// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_button/cr_button.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_dialog/cr_dialog.js';
import 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_input/cr_input.js';
import './xf_password_dialog.js';
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/assert.js';
import type {CrButtonElement} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_button/cr_button.js';
import type {CrDialogElement} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_dialog/cr_dialog.js';
import type {CrInputElement} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/cr_elements/cr_input/cr_input.js';
import {getTrustedHTML} from 'chrome://resources/js/static_types.js';
import {assertEquals, assertFalse, assertNotReached} from 'chrome://webui-test/chromeos/chai_assert.js';
import {waitUntil} from '../common/js/test_error_reporting.js';
import type {XfPasswordDialog} from './xf_password_dialog.js';
import {USER_CANCELLED} from './xf_password_dialog.js';
let passwordDialog: XfPasswordDialog;
let dialog: CrDialogElement;
let name: HTMLElement;
let input: CrInputElement;
let cancel: CrButtonElement;
let unlock: CrButtonElement;
* Adds a XfPasswordDialog element to the page.
export function setUp() {
document.body.innerHTML = getTrustedHTML
`<xf-password-dialog hidden>
// Get the <xf-password-dialog> element.
passwordDialog = document.querySelector('xf-password-dialog')!;
// Get its sub-elements.
dialog = passwordDialog.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#password-dialog') as
name = passwordDialog.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#name')!;
input = passwordDialog.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#input')!;
cancel = passwordDialog.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#cancel')!;
unlock = passwordDialog.shadowRoot!.querySelector('#unlock')!;
* Tests that the password dialog is modal.
export async function testPasswordDialogIsModal(done: () => void) {
// Check that the dialog is closed.
// Open the password dialog.
// Wait until the dialog is open.
await waitUntil(() => dialog.open);
// Check that the name of the encrypted zip displays correctly on the dialog.
assertEquals('encrypted.zip', name.innerText);
// Enter password.
input.value = 'password';
// Keyboard events should not propagate out to the <xf-password-dialog>
// element. The internal <cr-dialog> element should handle keyboard events
// and should prevent them from bubbling up to the <xf-password-dialog>
// element (modal operation).
let isModal = true;
passwordDialog.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
console.error('<xf-password-dialog> keydown event', event);
isModal = false;
// Add a <cr-dialog> listener to confirm it saw the test keyboard event.
let keydownSeen = false;
dialog.addEventListener('keydown', () => {
keydownSeen = true;
// Create a <ctrl>-A keyboard event. The event has 'composed' true, so it
// can cross shadow DOM bondaries and bubble up into the DOM document.
const keyEvent = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
composed: true,
ctrlKey: true,
key: 'A',
// Dispatch the keyboard event to the <cr-input> inner <input> element.
const inputElement =
input.shadowRoot!.querySelector('input') as HTMLInputElement;
assertEquals(inputElement.value, 'password');
// Check: the <xf-password-dialog> should be modal.
await waitUntil(() => keydownSeen);
assert(isModal, 'FAILED: <xf-password-dialog> should be modal');
* Tests cancel functionality of password dialog for single encrypted archive.
* The askForPassword method should return a promise that is rejected with
export async function testSingleArchiveCancelPasswordPrompt(done: () => void) {
// Check that the dialog is closed.
// Open password prompt.
const passwordPromise = passwordDialog.askForPassword('encrypted.zip');
// Wait until the dialog is open.
await waitUntil(() => dialog.open);
// Check that the name of the encrypted zip displays correctly on the dialog.
assertEquals('encrypted.zip', name.innerText);
// Enter password.
input.value = 'password';
// Click the cancel button closes the dialog.
// The dialog should be hidden.
await waitUntil(() => !dialog.open);
// The passwordPromise should be rejected with
try {
await passwordPromise;
} catch (e) {
assertEquals(USER_CANCELLED, e);
// The password input field should be cleared.
assertEquals('', input.value);
// Check that the dialog is closed.
