# For any other files, defer to ui/OWNERS.
# RenderText and related classes.
per-file render_text*[email protected]
per-file render_text*[email protected]
per-file text_elider*[email protected]
per-file text_elider*[email protected]
# Fonts and fallback fonts.
per-file font*[email protected]
per-file font*[email protected]
per-file platform_font*[email protected]
per-file platform_font*[email protected]
# Color utils.
per-file [email protected]
per-file color_utils*[email protected]
per-file color_conversions*[email protected]
per-file color_conversions*[email protected]
per-file color_conversions*[email protected]
# Display and related classes.
per-file display*[email protected]
per-file screen*[email protected]
# Canvas painting.
per-file canvas*[email protected]
# Overlay states, configurations, etc.
per-file overlay*[email protected]
# Transform, interpolated transform and transform util.
per-file transform*[email protected]
per-file transform*[email protected]
per-file interpolated_transform*[email protected]
per-file interpolated_transform*[email protected]
# Skia geometry helpers.
per-file skia_util*[email protected]
per-file skia_paint_util*[email protected]
# GPU memory buffer and GpuFence interfaces.
per-file gpu_fence*[email protected]
per-file gpu_fence*[email protected]
per-file gpu_memory_buffer*[email protected]
per-file gpu_memory_buffer*[email protected]
per-file buffer_format*[email protected]
per-file buffer_format*[email protected]
per-file *buffer_types.*[email protected]
per-file *buffer_types.*[email protected]
per-file *native_pixmap*[email protected]
# Vector icons.
per-file *vector_icon*[email protected]
# If you're doing structural changes get a review from one of the OWNERS.
per-file BUILD.gn=*