// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/views/cocoa/text_input_host.h"
#include "components/remote_cocoa/app_shim/native_widget_ns_window_bridge.h"
#include "ui/accelerated_widget_mac/window_resize_helper_mac.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/text_input_client.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/dom/dom_code.h"
#include "ui/views/cocoa/native_widget_mac_ns_window_host.h"
namespace {
// Returns the boundary rectangle for composition characters in the
// |requested_range|. Sets |actual_range| corresponding to the returned
// rectangle. For cases, where there is no composition text or the
// |requested_range| lies outside the composition range, a zero width rectangle
// corresponding to the caret bounds is returned. Logic used is similar to
// RenderWidgetHostViewMac::GetCachedFirstRectForCharacterRange(...).
gfx::Rect GetFirstRectForRangeHelper(const ui::TextInputClient* client,
const gfx::Range& requested_range,
gfx::Range* actual_range) {
// NSRange doesn't support reversed ranges.
// Set up default return values, to be returned in case of unusual cases.
gfx::Rect default_rect;
*actual_range = gfx::Range::InvalidRange();
if (!client)
return default_rect;
default_rect = client->GetCaretBounds();
// If possible, modify actual_range to correspond to caret position.
gfx::Range selection_range;
if (client->GetEditableSelectionRange(&selection_range)) {
// Caret bounds correspond to end index of selection_range.
*actual_range = gfx::Range(selection_range.end());
gfx::Range composition_range;
if (!client->HasCompositionText() ||
!client->GetCompositionTextRange(&composition_range) ||
!requested_range.IsBoundedBy(composition_range)) {
return default_rect;
const size_t from = requested_range.start() - composition_range.start();
const size_t to = requested_range.end() - composition_range.start();
// Pick the first character's bounds as the initial rectangle, then grow it to
// the full |requested_range| if possible.
const bool request_is_composition_end = from == composition_range.length();
const size_t first_index = request_is_composition_end ? from - 1 : from;
gfx::Rect union_rect;
if (!client->GetCompositionCharacterBounds(first_index, &union_rect))
return default_rect;
// If requested_range is empty, return a zero width rectangle corresponding to
// it.
if (from == to) {
if (request_is_composition_end &&
client->GetTextDirection() != base::i18n::RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
// In case of an empty requested range at end of composition, return the
// rectangle to the right of the last compositioned character.
*actual_range = requested_range;
return union_rect;
// Toolkit-views textfields are always single-line, so no need to check for
// line breaks.
for (size_t i = from + 1; i < to; i++) {
gfx::Rect current_rect;
if (client->GetCompositionCharacterBounds(i, ¤t_rect)) {
} else {
*actual_range =
gfx::Range(requested_range.start(), i + composition_range.start());
return union_rect;
*actual_range = requested_range;
return union_rect;
// Returns the string corresponding to |requested_range| for the given |client|.
// If a gfx::Range::InvalidRange() is passed, the full string stored by |client|
// is returned. Sets |actual_range| corresponding to the returned string.
std::u16string AttributedSubstringForRangeHelper(
const ui::TextInputClient* client,
const gfx::Range& requested_range,
gfx::Range* actual_range) {
// NSRange doesn't support reversed ranges.
std::u16string substring;
gfx::Range text_range;
*actual_range = gfx::Range::InvalidRange();
if (!client || !client->GetTextRange(&text_range))
return substring;
// gfx::Range::Intersect() behaves a bit weirdly. If B is an empty range
// contained inside a non-empty range A, B intersection A returns
// gfx::Range::InvalidRange(), instead of returning B.
*actual_range = text_range.Contains(requested_range)
? requested_range
: text_range.Intersect(requested_range);
// This is a special case for which the complete string should should be
// returned. NSTextView also follows this, though the same is not mentioned in
// NSTextInputClient documentation.
if (!requested_range.IsValid())
*actual_range = text_range;
client->GetTextFromRange(*actual_range, &substring);
return substring;
} // namespace
namespace views {
// TextInputHost, public:
TextInputHost::TextInputHost(NativeWidgetMacNSWindowHost* host_impl)
: host_impl_(host_impl) {}
TextInputHost::~TextInputHost() = default;
void TextInputHost::BindReceiver(
receiver) {
ui::TextInputClient* TextInputHost::GetTextInputClient() const {
return text_input_client_;
void TextInputHost::SetTextInputClient(
ui::TextInputClient* new_text_input_client) {
if (pending_text_input_client_ == new_text_input_client)
// This method may cause the IME window to dismiss, which may cause it to
// insert text (e.g. to replace marked text with "real" text). That should
// happen in the old -inputContext (which AppKit stores a reference to).