* Tests unlock functionality for single encrypted archive. The askForPassword
* method should return a promise that resolves with the expected input
* password.
export async function testUnlockSingleArchive(done: () => void) {
// Check that the dialog is closed.
// Open password prompt.
const passwordPromise = passwordDialog.askForPassword('encrypted.zip');
// Wait until the dialog is open.
await waitUntil(() => dialog.open);
// Check that the name of the encrypted zip displays correctly on the dialog.
assertEquals('encrypted.zip', name.innerText);
// Enter password.
input.value = 'password';
// Click the unlock button.
// Wait until the second password promise is resolved with the password value
// found in the input field.
assertEquals('password', await passwordPromise);
// The password input field should be cleared.
assertEquals('', input.value);
// Check that the dialog is closed.
* Tests opening the password dialog with an 'Invalid password' message. This
* message is displayed when a wrong password was previously entered.
export async function testDialogWithWrongPassword(done: () => void) {
// Check that the dialog is closed.
// Open password prompt.
passwordDialog.askForPassword('encrypted.zip', 'wrongpassword');
// Wait until the dialog is open.
await waitUntil(() => dialog.open);
// Check that the name of the encrypted zip displays correctly on the dialog.
assertEquals('encrypted.zip', name.innerText);
// Check that the previous erroneous password is prefilled in the dialog.
assertEquals('wrongpassword', input.value);
// Check that the previous erroneous password is prefilled in the dialog.
assertEquals('Invalid password', input.errorMessage);
* Tests cancel functionality for multiple encrypted archives.
export async function testCancelMultiplePasswordPrompts(done: () => void) {
// Check that the dialog is closed.
// Simulate password prompt for multiple archives.
const passwordPromise = passwordDialog.askForPassword('encrypted.zip');
const passwordPromise2 = passwordDialog.askForPassword('encrypted2.zip');
// Wait until the dialog is open.
await waitUntil(() => dialog.open);
// Check that the name of the encrypted zip displays correctly on the dialog.
assertEquals('encrypted.zip', name.innerText);
// Enter password.
input.value = 'password';
// Click the cancel button closes the dialog.
// The passwordPromise should be rejected with
try {
await passwordPromise;
} catch (e) {
assertEquals(USER_CANCELLED, e);
// The password input field should be cleared.
assertEquals('', input.value);
// Wait for password prompt dialog for second archive.
await waitUntil(() => name.innerText === 'encrypted2.zip');
// Enter password.
input.value = 'password';
// Click the cancel button closes the dialog.
// The passwordPromise should be rejected with
try {
await passwordPromise2;
} catch (e) {
assertEquals(USER_CANCELLED, e);
// The password input field should be cleared.
assertEquals('', input.value);
// Check that the dialog is closed.
* Tests unlock functionality for multiple encrypted archives.
export async function testUnlockMultipleArchives(done: () => void) {
// Check that the dialog is closed.
// Simulate password prompt for multiple archives.
const passwordPromise = passwordDialog.askForPassword('encrypted.zip');
const passwordPromise2 = passwordDialog.askForPassword('encrypted2.zip');
// Wait until the dialog is open.
await waitUntil(() => dialog.open);
// Check that the name of the encrypted zip displays correctly on the dialog.
assertEquals('encrypted.zip', name.innerText);
// Enter second password.
input.value = 'password';
// Click the unlock button.
// Wait until the second password promise is resolved with the password value
// found in the input field.
assertEquals('password', await passwordPromise);
// Wait until the dialog is open for the second password.
assertEquals('', input.value);
// Wait until the dialog is open.
await waitUntil(() => dialog.open);
// Check that the name of the encrypted zip displays correctly on the dialog.
assertEquals('encrypted2.zip', name.innerText);
// Enter third password.
input.value = 'password2';
// Click the unlock button.
// Wait until the second password promise resolves with the password value
// found in the input field.
assertEquals('password2', await passwordPromise2);
// The password input field should be cleared.
assertEquals('', input.value);
// Check that the dialog is closed.