# Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
assert(!is_android && !is_ios)
mojom("mojo_bindings") {
sources = [ "app_management.mojom" ]
webui_module_path = "chrome://resources/cr_components/app_management/"
public_deps = [
cpp_typemaps = [
types = [
mojom = "app_management.mojom.AppType"
cpp = "::apps::AppType"
mojom = "app_management.mojom.PermissionType"
cpp = "::apps::PermissionType"
mojom = "app_management.mojom.Permission"
cpp = "::apps::PermissionPtr"
move_only = true
mojom = "app_management.mojom.InstallReason"
cpp = "::apps::InstallReason"
mojom = "app_management.mojom.InstallSource"
cpp = "::apps::InstallSource"
mojom = "app_management.mojom.WindowMode"
cpp = "::apps::WindowMode"
mojom = "app_management.mojom.RunOnOsLoginMode"
cpp = "::apps::RunOnOsLoginMode"
mojom = "app_management.mojom.RunOnOsLogin"
cpp = "::apps::RunOnOsLoginPtr"
move_only = true
traits_headers = [
traits_sources = [ "//ui/webui/resources/cr_components/app_management/app_management_mojom_traits.cc" ]
traits_public_deps = [ "//components/services/app_service" ]
build_webui("build") {
grd_prefix = "cr_components_app_management"
non_web_component_files = [
mojo_files_deps = [ ":mojo_bindings_ts__generator" ]
mojo_files = [ "$target_gen_dir/app_management.mojom-webui.ts" ]
ts_out_dir =
ts_composite = true
# Do not add a dependency on //ui/webui/resources/cr_elements:build_ts here,
# since this target is also used by OS Settings.
ts_deps = [
ts_definitions = [ "//tools/typescript/definitions/metrics_private.d.ts" ]
webui_context_type = "relative"
generate_grdp = true
grd_resource_path_prefix = rebase_path(".", "//ui/webui/resources")
source_set("unit_tests") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "app_management_mojom_traits_unittests.cc" ]
deps = [