// Unfortunately, the only way to invalidate the the old -inputContext is to
// invoke -[NSApp updateWindows], which also wants a reference to the _new_
// -inputContext. So put the new inputContext in |pendingTextInputClient_| and
// only use it for -inputContext.
ui::TextInputClient* old_text_input_client = text_input_client_;
// Since dismissing an IME may insert text, a misbehaving IME or a
// ui::TextInputClient that acts on InsertChar() to change focus a second time
// may invoke -setTextInputClient: recursively; with [NSApp updateWindows]
// still on the stack. Calling [NSApp updateWindows] recursively may upset
// an IME. Since the rest of this method is only to decide whether to call
// updateWindows, and we're already calling it, just bail out.
if (text_input_client_ != pending_text_input_client_) {
pending_text_input_client_ = new_text_input_client;
// Start by assuming no need to invoke -updateWindows.
text_input_client_ = new_text_input_client;
pending_text_input_client_ = new_text_input_client;
if (host_impl_->in_process_ns_window_bridge_ &&
host_impl_->in_process_ns_window_bridge_->NeedsUpdateWindows()) {
text_input_client_ = old_text_input_client;
[NSApp updateWindows];
// Note: |pending_text_input_client_| (and therefore +[NSTextInputContext
// currentInputContext] may have changed if called recursively.
text_input_client_ = pending_text_input_client_;
// TextInputHost, remote_cocoa::mojom::TextInputHost:
bool TextInputHost::HasClient(bool* out_has_client) {
*out_has_client = text_input_client_ != nullptr;
return true;
bool TextInputHost::HasInputContext(bool* out_has_input_context) {
*out_has_input_context = false;
// If the textInputClient_ does not exist, return nil since this view does not
// conform to NSTextInputClient protocol.
if (!pending_text_input_client_)
return true;
// If a menu is active, and -[NSView interpretKeyEvents:] asks for the
// input context, return nil. This ensures the action message is sent to
// the view, rather than any NSTextInputClient a subview has installed.
bool has_menu_controller = false;
if (has_menu_controller)
return true;
// When not in an editable mode, or while entering passwords
// (http://crbug.com/23219), we don't want to show IME candidate windows.
// Returning nil prevents this view from getting messages defined as part of
// the NSTextInputClient protocol.
switch (pending_text_input_client_->GetTextInputType()) {
return true;
*out_has_input_context = true;
return true;
bool TextInputHost::IsRTL(bool* out_is_rtl) {
*out_is_rtl = text_input_client_ && text_input_client_->GetTextDirection() ==
return true;
bool TextInputHost::GetSelectionRange(gfx::Range* out_range) {
if (!text_input_client_ ||
!text_input_client_->GetEditableSelectionRange(out_range)) {
*out_range = gfx::Range::InvalidRange();
return true;
bool TextInputHost::GetSelectionText(bool* out_result,
std::u16string* out_text) {
*out_result = false;
if (!text_input_client_)
return true;
gfx::Range selection_range;
if (!text_input_client_->GetEditableSelectionRange(&selection_range))
return true;
*out_result = text_input_client_->GetTextFromRange(selection_range, out_text);
return true;
void TextInputHost::InsertText(const std::u16string& text, bool as_character) {
if (!text_input_client_)
if (as_character) {
// If a single character is inserted by keyDown's call to
// interpretKeyEvents: then use InsertChar() to allow editing events to be
// merged. We use ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN as the key code since it's not feasible
// to determine the correct key code for each unicode character. Also a
// correct keycode is not needed in the current context. Send ui::EF_NONE as
// the key modifier since |text| already accounts for the pressed key
// modifiers.
