
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ui/gfx/paint_vector_icon.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <tuple>

#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_span.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_canvas.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_flags.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPath.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/tween.h"
#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_palette.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/canvas_image_source.h"
#include "ui/gfx/scoped_canvas.h"
#include "ui/gfx/vector_icon_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/vector_icon_utils.h"

namespace gfx {

namespace {

// The default size of a single side of the square canvas to which path
// coordinates are relative, in device independent pixels.
constexpr int kReferenceSizeDip =;

constexpr int kEmptyIconSize =;

// Retrieves the specified CANVAS_DIMENSIONS size from a PathElement.
int GetCanvasDimensions(const base::span<const PathElement>& path) {}

// Retrieves the appropriate icon representation to draw when the pixel size
// requested is |icon_size_px|.
const VectorIconRep* GetRepForPxSize(const VectorIcon& icon, int icon_size_px) {}

struct CompareIconDescription {};

// Helper that simplifies iterating over a sequence of PathElements.
class PathParser {};

// Translates a string such as "MOVE_TO" into a command such as MOVE_TO.
CommandType CommandFromString(const std::string& source) {}

std::vector<PathElement> PathFromSource(const std::string& source) {}

bool IsCommandTypeCurve(CommandType command) {}

void PaintPath(Canvas* canvas,
               const base::span<const PathElement>& path_elements,
               int dip_size,
               SkColor color) {}

class VectorIconSource : public CanvasImageSource {};

// This class caches vector icons (as ImageSkia) so they don't have to be drawn
// more than once. This also guarantees the backing data for the images returned
// by CreateVectorIcon will persist in memory until program termination.
class VectorIconCache {};

static base::LazyInstance<VectorIconCache>::DestructorAtExit g_icon_cache =;

}  // namespace

IconDescription::IconDescription(const IconDescription& other) = default;

IconDescription::IconDescription(const VectorIcon& icon,
                                 int dip_size,
                                 SkColor color,
                                 const VectorIcon* badge_icon)

IconDescription::~IconDescription() {}

const VectorIcon kNoneIcon =;

void PaintVectorIcon(Canvas* canvas, const VectorIcon& icon, SkColor color) {}

void PaintVectorIcon(Canvas* canvas,
                     const VectorIcon& icon,
                     int dip_size,
                     SkColor color) {}

ImageSkia CreateVectorIcon(const IconDescription& params) {}

ImageSkia CreateVectorIcon(const VectorIcon& icon, SkColor color) {}

ImageSkia CreateVectorIcon(const VectorIcon& icon,
                           int dip_size,
                           SkColor color) {}

ImageSkia CreateVectorIconWithBadge(const VectorIcon& icon,
                                    int dip_size,
                                    SkColor color,
                                    const VectorIcon& badge_icon) {}

ImageSkia CreateVectorIconFromSource(const std::string& source,
                                     int dip_size,
                                     SkColor color) {}

}  // namespace gfx