
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module ui.ozone.mojom;

// Represents the value or values of a gesture property.
union GesturePropValue {
  array<int32> ints;
  array<int16> shorts;
  array<bool> bools;
  string str;
  array<double> reals;

// Error codes that may be returned from GesturePropertiesService.SetProperty.
enum SetGesturePropErrorCode {
  SUCCESS = 0,
  // There is no property with the given name, or no device with the given ID.
  NOT_FOUND = 2,
  // The property is read-only.
  READ_ONLY = 3,
  // The value provided is not of the right type for the property.
  // The length of the array provided does not match the length of the property.

// Allows gesture properties to be read and modified for debugging purposes.
// Runs in the browser process, and is called by the corresponding D-Bus service
// wrapper (GesturePropertiesServiceProvider).
interface GesturePropertiesService {
  // Returns all input devices with gesture properties that are currently
  // connected, as a map from their numeric ID to their evdev device name.
  ListDevices() => (map<int32, string> result);

  // Returns a array of the names of properties that a device has, or an empty
  // array if no device with the given ID exists.
  ListProperties(int32 device_id) => (array<string> properties);

  // Returns the value of a property, and whether it is read-only. If there is
  // no device with the given ID, or no property with the given name, value is
  // null.
  GetProperty(int32 device_id, string name)
      => (bool is_read_only, GesturePropValue? value);

  // Sets the value of a property.
  SetProperty(int32 device_id, string name, GesturePropValue value)
      => (SetGesturePropErrorCode error);