text[0], ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN, ui::DomCode::NONE, ui::EF_NONE));
} else {
void TextInputHost::DeleteRange(const gfx::Range& range) {
if (!text_input_client_)
void TextInputHost::SetCompositionText(const std::u16string& text,
const gfx::Range& selected_range,
const gfx::Range& replacement_range) {
if (!text_input_client_)
ui::CompositionText composition;
composition.text = text;
composition.selection = selected_range;
// Add an underline with text color and a transparent background to the
// composition text. TODO(karandeepb): On Cocoa textfields, the target clause
// of the composition has a thick underlines. The composition text also has
// discontinuous underlines for different clauses. This is also supported in
// the Chrome renderer. Add code to extract underlines from |text| once our
// render text implementation supports thick underlines and discontinuous
// underlines for consecutive characters. See http://crbug.com/612675.
ui::ImeTextSpan::Type::kComposition, 0, text.length(),
ui::ImeTextSpan::UnderlineStyle::kSolid, SK_ColorTRANSPARENT);
void TextInputHost::ConfirmCompositionText() {
if (!text_input_client_)
text_input_client_->ConfirmCompositionText(/* keep_selection */ false);
bool TextInputHost::HasCompositionText(bool* out_has_composition_text) {
*out_has_composition_text = false;
if (!text_input_client_)
return true;
*out_has_composition_text = text_input_client_->HasCompositionText();
return true;
bool TextInputHost::GetCompositionTextRange(gfx::Range* out_composition_range) {
*out_composition_range = gfx::Range::InvalidRange();
if (!text_input_client_)
return true;
if (!text_input_client_->HasCompositionText())
return true;
return true;
bool TextInputHost::GetAttributedSubstringForRange(
const gfx::Range& requested_range,
std::u16string* out_text,
gfx::Range* out_actual_range) {
*out_text = AttributedSubstringForRangeHelper(
text_input_client_, requested_range, out_actual_range);
return true;
bool TextInputHost::GetFirstRectForRange(const gfx::Range& requested_range,
gfx::Rect* out_rect,
gfx::Range* out_actual_range) {
*out_rect = GetFirstRectForRangeHelper(text_input_client_, requested_range,
return true;
bool TextInputHost::IsTextEditCommandEnabled(ui::TextEditCommand command,
bool* out_enabled) {
if (text_input_client_) {
*out_enabled = text_input_client_->IsTextEditCommandEnabled(command);
} else {
*out_enabled = false;
return true;
void TextInputHost::SetTextEditCommandForNextKeyEvent(
ui::TextEditCommand command) {
if (text_input_client_) {
// TextInputHost, remote_cocoa::mojom::TextInputHost synchronous methods:
void TextInputHost::HasClient(HasClientCallback callback) {
bool has_client = false;
void TextInputHost::HasInputContext(HasInputContextCallback callback) {
bool has_input_context = false;
void TextInputHost::IsRTL(IsRTLCallback callback) {
bool is_rtl = false;
void TextInputHost::GetSelectionRange(GetSelectionRangeCallback callback) {
gfx::Range range = gfx::Range::InvalidRange();
void TextInputHost::GetSelectionText(GetSelectionTextCallback callback) {
bool result = false;
std::u16string text;
GetSelectionText(&result, &text);
std::move(callback).Run(result, text);
void TextInputHost::HasCompositionText(HasCompositionTextCallback callback) {
bool has_composition_text = false;
void TextInputHost::GetCompositionTextRange(
GetCompositionTextRangeCallback callback) {
gfx::Range range = gfx::Range::InvalidRange();
void TextInputHost::GetAttributedSubstringForRange(
const gfx::Range& requested_range,
GetAttributedSubstringForRangeCallback callback) {
std::u16string text;
gfx::Range actual_range = gfx::Range::InvalidRange();
GetAttributedSubstringForRange(requested_range, &text, &actual_range);
std::move(callback).Run(text, actual_range);
void TextInputHost::GetFirstRectForRange(
const gfx::Range& requested_range,
GetFirstRectForRangeCallback callback) {
gfx::Rect rect;
gfx::Range actual_range;
GetFirstRectForRange(requested_range, &rect, &actual_range);
std::move(callback).Run(rect, actual_range);
void TextInputHost::IsTextEditCommandEnabled(
ui::TextEditCommand command,
IsTextEditCommandEnabledCallback callback) {
bool enable;
IsTextEditCommandEnabled(command, &enable);
} // namespace views