// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type {TestEntryInfo} from '../test_util.js';
import {addEntries, ENTRIES, getCaller, openEntryChoosingWindow, pending, pollForChosenEntry, repeatUntil, sendBrowserTestCommand, sendTestMessage} from '../test_util.js';
import {remoteCall} from './background.js';
import {DirectoryTreePageObject} from './page_objects/directory_tree.js';
import {BASIC_LOCAL_ENTRY_SET} from './test_data.js';
* Sends a key event to an open file dialog, after selecting the file |name|
* entry in the file list.
* @param name File name shown in the dialog.
* @param key Key detail for fakeKeyDown event.
* @param dialog ID of the file dialog window.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled on success.
async function sendOpenFileDialogKey(
name: string, key: readonly[string, string, boolean, boolean, boolean],
dialog: string): Promise<void> {
await remoteCall.waitUntilSelected(dialog, name);
await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil('fakeKeyDown', dialog, key);
* Clicks a button in the open file dialog, after selecting the file |name|
* entry in the file list and checking that |button| exists.
* @param name File name shown in the dialog.
* @param button Selector of the dialog button.
* @param dialog ID of the file dialog window.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled on success.
async function clickOpenFileDialogButton(
name: string, button: string, dialog: string): Promise<void> {
await remoteCall.waitUntilSelected(dialog, name);
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, button);
const event = [button, 'click'];
await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil('fakeEvent', dialog, event);
* Sends an unload event to an open file dialog (after it is drawn) causing the
* dialog to shut-down and close.
* @param dialog ID of the file dialog window.
* @param element Element to query for drawing.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled on success.
async function unloadOpenFileDialog(
dialog: string,
element: string = '.button-panel button.ok'): Promise<void> {
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, element);
await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil('unload', dialog, []);
const errorCount =
await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil('getErrorCount', dialog, []);
chrome.test.assertEq(0, errorCount);
* Adds basic file entry sets for both 'local' and 'drive', and returns the
* entry set of the given |volume|.
* @param volume Name of the volume.
* @return Promise to resolve({Array<TestEntryInfo>}) on success, the Array
* being the basic file entry set of the |volume|.
async function setUpFileEntrySet(volume: string): Promise<TestEntryInfo[]> {
const localEntryPromise = addEntries(['local'], BASIC_LOCAL_ENTRY_SET);
const driveEntries = [
const driveEntryPromise = addEntries(['drive'], driveEntries);
await Promise.all([localEntryPromise, driveEntryPromise]);
if (volume === 'drive') {
return driveEntries;
* Adds the basic file entry sets then opens the file dialog on the volume. Once
* file |name| is shown, select it and click the Ok button.
* @param volume Volume name for remoteCall.openAndWaitForClosingDialog.
* @param name File name to select in the dialog.
* @param useBrowserOpen Whether to launch the dialog from the browser.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled on success.
async function openFileDialogClickOkButton(
volume: string, name: string,
useBrowserOpen: boolean = false): Promise<unknown> {
const okButton = '.button-panel button.ok:enabled';
await sendTestMessage(
{name: 'expectFileTask', fileNames: [name], openType: 'open'});
const closer = clickOpenFileDialogButton.bind(null, name, okButton);
const entrySet = await setUpFileEntrySet(volume);
const result = await remoteCall.openAndWaitForClosingDialog(
{type: 'openFile'}, volume, entrySet, closer,
useBrowserOpen) as Entry;
// If the file is opened via the filesystem API, check the name matches.
// Otherwise, the caller is responsible for verifying the returned URL.
if (!useBrowserOpen) {
chrome.test.assertEq(name, result.name);
return result;
* Clicks the OK button in the provided dialog, expecting the provided `name` to
* be passed into the `OnFilesImpl()` observer in the C++ test harness.
* @param appId App window Id.
* @param name The (single) filename passed to the EXPECT_CALL when verifying
* the mocked OnFilesOpenedImpl().
* @param openType Type of the dialog ('open' or 'saveAs').
async function clickOkButtonExpectName(
appId: string, name: string, openType: string) {
await sendTestMessage({name: 'expectFileTask', fileNames: [name], openType});
const okButton = '.button-panel button.ok:enabled';
await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, okButton);
* Adds the basic file entry sets then opens the save file dialog on the volume.
