
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ui/ozone/platform/x11/hit_test_x11.h"

#include "ui/base/hit_test.h"

namespace ui {

namespace {

// These constants are said to be defined in the Extended Window Manager Hints
// standard but to be not found in any headers...
constexpr int kSizeTopLeft =;
constexpr int kSizeTop =;
constexpr int kSizeTopRight =;
constexpr int kSizeRight =;
constexpr int kSizeBottomRight =;
constexpr int kSizeBottom =;
constexpr int kSizeBottomLeft =;
constexpr int kSizeLeft =;
constexpr int kMove =;

}  // namespace

int HitTestToWmMoveResizeDirection(int hittest) {}

}  // namespace ui