// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/assistant/model/assistant_ui_model.h"
#include "ash/assistant/test/mocked_assistant_interaction.h"
#include "ash/test/ash_test_base.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/assistant/public/cpp/assistant_prefs.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
} // namespace aura
namespace views {
class Textfield;
class View;
class Widget;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
namespace assistant {
class ScopedAssistantBrowserDelegate;
class AppListView;
class AssistantOnboardingSuggestionView;
class AssistantTestApi;
class SuggestionChipView;
class TestAssistantService;
class TestAssistantSetup;
class TestAshWebViewFactory;
// Helper class to make testing the Assistant Ash UI easier.
class AssistantAshTestBase : public AshTestBase {
using AssistantEntryPoint = assistant::AssistantEntryPoint;
using AssistantExitPoint = assistant::AssistantExitPoint;
using AssistantOnboardingMode = assistant::prefs::AssistantOnboardingMode;
using ConsentStatus = assistant::prefs::ConsentStatus;
explicit AssistantAshTestBase(base::test::TaskEnvironment::TimeSource time);
AssistantAshTestBase(const AssistantAshTestBase&) = delete;
AssistantAshTestBase& operator=(const AssistantAshTestBase&) = delete;
~AssistantAshTestBase() override;
// AshTestBase:
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
// Creates and switches to a new active user.
void CreateAndSwitchActiveUser(const std::string& display_email,
const std::string& given_name);
// Show the Assistant UI. The optional |entry_point| can be used to emulate
// the different ways of launching the Assistant.
void ShowAssistantUi(
AssistantEntryPoint entry_point = AssistantEntryPoint::kUnspecified);
// Close the Assistant UI. The optional |exit_point| can be used to emulate
// the different ways of closing the Assistant, such as without closing the
// launcher.
void CloseAssistantUi(
AssistantExitPoint exit_point = AssistantExitPoint::kUnspecified);
// Open the launcher (but do not open the Assistant UI).
void OpenLauncher();
// Close the Assistant UI by closing the launcher.
void CloseLauncher();
void SetTabletMode(bool enable);
// Change the user preference controlling the status of user consent.
void SetConsentStatus(ConsentStatus consent_status);
// Sets the number of user sessions where Assistant onboarding was shown.
void SetNumberOfSessionsWhereOnboardingShown(int number_of_sessions);
// Changes the user preference controlling the mode of the onboarding UX.
void SetOnboardingMode(AssistantOnboardingMode onboarding_mode);
// Change the user setting controlling whether the user prefers voice or
// keyboard.
void SetPreferVoice(bool value);
// Sets the time of the user's last interaction with Assistant.
void SetTimeOfLastInteraction(const base::Time& time);
void StartOverview();
// Return true if the Assistant UI is visible.
bool IsVisible();
// This is the top-level Assistant specific view.
// Can only be used after |ShowAssistantUi| has been called.
// Exists for both bubble launcher and fullscreen launcher.
views::View* page_view();
// Return the app list view hosting the Assistant page view.
// Can only be used after |ShowAssistantUi| has been called.
// Only exists for fullscreen launcher.
AppListView* app_list_view();
// Return the root view hosting the Assistant page view.
// Can only be used after |ShowAssistantUi| has been called.
views::View* root_view();
// Simulate the user entering a query.
// Returns a builder object that allows you to specify the query and the
// responses. The interaction will be auto submitted in the destructor,
// meaning you should just use it and let it go out of scope.
// Example usage:
// MockTextInteraction()
// .WithQuery("a query")
// .WithTextResponse("First response")
// .WithTextResponse("Second response");
MockedAssistantInteraction MockTextInteraction();
// Simulate the user entering a query followed by <return>.
void SendQueryThroughTextField(const std::string& query);
// Simulate the user tapping on the given view.
// Waits for the event to be processed.
void TapOnAndWait(const views::View* view);
// Simulate the user tapping at the given position.
// Waits for the event to be processed.
void TapAndWait(gfx::Point position);
// Simulate a mouse click on the given view.
// Waits for the event to be processed.
void ClickOnAndWait(const views::View* view,
bool check_if_view_can_process_events = true);
// Return the current interaction. Returns |std::nullopt| if no interaction
// is in progress.
// Create a new App window, and activate it.
// Returns a pointer to the newly created window.
// The window will be destroyed when the test is finished.
aura::Window* SwitchToNewAppWindow();
// Create a new Widget, and activate it.
// Returns a pointer to the newly created widget.
// The widget will be destroyed when the test is finished.
views::Widget* SwitchToNewWidget();
// Return the window containing the Assistant UI.
// Note that this window is shared for all components of the |AppList|.
aura::Window* window();
// Return the text field used for inputting new queries.
views::Textfield* input_text_field();
// Return the mic field used for dictating new queries.
views::View* mic_view();
// Return the greeting label shown when you first open the Assistant.
views::View* greeting_label();
// Return the button to enable voice mode.
views::View* voice_input_toggle();
// Return the button to enable text mode.
views::View* keyboard_input_toggle();
// Return the Assistant onboarding view.
views::View* onboarding_view();
// Return the button to launch Assistant setup.
views::View* opt_in_view();
// Return the container with all the suggestion chips.
views::View* suggestion_chip_container();
// Return the onboarding suggestions that are currently displayed.
// Return the suggestion chips that are currently displayed.
std::vector<SuggestionChipView*> GetSuggestionChips();
// Show/Dismiss the on-screen keyboard.
void ShowKeyboard();
void DismissKeyboard();
// Returns if the on-screen keyboard is being displayed.
bool IsKeyboardShowing() const;
// Enable/Disable the on-screen keyboard.
void EnableKeyboard() { SetVirtualKeyboardEnabled(true); }
void DisableKeyboard() { SetVirtualKeyboardEnabled(false); }
TestAssistantService* assistant_service();
// Sets up an active user for a test. Note that this function is called in
// `SetUp` by default. You can change this behavior by setting
// `set_up_active_user_in_test_set_up_`.
void SetUpActiveUser();
// This variable must be set before `SetUp` function call.
bool set_up_active_user_in_test_set_up_ = true;
std::unique_ptr<AssistantTestApi> test_api_;
std::unique_ptr<TestAssistantSetup> test_setup_;
std::unique_ptr<TestAshWebViewFactory> test_web_view_factory_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<aura::Window>> windows_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<views::Widget>> widgets_;
std::unique_ptr<assistant::ScopedAssistantBrowserDelegate> delegate_;
} // namespace ash