* Once file |name| is shown, select it and click the Ok button, again clicking
* Ok in the confirmation dialog.
* @param volume Volume name for remoteCall.openAndWaitForClosingDialog.
* @param name File name to select in the dialog.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled on success.
async function saveFileDialogClickOkButton(
volume: string, name: string): Promise<void> {
const caller = getCaller();
const closer = async (appId: string) => {
await remoteCall.waitUntilSelected(appId, name);
await repeatUntil(async () => {
const element =
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, '#filename-input-textbox');
if (element.value !== name) {
return pending(caller, 'Text field not updated');
await clickOkButtonExpectName(appId, name, 'saveAs');
const confirmOkButton = '.files-confirm-dialog .cr-dialog-ok';
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, confirmOkButton);
await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil(
'fakeEvent', appId, [confirmOkButton, 'click']);
const entrySet = await setUpFileEntrySet(volume);
const result =
await remoteCall.openAndWaitForClosingDialog(
{type: 'saveFile'}, volume, entrySet, closer, false) as Entry;
chrome.test.assertEq(name, result.name);
* Adds the basic file entry sets then opens the file dialog on the volume. Once
* file |name| is shown, select it and verify that the Ok button is disabled.
* @param volume Volume name for remoteCall.openAndWaitForClosingDialog.
* @param name File name to select in the dialog where the OK button should be
* disabled
* @param enabledName File name to select where the OK button should be enabled,
* used to ensure that switching to |name| results in the OK button becoming
* disabled.
* @param type The dialog type to open.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled on success.
async function openFileDialogExpectOkButtonDisabled(
volume: string, name: string, enabledName: string,
type: 'openFile'|'saveFile' = 'openFile'): Promise<void> {
const okButton = '.button-panel button.ok:enabled';
const disabledOkButton = '.button-panel button.ok:disabled';
const cancelButton = '.button-panel button.cancel';
const closer = async (dialog: string) => {
await remoteCall.waitUntilSelected(dialog, enabledName);
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, okButton);
await remoteCall.waitUntilSelected(dialog, name);
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, disabledOkButton);
clickOpenFileDialogButton(name, cancelButton, dialog);
const entrySet = await setUpFileEntrySet(volume);
await remoteCall.openAndWaitForClosingDialog(
{type}, volume, entrySet, closer));
* Adds the basic file entry sets then opens the file dialog on the volume. Once
* file |name| is shown, verifies that it's dimmed according to added classes.
* @param volume Volume name for remoteCall.openAndWaitForClosingDialog.
* @param name File name to check for being dimmed in the dialog.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled on success.
async function openFileDialogExpectEntryDimmed(
volume: string, name: string): Promise<void> {
const type = 'openFile';
const cancelButton = '.button-panel button.cancel';
const fileEntry = `#file-list [file-name="${name}"]`;
const closer = async (dialog: string) => {
const element = await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, fileEntry);
let dimmed = false;
for (const className of element.attributes['class']!.split(' ')) {
if (className === 'dim-offline') {
// The 'dim-offline' class dims an element only if the connection
// status is 'OFFLINE', which is not something this test is verifying.
if (className.startsWith('dim')) {
dimmed = true;
chrome.test.assertTrue(dimmed, 'The file entry should be dimmed');
clickOpenFileDialogButton(name, cancelButton, dialog);
const entrySet = await setUpFileEntrySet(volume);
await remoteCall.openAndWaitForClosingDialog(
{type}, volume, entrySet, closer));
* Adds the basic file entry sets then opens the file dialog on the volume. Once
* file |name| is shown, select it and click the Cancel button.
* @param volume Volume name for remoteCall.openAndWaitForClosingDialog.
* @param name File name to select in the dialog.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled on success.
async function openFileDialogClickCancelButton(
volume: string, name: string): Promise<void> {
const cancelButton = '.button-panel button.cancel';
const closer = clickOpenFileDialogButton.bind(null, name, cancelButton);
const entrySet = await setUpFileEntrySet(volume);
await remoteCall.openAndWaitForClosingDialog(
{type: 'openFile'}, volume, entrySet, closer));
* Adds the basic file entry sets then opens the file dialog on the volume. Once
* file |name| is shown, select it and send an Escape key.
