// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert, assertNotReached} from '//resources/js/assert.js';
import type {App, Permission} from './app_management.mojom-webui.js';
import {PermissionType, TriState} from './app_management.mojom-webui.js';
import {BrowserProxy} from './browser_proxy.js';
import {AppManagementUserAction, AppType} from './constants.js';
import type {PermissionTypeIndex} from './permission_constants.js';
import {isBoolValue, isPermissionEnabled, isTriStateValue} from './permission_util.js';
* @fileoverview Utility functions for the App Management page.
interface AppManagementPageState {
apps: Record<string, App>;
selectedAppId: string|null;
// Maps all apps to their parent's app ID. Apps without a parent are
// not listed in this map.
subAppToParentAppId: Record<string, string>;
export function createEmptyState(): AppManagementPageState {
return {
apps: {},
selectedAppId: null,
subAppToParentAppId: {},
export function createInitialState(
apps: App[],
subAppToParentAppId: {[key: string]: string}): AppManagementPageState {
const initialState = createEmptyState();
for (const app of apps) {
initialState.apps[app.id] = app;
initialState.subAppToParentAppId = subAppToParentAppId;
return initialState;
export function getAppIcon(app: App): string {
return `chrome://app-icon/${app.id}/64`;
export function getPermissionValueBool(
app: App, permissionType: PermissionTypeIndex): boolean {
const permission = getPermission(app, permissionType);
return isPermissionEnabled(permission.value);
* Returns the TriState value of a permission. If the permission value is not
* already a TriState, it will be converted based on the boolean value.
export function getPermissionValueAsTriState(
app: App, permissionType: PermissionTypeIndex): TriState {
const permission = getPermission(app, permissionType);
if (isTriStateValue(permission.value)) {
return permission.value.tristateValue!;
if (isBoolValue(permission.value)) {
return permission.value.boolValue!? TriState.kAllow : TriState.kBlock;
* Undefined is returned when the app does not request a permission.
export function getPermission(
app: App, permissionType: PermissionTypeIndex): Permission|undefined {
return app.permissions[PermissionType[permissionType]];
export function getSelectedApp(state: AppManagementPageState): App|null {
const selectedAppId = state.selectedAppId;
return selectedAppId ? state.apps[selectedAppId]! : null;
* Returns a list of all apps whose parent's app ID matches the selected app.
export function getSubAppsOfSelectedApp(state: AppManagementPageState): App[] {
const selectedAppId = state.selectedAppId;
const result = selectedAppId ?
(app) => state.subAppToParentAppId[app.id] === selectedAppId) :
return result;
* Returns the selected app's parent app or null.
export function getParentApp(state: AppManagementPageState): App|null {
const selectedAppId = state.selectedAppId;
if (selectedAppId) {
const parentAppId = state.subAppToParentAppId[selectedAppId];
return parentAppId ? state.apps[parentAppId]! : null;
return null;
* A comparator function to sort strings alphabetically.
export function alphabeticalSort(a: string, b: string) {
return a.localeCompare(b);
function getUserActionHistogramNameForAppType(appType: AppType): string {
switch (appType) {
case AppType.kArc:
return 'AppManagement.AppDetailViews.ArcApp';
case AppType.kChromeApp:
case AppType.kStandaloneBrowser:
case AppType.kStandaloneBrowserChromeApp:
// TODO(crbug.com/40188614): Figure out appropriate behavior for
// Lacros-hosted chrome-apps.
return 'AppManagement.AppDetailViews.ChromeApp';
case AppType.kWeb:
return 'AppManagement.AppDetailViews.WebApp';
case AppType.kPluginVm:
return 'AppManagement.AppDetailViews.PluginVmApp';
case AppType.kBorealis:
return 'AppManagement.AppDetailViews.BorealisApp';
export function recordAppManagementUserAction(
appType: AppType, userAction: AppManagementUserAction) {
const histogram = getUserActionHistogramNameForAppType(appType);
const enumLength = Object.keys(AppManagementUserAction).length;
histogram, userAction, enumLength);
* @param arg An argument to check for existence.
* @throws If |arg| is undefined or null.
export function assertExists<T>(
arg: T, message: string = `Expected ${arg} to be defined.`):
asserts arg is NonNullable<T> {
assert(arg !== undefined && arg !== null, message);
* @param arg A argument to check for existence.
* @return |arg| with the type narrowed as non-nullable.
* @throws If |arg| is undefined or null.
export function castExists<T>(arg: T, message?: string): NonNullable<T> {
assertExists(arg, message);
return arg;