_.style.top = `${dotTop}px`;
this.dot_.style.left = `${dotLeft}px`;
* Position the bubble that has the nudge contents vertically above or below
* the dot.
private positionBubbleVertical_(anchorRect: DOMRect) {
// Calculate the bubble's vertical position.
if (this.positionedTop_()) {
const bubbleBottom = anchorRect.top - DOT_DIAMETER_PX - 2 * 4;
// Fixed position bottom refers to how far the bottom edge of the element
// should be from the bottom edge of the window, so transform our value to
// account for this difference in semantics.
this.bubble_.style.bottom = `${window.innerHeight - bubbleBottom}px`;
} else {
this.bubble_.style.top =
`${anchorRect.bottom + DOT_DIAMETER_PX + 2 * 4}px`;
// Calculate the bubble's horizontal position.
if (this.growsLeft_()) {
// E.g.,
// _________________
// | Nudge |
// |_______________|
// .
// []
// Calculate the ideal right edge position for the bubble to have it
// appear towards the left of the dot.
const dotRightEdge =
anchorRect.left + anchorRect.width / 2 + DOT_DIAMETER_PX / 2 + 4;
// The bubble's right edge should be `DEFAULT_DOT_INDENT_PX` further right
// than the dot's right edge.
const idealBubbleRight = dotRightEdge + DEFAULT_DOT_INDENT_PX;
// The bubble should not be positioned so far right that it goes
// off-screen.
const maxBubbleRight = window.innerWidth;
// Fixed position right refers to how far the right edge of the element
// should be from the right edge of the window, so transform our value to
// account for this difference in semantics.
this.bubble_.style.right =
`${window.innerWidth - Math.min(idealBubbleRight, maxBubbleRight)}px`;
} else {
// E.g.,
// _________________
// | Nudge |
// |_______________|
// .
// []
// Calculate the ideal left offset for the bubble to have it appear
// towards the right of the dot.
const dotLeftEdge =
anchorRect.left + anchorRect.width / 2 - DOT_DIAMETER_PX / 2 - 4;
const idealBubbleLeft = dotLeftEdge - DEFAULT_DOT_INDENT_PX;
this.bubble_.style.left = `${Math.max(idealBubbleLeft, 0)}px`;
* Position the bubble that has the nudge contents horizontally to the left or
* right of the dot.
private positionBubbleHorizontal_(anchorRect: DOMRect) {
// Calculate the bubble's vertical position.
if (this.growsUpward_()) {
// We can't guarantee the height of the anchor, so position the bottom of
// the bubble 10px below the dot.
const dotBottom =
anchorRect.top + anchorRect.height / 2 + DOT_DIAMETER_PX / 2 + 4;
const bubbleBottom = dotBottom + 10;
// Fixed position bottom refers to how far the bottom edge of the element
// should be from the bottom edge of the window, so transform our value to
// account for this difference in semantics.
this.bubble_.style.bottom = `${window.innerHeight - bubbleBottom}px`;
} else {
// We can't guarantee the height of the anchor, so position the top of the
// bubble 10px above the dot.
const dotTop =
anchorRect.top + anchorRect.height / 2 - DOT_DIAMETER_PX / 2 - 4;
const bubbleTop = dotTop - 10;
this.bubble_.style.top = `${bubbleTop}px`;
// Calculate the bubble's horizontal position.
if (this.positionedLeft()) {
// E.g.,
// _________________
// | Nudge |
// |_______________| . []
const bubbleRight = anchorRect.left - DOT_DIAMETER_PX - 2 * 4;
// Fixed position right refers to how far the right edge of the element
// should be from the right edge of the window, so transform our value to
// account for this difference in semantics.
this.bubble_.style.right = `${window.innerWidth - bubbleRight}px`;
} else {
// E.g.,
// _________________
// | Nudge |
// [] . |_______________|
const bubbleLeft = anchorRect.right + DOT_DIAMETER_PX + 2 * 4;
this.bubble_.style.left = `${bubbleLeft}px`;
* For the remainder methods, look at the NudgeDirection to understand what
* they mean.
private positionedTop_() {
return this.direction_ === NudgeDirection.TOP_STARTWARD ||
this.direction_ === NudgeDirection.TOP_ENDWARD;
private positionedBottom_() {
return this.direction_ === NudgeDirection.BOTTOM_STARTWARD ||
this.direction_ === NudgeDirection.BOTTOM_ENDWARD;
private positionedLeading_() {
return this.direction_ === NudgeDirection.LEADING_UPWARD ||
this.direction_ === NudgeDirection.LEADING_DOWNWARD;
private positionedTrailing_() {
return this.direction_ === NudgeDirection.TRAILING_UPWARD ||
this.direction_ === NudgeDirection.TRAILING_DOWNWARD;
private positionedLeft() {
if (document.dir === 'rtl') {
return this.positionedTrailing_();
} else {
return this.positionedLeading_();
private positionedRight_() {
if (document.dir === 'rtl') {
return this.positionedLeading_();
} else {
return this.positionedTrailing_();
private positionedVertically_() {
return this.positionedTop_() || this.positionedBottom_();
private growsUpward_() {
return this.direction_ === NudgeDirection.LEADING_UPWARD ||
this.direction_ === NudgeDirection.TRAILING_UPWARD;
private growsLeft_() {
if (document.dir === 'rtl') {
return this.direction_ === NudgeDirection.TOP_ENDWARD ||
this.direction_ === NudgeDirection.BOTTOM_ENDWARD;
} else {
return this.direction_ === NudgeDirection.TOP_STARTWARD ||
this.direction_ === NudgeDirection.BOTTOM_STARTWARD;
* The direction a nudge should render relative to its anchor.
export enum NudgeDirection {
/** Shows above the anchor and extends to the left in LTR. */
TOP_STARTWARD = 'top-startward',
/** Shows above the anchor and extends to the right in LTR. */
TOP_ENDWARD = 'top-endward',
/** Shows below the anchor and extends to the left in LTR. */
BOTTOM_STARTWARD = 'bottom-startward',
/** Shows below the anchor and extends to the right in LTR. */
BOTTOM_ENDWARD = 'bottom-endward',
* Shows left of the anchor in LTR and grows upwards if the content spans
* multiple lines.
LEADING_UPWARD = 'leading-upward',
* Shows left of the anchor in LTR and grows downwards if the content spans
* multiple lines.
LEADING_DOWNWARD = 'leading-downward',
* Shows right of the anchor in LTR and grows upwards if the content spans
* multiple lines.
TRAILING_UPWARD = 'trailing-upward',
* Shows right of the anchor in LTR and grows downwards if the content spans
* multiple lines.
TRAILING_DOWNWARD = 'trailing-downward',
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'xf-nudge': XfNudge;
customElements.define('xf-nudge', XfNudge);