* @param volume Volume name for remoteCall.openAndWaitForClosingDialog.
* @param name File name to select in the dialog.
* @return Promise to be fulfilled on success.
async function openFileDialogSendEscapeKey(
volume: string, name: string): Promise<void> {
const escapeKey = ['#file-list', 'Escape', false, false, false] as const;
const closer = sendOpenFileDialogKey.bind(null, name, escapeKey);
const entrySet = await setUpFileEntrySet(volume);
await remoteCall.openAndWaitForClosingDialog(
{type: 'openFile'}, volume, entrySet, closer));
* Tests for display:none status of feedback panels in Files app.
* @param type Type of dialog to open.
async function checkFeedbackDisplayHidden(type: 'openFile'|'saveFile') {
// Open dialog of the specified 'type'.
await openEntryChoosingWindow({type});
const appId = await remoteCall.waitForDialog();
// Wait to finish initial load.
await remoteCall.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', appId, true);
// Check the display style of the feedback panels container.
const element = await remoteCall.waitForElementStyles(
appId, ['.files-feedback-panels'], ['display']);
// Check that CSS display style is 'none'.
chrome.test.assertTrue(element.styles!['display'] === 'none');
* Test file present in Downloads.
function getTestFileName(): string {
// Type TestEntryInfo's targetPath can be undefined, but the first item
// from BASIC_LOCAL_ENTRY_SET has value, we need to do type casting here.
return BASIC_LOCAL_ENTRY_SET[0]!.targetPath;
* Tests opening file dialog on Downloads and closing it with Ok button.
export async function openFileDialogDownloads() {
return openFileDialogClickOkButton('downloads', getTestFileName());
* Tests opening file dialog sets aria-multiselect true on grid and list.
export async function openFileDialogAriaMultipleSelect() {
// Open File dialog.
await openEntryChoosingWindow({type: 'openFile'});
const appId = await remoteCall.waitForDialog();
// Wait to finish initial load.
await remoteCall.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', appId, true);
// Check: <list> has aria-multiselect set to true.
const list = 'list#file-list[aria-multiselectable=true]';
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, list);
// Check: <grid> has aria-multiselect set to true.
const grid = 'grid#file-list[aria-multiselectable=true]';
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, grid);
* Tests opening save file dialog sets aria-multiselect false on grid and list.
export async function saveFileDialogAriaSingleSelect() {
// Open Save as dialog.
await openEntryChoosingWindow({type: 'saveFile'});
const appId = await remoteCall.waitForDialog();
// Wait to finish initial load.
await remoteCall.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', appId, true);
// Check: <list> has aria-multiselect set to false.
const list = 'list#file-list[aria-multiselectable=false]';
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, list);
// Check: <grid> has aria-multiselect set to false.
const grid = 'grid#file-list[aria-multiselectable=false]';
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, grid);
* Tests opening save file dialog on Downloads and closing it with Ok button.
export async function saveFileDialogDownloads() {
return saveFileDialogClickOkButton('downloads', getTestFileName());
* Tests opening save file dialog on Downloads and using New Folder button.
export async function saveFileDialogDownloadsNewFolderButton() {
// Open Save as dialog.
await openEntryChoosingWindow({type: 'saveFile'});
const appId = await remoteCall.waitForDialog();
// Wait to finish initial load.
await remoteCall.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', appId, true);
// Check: New Folder button should be enabled and click on it.
const query = '#new-folder-button:not([disabled])';
await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, query);
// Wait for the new folder with input to appear, assume the rest of the
// process works (covered by other tests).
const textInput = '#file-list .table-row[renaming] input.rename';
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, textInput);
* Tests opening file dialog on Downloads and closing it with Cancel button.
export async function openFileDialogCancelDownloads() {
return openFileDialogClickCancelButton('downloads', getTestFileName());
* Tests opening file dialog on Downloads and closing it with ESC key.
