// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/lru_cache.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/drm_overlay_plane.h"
#include "ui/ozone/public/overlay_surface_candidate.h"
namespace ui {
class DrmWindow;
class DrmOverlayValidator {
explicit DrmOverlayValidator(DrmWindow* window);
DrmOverlayValidator(const DrmOverlayValidator&) = delete;
DrmOverlayValidator& operator=(const DrmOverlayValidator&) = delete;
// Tests if configurations of |params| are compatible with |window_| and finds
// which of these configurations can be promoted to Overlay composition
// without failing the page flip.
// If the complete list of planes fails we will remove planes from the end of
// the test list one at a time. This means that |params| should always have
// the primary plane at the beginning of the list, and the rest should be
// sorted based on expected power gain, so less impactful planes are dropped
// first.
OverlayStatusList TestPageFlip(const OverlaySurfaceCandidateList& params,
const DrmOverlayPlaneList& last_used_planes);
DrmOverlayPlane MakeOverlayPlane(
const OverlaySurfaceCandidate& param,
std::vector<scoped_refptr<DrmFramebuffer>>& reusable_buffers);
const raw_ptr<DrmWindow, DanglingUntriaged> window_; // Not owned.
} // namespace ui