// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {getTrustedHTML} from 'chrome://resources/js/static_types.js';
import {assertDeepEquals, assertEquals} from 'chrome://webui-test/chromeos/chai_assert.js';
import {eventToPromise} from 'chrome://webui-test/test_util.js';
import {waitForElementUpdate} from '../common/js/unittest_util.js';
import {XfSelect} from './xf_select.js';
* Creates new <xf-search-options> element for each test.
export function setUp(): void {
document.body.innerHTML = getTrustedHTML`
* Returns the <xf-search-options> element.
function getSearchOptionsElement(): XfSelect {
return document.querySelector<XfSelect>('xf-select')!;
export function testElementCreated(): void {
const element = getSearchOptionsElement();
assertEquals('XF-SELECT', element.tagName);
export async function testSetOptions(): Promise<void> {
const element = getSearchOptionsElement();
// Test 1: Expect the option with default: true to be the selected one.
element.options = [
{value: 'value-a', text: 'Text A'},
{value: 'value-b', text: 'Text B', default: true},
await waitForElementUpdate(element);
const want1 = {index: 1, value: 'value-b', text: 'Text B'};
const got1 = element.getSelectedOption();
want1, got1, `${JSON.stringify(want1)} !== ${JSON.stringify(got1)}`);
// Test 2: No option has default: true; expect the first one to be selected.
element.options = [
{value: 'value-c', text: 'Text C'},
{value: 'value-d', text: 'Text D'},
await waitForElementUpdate(element);
const want2 = {index: 0, value: 'value-c', text: 'Text C'};
const got2 = element.getSelectedOption();
want2, got2, `${JSON.stringify(want2)} !== ${JSON.stringify(got2)}`);
export async function testEvents(): Promise<void> {
const element = getSearchOptionsElement();
element.options = [
{value: 'value-a', text: 'Text A'},
{value: 'value-b', text: 'Text B', default: true},
const selectionChangedPromise =
eventToPromise(XfSelect.events.SELECTION_CHANGED, element);
element.value = 'value-a';
const event = await selectionChangedPromise;
const want = {index: 0, value: 'value-a', text: 'Text A'};
const got = event.detail;
want, got, `${JSON.stringify(want)} !== ${JSON.stringify(got)}`);
export async function testInteractionViaUI(): Promise<void> {
const element = getSearchOptionsElement();
element.options = [
{value: 'value-a', text: 'Text A'},
{value: 'value-b', text: 'Text B', default: true},
const selectionChangedDueOptionsPromise =
eventToPromise(XfSelect.events.SELECTION_CHANGED, element);
await selectionChangedDueOptionsPromise;
const selectionChangedDueMenuClickPromise =
eventToPromise(XfSelect.events.SELECTION_CHANGED, element);
// Open.
// Click the first option.
const menuButtons: HTMLButtonElement[] = Array.from(
element.shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll('cr-action-menu cr-button'));
assertEquals(2, menuButtons.length);
const event = await selectionChangedDueMenuClickPromise;
const want = {index: 0, value: 'value-a', text: 'Text A'};
const got = event.detail;
want, got, `${JSON.stringify(want)} !== ${JSON.stringify(got)}`);