export async function openFileDialogEscapeDownloads() {
return openFileDialogSendEscapeKey('downloads', getTestFileName());
* Tests the feedback panels are hidden when using an open file dialog.
export async function openFileDialogPanelsDisabled() {
return checkFeedbackDisplayHidden('openFile');
* Tests the feedback panels are hidden when using a save file dialog.
export async function saveFileDialogPanelsDisabled() {
return checkFeedbackDisplayHidden('saveFile');
* Test file present in Drive only.
const TEST_DRIVE_FILE = ENTRIES.hello.targetPath;
* Test file present in Drive only.
const TEST_DRIVE_PINNED_FILE = ENTRIES.pinned.targetPath;
* Tests opening file dialog on Drive and closing it with Ok button.
export async function openFileDialogDrive() {
return openFileDialogClickOkButton('drive', TEST_DRIVE_FILE);
* Tests save file dialog on Drive and closing it with Ok button.
export async function saveFileDialogDrive() {
return saveFileDialogClickOkButton('drive', TEST_DRIVE_FILE);
* Tests that an unpinned file cannot be selected in file open dialogs while
* offline.
export async function openFileDialogDriveOffline() {
return openFileDialogExpectOkButtonDisabled(
* Tests that an unpinned file cannot be selected in save file dialogs while
* offline.
export async function saveFileDialogDriveOffline() {
return openFileDialogExpectOkButtonDisabled(
* Tests opening file dialog on Drive and closing it with Ok button.
export async function openFileDialogDriveOfflinePinned() {
return openFileDialogClickOkButton('drive', TEST_DRIVE_PINNED_FILE);
* Tests save file dialog on Drive and closing it with Ok button.
export async function saveFileDialogDriveOfflinePinned() {
return saveFileDialogClickOkButton('drive', TEST_DRIVE_PINNED_FILE);
* Tests opening a file from Drive in the browser, ensuring it correctly opens
* the file URL.
export async function openFileDialogDriveFromBrowser() {
const url = new URL(
await openFileDialogClickOkButton('drive', TEST_DRIVE_FILE, true) as
chrome.test.assertEq(url.protocol, 'file:');
url.pathname.endsWith(`/root/${TEST_DRIVE_FILE}`), url.pathname);
* Tests opening a hosted doc in the browser, ensuring it correctly navigates to
* the doc's URL.
export async function openFileDialogDriveHostedDoc() {
await openFileDialogClickOkButton(
'drive', ENTRIES.testDocument.nameText, true),
* Tests opening a hosted doc in the browser, ensuring it correctly navigates to
* the doc's URL.
export async function openFileDialogDriveEncryptedFile() {
await openFileDialogClickOkButton(
'drive', ENTRIES.testCSEFile.nameText, true),
* Tests that selecting a hosted doc from a dialog requiring a real file is
* disabled.
export async function openFileDialogDriveHostedNeedsFile() {
return openFileDialogExpectOkButtonDisabled(
'drive', ENTRIES.testDocument.nameText, TEST_DRIVE_FILE);
* Tests that selecting a hosted doc from a dialog requiring a real file is
* disabled.
export async function saveFileDialogDriveHostedNeedsFile() {
return openFileDialogExpectOkButtonDisabled(
'drive', ENTRIES.testDocument.nameText, TEST_DRIVE_FILE, 'saveFile');
* Test that an encrypted (via CSE) file will be marked as grey in a dialog
* requiring a read file.
export async function openFileDialogDriveCSEGrey() {
return openFileDialogExpectEntryDimmed('drive', ENTRIES.testCSEFile.nameText);
* Tests that selecting an encrypted (via CSE) file from a dialog requiring a
* real file is disabled.
export async function openFileDialogDriveCSENeedsFile() {
return openFileDialogExpectOkButtonDisabled(
'drive', ENTRIES.testCSEFile.nameText, TEST_DRIVE_FILE);
* Tests opening file dialog on Drive and selecting an office file.
export async function openFileDialogDriveOfficeFile() {
return openFileDialogClickOkButton('drive', ENTRIES.docxFile.nameText);
* Tests opening file dialog on Drive and selecting multiple files including an
* office file.
