// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {LruCache} from 'chrome://file-manager/common/js/lru_cache.js';
import {cacheKey, type CacheValue, createCancel, type LoadImageRequest, LoadImageResponse, LoadImageResponseStatus} from './load_image_request.js';
let instance: ImageLoaderClient|null = null;
* Client used to connect to the remote ImageLoader extension. Client class runs
* in the extension, where the client.js is included (eg. Files app).
* It sends remote requests using IPC to the ImageLoader class and forwards
* its responses.
* Implements cache, which is stored in the calling extension.
export class ImageLoaderClient {
private lastTaskId_: number = 0;
* LRU cache for images.
private cache_ = new LruCache<CacheValue>(CACHE_MEMORY_LIMIT);
* Returns a singleton instance.
static getInstance(): ImageLoaderClient {
if (!instance) {
instance = new ImageLoaderClient();
return instance;
* Sends a message to the Image Loader extension.
* @param request The image request.
* @param callback Response handling callback. The response is passed as a
* hash array.
private static sendMessage_(
request: LoadImageRequest, callback?: (r: LoadImageResponse) => void) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage(EXTENSION_ID, request, {}, callback);
* Loads and resizes and image.
* @param callback Response handling callback.
* @return Remote task id or null if loaded from cache.
load(request: LoadImageRequest, callback: (r: LoadImageResponse) => void):
null|number {
// Replace the client origin with the image loader extension origin.
request.url = request.url ?? '';
request.url = request.url.replace(CLIENT_URL_REGEX, IMAGE_LOADER_URL);
request.url = request.url.replace(CLIENT_SWA_REGEX, IMAGE_LOADER_URL);
// Try to load from cache, if available.
const key = cacheKey(request);
if (key) {
if (request.cache) {
// Load from cache.
let cachedValue: CacheValue|null = this.cache_.get(key);
// Check if the image in cache is up to date. If not, then remove it.
// It relies on comparing `null` equals to `undefined`.
// eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
if (cachedValue && cachedValue.timestamp != request.timestamp) {
cachedValue = null;
if (cachedValue && cachedValue.data && cachedValue.width &&
cachedValue.height) {
new LoadImageResponse(LoadImageResponseStatus.SUCCESS, null, {
width: cachedValue.width,
height: cachedValue.height,
ifd: cachedValue.ifd,
data: cachedValue.data,
return null;
} else {
// Remove from cache.
// Not available in cache, performing a request to a remote extension.
request.taskId = this.lastTaskId_;
ImageLoaderClient.sendMessage_(request, (resultData) => {
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
callback(new LoadImageResponse(
LoadImageResponseStatus.ERROR, request.taskId!));
const result = resultData;
// Save to cache.
if (key && request.cache) {
const value: CacheValue|null =
LoadImageResponse.cacheValue(result, request.timestamp);
if (value) {
this.cache_.put(key, value, value.data.length);
return request.taskId;
* Cancels the request. Note the original callback may still be invoked if
* this message doesn't reach the ImageLoader before it starts processing.
* @param taskId Task id returned by ImageLoaderClient.load().
cancel(taskId: number) {
ImageLoaderClient.sendMessage_(createCancel(taskId), (_result) => {});
// Helper functions.
* Loads and resizes and image.
* @param image Image node to load the requested picture into.
* @param onSuccess Callback for success.
* @param onError Callback for failure.
* @return Remote task id or null if loaded from cache.
static loadToImage(
request: LoadImageRequest, image: HTMLImageElement,
onSuccess: VoidCallback, onError: VoidCallback): null|number {
const callback = (result: LoadImageResponse) => {
if (!result || result.status === LoadImageResponseStatus.ERROR) {
image.src = result.data!;
return ImageLoaderClient.getInstance().load(request, callback);
* Image loader's extension id.
const EXTENSION_ID = 'pmfjbimdmchhbnneeidfognadeopoehp';
* Image loader client extension request URL matcher.
const CLIENT_URL_REGEX = /filesystem:chrome-extension:\/\/[a-z]+/;
* Image loader client chrome://file-manager request URL matcher.
const CLIENT_SWA_REGEX = /filesystem:chrome:\/\/file-manager/;
* All client request URL match CLIENT_URL_REGEX and all are
* rewritten: the client extension id part of the request URL is replaced with
* the image loader extension id.
const IMAGE_LOADER_URL = 'filesystem:chrome-extension://' + EXTENSION_ID;
* Memory limit for images data in bytes.
const CACHE_MEMORY_LIMIT = 20 * 1024 * 1024; // 20 MB.