// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import './xf_nudge.js';
import {getTrustedHTML} from 'chrome://resources/js/static_types.js';
import {assertEquals, assertGT, assertLT, assertThrows, assertTrue} from 'chrome://webui-test/chromeos/chai_assert.js';
import {NudgeDirection, XfNudge} from './xf_nudge.js';
const nudgeContainer: HTMLElement = document.createElement('div');
export function setUpPage() {
* Creates new <xf-nudge> element for each test.
export function setUp() {
document.body.innerHTML = getTrustedHTML`
* Clears the <xf-nudge> between each test to ensure a clean slate.
export function tearDown() {
nudgeContainer.innerText = '';
* Returns the <xf-nudge> component in the DOM.
function getNudge(): XfNudge {
return document.querySelector('xf-nudge')! as XfNudge;
* Tests that show doesn't work if content or anchor is not set.
export function testShowDoesntWorkIfContentOrAnchorNotSet() {
const nudge = getNudge();
// The nudge should throw an error without setting content or anchor.
// The nudge should throw when content is added but no anchor.
nudge.content = 'adding content';
// After setting an anchor, show should not throw.
const anchor = document.createElement('div');
nudge.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', anchor);
nudge.anchor = anchor;
nudge.direction = NudgeDirection.BOTTOM_ENDWARD;
// The nudge should be positioned in the viewport somewhere (the next tests
// asserts that somewhere).
assertGT(nudge.dotRect.x, 0);
assertGT(nudge.dotRect.y, 0);
assertGT(nudge.bubbleRect.x, 0);
assertGT(nudge.bubbleRect.y, 0);
* Tests that the dot and bubble are appropriately set given the location of the
* anchor element.
export function testNudgeDotAndBubbleIsPositionedInTheRightPlace() {
const nudge = getNudge();
// Create an anchor element and insert it before the nudge in the DOM.
const anchor = document.createElement('div');
anchor.style.width = '100px';
anchor.style.height = '100px';
anchor.innerText = 'Test anchor';
nudge.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', anchor);
// Update the nudge contents, direction and anchor it to the element created
// above.
nudge.content = 'Nudge contents';
nudge.direction = NudgeDirection.BOTTOM_ENDWARD;
nudge.anchor = anchor;
// The y-ordinate for the dot must be lower than the height of the anchor
// (100px) + the height of the dot (8px) + a predefined gap (4px)
assertEquals(nudge.dotRect.y, 112, 'dot y-ordinate');
// The x-ordinate for the dot must be half of the anchor element (50px) + half
// the width of the dot (4px) to ensure if it is positioned at the screen edge
// it doesn't appear half off the edge.
assertEquals(nudge.dotRect.x, 54, 'dot x-ordinate');
// The y-ordinate for the bubble must start lower than the dot + height of the
// dot (8px) + a predetermined gap (4px)
assertGT(nudge.bubbleRect.y, 112, 'bubble y-ordinate');
// The x-ordinate for the bubble must be less than the x-ordinate for the dot
// as it uses the `NudgeDirection.BOTTOM_ENDWARD` direction which tries to
// show directly under the dot and extend evenly unless that extends past the
// window width.
assertLT(nudge.bubbleRect.x, 54, 'bubble x-ordinate');
* Tests that the nudge gets repositioned appopriately if the element moves.
export function testNudgeGetsRepositionedCorrectlyIfAnchorChanges() {
const nudge = getNudge();
// Insert an anchor and make it position relative to ensure we can position it
// using the left and right style attributes.
const anchor = document.createElement('div');
anchor.style.width = '100px';
anchor.style.height = '100px';
anchor.style.position = 'relative';
anchor.innerText = 'Test anchor';
nudge.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', anchor);
// Update and show the nudge.
nudge.content = 'Nudge contents';
nudge.direction = NudgeDirection.BOTTOM_ENDWARD;
nudge.anchor = anchor;
// The nudge dot should be relative to the anchor.
assertEquals(nudge.dotRect.y, 112, 'dot y-ordinate');
assertEquals(nudge.dotRect.x, 54, 'dot x-ordinate');
// Update the anchor to be 300px inset in the page.
anchor.style.top = '300px';
anchor.style.left = '300px';
// Reposition the nudge should update it's position to be relative to the
// newly positioned anchor element.
assertEquals(nudge.dotRect.y, 412, 'dot y-ordinate');
assertEquals(nudge.dotRect.x, 354, 'dot x-ordinate');
* Tests that setting the dismissText displays the dismiss button and setting an
* empty text hides the button.
export async function testDismissButtonHideAndShow() {
const nudge = getNudge();
// Create an anchor element and insert it before the nudge in the DOM.
const anchor = document.createElement('div');
anchor.style.width = '100px';
anchor.style.height = '100px';
anchor.innerText = 'Test anchor';
nudge.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', anchor);
// Add the dismiss text and display the nudge.
nudge.content = 'Nudge contents';
nudge.dismissText = 'Dismiss';
nudge.direction = NudgeDirection.BOTTOM_ENDWARD;
nudge.anchor = anchor;
// Check that the button is visible.
const dismissButton = nudge.shadowRoot!.getElementById('dismiss')!;
dismissButton.innerText, 'Dismiss',
'dismiss button should show the dismissText');
assertTrue(dismissButton.getBoundingClientRect().width > 0);
// <xf-nudge> fires its DISMISS event when user clicks on the dismiss button.
let clicked = false;
nudge.addEventListener(XfNudge.events.DISMISS, () => clicked = true);
assertTrue(clicked, '<xf-nudge> should fire DISMISS event');
// Displaying without dismiss text, the button should be hidden.
nudge.dismissText = '';
dismissButton.innerText, '', 'dismiss button text should be empty');
assertEquals(dismissButton.getBoundingClientRect().width, 0);