
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import {ENTRIES, RootPath, sendTestMessage} from '../test_util.js';

import {remoteCall} from './background.js';
import {DirectoryTreePageObject} from './page_objects/directory_tree.js';

 * Lanuches file manager and stubs out the formatVolume private api.
 * @return Files app window ID.
async function setupFormatDialogTest(): Promise<string> {
  const appId = await remoteCall.setupAndWaitUntilReady(RootPath.DOWNLOADS);
  await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil('overrideFormat', appId, []);
  return appId;

 * Opens a format dialog for the USB with label |usbLabel|.
 * @param appId Files app window ID.
 * @param usbLabel Label of usb to format.
async function openFormatDialog(appId: string, usbLabel: string) {
  if (await remoteCall.isSinglePartitionFormat(appId)) {
    await openFormatDialogWithSinglePartitionFormat(appId, usbLabel, 'FAKEUSB');

  // Focus the directory tree.
  const directoryTree = await DirectoryTreePageObject.create(appId);
  await directoryTree.focusTree();

  // Right click on the USB's directory tree entry.
  await directoryTree.showContextMenuForItemByLabel(usbLabel);

  // Click on the format menu item.
  const formatItemQuery = '#roots-context-menu:not([hidden])' +
      ' cr-menu-item[command="#format"]:not([hidden]):not([disabled])';
  await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, formatItemQuery);

  // Check the dialog is open.
  await remoteCall.waitForElement(
      appId, ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-dialog[open]']);

 * Opens a format dialog for the USB with label |usbLabel| and device with
 * label |deviceLabel|.
 * @param appId Files app window ID.
 * @param usbLabel Label of usb to format.
 * @param deviceLabel Label of the parent device of usb.
async function openFormatDialogWithSinglePartitionFormat(
    appId: string, usbLabel: string, deviceLabel: string) {
  // Focus the directory tree.
  const directoryTree = await DirectoryTreePageObject.create(appId);
  await directoryTree.focusTree();

  // Expand device tree entry to access partition entry.
  await directoryTree.expandTreeItemByLabel(deviceLabel);

  // Right click on the USB's directory tree entry.
  await directoryTree.showContextMenuForItemByLabel(usbLabel);

  // Click on the format menu item.
  const formatItemQuery = '#directory-tree-context-menu:not([hidden])' +
      ' cr-menu-item[command="#format"]:not([hidden]):not([disabled])';
  await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, formatItemQuery);

  // Check the dialog is open.
  await remoteCall.waitForElement(
      appId, ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-dialog[open]']);

 * Tests the format dialog for a sample USB with files on it.
export async function formatDialog() {
  await sendTestMessage({name: 'mountFakeUsb'});
  const appId = await setupFormatDialogTest();

  // Open the format dialog on fake-usb.
  await openFormatDialog(appId, 'fake-usb');

  // Check the correct size is displayed.
  const warning = await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, [
    '#warning-container:not([hidden]) #warning-message',
      '51 bytes of files will be deleted', warning.text?.trim());

  // Click format button.
  const formatButtonQuery = ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-button#format-button'];
  await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, formatButtonQuery);

  // Check the dialog is closed.
  await remoteCall.waitForElement(
      appId, ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-dialog:not([open])']);

 * Tests the format dialog is a modal dialog.
export async function formatDialogIsModal() {
  await sendTestMessage({name: 'mountFakeUsb'});
  const appId = await setupFormatDialogTest();

  // Open the format dialog on fake-usb.
  await openFormatDialog(appId, 'fake-usb');

  // Focus the <cr-input> inner <input> element.
  const driveNameQuery = ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-input#label', 'input'];
  await remoteCall.simulateUiClick(appId, driveNameQuery);

  // Send a select-all keyboard event to the <input> element.
  const ctrlA = [driveNameQuery, 'a', true, false, false];
  await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil('fakeKeyDown', appId, ctrlA);