export async function openMultiFileDialogDriveOfficeFile() {
await setUpFileEntrySet('drive');
await openEntryChoosingWindow({type: 'openFile', acceptsMultiple: true});
const appId = await remoteCall.waitForDialog();
// Wait for initial load to finish.
await remoteCall.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', appId, true);
const directoryTree = await DirectoryTreePageObject.create(appId);
await directoryTree.navigateToPath('/My Drive');
// Sort the file names so we can compare the array directly with the entries
// returned from pollForChosenEntry() without worrying about
// order.
const selectFileNames = [
// Select both files with the dialog.
await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(
appId, `#file-list [file-name="${selectFileNames[0]}"]`);
await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(
appId, `#file-list [file-name="${selectFileNames[1]}"]`, {ctrl: true});
await sendTestMessage(
{name: 'expectFileTask', fileNames: selectFileNames, openType: 'open'});
const okButton = '.button-panel button.ok:enabled';
await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, okButton);
const chosenEntries = ((await pollForChosenEntry(getCaller())) as Entry[])
.map(entry => entry.name)
chrome.test.assertEq(selectFileNames, chosenEntries);
* Tests opening file dialog on Drive and closing it with Cancel button.
export async function openFileDialogCancelDrive() {
return openFileDialogClickCancelButton('drive', TEST_DRIVE_FILE);
* Tests opening file dialog on Drive and closing it with ESC key.
export async function openFileDialogEscapeDrive() {
return openFileDialogSendEscapeKey('drive', TEST_DRIVE_FILE);
* Tests opening file dialog, then closing it with an 'unload' event.
export async function openFileDialogUnload() {
await openEntryChoosingWindow({type: 'openFile'});
const dialog = await remoteCall.waitForDialog();
await unloadOpenFileDialog(dialog);
* Tests that the open file dialog's filetype filter does not default to all
* types.
export async function openFileDialogDefaultFilter() {
const params = {
type: 'openFile' as const,
accepts: [{extensions: ['jpg']}],
acceptsAllTypes: true,
await openEntryChoosingWindow(params);
const dialog = await remoteCall.waitForDialog();
// Check: 'JPEG image' should be selected.
const selectedFilter =
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, '.file-type option:checked');
chrome.test.assertEq('1', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('JPEG image', selectedFilter.text);
* Tests that the save file dialog's filetype filter defaults to all types.
export async function saveFileDialogDefaultFilter() {
const params = {
type: 'saveFile' as const,
accepts: [{extensions: ['jpg']}],
acceptsAllTypes: true,
await openEntryChoosingWindow(params);
const dialog = await remoteCall.waitForDialog();
// Check: 'All files' should be selected.
const selectedFilter =
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, '.file-type option:checked');
chrome.test.assertEq('0', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('All files', selectedFilter.text);
* Tests that the save file dialog's filetype filter can be navigated using the
* keyboard.
export async function saveFileDialogDefaultFilterKeyNavigation() {
const params = {
type: 'saveFile' as const,
accepts: [{extensions: ['jpg']}],
acceptsAllTypes: true,
await openEntryChoosingWindow(params);
const dialog = await remoteCall.waitForDialog();
// Check: 'All files' should be selected.
let selectedFilter =
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, '.file-type option.selected');
chrome.test.assertEq('0', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('All files', selectedFilter.text);
// Check: up key causes 'JPEG image' to be selected.
const selectControl = 'div.file-type';
const arrowUpKey = ['ArrowUp', false, false, false] as const;
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...arrowUpKey);
selectedFilter =
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, '.file-type option.selected');
chrome.test.assertEq('1', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('JPEG image', selectedFilter.text);
// Check: down key causes 'All files' to be selected.
const arrowDownKey = ['ArrowDown', false, false, false] as const;
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...arrowDownKey);
selectedFilter =
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, '.file-type option.selected');
chrome.test.assertEq('0', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('All files', selectedFilter.text);
// Check: another down key doesn't wrap to the top selection.
