// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview certificate-subentry represents an SSL certificate sub-entry.
import '//resources/cr_elements/cr_action_menu/cr_action_menu.js';
import '//resources/cr_elements/cr_icon_button/cr_icon_button.js';
import '//resources/cr_elements/cr_lazy_render/cr_lazy_render.js';
import '//resources/cr_elements/policy/cr_policy_indicator.js';
import '//resources/cr_elements/icons.html.js';
import './certificate_shared.css.js';
import type {CrActionMenuElement} from '//resources/cr_elements/cr_action_menu/cr_action_menu.js';
import type {CrLazyRenderElement} from '//resources/cr_elements/cr_lazy_render/cr_lazy_render.js';
import {I18nMixin} from '//resources/cr_elements/i18n_mixin.js';
import {CrPolicyIndicatorType} from '//resources/cr_elements/policy/cr_policy_types.js';
import {PolymerElement} from '//resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {CertificateAction, CertificateActionEvent} from './certificate_manager_types.js';
import {getTemplate} from './certificate_subentry.html.js';
import type {CertificatesBrowserProxy, CertificatesError, CertificateSubnode} from './certificates_browser_proxy.js';
import {CertificatesBrowserProxyImpl, CertificateType} from './certificates_browser_proxy.js';
export interface CertificateSubentryElement {
$: {
menu: CrLazyRenderElement<CrActionMenuElement>,
dots: HTMLElement,
const CertificateSubentryElementBase = I18nMixin(PolymerElement);
export class CertificateSubentryElement extends CertificateSubentryElementBase {
static get is() {
return 'certificate-subentry';
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
model: Object,
certificateType: String,
model: CertificateSubnode;
certificateType: CertificateType;
private browserProxy_: CertificatesBrowserProxy =
* Dispatches an event indicating which certificate action was tapped. It is
* used by the parent of this element to display a modal dialog accordingly.
private dispatchCertificateActionEvent_(action: CertificateAction) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(CertificateActionEvent, {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: {
action: action,
subnode: this.model,
certificateType: this.certificateType,
anchor: this.$.dots,
* Handles the case where a call to the browser resulted in a rejected
* promise.
private onRejected_(error: CertificatesError|null) {
if (error === null) {
// Nothing to do here. Null indicates that the user clicked "cancel" on a
// native file chooser dialog or that the request was ignored by the
// handler due to being received while another was still being processed.
// Otherwise propagate the error to the parents, such that a dialog
// displaying the error will be shown.
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('certificates-error', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
detail: {error, anchor: null},
private onViewClick_() {
private onEditClick_() {
private onDeleteClick_() {
private onExportClick_() {
if (this.certificateType === CertificateType.PERSONAL) {
this.browserProxy_.exportPersonalCertificate(this.model.id).then(() => {
}, this.onRejected_.bind(this));
} else {
* @return Whether the certificate can be edited.
private canEdit_(model: CertificateSubnode): boolean {
return model.canBeEdited;
* @return Whether the certificate can be exported.
private canExport_(
certificateType: CertificateType, model: CertificateSubnode): boolean {
if (certificateType === CertificateType.PERSONAL) {
return model.extractable;
return true;
* @return Whether the certificate can be deleted.
private canDelete_(model: CertificateSubnode): boolean {
return model.canBeDeleted;
private closePopupMenu_() {
private onDotsClick_() {
private getPolicyIndicatorType_(model: CertificateSubnode):
CrPolicyIndicatorType {
return model.policy ? CrPolicyIndicatorType.USER_POLICY :
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'certificate-subentry': CertificateSubentryElement;
CertificateSubentryElement.is, CertificateSubentryElement);