  // Check: the file-list should have nothing selected.
  const selectedRows =
      await remoteCall.queryElements(appId, ['#file-list li[selected]']);
  chrome.test.assertEq(0, selectedRows.length);

 * Tests the format dialog for an empty USB.
export async function formatDialogEmpty() {
  await sendTestMessage({name: 'mountFakeUsbEmpty'});
  const appId = await setupFormatDialogTest();

  // Open the format dialog on fake-usb.
  await openFormatDialog(appId, 'fake-usb');

  // Check the warning message is hidden.
  const warning = await remoteCall.waitForElement(
      appId, ['files-format-dialog', '#warning-container[fully-initialized]']);

  // Click format button.
  const formatButtonQuery = ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-button#format-button'];
  await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, formatButtonQuery);

  // Check the dialog is closed.
  await remoteCall.waitForElement(
      appId, ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-dialog:not([open])']);

 * Tests cancelling out of the format dialog.
export async function formatDialogCancel() {
  await sendTestMessage({name: 'mountFakeUsb'});
  const appId = await setupFormatDialogTest();

  // Open the format dialog on fake-usb.
  await openFormatDialog(appId, 'fake-usb');

  // Click cancel button.
  const formatButtonQuery = ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-button#cancel'];
  await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, formatButtonQuery);

  // Check the dialog is closed.
  await remoteCall.waitForElement(
      appId, ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-dialog:not([open])']);

 * Checks that formatting gives error |errorMessage| when given |label| and
 * |format|.
 * @param appId Files app window ID.
 * @param label New label of usb drive.
 * @param format New filesystem of drive.
 * @param errorMessage Expected error message to be displayed.
async function checkError(
    appId: string, label: string, format: string, errorMessage: string) {
  // Enter in a label.
  const driveNameQuery = ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-input#label'];
  await remoteCall.inputText(appId, driveNameQuery, label);

  // Select a format.
  const driveFormatQuery = ['files-format-dialog', '#disk-format select'];
  await remoteCall.inputText(appId, driveFormatQuery, format);

  // Check error message is not there.
  let driveNameElement = await remoteCall.waitForElement(
      appId, ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-dialog[open] cr-input#label']);

  // Click format button.
  const formatButtonQuery = ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-button#format-button'];
  await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, formatButtonQuery);

  // Check for error message.
  driveNameElement = await remoteCall.waitForElement(
      appId, ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-dialog[open] cr-input#label']);
      errorMessage, driveNameElement.attributes['error-message']);

 * Checks that formatting succeeds when given |label| and |format|.
 * @param appId Files app window ID.
 * @param label New label of usb drive.
 * @param format New filesystem of drive.
async function checkSuccess(appId: string, label: string, format: string) {
  // Enter in a label.
  const driveNameQuery = ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-input#label'];
  await remoteCall.inputText(appId, driveNameQuery, label);

  // Select a format.
  const driveFormatQuery = ['files-format-dialog', '#disk-format select'];
  await remoteCall.inputText(appId, driveFormatQuery, format);

  // Check error message is not there.
  const driveNameElement = await remoteCall.waitForElement(
      appId, ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-dialog[open] cr-input#label']);

  // Click format button.
  const formatButtonQuery = ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-button#format-button'];
  await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, formatButtonQuery);

  // Check the dialog is closed.
  await remoteCall.waitForElement(
      appId, ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-dialog:not([open])']);

 * Tests validations for drive name length.
export async function formatDialogNameLength() {
  await sendTestMessage({name: 'mountFakeUsb'});
  const appId = await setupFormatDialogTest();

  // Open the format dialog on fake-usb.
  await openFormatDialog(appId, 'fake-usb');

  // Check that a 12 character name fails on vfat.
  await checkError(
      appId, 'ABCDEFGHIJKL', 'vfat',
      'Use a name that\'s 11 characters or less');

  // Check that a 11 character name succeeds on vfat.
  await checkSuccess(appId, 'ABCDEFGHIJK', 'vfat');