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...arrowDownKey);
selectedFilter =
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, '.file-type option.selected');
chrome.test.assertEq('0', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('All files', selectedFilter.text);
// Check: left key acts like up when control is closed.
const arrowLeftKey = ['ArrowLeft', false, false, false] as const;
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...arrowLeftKey);
selectedFilter =
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, '.file-type option.selected');
chrome.test.assertEq('1', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('JPEG image', selectedFilter.text);
// Check: right key acts like down when control is closed.
const arrowRightKey = ['ArrowRight', false, false, false] as const;
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...arrowRightKey);
selectedFilter =
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, '.file-type option.selected');
chrome.test.assertEq('0', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('All files', selectedFilter.text);
// Check: Enter key expands the select control.
const enterKey = ['Enter', false, false, false] as const;
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...enterKey);
await remoteCall.waitForElement(
dialog, '.file-type div.options[expanded=expanded]');
// Check: second Enter key collapses the select control.
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...enterKey);
await remoteCall.waitForElementLost(
dialog, '.file-type div.options[expanded=expanded]');
// Check: space key expands the select control.
const spaceKey = [' ', false, false, false] as const;
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...spaceKey);
await remoteCall.waitForElement(
dialog, '.file-type div.options[expanded=expanded]');
// Check: second space key collapses the select control.
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...spaceKey);
await remoteCall.waitForElementLost(
dialog, '.file-type div.options[expanded=expanded]');
// Check: Escape key collapses the select control.
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...spaceKey);
await remoteCall.waitForElement(
dialog, '.file-type div.options[expanded=expanded]');
const escapeKey = ['Escape', false, false, false] as const;
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...escapeKey);
await remoteCall.waitForElementLost(
dialog, '.file-type div.options[expanded=expanded]');
// Check: tab key collapses the select control.
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...spaceKey);
await remoteCall.waitForElement(
dialog, '.file-type div.options[expanded=expanded]');
const tabKey = ['Tab', false, false, false] as const;
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...tabKey);
await remoteCall.waitForElementLost(
dialog, '.file-type div.options[expanded=expanded]');
// Check: tab key collapsing remembers changed selection.
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...spaceKey);
await remoteCall.waitForElement(
dialog, '.file-type div.options[expanded=expanded]');
selectedFilter =
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, '.file-type option.selected');
chrome.test.assertEq('0', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('All files', selectedFilter.text);
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...arrowUpKey);
selectedFilter =
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, '.file-type option.selected');
chrome.test.assertEq('1', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('JPEG image', selectedFilter.text);
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...tabKey);
await remoteCall.waitForElementLost(
dialog, '.file-type div.options[expanded=expanded]');
chrome.test.assertEq('1', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('JPEG image', selectedFilter.text);
// Check: Escape key collapsing remembers changed selection.
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...spaceKey);
await remoteCall.waitForElement(
dialog, '.file-type div.options[expanded=expanded]');
selectedFilter =
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, '.file-type option.selected');
chrome.test.assertEq('1', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('JPEG image', selectedFilter.text);
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...arrowDownKey);
selectedFilter =
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, '.file-type option.selected');
chrome.test.assertEq('0', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('All files', selectedFilter.text);
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...escapeKey);
await remoteCall.waitForElementLost(
dialog, '.file-type div.options[expanded=expanded]');
chrome.test.assertEq('0', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('All files', selectedFilter.text);
// Check: left arrow does nothing with control expanded.
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...spaceKey);
await remoteCall.waitForElement(
dialog, '.file-type div.options[expanded=expanded]');
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...arrowLeftKey);
selectedFilter =
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, '.file-type option.selected');
chrome.test.assertEq('0', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('All files', selectedFilter.text);
// Check: right arrow does nothing with control expanded.
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...arrowUpKey);
selectedFilter =
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, '.file-type option.selected');
chrome.test.assertEq('1', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('JPEG image', selectedFilter.text);
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(dialog, selectControl, ...arrowRightKey);
selectedFilter =
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, '.file-type option.selected');
chrome.test.assertEq('1', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('JPEG image', selectedFilter.text);
* Tests that filtering works with { acceptsAllTypes: false } and a single
* filter. Regression test for https://crbug.com/1097448.
export async function saveFileDialogSingleFilterNoAcceptAll() {
const params = {
type: 'saveFile' as const,
accepts: [{extensions: ['jpg']}],
acceptsAllTypes: false,
await openEntryChoosingWindow(params);
const dialog = await remoteCall.waitForDialog();
// Check: 'JPEG image' should be selected.
const selectedFilter =
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, '.file-type option:checked');
chrome.test.assertEq('1', selectedFilter.value);
chrome.test.assertEq('JPEG image', selectedFilter.text);
* Opens a "Save As" dialog and clicks OK. Helper for the
* saveFileDialogExtension* tests.
* @param extraParams Extra options to pass to chooseEntry().
* @param expectName Name for the 'expectFileTask' mock expectation.
* @return The name of the entry from chooseEntry().
async function showSaveAndConfirmExpecting(
extraParams: chrome.fileSystem.ChooseEntryOptions,
expectName: string): Promise<string> {
const caller = getCaller();
const params = {
type: 'saveFile' as const,
accepts: [{extensions: ['jpg']}],
await openEntryChoosingWindow(Object.assign(params, extraParams));
const dialog = await remoteCall.waitForDialog();
// Ensure the input field is ready.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(dialog, '#filename-input-textbox');
await clickOkButtonExpectName(dialog, expectName, 'saveAs');
const entry = await pollForChosenEntry(caller) as Entry;
return entry.name;
* Tests that a file extension is not automatically added upon confirmation
* whilst the "All Files" filter is selected on the "Save As" dialog. Note the
* saveFileDialogDefaultFilter test above verifies that 'All Files' is actually
* the default in this setup.
export async function saveFileDialogExtensionNotAddedWithNoFilter() {
// Note these tests use the suggestedName field as a robust way to simulate a
// user typing into the input field.
const extraParams = {acceptsAllTypes: true, suggestedName: 'test'};
const name = await showSaveAndConfirmExpecting(extraParams, 'test');
chrome.test.assertEq('test', name);
* With no "All Files" option, the JPEG filter should be applied by default, and
* a ".jpg" extension automatically added on confirm.
export async function saveFileDialogExtensionAddedWithJpegFilter() {
const extraParams = {acceptsAllTypes: false, suggestedName: 'test'};
const name = await showSaveAndConfirmExpecting(extraParams, 'test.jpg');
chrome.test.assertEq('test.jpg', name);
* An extension should only be added if the user didn't provide one, even if it
* doesn't match the current filter for JPEG files (i.e. /\.(jpg)$/i).
export async function saveFileDialogExtensionNotAddedWhenProvided() {
const extraParams = {acceptsAllTypes: false, suggestedName: 'foo.png'};
const name = await showSaveAndConfirmExpecting(extraParams, 'foo.png');
chrome.test.assertEq('foo.png', name);
* Tests that context menu on File List for file picker dialog.
* File picker dialog displays fewer menu options than full Files app. For
* example copy/paste commands are disabled. Right-click on a file/folder should
* show context menu, whereas right-clicking on the blank parts of file list
* should NOT display the context menu.
* crbug.com/917975 crbug.com/983507.
export async function openFileDialogFileListShowContextMenu() {
// Make sure the file picker will open to Downloads.
sendBrowserTestCommand({name: 'setLastDownloadDir'});
// Add entries to Downloads.
await addEntries(['local'], BASIC_LOCAL_ENTRY_SET);
// Open file picker dialog.
await openEntryChoosingWindow({type: 'openFile'});
const appId = await remoteCall.waitForDialog();
// Wait to finish initial load.
await remoteCall.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', appId, true);
// Wait for files to be displayed.
const expectedRows = [
['Play files', '--', 'Folder'],
['Downloads', '--', 'Folder'],
['Linux files', '--', 'Folder'],
await remoteCall.waitForFiles(
appId, expectedRows, {ignoreLastModifiedTime: true});
// Navigate to Downloads folder.
const directoryTree = await DirectoryTreePageObject.create(appId);
await directoryTree.navigateToPath('/My files/Downloads');
// Right-click "photos" folder to show context menu.
await remoteCall.waitAndRightClick(appId, '#file-list [file-name="photos"]');
// Wait until the context menu appears.