  // Open the format dialog on fake-usb.
  await openFormatDialog(appId, 'fake-usb');

  // Check that a 16 character name fails on exfat.
  await checkError(
      appId, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP', 'exfat',
      'Use a name that\'s 15 characters or less');

  // Check that a 15 character name succeeds on exfat.
  await checkSuccess(appId, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO', 'exfat');

  // Open the format dialog on fake-usb.
  await openFormatDialog(appId, 'fake-usb');

  // Check that a 33 character name fails on ntfs.
  await checkError(
      'Use a name that\'s 32 characters or less');

  // Also test both invalid character and long name.
  await checkError(
      'Use a name that\'s 32 characters or less');

  // Check that a 32 character name succeeds on ntfs.
  await checkSuccess(appId, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEF', 'ntfs');

 * Test validations for invalid characters.
export async function formatDialogNameInvalid() {
  await sendTestMessage({name: 'mountFakeUsb'});
  const appId = await setupFormatDialogTest();

  // Open the format dialog on fake-usb.
  await openFormatDialog(appId, 'fake-usb');

  // Check that a name with invalid characters fails.
  await checkError(appId, '<invalid>', 'vfat', 'Invalid character: <');

  // Check that a name without invalid characters succeeds.
  await checkSuccess(appId, 'Nice name', 'vfat');

 * Tests opening the format dialog from the gear menu.
export async function formatDialogGearMenu() {
  await sendTestMessage({name: 'mountFakeUsb'});
  const appId = await setupFormatDialogTest();

  // Focus the directory tree.
  const directoryTree = await DirectoryTreePageObject.create(appId);
  await directoryTree.focusTree();

  let usbNavigationPath = '/fake-usb';
  if (await remoteCall.isSinglePartitionFormat(appId)) {
    usbNavigationPath = '/FAKEUSB/fake-usb';
  // Navigate to the USB via the directory tree.
  await directoryTree.navigateToPath(usbNavigationPath);

  // Click on the gear menu button.
  await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, '#gear-button:not([hidden])');

  // Click on the format menu item.
  await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(
      appId, '#gear-menu-format:not([disabled]):not([hidden])');

  // Check the format dialog is open and the title is correct
  const title = await remoteCall.waitForElement(
      appId, ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-dialog[open] div[slot="title"]']);
  chrome.test.assertEq('Format fake-usb', title.text?.trim());

  // Click cancel button.
  const cancelButtonQuery = ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-button#cancel'];
  await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, cancelButtonQuery);

  // Check the dialog is closed.
  await remoteCall.waitForElement(
      appId, ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-dialog:not([open])']);

  // Focus the file list.
  await remoteCall.callRemoteTestUtil('focus', appId, ['#file-list']);

  // Click an item in the list.
  await remoteCall.waitUntilSelected(appId, ENTRIES.hello.nameText);

  // Click on the gear menu button.
  await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, '#gear-button:not([hidden])');

  // Click on the format menu item.
  await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(
      appId, '#gear-menu-format:not([disabled]):not([hidden])');

  // Check the format dialog is open and the title is correct
  const title2 = await remoteCall.waitForElement(
      appId, ['files-format-dialog', 'cr-dialog[open] div[slot="title"]']);
  chrome.test.assertEq('Format fake-usb', title2.text?.trim());

  // Click cancel button.
  await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, cancelButtonQuery);

  // Click on the gear menu button.
  await remoteCall.waitAndClickElement(appId, '#gear-button:not([hidden])');

  // Ensure the format menu item has appeared.
  await remoteCall.waitForElement(
      appId, '#gear-menu-format:not([disabled]):not([hidden])');

  // Unmount the USB.
  await sendTestMessage({name: 'unmountUsb'});

  // Ensure the file manager has navigated back to My files.
  await remoteCall.waitUntilCurrentDirectoryIsChanged(appId, '/My files');

  // Ensure the format menu item has disappeared.
  await remoteCall.waitForElement(appId, '#gear-menu-format[disabled][hidden]');