const menuVisible = '#file-context-menu:not([hidden])';
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, menuVisible);
// Dismiss context menu.
const escKey = ['Escape', false, false, false] as const;
await remoteCall.fakeKeyDown(appId, menuVisible, ...escKey);
await remoteCall.waitForElementLost(appId, menuVisible);
// Right-click inside of #file-list (in an empty space).
await remoteCall.rightClickFileListBlankSpace(appId);
// Check that context menu is NOT displayed because there is no visible menu
// items.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, '#file-context-menu[hidden]');
* Tests that select all is disabled in the gear menu for an open file dialog.
export async function openFileDialogSelectAllDisabled() {
// Open file picker dialog.
await openEntryChoosingWindow({type: 'openFile'});
const appId = await remoteCall.waitForDialog();
// Wait to finish initial load.
await remoteCall.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', appId, true);
// Wait for the gear menu button to appear and click it.
await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, '#gear-button');
// Wait for the gear menu to appear.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, '#gear-menu:not([hidden])');
// Check: #select-all command is shown, but disabled.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(
'#gear-menu ' +
* Tests that select all is enabled in the gear menu for an open multiple files
* dialog. crbug.com/937251
export async function openMultiFileDialogSelectAllEnabled() {
// Make sure the file picker will open to Downloads.
sendBrowserTestCommand({name: 'setLastDownloadDir'});
// Open file picker dialog with support for selecting multiple files.
await openEntryChoosingWindow({type: 'openFile', acceptsMultiple: true});
const appId = await remoteCall.waitForDialog();
// Wait to finish initial load.
await remoteCall.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', appId, true);
// Wait for the gear menu button to appear and click it.
await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, '#gear-button');
// Wait for the gear menu to appear.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, '#gear-menu:not([hidden])');
// Check: #select-all command is shown, but enabled.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(
'#gear-menu ' +
* Tests open file dialog on a GuestOS volume. Check that the placeholder is
* shown in the dialog and that clicking on it mounts the volume. We don't
* bother actually opening a file since once it's mounted it works like any
* other local FUSE volume.
export async function openFileDialogGuestOs() {
// Register a fake GuestOs guest.
await sendTestMessage({
name: 'registerMountableGuest',
displayName: 'Bluejohn',
canMount: true,
vmType: 'bruschetta',
// Open the open file dialog.
await openEntryChoosingWindow({type: 'openFile'});
// Wait for the dialog to be fully loaded.
const appId = await remoteCall.waitForWindow();
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, '#file-list');
await remoteCall.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', appId, true);
// Click the Guest OS placeholder.
const directoryTree = await DirectoryTreePageObject.create(appId);
await directoryTree.selectPlaceholderItemByType('bruschetta');
// Wait for the directory scanning to finish to guarantee the FileWatcher call
// is finished.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(
appId, `#list-container[scan-completed="Bluejohn"]`);
// Wait for the actual volume to appear.
await directoryTree.waitForItemByType('bruschetta');
* Tests save file dialog on a GuestOS volume. Check that the placeholder is
* shown in the dialog and that clicking on it mounts the volume. We don't
* bother actually saving a file since once it's mounted it works like any other
* local FUSE volume.
export async function saveFileDialogGuestOs() {
// Register a fake GuestOs guest.
await sendTestMessage({
name: 'registerMountableGuest',
displayName: 'Bluejohn',
canMount: true,
vmType: 'bruschetta',
// Open the save file dialog.
await openEntryChoosingWindow({type: 'saveFile'});
// Wait for the dialog to be fully loaded.
const appId = await remoteCall.waitForWindow();
await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, '#file-list');
await remoteCall.waitFor('isFileManagerLoaded', appId, true);
// Click the Guest OS placeholder.
const directoryTree = await DirectoryTreePageObject.create(appId);
await directoryTree.selectPlaceholderItemByType('bruschetta');
// Wait for the directory scanning to finish to guarantee the FileWatcher call
// is finished.
await remoteCall.waitForElement(
appId, `#list-container[scan-completed="Bluejohn"]`);
// Wait for the actual volume to appear.
await directoryTree.waitForItemByType('bruschetta');